Skills and Skirts: Hazel Nielsen vs Akuma Nihmune

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Sigma Morgan
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Skills and Skirts: Hazel Nielsen vs Akuma Nihmune

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Standard Match

Win Via Pinfall, Submission, Or Knockout!

Hazel was already making waves in LAW, with several matches and a Supercard under her belt. Tonight, the Scotswoman was facing a newcomer. That didn't matter to her, though. Newcomer or veteran, man or woman, lioness or champion, the Highlander was determined to conquer any challenge laid in front of her just like she had on the indie scene back in her homeland. Brave, stubborn, and courageous, just like her ancestors. Superstar, Hell Raiser, Belly Queen, all known nicknames in this company, the best company. Hazel was going to make sure "Highlander" was cemented right up there with them if it was the last thing she did through every match, every fight, every interaction!
Hazel in her cloak
Hazel was already prepared for her match, she was always ready when it came time to fight. Clad in her usual, green and brown attire, she had finally brought back her bear cloak as well. Of course, bears had been extinct in her country for a long time but that didn't stop people from theorizing if it had been made from a real bear from another country, gossip that Hazel would likely not bother humoring for a prolonged period.

Hazel walked through the halls cracking her knuckles, ready for a fight. She didn't know her opponent, she had no personal grudge, but she wasn't going to hold back no matter who joined her in the ring. The ginger woman eventually reached Gorilla, the area behind the stage. Taking a deep breath Hazel stared into space waiting to hear the opening cord of her music.
Entrance Music
Hearing it start Hazel stepped out onto the stage and waited a few moments before raising her hands and lowering her hood, looking around the crowd she soaked it all in, the cheers, the excitement, all of it while she raised her arms once again and flexed for the crowd, showing off all the hard work she put in at the gym week after week!

After a few moments, Hazel lowered her arms and began to descend the ramp, glancing side to side at the fans in the rows towards the front, seeing signs, merchandise, and all the usual items. Reaching the ringside Hazel removed her cloak, letting it fall to the floor before getting up on the ring apron and stepping inside the ring itself, going to her corner Hazel climbed up onto the second rope like she normally did, spreading her arms, showing off for the crowd one last time before hopping down and turning around to lean against the turnbuckle, watching the stage, waiting for her opponent!
Ring Gear
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Re: Skills and Skirts: Hazel Nielsen vs Akuma Nihmune

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Akuma would be preparing herself in her locker room. She already had a match under her belt and it went… alright. She is still getting the hang of this whole wrestling thing so she was giving herself a bit of slack. She continued stretching in her locker room until she heard a knock on her locker room door. She opened it and was told that they were ready for her to make her entrance. She gave them a nod before putting her stuff away and making her way down the hallway and towards the show curtain.

Akuma would be getting some final stretches in inside the show curtain and waited for the green light to come through the show curtain. Once her music started playing, Akuma would walk through it and make her entrance.
Akuma Nihmune
Akuma took in the cheering crowd as she took a look at her opponent in the ring. She was watching her remove her bear coat, something cool in the eyes of Akuma, but she digressed. She walked down the stage ramp and climbed up the steel steps. She then entered the ring before climbing up to the middle rope and raised her arms to get more cheers. After all that, she laid against the corner and inspected Hazel even more.
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Re: Skills and Skirts: Hazel Nielsen vs Akuma Nihmune

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Hazel remained stone faced as she waited for her opponent, she had no reason to show emotion she didn't know her opponent, this was just another match for her, a chance to show her talents, a chance to make more of a name from herself! Hazel took another deep breath, her gaze never leaving the stage. Thankfully for any impatient fans in the crowd, they didn't have to wait long as Akuma soon walked out from behind the curtain.

Studying the woman Hazel took note of everything she saw, white attire, black boots, and a tall and somewhat skinny build. She wasn't exactly impressed at first glance, but that was no reason to underestimate her opponent or anyone else. Hazel remained relaxed in her corner as her opponent approached the ring, allowing her to get a better look at her once she was actually inside the ring, one thing that was noticeable almost immediately was that she was taller than the Scotswoman but that didn't intimidate her in the slightest.

Hazel gave her opponent a nod before standing up straight, ready to fight the moment the bell rang and once it did, Hazel stepped forward, arms raised, aiming to meet her opponent halfway for the traditional lock up where the ginger haired woman would immediately begin to push, trying to overpower her opponent while gauging her strength.


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Re: Skills and Skirts: Hazel Nielsen vs Akuma Nihmune

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Akuma would hear the bell ring and the match would begin. She would continue studying her opponent before taking a step forward to meet her for a simple lock up. Akuma rolled her shoulders a bit before accepting the lockup. There, the technical battle between Hazel and Akuma would begin.

Both wrestlers were at a stalemate for how strong they were. Akuma wouldn’t allow Hazel to gain the upperhand in this tie up and neither was Hazel. Akuma, however, couldnt push her weight that well either as she was slowly backed up into her own corner. She would be held there by Hazel as the referee would start warning Hazel to get her out of the corner before they started counting the five count.

