Cassidy Ryder vs “La Fénix” Aurora González

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Re: Cassidy Ryder vs “La Fénix” Aurora González

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Cassidy, cradling her injured arm but still standing tall, smirked.

"Aw, poor Aurora. Ref didn’t see it, so it doesn’t count. A win’s a win, sugar. Now quit your cryin’ and accept it like a grown woman."

The crowd roared with approval as Cassidy’s words landed like a slap, her smug grin fueling Aurora’s anger further.

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Re: Cassidy Ryder vs “La Fénix” Aurora González

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”¡Mentirosa! You tapped out and you know it! I won that match! ¡Sabes que yo soy mejor que tu!”
The ref got between Aurora and Cassidy and pushed the Latina back. Aurora turned to the ref. The official tried explaining herself but it fell on deaf ears.
“You blind fucking bitch! ¡¿Cuanto te pagó?!”

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Re: Cassidy Ryder vs “La Fénix” Aurora González

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Cassidy, standing off to the side with her good arm still cradled, smirked mischievously. Seeing an opportunity to add fuel to the fire, she raised her hand to her face and mimicked a crying motion, wiping away imaginary tears like a mocking child.

Aurora’s voice cracked with frustration as she continued to berate the referee, while Cassidy leaned casually against the ropes, her grin growing wider.

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Re: Cassidy Ryder vs “La Fénix” Aurora González

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Aurora continued to berate the ref, who responded to her insults with another shove. Frustrations boiled over and Aurora snapped. With blinding speed she snap roundhouse kicked the referee in the face. The ref was instantly KOd and crumpled to the ground.

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Re: Cassidy Ryder vs “La Fénix” Aurora González

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Cassidy, still clutching her injured arm, gritted her teeth as she watched the ref go down. Slowly shaking her head, she stepped forward, addressing Aurora with a mixture of disgust and disappointment.

"Y’know, I expect this kinda behavior from you, Aurora,"

Cassidy said, her voice sharp.

"This right here? This is why you’re never gonna be more than just a bitter, angry little girl who can’t handle losing."

As security and staff flooded the ring to restrain Aurora, Cassidy backed off, her smirk returning despite the pain in her arm. She turned toward the ramp, throwing one final barb over her shoulder.

"Enjoy your suspension, Aurora,"

Cassidy called out, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

"Guess I’ll be takin’ the spotlight while you’re sittin’ at home… again."

The crowd cheered as Cassidy made her exit, leaving Aurora seething as staff struggled to contain her, the fallen referee still motionless on the mat.

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Re: Cassidy Ryder vs “La Fénix” Aurora González

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Security restrained Aurora who, despite her flash of fury against the ref, did not resist. She simply stared at Cassidy Ryder… and smiled.
”Nosotras veremos. ¿Crees que eso me parara? Hay mucho que no sabes sobre mi, pareja.”
Aurora was led away. Unsurprisingly, the general manager at gorilla suspended her. She was escorted back to her locker where she collected her phone and made a call to LAW’s corporate management. And then another call to a man and his friends she would ask to visit the general manager who suspended her. Cassidy would celebrate her victory, and then learn the next day that Aurora’s suspension was reversed and the ref of the match was facing an internal review. It would seem Aurora was just getting started.

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Re: Cassidy Ryder vs “La Fénix” Aurora González

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