Sophia stopped suddenly when Asp spoke with a certain volume and a degree of command. She had kissed the alluring Egyptian's lips only once, with Aspasia teasing her own softly in that brief moment. It made Sophia freeze for a moment, all too aware that she was kissing another woman, a beautiful woman... but this was all for a greater good. This was all for practice so she could impress Katherine the next time the two of them would share an intimate moment, of which was becoming increasingly more frequent as the two grew closer. Was what Sophia was doing wrong? She would not deny there was a certain thrill to kissing Asp who had always been a bountiful sight to the eyes... but she was a close friend... not her lover. She was here to help her.
Though all at once Sophia sat up when Asp gently brought a hand to her lips, adding a small firmness to make her cease her actions before she could continue. Asp's legs loosened from around her waist, no longer clinging onto her firmly, and all at once there was a very different feel to the air.
"Oh. I... I apologise. Was there something I did that was wrong?" Sophia would ask, feeling a sudden knot of dread that perhaps she had done something to offend Asp. It was the last thing she would ever wish to do to Asp, she was a rare woman who had all the patience in the world and seemingly beyond. Sophia eased back, positioning herself more upright as she settled upon her rear on the bed whilst still flat on her knees. She tentatively placed a hand over her own mouth, still feeling the sensation of Asp's lips still lingering upon her own.
New Teachings... [Asp - Sophia]
- thesteedman
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Re: New Teachings... [Asp - Sophia]
Asp moved away in the next moment, taking up a position at the edge of the bed, sitting with her legs over the side and her hands folded in her lap. She should’ve been more in control than this, should’ve been able to master her feelings. Sophia was hardly the first woman she had ever touched, and she had asked to be in this situation, had told her try it. She was taking nothing that wasn’t given freely and no liberties.
And yet, Asp could not help but think of Katherine. What she would say if she came in at this very moment, the damage that could be done to something so pure…
”No. No, you’ve done nothing wrong, Sophia. The fault is with me.” She closed her eyes and took a moment to find some composure. ”I’m just uncomfortable with this. I understand this is what you wanted, but I feel we’re growing to close to a line that it would be best not to cross.”
Sighing, she turned around and put her hand on Sophia’s shoulder, giving her a gentle squeeze and a soft smile. ”I trust you, and I’m honored that you also trust me. But I do not wish to risk the friendship we have. It’s too precious.”
And yet, Asp could not help but think of Katherine. What she would say if she came in at this very moment, the damage that could be done to something so pure…
”No. No, you’ve done nothing wrong, Sophia. The fault is with me.” She closed her eyes and took a moment to find some composure. ”I’m just uncomfortable with this. I understand this is what you wanted, but I feel we’re growing to close to a line that it would be best not to cross.”
Sighing, she turned around and put her hand on Sophia’s shoulder, giving her a gentle squeeze and a soft smile. ”I trust you, and I’m honored that you also trust me. But I do not wish to risk the friendship we have. It’s too precious.”
- thesteedman
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Re: New Teachings... [Asp - Sophia]
"A line?..." Sophia whispered, looking somewhat bewildered as she watched Asp swiftly retreat to sit upon the edge of the bed. As intelligent and remarkable as Sophia was, what she possessed in gifted qualities, she was also incredibly naive to others. Asp knew this, the Egyptian beauty understood this, where as Sophia herself was slow to understand or even realise what was happening. Tragically, Sophia was not quite able to join the wires and complete the puzzle before simply because she did not understand. And how could she? This was all so new to the woman. Sophia had closed herself off to the world after a toxic and one sided relationship... Asp had began to open doors to her, showing her a world that was new, allowing Sophia to experience and feel things that were once inaccessible.
Her mind had been so hard wired and closed off for so long that Sophia did not see the clues, did not realise her own beauty and allure, or that for a time she had captured Asp's own desire. It was hard to Asp to endure, perhaps fashioning Sophia into more of an object of desire, knowing that her relationship with Katherine Hart made her all the more unobtainable. This had been a chance to find an resolution to an unanswered question... yet Asp did not let those deepened desires take control. She was fighting a battle within that Sophia did not even know was raging and warring on.
"I... I do not understand. You have done nothing wrong." Sophia whispered. Even if she did not realise the full levity of the situation, she understood that Asp was suddenly upset. She could see through the pleasantly soft but forced smile, feeling Asp squeeze her shoulder to try and put her at ease. Sophia's head tilted, as she moved her hand to grasp at Asp's shoulder more firmly.
