Bill wasn't seeming to get it though, with the Crusher ordering her to quit feeling around, and get up instead. Haha. What a bad joke... Did he really think that Gabi was even capable of moving at all? She was completely trapped, and at his mercy! Apparently he did, with the instruction getting repeated... So the green-thonged Brazilian began doing the only thing she could, and move her thick legs around a little. Finally though, Bill started getting back up himself too, allowing Gabi to follow his lead... But one major problem still persisted, namely the fact that her head was still stuck between his thighs.
Gabi was probably the only one considering her position to be a problem though. The crowds were getting excellent views towards her thick, green-thonged rear, and many might have already daydreamed of witnessing it getting a spanking. For now though, Bill's plans of delivering a spanking seemed more figurative, as the masked man started preparing for another move by demanding the Brazilian to raise her legs up - as if she could in her position! She was quickly receiving help from him though, by his hands taking control over her midsection... And hoisting her thick legs up high towards the ceiling! The green-thonged wrestler soon found herself inverted... And the crowds to witness another testament to her helplessness in the Crusher's hands!
(Gabi has already been in this kind of trouble before!)
Finally though, the inevitable happened. Even Gabi herself knew it was coming. Bill dropped himself down with a devastating piledriver, and the Brazilian's head took a brutal hit against the canvas. Combined with the prolonged time it had already been trapped between Bill's thighs, it also bore effects on the level of Gabi's consciousness, with the already disoriented Brazilian's body flopping to the mat with her limbs spread wide... The green-thonged fighter's thick body looking simply like a piece of meat for the Crusher to satisfy his cravings on by this point.