La Ogresa

170+ lbs / 76.657+ kg
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La Ogresa

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Name: La Ogresa

Real Name: Estefania Cespedez Munoz

Age: 20

Hair Color: Black (dyed pink)

Eye Color: Hazel

Height: 5'9

Weight: 180

Alignment: Heel

Nationality: Mexican

Hometown: Mexico City, Mexico

Entrance Music:
La Ogresa is a spirited competitor, practically living for the next great fight. And subsequently, the next great fuck. Not that she'd turn down sex after a squash match; ass is ass, after all. Those are two of her primary motivations as a wrestler, and despite what her antics would suggest, she holds a professional(-esque) attitude about it: She typically holds no ill will towards her opponents. They just happen to be this week's fuckmeat, and she holds back for no one.

She's affable enough, normally, but recent times have seen her adopting an element of apathy towards other wrestlers that sometimes borders on dehumanization.
Part 1
Estefania Cespedez Munoz is the niece of Teresa Munoz Andrade, who is known to the world as La Tortura, a retired sexfighter who helped legitimize the sport in Mexico. After learning more of the details of her career as a teenager, she decided that she wanted to train under her. Follow in her footsteps like Viviana -- La Dulce Estrella, her cousin -- did, become a champion and keep making those strides forward as the Munoz women have been doing for generations, making her own mark as an inspiration to intersexed wrestlers like herself.

While she was training, she would cross paths with her. La Gato Infernal. A dominatrix whose material she would often peruse during those especially lonely nights. The work she did with intersexed and trans people made a quick fan of her. She was an even lovelier vision in person. One of those women who was still able to look beautiful even with a mask covering most of her face.

And she was so nice! An absolute blast to talk to, so knowledgeable about life and the world, and so much fun to exercise with -- when the group was split into twos, she would always get herself paired up with her. There were some who believed that she was just looking for a way to get more eyes on her brand, but she took her aunt's teachings seriously. She was truly devoted to a career in sexual wrestling, and she was eager to help her along on that journey.

It would eventually earn the smitten girl a private taste of what she would later bring to the ring. The experience was one that would already be considered heavenly as it was, but as it was her very first, the hooks would set in particularly deep. And what's more, she enjoyed their time together too, so much that she would become her girlfriend.

La Gato Infernal -- Monica Tassis Garcia -- could have had anybody she wanted, and of all her options, she chose her.

Estefania was over the moon! She wanted to shout out to the world from the rooftops! But she couldn't. Not right away: Monica was twenty-five years old, and she had turned eighteen not long before they started having sex. That's all that people would see. It happens all the time in these situations; they wouldn't care about the sweet, tender moments. The advice Monica gave that made her better -- the support and overall desire she had to see her succeed in life too.

They wouldn't even care that what they did together was really none of their business. That she was an adult capable of making her own decisions.

Was her aunt like that too? She didn't like to think so, but Monica was right: They couldn't take the risk. She was working too hard for things to end like that.

And so it remained a secret. To the extent that Monica would date other people occasionally. That was something that Estefania didn't care for, at all. But she would get over it. Mostly. Sort of. After all, they had to take precautions to keep people off their trail. And what she would go on to say on the matter made sense to her.

Sexfighting was a sport that leant itself to big hearts and big appetites. Hearts big enough to have room for more than one person. Or a palette spread too wide for one person alone to satisfy. There would inevitably come a time where they would come to an impasse in the bedroom, whether Estefania happened to have or develop a taste for things that Monica just wasn't into or vice versa. And to be at their best, a sexfighter needed to satisfy those tastes. Have some variety in their lives; know how to handle different kinds of people.

So it was not only selfish, but potentially detrimental to demand exclusivity, even outside the ring. A difficult "lesson" to learn, but nonetheless, Estefania would choke that pill down.

Despite their best efforts, her aunt would eventually catch on to them. After pulling her aside for a conversation one day to warn her not to get too close to Gato, knowing that she's not the kind of person she pretends to be. The lovestruck girl would respond with a list of the positives aspects she's seen from her. Nothing more was said on the matter, so Estefania believed that it was closed and Teresa was convinced.

It would not be so.

On one fateful evening, she would give Monica at the end of a visit, arranging to meet her at a love hotel. Unbeknownst to her, she would be followed. Teresa had learned of their plans somehow, and even worse, she made sure that her parents knew of them too.

Estefania's heart froze as she watched her march onward. And with her phone having been taken beforehand, she couldn't warn Monica. In the end, she couldn't stand by as commanded. She had to do something.

