Frozen Roads

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Re: Frozen Roads

Unread post by Weonna »

Christina smirked, leaning back slightly on her bike as she watched Allison toss the gum into her mouth. The Filipina’s sharp eyes gleamed with a mix of amusement and determination as she shook her head.

"Thanks, but I’ll pass,"

Christina replied smoothly, waving off the offer with a gloved hand. Her voice carried a calm confidence, the kind that came from someone who was used to making bold claims and backing them up.

"Respect isn’t something I hand out over small talk or shared gum. You want my respect? You’ve gotta earn it in the ring."

She crossed her arms over her chest, the faint rumble of her motorcycle still humming beneath her.

"One-on-one. No distractions, no excuses. That’s how I gauge people. You can talk all you want about making me eat my words, but until we square up, it’s just talk."

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Re: Frozen Roads

Unread post by Hitman45 »

Allison's eyes narrowed seeing Christina decline the gum. With a shrug, one of nonchalance, the raven-haired woman pulled her extended arm back, setting the stick back into the compartment, while the gum inside her mouth continued to soften up from the constant mashing of the teeth.

"Suit Yourself." Her mouth changed to an O shape to form a bubble.

"Well, I wasn't trying to buy your respect with a stick of gum. And, it won't look good on your part if you were bought by this gesture. The gum was merely a generous offer, from one good civilian to the other" A playful smile tugged at her lips.

"Irrespective of the result, when we square off, you will be brimming with respect for me after we are done in the ring. That's for sure. " Allison replied with conviction, her eyes locked with the Filipina's, the gentle whirring of the engine passing minute tremors through her body.

"And I for one will be keen on seeing the size of the fight in the Fighting Filipina. So, all there's to say is ...Deal" Allison concluded, proceeding to turn on the wipers for a quick defogging of the windshield, awaiting what Christina had to say...

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Re: Frozen Roads

Unread post by Weonna »

Christina let out a low chuckle, shaking her head as she watched Allison with a mix of amusement and challenge.

"Deal, huh?"

she said, her tone carrying a sharp edge of confidence.

"Alright, Ford. Let’s see if you’ve got the bite to match your bark. But don’t say I didn’t warn you when you’re the one looking up at the lights."

She leaned forward on her bike, adjusting her gloves once more as her smirk grew wider. The playful exchange had lit a fire in her, but the stagnation of the traffic was starting to wear thin. Christina glanced down the road, then back at Allison, a mischievous glint sparking in her eyes.

"You’ve got a lot to prove, Ford,"

she added, her tone steady.

"But sitting here wasting time isn’t my style. If I’m gonna get anywhere tonight, I might as well make my own path."

Before Allison could respond, Christina revved her motorcycle, the engine roaring to life.

"Good chat, though,"

Christina said over the noise, flashing Allison one last grin.

"Catch you later... if you can keep up."

With that, Christina turned her bike sharply to the side, maneuvering between the cars with practiced ease. The sound of her engine faded into the distance as she cut through the stagnant traffic...

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Re: Frozen Roads

Unread post by Hitman45 »

Christina certainly wasn't shying away from fancying her prospects in their now inevitable fight inside the ring, making it known to Allison that the Filipina was going to have a blast beating her.

"I got the bite alright, don't you fret about that. If I were you, I would be more worried about drifting off into a slumber inside the ring" Allison shot back, her voice crisp and clear, issuing a veiled warning.

Seeing Christina adjust her gloves, Allison tilted her head to look around the traffic to see movement, just enough for smaller vehicles to squeeze through. And hearing Christina's next words, it was clear that their conversation had reached its end.

The hum of her bike's engine reminded her to turn on her own, seeing as the vehicles could clear further for her car to move, though for now, Christina would be the one escaping this standstill, flashing a grin.

"Yeah Yeah...I get it. You got a nice bike and can get out through tight spaces." Allison rolled her eyes, in response to the Filipina's cheeky taunts.

As Christina became smaller and smaller the farther she drove, Allison looked ahead with a smirk, steely determination encompassing her face.

"See you in the ring." she muttered under her breath, before another blare of a horn pulled her out of her thoughts.

"Oh Come on!" Allison let out an exasperated sigh, slumping against the wheel. idly pushing the accelerator to cover the meagre distances on offer, resigned about seeing a clear, sparse road ever....
Last edited by Hitman45 on Mon Dec 16, 2024 11:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Frozen Roads

Unread post by Weonna »


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