KINGS & QUEENS ( SF ) — Black Severin vs La Dama De Loba

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KINGS & QUEENS ( SF ) — Black Severin vs La Dama De Loba

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Black Severin vs La Dama De Loba
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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( SF ) — Black Severin vs La Dama De Loba

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Loba took a deep breath in preparation for the next match in the Kings and Queens tournament. Match one against Luke was tough, but she had managed to power through, especially once his girlfriend started getting all but hurt towards the end, but that was neither here nor there. No right now she had another round ahead of her and she was eager to go into it and hopefully win. Now she didn't know too much about her opponent but she heard he was a pretty nice guy which she was very glad to hear, she just hoped he would continue to be after she beat him. Getting up and pounding her fists together Loba would head towards the entrance area, her music already starting to play.
Coming out from behind the curtain to a cacophony of cheers and whoops from the crowd it was clear Loba had earned herself a good deal of fans just off of her technical debut. Something that had her smiling even more from under the mask as she kicked her leg out excitedly in response before dance walking her way down the ramp, excitement and energy and practically oozing off of her as she hopped onto the apron, leaned back and gave a loud "Awhooo!" Before climbing between the ropes and posing once more for the fans, giving them a good look of her brightly clad body until finally she would approach her corner, turning and leaning against it while looking up at the ramp with a eager expression behind the mask, just ready to get this show on the road.

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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( SF ) — Black Severin vs La Dama De Loba

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It's amazing how much the human body can heal in a week. Black Severin has been lucky to have done a lot of the softer stuff thus far, but when the hits come and the holds get locked in...Easily the worst physical pain he's ever experienced in his life. Yet, he's been ready to throw down again the next week. Yeah, LAW offers top notch medical care, with all kinds of shots and medications and therapy techniques that he'd never heard of before that do all sorts of magic, but...Wow.

But he wasn't coming into this match at one hundred percent. It's only been one week, so he was still feeling that beating that Karen threw on him. It was a lesson that he'll never forget, and one that he's glad to have survived to learn in the first place. He's never holding back against a woman again.

When his
hit and he came out moving and grooving, he heard a voice in his head that said, "You fucked up." And his body would voice its agreement all the way through, forcing him into battle as soon as his freaking entrance. He had to put on a mask on top of the one he's already wearing; pretend that he wasn't in pain.

Outwardly, he was all smiles, doing a few overhead claps in time with the opening lyrics before letting loose and letting the music guide his movements as he boogied on down the ramp.

"Come on, everybody, get on down. 'Cause you know we gotta get it crunk."

He approached the fans on the left side of the stands, gesturing for them to get out of their seats and do just that. A little up close interaction wins more of them over, he's found. And true to that, a lot of them did, both there and when he grooved over to the right.

"Come on, baby, just party with me. Let loose and set your body free..."

He couldn't let La Dama De Loba know. He couldn't...No, he could. But dealing with the boost in morale she'd have if he slipped up...

"And her opponent, standing at five-foot-eight and weighing in at one hundred and sixty pounds, fighting out of Milwaukee, Wisconsin...! Blaaaaack Seeeveriiin!"

He would do his best, but there would be these subtle moments here and there where the aches would stiffen him. But it wouldn't prevent him from keeping the party he'd started going, getting fans off their feet and dancing with him. He didn't try to keep pace with the music this time, simply leaping over the ropes after climbing the apron. No way was he was going to be able to do the windmill tonight.

Once he was in the ring with the luchadora, he'd give her a quick once-over, though his eyes wanted to linger. She's a very beautiful woman. Killer curves shown off with an attire that was perfect for them. The exotic features: Brown skin mixed with red hair and green eyes. He wondered what she looked like beneath the mask.

And he'd keep things proper, stepping forward with a hand extended.

Please don't be one for sneak attacks. "Let's have a nice, friendly match, yeah?"
Last edited by DSX93 on Sun Nov 24, 2024 7:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( SF ) — Black Severin vs La Dama De Loba

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Loba had waited patiently for her opponent to come down and soon her patience would be rewarded and she wouldn't be disappointed as Severin came down the ramp, posturing and posing for the fans and overall giving off a good vibe. Maybe a bit subdued and toned down compared to Loba, but still definitely seemed like a good enough person all things considered! Smiling brightly as he entered the ring Loba would step forward and meet him in the center of the ring as he held a hand out to her. "Yeah I'm looking forward too it!" Loba said with a nod as she grabbed Severin's hand and gave it a firm hand shake before letting go and backing up a bit, holding her hands up already in preparation for the moment the bell rang!