"You have done so much for me since I have met you Asp. I do not think anything you do would ever risk our friendship. I need you to know that." Sophia whispered, managing her own warm smile as she slid a little closer to Asp. It was a joy to see Sophia actually becoming so comfortable with her. When they first met, she was so stiff and rigid... her discomfort at Asp's lack of clothing upon their first meeting was so obvious.
Now, she was sliding closer, caring not that the skin of their legs touched as she shifted closer. The two of them were a marvel upon the eyes, clad in little upon a large soft bed. It would certainly make for a sell out calendar that was for certain... and Sophia was finally comfortable with it, coming to accept what she was... Asp had a huge part in that.
"We can stop. I do not ever wish to force anything on you if you do not desire to do it." Sophia spoke, the statement quite ironic since Asp was so used to declaring such a statement to Sophia when she trained her in the art of dance.
"Would you still be willing to stay over? I would certainly enjoy the company." Sophia whispered, reminding Asp of the brief encounter with her neighbour all at once.
Her mind had been so hard wired and closed off for so long that Sophia did not see the clues, did not realise her own beauty and allure, or that for a time she had captured Asp's own desire. It was hard to Asp to endure, perhaps fashioning Sophia into more of an object of desire, knowing that her relationship with Katherine Hart made her all the more unobtainable. This had been a chance to find an resolution to an unanswered question... yet Asp did not let those deepened desires take control. She was fighting a battle within that Sophia did not even know was raging and warring on.
"I... I do not understand. You have done nothing wrong." Sophia whispered. Even if she did not realise the full levity of the situation, she understood that Asp was suddenly upset. She could see through the pleasantly soft but forced smile, feeling Asp squeeze her shoulder to try and put her at ease. Sophia's head tilted, as she moved her hand to grasp at Asp's shoulder more firmly.
"You have done so much for me since I have met you Asp. I do not think anything you do would ever risk our friendship. I need you to know that." Sophia whispered, managing her own warm smile as she slid a little closer to Asp. It was a joy to see Sophia actually becoming so comfortable with her. When they first met, she was so stiff and rigid... her discomfort at Asp's lack of clothing upon their first meeting was so obvious.
Now, she was sliding closer, caring not that the skin of their legs touched as she shifted closer. The two of them were a marvel upon the eyes, clad in little upon a large soft bed. It would certainly make for a sell out calendar that was for certain... and Sophia was finally comfortable with it, coming to accept what she was... Asp had a huge part in that.
"We can stop. I do not ever wish to force anything on you if you do not desire to do it." Sophia spoke, the statement quite ironic since Asp was so used to declaring such a statement to Sophia when she trained her in the art of dance.
"Would you still be willing to stay over? I would certainly enjoy the company." Sophia whispered, reminding Asp of the brief encounter with her neighbour all at once.
- BlackAkuma
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Re: New Teachings... [Asp - Sophia]
She doubted Sophia could ever truly appreciate this, but this situation was rare for Asp. She was no prude, not even close, and there was a time, not long ago that she would’ve welcomed any contact with a woman like this, regardless of where it may lead, consequences be damned. In her younger days, she had broken a few hearts and thought little of it at the time - it wasn’t as if she twisted anyone’s arm into such things, why should she feel remorse?
These days, however, she tried to be more thoughtful. She wasn’t roaming from country to country anymore, Japan was her home for the foreseeable future. That meant spreading her roots and taking care to keep them healthy. That meant having friends and keeping friends. The relationship with Sophia was something worth putting effort into.
She didn’t shy away as the woman came and sat beside her, glad that she could feel so comfortable. It was such a far cry from the timid woman she was when they’d first met, so quick to shy away from the slightest hint of intimacy.
”Thank you for understanding.”[/colo]r She leaned in, took Sophia’s hand, and gave it a reaffirming squeeze. ”You’ve done nothing wrong, the fault is mine alone.”
Asp stood up and stretched, breathing deep as Sophia made her request. Her first inclination was to decline - it was getting late, and after the awkwardness that had just occurred, a night to gather her thoughts in solitude would not be amiss. But something about the German’s tone gave her pause, a hint of worry that made her think back to the woman from earlier.