Teresa had her locked in La Tortura Rack by the time she made it up to them, bending her in half so far, the girl was surprised that she was able to do so much as stand afterwards. Estefania broke the hold and helped her up, leading to a massive argument. In the end, she would be faced with an ultimatum: She could either go home with her parents and never see Monica again, or stay and be cast out of the family.

She was silent for what felt like forever, trying her hardest to try to think of something, anything that would salvage the situation. As angry as she was and as disrespected as she felt, she didn't want to have to make that choice. So Monica made it for her, telling her to go home. It was painful for her to say. Estefania could see the hurt in her eyes. But she still spoke so calmly. Firm and resolute, and unhesitatingly selfless.

It was all the proof that Teresa should have needed to see that she wasn't the predator that she assumed she was, but no. Before limping away and out of her life, Monica told her that she would always be in her heart.

If the choice hadn't been made for her, she would've went with her right then and there. But alas...
Part 2
Returning to training would be difficult for Estefania, who was now bearing resentment towards her aunt. How could she not? Without even one conversation held, she designated the woman she loved a monster. Attacked her. And threatened Estefania's place in the family for having dared to be with her.

All because Monica was a little older. Had she been in her mid-to-late thirties or so, she would've understood the outrage. But seven years? People get married with a gap like that all the time and it works out fine. Her parents got married with a gap like that and it worked out just fine. And she heard nothing about any freak outs over that.

Maybe she'd find her after she's out there on her own. She could teach her what she's learned and they could take the tag team world by storm.

Little did she know, that was exactly what Monica had in mind as well. And starting one month later, that's exactly what would happen, with a fellow trainee acting as the middleman to re-establish contact.

Las Coleccionistas de Huesos. That would be their name as a tag team. As a wrestling couple: With La Gato Infernal's training complete, they didn't have any reason to hide anymore. Of course, Monica felt guilty about having to go about it the way they did, but Estefania derived a rebellious sense of satisfaction from it. Her aunt wouldn't even give her a single chance, so the deception was warranted in her view.

After seeing the two team up, she would once again be faced with an ultimatum. This time, there would be no hesitation. It wasn't a conventional love, but Monica did love her. And since her parents and her aunt wanted to be hypocrites, she'd leave them to it. She was done with their hostility. She didn't need them.

And so she packed up her things and moved in with her girlfriend, who tried talking her into reconsidering, but her mind was made up. Estefania held hope that her family would come around, but as it was, they needed distance.

Las Coleccionistas de Huesos would indeed take Lucha Libre Erotica's tag team division by storm, becoming well-known for their brutal submissions and how they'd bring pain into the mix with the sexual aspects of the competition. And later, for their custom of taking advantage of their defeated foes. Initiating another round, or two, or three of sex with their helpless opponents, even following the conclusions of contests that were completely vanilla.

It was something only La Gato Infernal did initially. Another aspect of the sadism that La Ogresa didn't share, and something she'd question her about. Gato would answer that it was something that they and every other wrestler in the LLE had signed up for at the end of the day. They all knew the risks, and by signing a contract with them, they consented to it. So why not partake? Others have, in manners far worse than she ever did, and they still had people loving them for it.

They were there to please themselves as well, and as a strong unit, it was a simple as this: the other wrestlers were effectively there for them to use to do just that.

La Ogresa didn't take to that way of thinking until after a couple run-ins with a futanari duo, whose manager was once a client of Gato's until he left her dungeon unhappy one night following a bad session.

Ogresa had never partaken in any BDSM, not being a fan of the idea of being tied down, whipped, and what have you, but the way it was explained to her, the focus of any session worth its salt should be on pleasing one's Dominant. Of course, the submissive should be having fun too, but the Dominant's needs are paramount. After all, they're the ones setting everything up. They're the ones who do all the work, making sure that the show moves along without a hitch.

The man didn't want to get with the program, so he sicced the girls on them. They were a tough team that beat The Bone Collectors both times they met in the ring and visited La Ogresa's worst, most humiliating experiences upon her: After the first loss, she had a vibrating butt plug shoved inside of her and was ridden around the ring like a horse and spit roasted when she when she couldn't continue on. The second, which Gato was conscious for, saw her being forced to squeal like a pig while being creampied.

Gato would then break their penises when they turned to her for seconds.

Afterwards, La Ogresa would start partaking in La Gato Infernal's post-match practices, and became more sexually aggressive in general in the ring. She felt an overwhelming need to fuck the humiliation away, and she didn't care who was put in front of her. By the time that dark stain was wiped from her memory, she'd come to enjoy doing her part in those surprise bonus rounds, and the energy served the team well, so she kept at it.

