Standard match: Ends with one wrestler gains a pinfall, submission, or KO over the other
What an exciting night!! Haruka could hardly believe the day had come. It had taken some time to get things situated but true to there word once they had something for her she was getting her first big match! Haruka was walking down to the ring after talking with some people about getting her first match and where to go, LAW was giving her the best chance she needed to start things off. She had little time to prepare and see who her opponent was but she knew from the way LAW seemed to be that she would not be disappointed, all the ways Haruka could make this girl squeal were going through her head so fast she felt a smile grow on her. This was already going to be the best day ever and she hadn't even gotten to the good part.
Haruka's Theme music played as the girl showed off the gear she made just for this occasion, the big jacket holding a few things she saved for later occurrences and just for appearances as she waltzed down to the ring. She waved to the crowd as she looked at all the excited faces, and wondered how many of them might be into the same kind of things she was, or at least into watching it if not one who would actively try and do it like she would. She carefully removed her jacket and walked up the steps looking around at the fans as she continued to wave at them. Finally entering the ring she looked around at the crowd, much bigger then any place she had ever been in.