Once Akuma was freed from the corner, she would then put an arm up and challenged Hazel to a test of strength. Akuma couldn’t push her own weight away but she was now wondering how good can Hazel push in close quarters.
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Re: Skills and Skirts: Hazel Nielsen vs Akuma Nihmune

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Hazel would admit one thing as she locked up with Akuma, the woman was stronger than she looked, but was she as strong as the Highlander? Hazel's feet dug into the canvas, not budging as Akuma tried to overpower her before stepping forward pushing her opponent back, before another, and another, until the woman's back was pressed up against the turnbuckle of her own corner!

Hazel continued to push, sandwiching her opponent in the corner, staring into her opponent's eyes with a competitive gaze as the referee stepped in, warning Hazel to step away as she counted to five. "ONE, TWO, THREE F-" Hazel relaxed and backed away to the center of the ring, rolling her shoulders and waiting for her opponent to move away from her corner.

The Scotswoman raised her eyebrow seeing the woman raise her hand, she knew what this meant, but Hazel was a bit surprised, she had already overpowered Akuma once so far early in this match, and now the woman wanted to challenge her again? Who was Hazel to turn down a challenge? Raising her hand Hazel laced her fingers with Akuma's before raising her other and doing the same before beginning to push!


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Re: Skills and Skirts: Hazel Nielsen vs Akuma Nihmune

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Akuma was glad that Hazel accepted her test of strength. She locked fingers with Hazel as they began the test of strength. She would obviously be struggling a bit due to the similar strengths both wrestlers had but Akuma would surprisingly have the advantage. She would be pushing the arms down of Hazel as she would try to pin her to the mat by her arms.

If Akuma were to succeed in pinning Hazel to the mat, she would keep the shoulders down for the referee’s pin count. However, Akuma knew that wouldn’t be enough so she would let go of Hazel and let her back up to continue their test of strength.
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Re: Skills and Skirts: Hazel Nielsen vs Akuma Nihmune

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Hazel glared competitively into her opponent's eyes as the test of strength began, there was nothing personal between the two, of course, just a contest between two wrestlers, each looking for supremacy over the other. Hazel of course always confident in her abilities believed she was the superior of the two but that didn't mean Akuma was a slouch by any means.

Akuma was a bit taller than the highlander and had the benefit of pushing down on Hazel. The Scotswoman's legs began to buckle as she was forced to a knee, looking up at her opponent, but she wasn't about to let herself get pushed all the way onto the canvas like some lightweight. Using all her strength Hazel pushed up after getting both her feet back beneath her.

"You tried!" Hazel declared through gritted teeth as she once again pushed back against her opponent from there starting position before putting all her power in, attempting to force the V tuber to her knees before holding her there, wanting to make it clear who the powerhouse within the ring truly was!
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Sun Nov 24, 2024 8:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Skills and Skirts: Hazel Nielsen vs Akuma Nihmune

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Akuma would be smiling as she got Hazel down to one knee. However, it wouldn’t last long as she felt the full force of Hazel’s strength as Akuma was fighting off the reverse of what just happened. Hazel would basically be slowly getting the upper hand of Akuma was slowly shrinking towards a knee. However, this was basically a stalemate as both of them don’t want to be under one another.

Akuma, not wanting to keep this test of strength going, decided to break it up by delivering a knee into the gut of Hazel. If she were successful in breaking up the test of strength, Akuma would back up a bit and stretch her arms. She would then circle the ring with Hazel again to grapple with her again, looking for another technical lockup.
Renee’s Undercarders

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Re: Skills and Skirts: Hazel Nielsen vs Akuma Nihmune

Unread post by Sigma Morgan »

Hazel's physique truly was impressive, with nice abs, strong and muscular arms, and thick and toned thighs! Something hornier viewers would likely simp all over the place for, not that Hazel would indulge them, she was a wrestler, not a porn star! Hazel impressively fought and pushed her way back up from her knee and began to push Akuma down to hers.

Akuma had one last curve ball though and drilled her knee into Hazel's stomach causing the Scotswoman to grunt and break off the test of strength and step back reaching and rubbing her stomach for a moment. Hazel then took a deep breath before looking up and glaring at her opponent, clearly not a fan of how the test of strength just ended, especially when Hazel was winning it!

Hazel began to circle with Akuma, she was done accepting challenges from the woman, especially after that knee. Raising her arms Hazel clenched her right first before lunging forward, grabbing Akuma by the shoulder with her left hand before attempting to drill her in the face repeatedly with rapid fire forearm strikes!
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Tue Nov 26, 2024 2:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Skills and Skirts: Hazel Nielsen vs Akuma Nihmune

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Akuma circled the ring with Hazel as well. When they both approached, she wouldn’t expect Hazel to lunge at her for some punches. Her left shoulder would be grabbed and immediately would be hit with rapid forearm strikes from the kilt-wearing wrestler.

However, Akuma was no punching bag, at least against opponents such as Hazel. She would also use her left arm to grab the shoulder of Hazel before firing back with some forearm strikes of her own. Both wrestlers would be punching the head of Hazel as the crowd was getting more hyped the longer the two were in a close quarter battle.
Renee’s Undercarders

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