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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( SF ) — Black Severin vs La Dama De Loba

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She's friendly. That's good. But goddamn, though: The Wolf Lady is among what was probably the worst kind of wrestlers that Severin could be facing right now: A luchadora who's as powerful as she is fast. Maybe even more so. And her technical game is on fleek. This is going to be a long, painful battle.

"Pain is weakness leaving the body." That's what Severin's uncle Eddie would say. He's a tough man. A former Marine. So was his father.

You survived Karen Gale. You can get through anything. Just two more opponents, and you've got it. Ryan's wish would come true, and how! The first man to ever hold a belt in LAW, after only a few months! Fuck the pain. You've got this.

And there's the bell. Let's get this done.

He inched his way forward, hands up and ready to grapple, having a few ideas of how he wanted to try to start things off. They'd all branch from the tie-up.
Last edited by DSX93 on Thu Dec 12, 2024 8:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( SF ) — Black Severin vs La Dama De Loba

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Having greeted and shook Severin's hand to start the match off on good terms it would soon come time to forget pleasantries and anything related to friendship in favor of instead focusing on combat. As nice as Loba was and as chill as Severin seemed she still wanted to hold that title, and to do that she had to beat the man in front of her! Luckily he seemed to want to start things off in a rather classic way, marching up to her with his hands up for a lock up! Happily meeting the man in the middle of the ring and locking her hands with his Loba would try and push up against him, shoving against the man's body in an attempt to try and push him back towards a corner!

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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( SF ) — Black Severin vs La Dama De Loba

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It was one of the scenarios he was hoping for. This woman was strong. Too strong for him to take head-on in the state he was in. He had to fight smart. Use his speed -- he still had an edge over her -- keep it technical, get a little wily. Like he was doing here now, grunting with the pained effort he put forth. It wasn't everything he had in him. She was trying to take this to the corner behind him, and he made an earnest effort to put the brakes on, leaning forward and spreading his legs out, putting his booted feet into position. It wasn't stopping her, but that was alright. He had something for her.

Severin utilized the entirety of his sight, both the central focus and the periphery, to track the fast progress she was making pushing him across the ring. When the time was right, he'd fall back. Get a leg up and put a foot to her stomach. The goal was use the momentum Loba generated against her, flipping her up and over into the turnbuckle that she was on the way to pinning him into.
Last edited by DSX93 on Fri Dec 27, 2024 12:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( SF ) — Black Severin vs La Dama De Loba

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Loba smiled softly as she locked up fully with Severing, slowly but surely pushing him across the ring and nearing the ring corner! Once he was there then Loba would use the position to her advantage, however what she wouldn't expect was for him to suddenly drop down while putting his boot up as he did so!

"Whoa!" Loba cried out as she was pulled forward and flipped head over heels into the corner! "Ugh!" Loba cried out in pain as she hit the corner, her legs hanging over her head and large butt on display in the wake of the crash!

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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( SF ) — Black Severin vs La Dama De Loba

Unread post by DSX93 »

And what a butt it was. It got her a spot on a growing list of women that he'd be looking to take on in Hentai circumstances, if he could. No time to think about that now, though. Severin went right on the attack as he got back on his feet, reaching out to wrap his arms around her deliciously thick thighs, making his way higher as he rolled her onto her neck and shoulders until they settled just below her waist. And then his effort began in earnest, leaning back and pulling hard to bring her up and over for a
turning her towards the ropes to take some of it off of his shoulders.

Up, a bounce off the ropes, and a slam. That was the plan.
Last edited by DSX93 on Mon Jan 13, 2025 1:06 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( SF ) — Black Severin vs La Dama De Loba

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Loba was left groaning softly in pain in the wake of Severin's clever ruse, butt up and unable to do anything as her opponent approaching. Wrapping her legs around him while grabbing her waist before suddenly lifting her up! "Whoa!" Loba cried out before feeling her chest hit the ropes adding some extra oomph to momentum and causing her arch backwards through the air for a full suplex! "Ugh!" Loba cried out in pain, bouncing from the force and ending up on her stomach, kicking her legs about on the mat in the wake of the move!

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