Pre Match Beetings, Beatings, and Introductions (Feat. Tessai and Violetta)

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Sigma Morgan
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Pre Match Beetings, Beatings, and Introductions (Feat. Tessai and Violetta)

Unread post by Sigma Morgan »

A few hours before Turning Point...


Violetta was a bit annoyed to say the least, her second match after she had absolutely beaten the shit out of her first opponent and they stick her on a supercard. That was the only flattering part the part that made her angry was being put against a debuting talent. Hell if she knew that the woman was new she would have told the booker to fuck off before she went and stayed home. But that would likely be met with a large fine and a suspension. There were other options to make this fun.

Metal bat in one hand, a picture of her opponent in the other, it was open season for Violetta backstage! Wandering around, checking every room, every corner, surely the woman was somewhere, she just wanted to send her a message, a pain filled and agonizing message, but a message none the less. Only one spot left to check. Kicking open a lock room door Violetta wandered in with caution, checking each corner. The room seemed to be empty, but walking in deeper she saw someone with her back turned, glancing at the photo it seemed to match her opponent, hell even if it wasn't this was going to be fun anyway.

Crumpling up the photo Violetta tossed it on the ground before gripping her bat with two hands. The black haired heel approached her opponent from behind slowly like a horror movie villain before rushing forward a few steps away while swinging her bat forward to get the most power into her swing as she struck her opponent brutally in the back with her steel weapon of choice!
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Mon Nov 18, 2024 11:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Pre Match Beetings, Beatings, and Introductions (Feat. Tessai and Violetta)

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

Tessai was getting ready for her first match, she got a rare privilege as far as debuts were concerned. She was being featured on a supercard instead of any other weeknight show. It was not entirely unexpected, Olimpics were not a distant memory at all at that point and having won not one but two golden medals there, she was bound to bring a sizable crowd outside of the usual fanbase of wrestling. Besides, she had some friends in the business already so she wasn't jumping into it blind.

What did catch her blindsighted though was her opponent. Their match was not close to starting, not by a long shot but there she was nonetheless. A fact Tessai remained unaware of up until the metal bat struck her back, forcing her up against the locker with a cry of pain "Ghyyyya!" She let out, turning around and pushing her aching back against the locker, being eye to eye with her opponent and already in a fight way in advance of their actual match!

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Re: Pre Match Beetings, Beatings, and Introductions (Feat. Tessai and Violetta)

Unread post by Sigma Morgan »

Violetta only knew a few things about her opponent, what she looked like, how big she was, and her history in the Olympics. When she decided to track the woman down she planned to at send a message to the newcomer, and reschedule her debut by sending her to the hospital. Tessai was far from the first opponent Violetta had ever ambushed but she was certainly going to get some of the worst the Violetta could offer!

Violetta sighed, treating the cry of pain that escaped Tessai's mouth like the finest music. Violetta stepped forward like a slasher villain as Tessai turned around. "Welcome to LAW bitch!" Violetta sneered before swinging her bat once again aiming to land a brutal hit on Tessai's more than impressive abs. Violetta was going to enjoy brutalizing her soon to be or not soon to be opponent if she had her way!


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Re: Pre Match Beetings, Beatings, and Introductions (Feat. Tessai and Violetta)

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

Right after getting hit, Tessai turned to face her attacker and narrowed her brows as she saw exactly who she was facing, and of course, it was her opponent to be, seeming to want some early advantage in the upcoming match, and unfortunately for Tessai, she was up against the wall.

With nowhere to dodge, she was forced to take the bat to the gut, letting out a wet gurgling sound broken up by a wheeze as she bent around the weapon. The pain running through her body was immense but at least now, she had her opponent right in front of her and she would not be an easy target.

Wrapping one arm around the bat to lock it in place, Tessai would look up and send a palm strike aimed directly at Violetta’s nose, not nececirly the best target to knock someone out but the first thing she wanted was for the woman to let go of the bat and this was the best target for that!

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Re: Pre Match Beetings, Beatings, and Introductions (Feat. Tessai and Violetta)

Unread post by Sigma Morgan »

Violetta had Tessai cornered like a tiger, and she was a big game hunter, and the bat was her rifle! The sadistic biker Brit found further satisfaction as her bat connected with her opponent once again, this time targeting those abs that likely took countless hours in the gym and fantastic genetics to form.

"What's wrong big girl... tired already?" Violetta taunted hearing the gurgling wheeze that escaped Tessai's lips, focused too much on the pain she was causing the woman to notice that the same woman had trapped her bat with her arm! Violetta growled as she tried to pull her bat back only to find it stuck and take a hard blow to the nose seconds later! Violetta let out a grunt of pain as she fell backwards landing on the hard tile floor, a small amount of blood starting to leak from her nose as she looked up at Tessai!


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Re: Pre Match Beetings, Beatings, and Introductions (Feat. Tessai and Violetta)

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

Recognising her opponent to be and given the situation she was in, Tessai was not in much of a talking mood, cheaters and backstabbers might just make the very top of a list of people she despised and she was in a position to teach a lesson to that particular one. Though both her back and stomach hurt like hell, she would stand up to full height and look down on Violleta with an impassive expression. Then she would take a quick step forward, bringing the knee of her other leg up high before stomping down on the woman's skull with all her weight!

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