”If that’s what you wish, yes, I will stay.” She canted her head to the side, looking at Sophia from a better angle, trying to get the best read on her. ”Sophia, that woman from before…is everything all right? If something is wrong, you can tell me.”
These days, however, she tried to be more thoughtful. She wasn’t roaming from country to country anymore, Japan was her home for the foreseeable future. That meant spreading her roots and taking care to keep them healthy. That meant having friends and keeping friends. The relationship with Sophia was something worth putting effort into.
She didn’t shy away as the woman came and sat beside her, glad that she could feel so comfortable. It was such a far cry from the timid woman she was when they’d first met, so quick to shy away from the slightest hint of intimacy.
”Thank you for understanding.”[/colo]r She leaned in, took Sophia’s hand, and gave it a reaffirming squeeze. ”You’ve done nothing wrong, the fault is mine alone.”
Asp stood up and stretched, breathing deep as Sophia made her request. Her first inclination was to decline - it was getting late, and after the awkwardness that had just occurred, a night to gather her thoughts in solitude would not be amiss. But something about the German’s tone gave her pause, a hint of worry that made her think back to the woman from earlier.
”If that’s what you wish, yes, I will stay.” She canted her head to the side, looking at Sophia from a better angle, trying to get the best read on her. ”Sophia, that woman from before…is everything all right? If something is wrong, you can tell me.”
- thesteedman
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Re: New Teachings... [Asp - Sophia]
There was a sense of relief that washed over Sophia when Asp confirmed she would still stay. The inner struggles Asp was battling was still lost to the intelligent but otherwise naive Sophia Wolfe, oblivious to the signs and the implications. With Katherine away on LAW business, Sophia remained in Japan, and whilst she was very comfortable in solitude, the last week had left her with a knot of constant nervousness, with what woman had been plaguing her since that first encounter.
"Thank you. Your company is always welcome. I have a few dishes in if you would like something to eat. It would not take me long to prepare them. We can also continue to develop those strikes. You have come a long way from when we first faced each other." Sophia noted, looking to try and bring the atmosphere to a more light and friendly presence. Though not the most keen of eyes, it was impossible to miss the awkwardness in Asp... that was until the Egyptian beauty made an observation of her own.
"Hmm? Oh. Lola? She is my neighbour. I have been helping her to move in." Sophia managed to repeat the statement from earlier, but it was clear she was taken off guard by the sudden line of questioning.
"There is nothing..." Sophia began, before her words caught in her throat a little. She cleared her chest, even though there was nothing there to clear, just her own nerves tripping her up as they so often did. By the time she tried to repeat her statement, there was a hesitation that took hold of her. Sophia's body language shifted, her form coming in on itself as her arms folded over her well defined midriff. Her legs crossed as her ankles lightly hooked together, her eye contact breaking with Asp. Lying did not come to Sophia naturally because it simply was not in her nature... especially to a friend. However, she did not know what to say... There was nothing Asp could do to help her, bringing her into this could only potentially put her in similar danger as herself.
"I am experiencing some difficulty. Lola... she drugged me when I first met her. She used my weakened state to create... create material that looks very compromising to my character. If I do not do as she demands, she will expose the material to Katherine, which I imagine will end our relationship." Sophia spoke with a defeated tone, looking downwards rather than towards Asp.
"She.... she tricked me. I do not know what to do. I... I have to do what she demands." Sophia almost whispered, pinching at her nose bridge.
"Thank you. Your company is always welcome. I have a few dishes in if you would like something to eat. It would not take me long to prepare them. We can also continue to develop those strikes. You have come a long way from when we first faced each other." Sophia noted, looking to try and bring the atmosphere to a more light and friendly presence. Though not the most keen of eyes, it was impossible to miss the awkwardness in Asp... that was until the Egyptian beauty made an observation of her own.
"Hmm? Oh. Lola? She is my neighbour. I have been helping her to move in." Sophia managed to repeat the statement from earlier, but it was clear she was taken off guard by the sudden line of questioning.
"There is nothing..." Sophia began, before her words caught in her throat a little. She cleared her chest, even though there was nothing there to clear, just her own nerves tripping her up as they so often did. By the time she tried to repeat her statement, there was a hesitation that took hold of her. Sophia's body language shifted, her form coming in on itself as her arms folded over her well defined midriff. Her legs crossed as her ankles lightly hooked together, her eye contact breaking with Asp. Lying did not come to Sophia naturally because it simply was not in her nature... especially to a friend. However, she did not know what to say... There was nothing Asp could do to help her, bringing her into this could only potentially put her in similar danger as herself.
