[#1 Contender Match] Charlotte Ravel' vs Yumie Hayashi - Some you win and some you lose

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[#1 Contender Match] Charlotte Ravel' vs Yumie Hayashi - Some you win and some you lose

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Continued from here.

Match type: #1 contender
Victory conditions: pinfall, submission, knockout, disqualification
Special conditions: if Yumie wins the match she will get a title shot for the Openweight championship

Stop it...” Charlotte said, and then sent a hard kick into the punching bag. “Even from here, I can feel you boring into the back of my head with your gaze.”

With a deep breath, the Frenchwoman finished her wamp-up and turned to her manager. As she expected, Victoria was looking directly at her, and there was genuine displeasure in the Englishwoman's gaze. This happened extremely rarely and it clearly indicated that Victoria had some big complaints against her ward. Charlotte had no doubt what kind of complaints they were, because all she had heard from Victoria over the past week was that Charlotte and Astrid had acted recklessly.

If you don't care so much about your career, then maybe you don't need a manager?" The brunette asked coldly.

Really?" Charlotte raised her left eyebrow as she approached her locker. “You know the situation.”

There is a way out of any situation!” Victoria even got up from the bench in a fit of emotion, which was extremely unusual for her. “Does the fact that I work hard every day mean nothing to you?”

Charlotte pursed her lips. She knew that Victoria would not like the fact that she decided to participate in the match without the manager's knowledge. But she couldn't even think that it would hurt the brunette so much. Wiping the sweat from her forehead, the pink-haired woman returned the towel back to the locker and closed it. Trying not to get emotional, she walked over to Victoria.

I appreciate everything you do for me and for everyone else on our team,” she said. “Yet, Astrid is a champion, yes, she's strong, but even she can't carry this burden alone all the time.” Charlotte put her hand on the Englishwoman's shoulder. “I wasn't there to help her during the match against Emaline, but I can do at least that for her.”

Charlotte...” said Victoria, putting her hand on her ward's. “We've been working on your aspirations for so long and if you lose now...”

I know,” Charlotte said with all seriousness. “I know how much is at stake and I know how important the rating is, but the rating is far from the most important thing because I don't want to be the first fighter in the ranking, I want to be the best fighter in the world.” Charlotte smiled. “Besides, you're missing something equally important." She took her hand off Victoria's shoulder and clenched her fist. “I'm not going to lose!”

Then go and win!” Victoria said in a confident voice this time.

Nodding to her manager with a smile, Charlotte left the locker room and headed down the long corridor. She knew that the Englishwoman was always very worried about all her charges, as if they were her daughters. Therefore, she understood perfectly well that Victoria wanted to do everything in her power to ensure that the Frenchwoman achieved everything she aspired to. And the pink-haired woman wasn't going to deny that being careful wouldn't hurt anyone, but if she continued to be careful, dodging matches, sooner or later it would lead to a very sad ending. So…

The Frenchwoman entered the waiting room and stopped in front of the curtains. Although she was calm, memories from the past kept flashing before her eyes. Amy Evans was the only one who managed to defeat Charlotte and it hit her confidence hard because that blonde was a heavyweight. Yes, Charlotte made a great effort on herself and soon after that she met in a match with another heavyweight, where she was able to win. And now she had to go through this ordeal again. The Frenchwoman took a deep breath and clenched her fists. She's ready.

Entrance Music

Her dynamic music started and Charlotte came out from behind the curtains, sending several punches into the air to the beat of the music. Amid loud welcoming applause, she stopped and raised her fist above her head. The Sand Lizard has arrived. Walking down the ramp, she started waving to the audience, but then she had to stop several times to give an autograph and even make a selfie. After she won the Apex match, her rating rose noticeably. And although she never pursued the goal of becoming popular, popularity found her.

Climbing the metal steps, the Sand Lizard deftly jumped over the ropes and, without stopping, ran to the center of the ring. Pushing off from the mat, she soared into the air, at the same time turning around her axis in order, according to tradition, to demonstrate to the audience one of her kicks. And when she gracefully landed on her feet, she immediately pushed her left elbow back and raised her right fist above her head, there was a confident smile on her face. Accepting the last applause, Charlotte greeted the referee and headed to her corner. Leaning back, she put her hands on the top ropes on her sides. Now she just has to wait for her rival. She was sure Yumie wouldn't make her waiting.
Last edited by skip-stop on Tue Dec 03, 2024 5:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: [#1 Contender Match] Charlotte Ravel' vs Yumie Hayashi - Some you win and some you lose

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Yumie and Kimiko were leaning against a wall backstage, Kimiko was a bit confused about the events that had transpired a week before during a trip before and Yumie was being vague about it, not wanting to get her friends hopes up incase she some how came up short. "Wait so, you wanted to challenge one girl to a match, then she said you had to beat a friend of hers to get said match?" Kimiko asked trying to get a better picture of what was actually going on.

