The Price for Pearls Means what to Bulls, Ambre vs Camilia

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Re: The Price for Pearls Means what to Bulls, Ambre vs Camilia

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Ambre suffered a lot of blows and powerful slams tonight and although being KO'd in this kind of match was unexpected, the match was still able to continue thanks to the will, strength and resistance of the two wrestlers. She was so close to victory but as she had imagined, a counter could completely change the course of this match during this third round.

She was now knocked out, completely defenseless and silent in the face of what was going to happen to her. Camilia wasted no time in crushing the Frenchwoman under her body and putting her in a pinfall position, although her movements were slow, the Frenchwoman did not intend to get up so soon after having received two KO's in the same match.

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Re: The Price for Pearls Means what to Bulls, Ambre vs Camilia

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Camilia could feel faint breathing against her abdomen, Ambre has to be exhausted, just like her. As her fingertips dig into the black body suit of the Pearl, Camilia heard the thud of a hand slapping the mat. She rolls her cheek along their belly to find the referee down beside them, starting the count. The first count had come and gone, the crowd seemed to be getting into it as well much to her astonishment. She was tired, and her entire body was aching with pain as fatigue settled in. Camilia watches that hand raise again as the familiar thud against the canvas rings out.


The Latina groans as she forces her muscles for the final push, she sees no point in making a show out of it. Her pin is nothing short of desperation; tugging on the black and gold body suit as she clings to it like her life depends on it, she felt she needed this match, she needed to go fight someone just as tough, just as fierce. Camilia wanted to be her old self again but she realized tonight that she wasn’t the same twenty year old, fighting for her life in the ring. This was different, her competition was different. She wanted the old her back but was it worth this kind of risk? She lost control today, that was a fact.


The bell began to ring as her theme erupts over the speakers. Camilia doesn’t even care about the applause or the cheers as the referee peals her frame off the Frenchwoman with some surprising muscle. The lights from the ceiling blind her as her head lulls back, her breathes sharp and ragged as she cradled her aching liver. The pain from just breathing is enough to keep her down but with the ref’s assistance she pulls herself up to lean against the ropes. Her crimson pools eye the Pearl, despite how she initially felt, their words kept repeating in her head ”You are strong.” She doubts Ambre could know what they meant for her to hear them in that moment but it put them in a good enough light that the Bull wasn’t going to just leave them there.

The referee would then tend to Ambre, shifting their knee back, they’d attempt to lift the Frenchwoman up to a seat position and allow them to rest on their knee as a prop. Camilia would shift closer along the rope, outstretching her hand to wave for their attention. ”Hey chica, you…Ngh.. you with us?” The Latina questions through her own aches.
Last edited by ScoutLils on Thu Nov 14, 2024 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Price for Pearls Means what to Bulls, Ambre vs Camilia

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Ambre regained her senses after long seconds. She was too weak to move and her body was too heavy for her, she couldn't move or get up because of this sensation. Her eyes opened at the same time as she regained her strength, she could see the curves and shapes of her opponent taking shape in front of her, slightly forgotten by the light.


Then her hearing returned. Hearing the noise made by the spectators and the inaggressiveness of her opponent she understood that the match had just ended and that she was the loser. She sighed slightly in pain, hearing her opponent speak to her and straightened up to sit by herself without resting against the ropes behind her and raised her hand, raising her thumb in the air to tell Camilia that she was fine.

"Congratulations, Camilia..."

She smiled shyly and stood up with the ropes, regaining enough strength to stand and smile a little more naturally at her opponent. She looked Camilia up and down and could see that this victory was a small thing... Maybe with a little more training and experience, Ambre would find herself victorious... But she was convinced that Camilia would also improve in the future.

"Nnngh !.. You're really impressive... I'm glad I faced a woman as strong as you... It was a great match, thanks !..."
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Re: The Price for Pearls Means what to Bulls, Ambre vs Camilia

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She gave them a minute, Camilia was all to familiar with the comfort of darkness when you take a hit like that. Ambre was a tough girl though, and began to blink to life, straining themselves just a bit as they sat up and recovered. The thumbs up gave the Latina an inclination that she was at least somewhat okay. She continues to rub her aching wounds left by the Pearl, she was going to be sore tomorrow, she could feel it already. A nice warm Epsom salt bath was going to be her remedy for tonight. The Bull refocused as Ambre began to pull herself up, their smile felt warm on its own as she stepped up to assist but she stopped, knowing someone like Ambre would want to do it herself.