Their antics would eventually attract the attention of the LAW, who sent a recruiter to meet with them and offer contracts. With the world's finest fuckmeat on the table, La Ogresa didn't need much convincing. Neither did La Gato Infernal.
Preferred Matches: Submission, Reverse Hardstyle Hentai (she's in it for her own pleasure, first and foremost)

La Ogresa brings to her matches a combination of powerhousing, Lucha Libre, submission wrestling, and a libido that's powered by Energizer.

She's more agile than most Heavyweights, moving, leaping, and flipping about like she was a Middleweight instead, and to devastating effect. On top of hard strikes, she likes to use fast, explosive motions to push and knock her opponents around. She's not afraid to throw her 180 pound frame about to crush the fight out of them either, possessing enough power in her legs, glutes, and back to clear her own height in a standing jump.

Where the grappling game is concerned, she couples her strength together with her technical prowess, using the latter to manipulate her opponents into difficult positions and using the former to keep them there. She puts a lot of effort into both her upper and lower body strength, ensuring that her opponent is always in danger whether they're in her arms or caught in between her legs.

She's also a serious threat in a sexfight, possessing a voracious appetite that can challenge LAW's most amorous. With her preference to whip it out, skip the foreplay, and get right to pounding her opponent into submission, she's most at home in Hentai contests where the focus is on one's own pleasure. And arguably the most dangerous; she's known for hammering her foes into unconsciousness, leaving them leaking her numerous loads.

And her horniness is like fuel. Like anger to The Incredible Hulk: The more it builds, the more dangerous a foe she becomes.
Specialty Match #1:
Indulgencia Erótica
A Indulgencia Erótica match is an altered take on Lucha Libre Erotica's Resistencia Erotica match, which is contested in the same manner as a Standard match up until a pinfall or submission is scored. But whereas the competitor who scored the fall would be allowed a certain amount of time to pleasure their opponent -- who cannot resist -- in a Resistencia Erotica match, they would instead be allowed that time to use their opponent to pleasure themselves. This continues until they achieve an orgasm.
Specialty Match #2:
Glotón Carnal Match
A Glotón Carnal match is a no disqualification Indulgencia Erótica bout with a special stipulation based around submissions: If the opponent taps out or gives a verbal submission three times during the Standard portions of the match, they become the victor's POW until they choose to release them. Resisting during the Pleasure Period counts as such a submission, resets the Pleasure Period timer, and gives the victor of the round twice the original time to score an orgasm.

For example, say the match is supposed to go on for thirty minutes. Wrestler #1 scores a pinfall ten minutes in. The Pleasure Period is two minutes. After those two minutes are up, there will still be twenty minutes left on the clock when the Standard action resumes.
during the Pleasure Period.
Attitude Towards Hentai Matches: "Put me in a handicap match against every wrestler in this company, if you want. I'll fuck them all!" (Aside from La Dulce Estrella, of course.)
Signature and Finishing Moves
Signature Moves

La Ogresa typically triples up on these.
Hentai Signature Moves
Capture Blowjob
Ogre Style
Finishing Moves
Ogresa Bomb
The Ogresa Bomb is a combination of a Last Ride...

And a Batista Bomb.

She may also perform this from the top rope, in which case this become a Critical Finishing Move.
Ogresa Claws/Buster
Ogresa lifts the opponent up by her breasts, squeezing hard. She may use this by itself as a submission hold, and she may also perform a sit-out slam to put them out for the three count.
La Tortura Stretch
Reverse Triangle Choke
Camel Clutch Sleeper Hold
Lotus Lock
Shooting Star Stomp
Hentai Finishing Moves
Reverse Suspended Congress
Jackhammer Missionary
Ogre Love
Critical Finishing Moves
La Tortura Rack
Ogresa Special
630 Senton
Critical Hentai Finishing Moves
Fuckmeat Frenzy
Jennifer Hale as FemShep


- La Dulce Estrella (Cousin)






- La Gato Infernal
Last edited by DSX93 on Mon Dec 09, 2024 6:44 am, edited 6 times in total.
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"And David sayeth onto Goliath, "Say cheese, jackass!"

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Re: La Ogresa

Unread post by DSX93 »

UPDATE 12/9/24: Is no longer a futanari.
Check out the DSXtended Universe!

"And David sayeth onto Goliath, "Say cheese, jackass!"

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