"I am experiencing some difficulty. Lola... she drugged me when I first met her. She used my weakened state to create... create material that looks very compromising to my character. If I do not do as she demands, she will expose the material to Katherine, which I imagine will end our relationship." Sophia spoke with a defeated tone, looking downwards rather than towards Asp.
"She.... she tricked me. I do not know what to do. I... I have to do what she demands." Sophia almost whispered, pinching at her nose bridge.
- BlackAkuma
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Re: New Teachings... [Asp - Sophia]
Sophia might’ve been the worst liar Asp had ever met.
Asp wasn’t a deceitful person by nature, but she was good enough body language to hide her tells when the occasion called for, able to mask her intentions and put up a front when she had to. Sophia, on the other hand, had been an open book since for the past hour or so, keeping none of her cards close to her chest. So when she tried to make up excuses and distract, her efforts came up comically short, like a child trying their hand at deception for the first time but not entirely understanding the concept enough to do it well.
So, soon enough, the truth came out, and what a truth it was. Asp knew she was holding something back about Lola, but figured it would be relatively minor. Perhaps the woman was bullying her, being annoying, or making unwanted passes. The truth was far more sinister, and her brow furrowed deeper with every word spoken.
Asp shook her head and reached over, taking Sophia’s hands to ensure she had the woman’s full attention. ”Listen to me, Sophia.” She gave her hands a tight squeeze. ”That’s blackmail. That’s illegal. You need to tell the authorities, or failing that, tell Katherine. She deserves to know this sort of thing.”
Asp wasn’t a deceitful person by nature, but she was good enough body language to hide her tells when the occasion called for, able to mask her intentions and put up a front when she had to. Sophia, on the other hand, had been an open book since for the past hour or so, keeping none of her cards close to her chest. So when she tried to make up excuses and distract, her efforts came up comically short, like a child trying their hand at deception for the first time but not entirely understanding the concept enough to do it well.
So, soon enough, the truth came out, and what a truth it was. Asp knew she was holding something back about Lola, but figured it would be relatively minor. Perhaps the woman was bullying her, being annoying, or making unwanted passes. The truth was far more sinister, and her brow furrowed deeper with every word spoken.
Asp shook her head and reached over, taking Sophia’s hands to ensure she had the woman’s full attention. ”Listen to me, Sophia.” She gave her hands a tight squeeze. ”That’s blackmail. That’s illegal. You need to tell the authorities, or failing that, tell Katherine. She deserves to know this sort of thing.”
- thesteedman
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Re: New Teachings... [Asp - Sophia]
"Lola... She is too smart for that. If I involve the authorities, she'll just hide everything away. I have no evidence beyond what she possesses and keeps hold of. And then there is our LAW contract, even in a small chance they do manage to grasp something, Lola... she'll claim protection from the LAW, make some fabrication that this is part of a rivalry. To the authorities it will be no different then a prisoner of war stipulation or other twisted things on the underbelly of LAW. I... I cannot go to them Asp." Sophia whispered. Part of her regretted letting Asp know all at once, feeling like perhaps she was putting her dearest friend in terrible danger. Without a doubt Asp will try to get involved, it was simply in her good willed nature, but Sophia did not know what she could do. The German just couldn't keep it in any more, especially knowing Asp would probably have figured it out anyway. It was the visit from Lola that prompted her to push Asp into teaching her, that was no doubt a tell upon itself given Sophia was pretty reluctant to do it.
"What will she think if... if she sees me like that?" Sophia almost yelped out in a whisper, her scarred eye widening slightly along with her untouched one when Asp suggest she let Kat know.
"I... I cannot let her see that. She will think the worst of me. Kat might not be able to even look at me." Sophia spoke out, grasping her forehead, looking downward. The poor woman had been keeping this within for some time, that much was evident. Asp would not have even known had it not been for Lola showing up herself, Sophia had kept total control until her appearance, and then the cracks began to reveal themselves.
"I am confident I would defeat her in a fight, but I think Lola is aware of that. If I make any threats or moves against her, she will post it all for the world to see. My reputation will be destroyed... but worse than that, I'll lose my Kätzchen" Sophia whispered.
