AZUMI Vs. Cora Adair

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Re: AZUMI Vs. Cora Adair

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Azumi wasn't doing too hot, she had clearly underestimated Cora a bit and she was currently paying the price for that. The only thing she could do now was to try and fight her way out of this predicament. She needed to mount some sort of comeback before she had lost all the momentum she could gain in the early stages of the match.

Taking a deep breath as she would start to seat herself up, she would catch a glimpse of Cora running towards her and would try to slip to the side at the last moment! Azumi would attempt to grab onto Cora's other leg and throw her weight backwards as she tried to roll Cora right up onto her back and force her shoulders down, trying to fold her up and go for a quick roll-up pin attempt!

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Sigma Morgan
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Re: AZUMI Vs. Cora Adair

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Cora had the momentum, the initiative, the ball in her court, and whatever other terminology and phrases people had for when someone was in control of the match. Running towards Azumi, Cora was confident nothing was stopping her boot from slamming into the woman's head until at the last second Azumi slipped to the side causing her kick to miss completely, and that was not even the worst part of it. "What are yo-?" Cora couldn't even fully finish her sentence as her opponent grabbed her leg and tripped her, causing her to fall, landing hard on the canvas where Azumi quickly rolled her up, pressing her shoulders to the mat, the referee quickly getting to their knees to do the count as Cora's legs frantically kicked.


Cora thrusted her body while kicking her legs to break the pin. *Huff "Close one" Cora said breathing heavily as she realized she was almost pinned for a full three count.


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Re: AZUMI Vs. Cora Adair

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Azumi's quick thinking allowed her to duck out of the way and in the process she took a hold of Cora and rolled her up! The referee was quick on the uptake as well, as she dropped down and started the pin count! Slapping her hand down, not once but twice before Cora managed to kick out! Pushed away from her foe, Azumi quickly pushed up to her feet, she wasn't too surprised that the roll-up hadn't earned her the she was ready to strike!

Once she was up on her feet, Azumi would try to rush towards Cora with full speed as she would try to drop down and try to drive her boots into Cora's side with a basement dropkick!

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Re: AZUMI Vs. Cora Adair

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After breaking up the pin the match turned to a race back up to her feet, a race that Azumi won with ease, not dwelling on how close her pin attempt had came to winning. Rolling onto her stomach Cora pushed up onto her hands and knees only for her opponent to come flying into her like a plane making a landing, the woman's boots drilling into her side! "Ngghhh" Cora let out as she rolled twice before stopping on her back, her right hand instinctually reaching across her body, rubbing her now pained ribs!


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Re: AZUMI Vs. Cora Adair

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Azumi had acted quickly as she went in with speed to try and catch Cora off guard! her decision proved to be a good one as she managed to drive her boots right into the side of America! She would release a soft sigh of satisfaction as she managed to land a pretty solid hit, but Azumi didn't mean to waste any time on celebrating minor achievements. She would rise up quickly to her feet as she would try to move after the downed Cora!

AZUMI would try to grab at her dominant arm and guide her foe up to her feet, where Azumi sought to turn her around so she was facing away from the Japanese wrestler. Azumi would then try to wrap that arm of Cora's up behind the neck of Azumi, as she ducked in under that armpit. She then would try and snake her arms around that waist before attempting to lift Cora up and slam Cora down with a backdrop suplex!

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Re: AZUMI Vs. Cora Adair

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Cora was fully on the backfoot following a hard drop kick to her side, and Azumi didn't seem to be the type to waste time celebrating one hit, something the Japanese woman would prove as she immediately went after Cora once again. Cora winced as Azumi grabbed her arm and pulled her up by her arm and before Cora could react with her free arm she was spun around! Cora knew she was in trouble, and Azumi quickly positioned herself and wrapped her arms around Cora before lifting her up and dropping her back down with a suplex variant! "NNNN!" Cora let out in pain before rolling and flopping down onto her stomach.


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Re: AZUMI Vs. Cora Adair

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Azumi acted quickly like usual, she wasn't one to dwell too long about what action to take,even if she had a somewhat calculating way of wrestling from time to time. Sometimes she would let her instincts do the work. She grabbed a hold of Cora and guided her up to her feet before she slammed her down with her suplex, a move which went off without a hitch! She huffed out as she pushed up to a seated position, and looked over her shoulder to the downed Cora.

Seeing her foe on her stomach, Azumi would nod to herself. She figured that she could work over Cora's back a bit, but she was also certain that going for a submission move was a bit too soon. So instead, she moved up to her feet and would take to running towards the ropes, to then come bounding right back as she made her charge towards the hopefully still downed Cora! As she closed in she would throw her body to the side and downwards, extending her arms and bending it at the elbow to try and drive it into the back of Cora. Trying to nail her with a running elbow drop!

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