"Yeah" Yumie answered vaguely adjusting her bottoms.

"Why is this so important to you? You wasted no time when we got in gym when you saw someone" Kimiko asked, trying to pry it out of Yumie.

Yumie sighed deciding to spill the beans to her friend. "Well.. I'm going after a title"

"Wait, like you did against Alaina?" Kimiko chimed in, a bit surprised how fast her friend wanted to try to get on top.

"Yes..." Yumie answered with a bit of annoyance in her voice, the two defeats Alaina had handed her still fresh in her mind. "This ones.... a bit bigger though, I'm going for the open weight title this time. I just have to beat Charlotte... and then hopefully Astrid" Yumie said, realizing the tall task she had set in front of her.

"Did you want me to come with you?" Kimiko asked.

"I'm sure nothing will happen but... if you want to stand there and watch you can. Just don't do anything" Yumie said sternly, knowing Kimiko was too good natured to interfere in anyone's match but wanted to make sure her friend understood she wanted and needed to earn this.

Kimiko nodded, knowing the Young Lioness program would likely approve of her deciding to pay attention to any high profile matches, including this one. Even though she had proved herself as a talented wrestler she still seemed to have much to learn and thankfully she had people like Yumie, Alizeh, and Akari to teach her and take her under there wings.

The two soon realized it was time to get moving and quickly went down the hall, Kimiko making sure not to leave her friends side, she was here to learn, but also to support her friend!

The two could hear Charlotte's music playing as they got to the curtain, Yumie took a deep breath making sure she was completely calm heading into this match while Kimiko looked up at her and gave a reassuring nod.

Moments after Charlotte's music stopped playing Yumie's own started.
Yumie quickly stepped through the curtain, Kimiko waiting a few seconds in order to not steal her friends spotlight. Yumie stopped in the middle of the stage and raised her arm, pointing one finger and the ceiling and holding it for a few seconds before lowering her arm. Yumie then proceeded down the ramp, giving fans high fives on the way to the ring, Kimiko once again taking her place at her friends side, mimicked her making sure nobody on either side of the entrance ramp was left out.

Getting close to the ring, Kimiko stopped and gave Yumie a hug. "Good luck" she said before letting her friend go. As Yumie slid in the ring Kimiko walked up to the apron and looked under it, pulling out a chair, likely giving a few fans who didn't know her some alarm until Kimiko opened it up and sat down.

Yumie meanwhile went to her corner and climbed up to the second turnbuckle getting a good look at the packed crowd as she pumped her fist in the air before hopping down and turning to face Charlotte, giving the woman a confident smile, ready whenever she was!

"You got this Yumie!" Kimiko cheered from her ringside seat.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Tue Dec 03, 2024 6:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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Re: [#1 Contender Match] Charlotte Ravel' vs Yumie Hayashi - Some you win and some you lose

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When another musical theme began, Charlotte turned her head to the side. She was slightly surprised that at the top of the ramp she saw not only her opponent, but also someone else. The second woman seemed familiar to her, unfortunately the Frenchwoman had a rather bad memory for faces. It seems they've seen each other recently. Yeah, right, this woman was at the gym with Yumie. The only question was what exactly was doing here.

Calmly watching the entrance of the white-haired woman, the Sand Lizard took her hands off the ropes and pushed off from her corner, preparing in advance for the start of the match. While Yumie was showing off in front of the audience, her friend pulled out a chair from under the ring. At this point, some people started to worry, but Charlotte didn't care much about it. If this woman even thinks of interfering in the match, then Yumie will be disqualified, and her title shot will remain a dream.

When the Japanese woman's music ended, the referee invited the fighters to the center of the ring. With a smooth step, Charlotte headed forward, stopping a few steps away from her rival. After listening to a briefing, she clenched her right fist and pressed it against her straightened left palm, after which she bowed to the white-haired woman as required by her code of honor.

Not wanting to waste time talking, the Sand Lizard took a few steps back, freeing up space, and took her fighting stance. Clenching both fists, she raised her right fist to the level of her chin, while her left fist remained at the level of the middle of her torso, after which the pink-haired woman turned slightly to her opponent with her left side. With a brief nod towards the referee, she made it clear that she was ready to start the match.

