Eve Summers vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders

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Re: Eve Summers vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders

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Eve was on top of Alaina as she rose and the amazon choked out a cry of surprise as the rear naked choke was locked in! Alaina shook her head and reached up to grab at Eve's grip around her throat. Alaina's arms tensed up and she began to try to pry herself free so she could breathe again! "Ngh... you got strong Eve but not amazon strong!" Alaina said as she was still stuck in the crushing body scissor. Alaina would pry Eve's arms off and then try to move backwards at full speed towards a turnbuckle to smash Eve up against it to hopefully fully free herself! Alaina didn't want to let Eve get a full head of steam, she knew how bad that could be.

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Re: Eve Summers vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders

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Eve gasped out as Alaina began to rush backwards, managing to overpower Eve's sleeperhold before looking to rush back and crush her against the turnbuckle in full stampede mode! Eve was still wrapped around Alaina's waist with her legs, and yelped as she realised she might be in trouble if she did not do something swiftly.
"I may not be Amazong strong... but I am Amazon quick!" Eve managed to quickly reply to the Amazon's statement.

At the last moment, Eve managed to unwrap herself from Alaina, slipping downwards in a deft and skillful fashion, manaing to roll under Alaina's legs. This in turn would trip the Amazon, causing her to stumble back with high momentum, before crashed hard against the turnbuckle back first with enough force that the entire ring shook. The crowd gasped out in alarm from the impact, feeling it from where they were seated. Rattled, Alaina's momentum forced her forwards, where Eve was waiting for her!

She managed to impress the crowd, scooping an arm under the Amazon before capturing her chest, using the heavyweight's own momentum against her to lift her with great strain. Eve shouted out as she hoisted her upwards, swinging around before she slammed Amazon down with a massive bodyslam! One that shook the foundations of the ring itself!

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Re: Eve Summers vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders

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Alaina thought she was bashing her way to freedom when the crafty Eve showed her! Alaina smashed against the turnbuckle shaking her head and grunting as she stumbled forward into the waiting arms of Eve! Alaina had a look of shock on her face as Even grabbed her between the legs and around the shoulder. "Wha!? No way- AAAAHHHHHHH!" Alaina howled as Eve lift her up with surprise power and sent Alaina crashing thunderously to the ring on her back! Alaina howled in agony quite loudly as she meekly kicked the mat in pain her inner thighs shaking each time her feet hit the mat as she was now laid out and utterly shocked by Eve!

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Re: Eve Summers vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders

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"Phew!" Eve could not help but sigh out, her alluring form beginning to develop a glisten of sweat from the exhertion. The British Middleweight wrestler was unsure if she could manage such a slam, but she achieved it, impressing both the crowd and herself in the process. She was left breathing deep, her perfectly formed chest rising and falling with each deep breath, whilst Alaina herself was left feeling the effect of such a dangerous slam. Not wishing to waste any more time, Eve tried to sieze the moment, quickly sliding her lithe form over Alaina's own.

There was no way she could achieve an upset, but it certainly did not hurt to try as Eve managed to look one of Alaina's heavy legs before securing a deep pin against her. The referee slid over, managing to slap her hand down once, beginning the pinfall attempt!


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Re: Eve Summers vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders

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Alaina was down on the mat groaning after the shocking power display by Eve. Her opponent was also being smart as Alaina felt Eve go for the cover hooking a leg while keeping Alaina's shoulders pressed down!

Alaina moaned and bucked her hips while kicking her free leg but she was still stuck! She screamed and did it again...


...But was still stuck! Alaina bucked and thrashed about managing to break the pin just after two but the pain of the impact coupled with the surprise of it all clearly took a toll on the amazon who was trying to shove Eve away while she was still laid out on the canvas.

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Re: Eve Summers vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders

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The crowd gasped out as Eve managed to get a 2 count. There was a possibility she could have made a great upset against Alaina. Given her momentum, that was still looking like a possibility! Despite being thrown off from Alaina, she was still recovering from that surprise suplex. Eve could feel her body beginning to give her some complaints after over straining herself, but she could not dare lose her momentum now. Biting on her lower lip, she tried to take advantage of the downed Alaina.

If she could not get a pinfall, perhaps she could try for a submission. Slipping close to Alaina, Eve slipped her legs around her neck, sitting just behind her. Her legs coiled around Alaina's neck, securing a figure four headscissor hold from behind her. With her feet bare, Eve's toes visibly curled as she grasped at her own ankle and pulled, managing to tighten the lock, looking to squeeze and strangle Alaina with the gruelling hold! If she kept the air from entering Alaina's lungs, it would sap her energy and tire out the heayweight legend.

"Don't underestimate me Alaina!" Eve sang out, breathing heavily from exertion as her alluring form now began to glisten a little.

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Re: Eve Summers vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders

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"ARRRGGGHHHHH!" Alaina howled as she felt Eve's legs coil around her headas the amazo. Choked out a cry of pain while her own legs frantically kicked the mat! The amazon thrashed and kicked reaching up to grab at Eve's legs to try to power her way out to pry herself free!

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Re: Eve Summers vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders

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Eve gasped out as Alaina struggled, kicking her legs hard against the air before slamming them down on the mat below. She began to pry at her legs with her hands, and Eve could feel her strength. However, her lock was in good and proper, and it would not be easy for Alaina even with all her impressive strength. Biting on her lower lip, Eve began to press down against her hands, bridging her body to add more leverage to her figure four headscissor hold!

However, one could never count out the Amazon, though she might have struggled to break free of the hold, that was not to say she could not lift herself out of it given the weight class between the two wrestlers!

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Re: Eve Summers vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders

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Alaina's body trembled as she was still stuck! She kicked her legs and they shook as she struggled trying to pry Eve's legs off! Alaina screamed and looked like she was teeling as she attempted to stand up with Even still on her either planning on powering her way to slipping her head free or slamming Eve down to free herself that way!

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Re: Eve Summers vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders

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Eve gasped out when the Amazon began to reveal her strength. There was a reason the woman was the Heavy Weight Champion of LAW and it was revealed now as she began to power up to her feet despite Eve being wrapped around her neck. She yelped out as the crowd began to rally for the champion, chanting her name as she struggled up to one knee before standing upwards. Some form of suplex or powerbomb against Eve looked inevitable... Eve could not let that happen!

Before Amazon had a chance to slam her, Eve did the wise thing. She abandoned the hold. Before Amazon could get a grasp upon her, she unwrapped her legs from around her neck, before dropping backwards, impressively flipping before landing on her feet behind Alaina. As the larger woman spun around to try and get her, Eve used her momentum, sliding an arm under her, between her legs, before catching her chest and shoulder with the other. Despite being a little out of position, Eve impressed the watching fans once again!

In an incredible display, Eve managed to hoist Alaina with a scooped position, shouting out as her body strained, before she span around and slammed Alaina downwards right against the surface of the mat. The impact shook the foundations of the ring, as Eve dropped to one knee from exhertion! But for the second time Eve had pulled off a body slam against a woman from a larger weight class to devastating effect.

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