"Please... you cannot tell anyone. No one is supposed to know. For now I have... I will have to play Lola's game until I can think of something." It was difficult to see Sophia like this. She was a strong and proud woman, deadly in the ring and capable of defeating all does no matter how violent and strong. Even earlier, Asp saw that focus in her eyes, that determination when she was helping Asp with her training, her soul focus on making sure her friend became better and began to rise. Seeing her on the back foot like this... upset and desperate, caught in a web she did not belong upon... Just when it seemed like Sophia was clearing all obstacles in her path... something else always tripped her towards the end, just when she was finally coming out of her shell thanks to Asp's guidance.
"What will she think if... if she sees me like that?" Sophia almost yelped out in a whisper, her scarred eye widening slightly along with her untouched one when Asp suggest she let Kat know.
"I... I cannot let her see that. She will think the worst of me. Kat might not be able to even look at me." Sophia spoke out, grasping her forehead, looking downward. The poor woman had been keeping this within for some time, that much was evident. Asp would not have even known had it not been for Lola showing up herself, Sophia had kept total control until her appearance, and then the cracks began to reveal themselves.
"I am confident I would defeat her in a fight, but I think Lola is aware of that. If I make any threats or moves against her, she will post it all for the world to see. My reputation will be destroyed... but worse than that, I'll lose my Kätzchen" Sophia whispered.
"Please... you cannot tell anyone. No one is supposed to know. For now I have... I will have to play Lola's game until I can think of something." It was difficult to see Sophia like this. She was a strong and proud woman, deadly in the ring and capable of defeating all does no matter how violent and strong. Even earlier, Asp saw that focus in her eyes, that determination when she was helping Asp with her training, her soul focus on making sure her friend became better and began to rise. Seeing her on the back foot like this... upset and desperate, caught in a web she did not belong upon... Just when it seemed like Sophia was clearing all obstacles in her path... something else always tripped her towards the end, just when she was finally coming out of her shell thanks to Asp's guidance.
- BlackAkuma
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Re: New Teachings... [Asp - Sophia]
Asp was not, by nature, a violent person, despite her current profession as a wrestler. Before she came to LAW, she’d never been in anything she would consider a real fight. At most, she’d been in a shoving match as a child, and even that had ended quickly enough that it never grew into anything serious. She wasn’t a pacifist per se, but talking was always preferable to trading blows, in her estimation.
That being said, the temptation to stand up, march over to Lola’s room, and kick her square in the face was a strong one, the first time she could remember wanting to hurt someone who hadn't directly injured her. If not for Sophia’s words, she very well might have done just that.
Asp forced calmness into her veins as Sophia voiced her concerns, listening with a softly saddened face. She understood where the women were coming from—while she didn’t know Kat personally, she could tell from the way the German acted that theirs was a deeply personal relationship, one she didn’t want to endanger. It was a rare thing, a precious thing, and something that could be so fragile. But even so…
”I think you underestimate yourself, and I think you underestimate Kat. But very well. If you wish me to be silent, I will do so.” She placed a hand on Sophia’s shoulder and gave it a tight squeeze. [pcolor=Green]”However, I must say, this situation doesn’t sound sustainable. You’re risking a great deal, and the longer a secret like this stays hidden, the worse it will become. Women like Lola are never satisfied - they take and take and take as much as you’ll allow, until you have nothing else to give. You need to put an end to this.”[/color]
That being said, the temptation to stand up, march over to Lola’s room, and kick her square in the face was a strong one, the first time she could remember wanting to hurt someone who hadn't directly injured her. If not for Sophia’s words, she very well might have done just that.
Asp forced calmness into her veins as Sophia voiced her concerns, listening with a softly saddened face. She understood where the women were coming from—while she didn’t know Kat personally, she could tell from the way the German acted that theirs was a deeply personal relationship, one she didn’t want to endanger. It was a rare thing, a precious thing, and something that could be so fragile. But even so…
”I think you underestimate yourself, and I think you underestimate Kat. But very well. If you wish me to be silent, I will do so.” She placed a hand on Sophia’s shoulder and gave it a tight squeeze. [pcolor=Green]”However, I must say, this situation doesn’t sound sustainable. You’re risking a great deal, and the longer a secret like this stays hidden, the worse it will become. Women like Lola are never satisfied - they take and take and take as much as you’ll allow, until you have nothing else to give. You need to put an end to this.”[/color]
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