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Re: [#1 Contender Match] Charlotte Ravel' vs Yumie Hayashi - Some you win and some you lose

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Yumie was just two matches away from having gold around her waist, she just had to go through Charlotte first and she was determined to do just that. Seeing the referee invite them both to the center of the ring Yumie walked forward at the same time as her opponent with both women stopping a few steps away from one another.

Seeing the woman bow caused Yumie to smirk. There was a first time for everything, and this was the first time she had ever fought someone with this level of honor. Being polite, Yumie mimicked her opponent, straightening her palm and making a fist, pressing it against her palm before bowing herself for a moment. Then, she straightened up and took a step back as Charlotte got in her stance.

Studying the woman's stance, Yumie could tell that going for the usual lock up would result in a punch to the face or worse for her. Deciding to adjust her usual strategy Yumie put her right foot forward as she raised her hands, getting in an orthodox stance, figuring if she managed to land a combination of strikes she could move in for some wrestling, her usual bread and butter.

Yumie nodded to the referee letting them know she was ready, and with that, the bell rang.

The Japanese woman stepped forward while maintaining her stance, throwing two jabs toward the woman's face not caring much if they landed, she was trying to feel things out early considering anything besides wrestling was not her strong suit let alone boxing, then again anyone could throw a punch so it was the easiest thing to adjust to for her.


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Re: [#1 Contender Match] Charlotte Ravel' vs Yumie Hayashi - Some you win and some you lose

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It wasn't the first time Charlotte had seen surprise on her opponent's face. Many, including both spectators and fighters, have lost the habit of the fact that there is a place in the ring not only for mocking and bold phrases. So Charlotte's first matches were always accompanied by a certain level of confusion, but over time it became more natural, moreover, it became one of those things that the audience loved Charlotte for.

A pleasant surprise for the Frenchwoman was that the white-haired woman repeated her actions and responded with her own bow. Well, it was definitely a good start. Considering their previous meeting, the Sand Lizard was expecting another cheeky word or something like that. She could only hope that Yumie's gesture was sincere.

As the women put distance between each other and prepared to fight, Charlotte glanced briefly to the side. The corners of her lips lifted slightly. In the front row she saw Astrid, who gave her best friend a thumbs-up. She arrived quietly after Charlotte and her rival on purpose, so as not to distract the attention of the audience to herself.


With the ringing of the bell, the arena was filled with shouts and applause from the audience, while Charlotte and Yumie stepped towards each other. The Sand Lizard acted without sudden movements, focusing her gaze on the Japanese woman's chin, thus getting the opportunity to recognize what her first attack would be.

When Yumie's left fist went at her face, Charlotte coolly took a short step back, thereby dodging the punch, but when the second punch flew at her face, she did not step back. Instead, she abruptly moved forward and to the right with a diagonal step, while simultaneously making a pendulum movement with her torso. Thus, she wanted not only to evade the attack of the white-haired woman, but also to be in her blind spot, because if successful, there would be little to prevent her from demonstrating the skill of her own fists, sending first a right hook into Yumie's ribs to shake her defense and then a left cross into her chin to stun her.

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Re: [#1 Contender Match] Charlotte Ravel' vs Yumie Hayashi - Some you win and some you lose

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There was no reason for Yumie to act overly cocky, just yet, she wasn't used to her opponent's style of fighting, unsure of what exactly to expect, but she was going to put everything she had into overcoming her and getting a shot at Astrid and her belt. As Charlotte glanced to one side Yumie's eyes remained dead focused on Charlotte, all else did not matter at the moment, not even her friend sitting at ringside.

With the bell ringing both women stepped forward, the match didn't start with a lock up like most matches, instead, it seemed like a chess game, both women studying their opponent before making a calculated move. Yumie made hers first, swinging her left fist towards the pink haired woman's face only for her to step back, dodging it!

Yumie quickly and wildly swung her right only for Charlotte to move and throw a hard punch of her own right into Yumie's ribs! The Japanese woman winced trying to focus and turn her body to throw another punch only for Charlotte to land a hard left cross on her chin. Yumie was left staggering, eventually managing to catch herself on the ropes, it was clear trying to go punch for punch with the sand lizard wasn't going to go well for the Japanese woman. A bit stunned. Yumie shook her head trying to stand up straight again.


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Re: [#1 Contender Match] Charlotte Ravel' vs Yumie Hayashi - Some you win and some you lose

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Like everyone else, Charlotte had her weaknesses, but among the members of Victoria's team, she was considered one of the most versatile fighters because she traveled around many countries of the world, studying a variety of martial arts. Boxing is the base of almost any modern martial art and that's what the pink-haired woman demonstrated after the bell rang.