She was groggy and understandably so. Her mind flashes back to the day she was allowed to call that finisher her own. The pain erupting in her head, the ringibg in her ears, it felt as fresh as yesterday. Camilia was slightky taken aback by their congratulations, she felt an intense pang of guilt rammed its way into her heart. She wanted to be her old self again but now, looking to such a positive, fierce competitor, her mentality began to question itself again, to her own disbelief.

With the Pearl climbing her way up to stand on her own two feet, she’d eye them, sensing their readiness to improve. I-I feel the same, I um…look, what I said out there, what I did tonight…” God she sucked at these. It was always hard for her to come up with the right words, to know what to say. ”I wanted an old me back.. a me that could rival anyone even with this handicap.” Her index and middle finger lightly brush along her patch, as she recalled that night vaguely.

”I took my anger at my own weakness out on you, Ambre. I’m…I’m sorry for that.” Camilia knew she couldn’t stay in the past. She offers her hand, wanting them to take it to show she was sincere with what she meant even if her words couldn’t reach them, she could at least know she tried.

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Re: The Price for Pearls Means what to Bulls, Ambre vs Camilia

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Ambre sighed deeply after getting up and congratulated Camilia for her victory. It was an incredibly painful match, the Black Pearl still had a headache, but it would help her make her stronger, whether in strategy or to make her body more resistant! She continued to smile stupidly until her opponent started to apologize for getting angry.

"Oh no no no! It's alright don't worry!.."

The Frenchwoman grabbed her opponent's hand and squeezed it with a good grip, not trying to hurt her but to show her respect and friendship. She found her smile again and lightly stroked her hair, looking Camilia in the eyes with a little embarrassment.

"You're the first person to knock me out so many times in a match... Would you like us to train together or have a rematch one day?.."
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Re: The Price for Pearls Means what to Bulls, Ambre vs Camilia

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Just as her apology left her lips, she noticed Ambre’s smile vanish, was it something she said? Then like a fountain, the black Pearl was immediate with her claims. Camilia was quite surprisingly taken aback by how forward they were being. It felt different than her usual but maybe that wasn’t such a bad thing. Her grip tightened as if to match them instinctively, she couldn’t think about what she could properly say just yet.

”Dios Mio, I don’t know what to say..” In her mind, she expected them to lash out, claim they went to far, anything other than being thanked or wanting to meet with her again. Maybe this was what she needed more than anything and as if infected by the others smile, a small one began to creep up along the lines of her lips.

”I think this is the first time anyones asked me to train with them.” She admits, attempting to quickly think back to check her claim but nothing came to mind. ”If-if you really want to, I guess I can’t say no. Tal vez incluso podría ser divertido.” Camilia felt a bit better, having someone who was okay with someone like her was endearing. Maybe she could get used to this place after all.

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Re: The Price for Pearls Means what to Bulls, Ambre vs Camilia

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Ambre had always managed on her own, whether in her training or her career choices, not because she was talented or lucky but because she was much too shy to open up to others. The only times she felt good was in the ring when she was wrestling... And for once she decided to take her courage and use the little adrenaline to dare to ask for more with her opponent.

She felt that something could happen between Camilia and her, the two had given everything they had and had chained twist after twist in this match... And fortunately for her, her intuition was right! Camilia accepted the French woman's request and it made the Black Pearl crazy with joy, it was the first time she had managed to socialize with someone since she had arrived at LAW...

"Wow... Thank you... I'm glad.."

The French woman was a little lost, she didn't really know what to say... She looked around, seeing the spectators a little less noisy than usual, wondering what the two women could say to each other. Ambre slapped her thighs and stretched her weight towards her former opponent, smiling sincerely at her.

"Well !.. See you in the locker room !.. Enjoy your victory !"

Then Ambre left the ring, greeting the spacers as she moved away from the ring to join the locker room. Even though she had lost, some people were applauding her and encouraging her for her next matches... But Ambre was only thinking about one thing, how to improve and what she was going to be able to say to Camilia in the next few minutes!..
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Re: The Price for Pearls Means what to Bulls, Ambre vs Camilia

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Winner by 2/3 falls: Camilia Espinosa!

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