Dodging her opponent's punches, she first shook Yumie's defenses, and then sent a really powerful punch into her head. The white-haired woman, clearly stunned, staggered back and if not for the obstacle in her way in the form of ropes, she would certainly have fallen out of the ring. And while the audience loudly cheered such a dynamic start to the match, the Sand Lizard's eyes narrowed slightly.

The position of the Japanese woman told her what to do next.

Rushing forward, Charlotte intended to make a leap, bending both legs at the knees. She intended to press both feet against the middle rope, at the same time wrapping her right arm around Yumie's head. If successful, she would forcefully push off the rope in order to gain momentum and fall sharply on her back, thereby driving the white-haired woman's face into the mat with the help of a leaping flatliner.

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Re: [#1 Contender Match] Charlotte Ravel' vs Yumie Hayashi - Some you win and some you lose

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Yumie was a wrestler, she had never seriously considered other forms of combat sports before, though that inexperience in dealing with different styles left her open to being caught off guard or outmatched in some situations in the ring! The opening of the match served as a great example of this, Charlotte flawlessly dodged the long haired woman's strikes and quickly capitalized with some of her own!

Charlotte had one hell of a punch, to say the least as two of them sent Yumie reeling and staggering. Forcing herself to calm down and focus Yumie began to stand up straight as her opponent rushed towards her, only being about a foot away from her at most when Yumie finally noticed the situation she was in and she had no way to avoid it!

Yumie's eyes widened as Charlotte's arm wrapped around her head and the woman's feet pushed off the ropes sending them both down towards the canvas with Yumie's face getting slammed into the canvas! Yumie grunted in pain as her eyes and teeth clenched, her hand instinctively reaching up and rubbing her head as she rolled onto her back. It seemed as if the Japanese woman's hopes of getting another shot at a title were in jeopardy early as her opponent took advantage early in the match.

Kimiko watched the match from the outside, concerned her friend may have bit off more than she could chew accepting this fight. "COME ON YUMIE!" Kimiko shouted trying to encourage her friend from her seat!


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Re: [#1 Contender Match] Charlotte Ravel' vs Yumie Hayashi - Some you win and some you lose

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Despite the fact that Charlotte definitely felt an additional burden of responsibility on her shoulders, she would have aspired to win even if Astrid and her title had nothing to do with it. The meaning of the Frenchwoman's life was self-development, every day she tried to become better than she was yesterday. And therefore, any defeat was unacceptable to her. Besides, failure today would surely deprive her of the chance she had been striving for for the past year and a half. Today was not a day when she could afford to give less than one hundred percent.

Rationally taking advantage of the situation, the Sand Lizard continued her offensive with an outstanding move, which was met with a wave of noise from the audience and a painful groan from her rival. The fall was so painful for Yumie that she rolled over onto her back, covering her face with her hand.

Ignoring the call of her rival's friend, Charlotte intended to grab Yumie's arm in the wrist and elbow area. Many might have thought that she was going to force the Japanese woman to her feet, but in fact the martial arts master was going to turn Yumie back onto her stomach in one motion.

If successful, the Sand Lizard intended to trap the white-haired woman's right arm between her legs, and then join her palms directly on Yumie's face. Without making any sudden movements so as not to injure the white-haired woman, but Charlotte intended to pull Yumie's upper body back using an arm-trap crossface hold, filling her joints and muscles with pain.

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Re: [#1 Contender Match] Charlotte Ravel' vs Yumie Hayashi - Some you win and some you lose

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This wasn't just another match for Yumie, it could be career changing, another shot for a big prize was on the line, a chance to put her name at the very top of LAW, the only obstacle in her way at the moment was an opponent who was proving to be extremely skilled, maybe even more than her! So far in the match, Charlotte was making Yumie look like a rookie, even more than Kimiko who was currently sitting at ring side. There wasn't anything she couldn't bounce back from though, it was still early. Yumie just had to remain calm, refocus, and recover, but Charlotte clearly had other plans!

Yumie let out a small groan as her arm was grabbed, her eyes opening as Charlotte rolled her onto her stomach before beginning to squirm, knowing this was not a good position to be in, something that Charlotte quickly proved to be correct as the woman trapped her arm between her legs, the woman's hands sliding up and joined on her face before pulling back causing the Japanese woman to cry out in pain as Charlotte trapped her in a cross face! Almost immediately Yumie's hand shot to the woman's hands desperately trying to pull them apart before the submission could cause any serious damage!


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