Katie "Leroy" Clement vs Natasha Loclear: a beautiful duel

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Katie "Leroy" Clement vs Natasha Loclear: a beautiful duel

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match type: standard
Rules: Victory is determined by Pin Fall, Submission, Knock Out, Count Out or Disqualification
Hentia is allowed

the public had heard rumors, rumors which were that a new girls had entered LAW but had a peculiarity which was that supposedly they had fairy tale themes, at first it was thought that this was not true but then Snow White appeared where unfortunately she faced a rather cruel opponent but at least she had tried everything in her power to try to beat Spectre but apparently she would not be the only girl with a fairy tale theme to participate, since on this night, another girl with a fairy tale theme was going to make an appearance and the public was extremely curious about who the next girl to appear would be and while the public murmured some things, suddenly all the lights went out completely leaving all the spectators in complete darkness, leaving the spectators plunged into a great silence while some used their cell phones to a little their surroundings but certainly not everyone knew what was about to happen or what the girl who was about to come out and do her thing would do entrance.

Suddenly a strong light pointed towards the metal ramp as something began to descend with ropes, and what was slowly descending was a coffin until finally the coffin touched the ground, everything was silent while the public was expectant but after a few moments the coffin opened, revealing a pretty girl with white hair with two pigtails and wearing an outfit that was quite sexy although the curious thing was that she seemed to be in a deep sleep, looking so peaceful and so pretty.


but then she opened her eyes and then she came out of her coffin while she was quite calm after getting out of the coffin while a cute smile began to form on her face while the entrance theme of the beautiful white-haired girl, Cinderella finally had her turn to participate in a fight and she certainly wasn't waiting for the time to put all her skills into practice and show her beauty when fighting or subduing her opponents even if this was her first match as she began to walk down the metal ramp with that pretty smile, her eyes were fixed on the eing as she walked with elegance.

She occasionally looked at the audience who were completely enchanted by the appearance of this beautiful girl, some of them whistled or praised her appearance, after walking and finally arriving near the ring, she climbed the metal stairs and then entered the ring between the ropes to finally enter the ring while feeling quite excited and then walked towards the center of the ring while looking towards the direction where her opponent was supposed to enter, the LAW staff had already removed her coffin, so there would be no problem regarding walking up the metal ramp.

Last edited by the funny girl on Wed Nov 27, 2024 3:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Katie "Leroy" Clement vs Natasha Loclear: a beautiful duel

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Contrary to her opponent who had been little more than a rumor before making her appearance, Natasha Loclear had been around LAW just long enough to not be considered a rookie, her name known to most who watched the show with any regularity. She wasn't a big name, not yet, but Natasha was confident that so long as she kept putting on the best performances she could that headlining a main event would one day be a reality. But those were future goals for future Natasha to worry about. On this night she had a woman unfamiliar to her to focus on, a Katie Clement or so the staff had let slip to her just before she entered the locker room, and she had a feeling this Katie would demand her undivided attention.

A tap at the door would come not long after she had finished changing into her blue, black, and gold leotard with matching boots and gloves; all of this designed to draw the eyes and give her freedom of motion. Natasha emerged from the locker room with no idea what kind of woman would be waiting for her in the ring, but instead of being apprehensive the Frenchwoman couldn't be more excited to meet her.

Like with the previous entrance the lights would go out almost completely before Natasha's entrance theme would begin to play, starting softly but building quickly while beams of blue light would start blinking to life all over the arena in an imitation of rain. Then as the song hit its high point a geyser of water shot into the air in front of the stage with Natasha running out through the resulting mist, waving to the crowd while moving quickly from one end of the stage to another, riling up the crowd with a couple enticing poses.

Then her gaze would shift to the ring and after one more fist pump into the air Natasha would skip her way down to the ring, her chest bouncing every step of the way. Natasha would run over to the steps and climb them in a hurry, pausing briefly at the corner post to wave to the fans once more before stepping inside to meet her opponent. She was not disappointed. "Well look at you!" Natasha exclaimed, placing both hands on her hips as she eyed Katie up and down. "My luck continues with yet another gorgeous woman as my opponent~"

Last edited by lyannapelon on Tue Nov 26, 2024 7:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
Natasha Loclear

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Re: Katie "Leroy" Clement vs Natasha Loclear: a beautiful duel

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Cinderella waited for her opponent while in her mind she remembered the name of her opponent which was Natasha Loclear, certainly for Katie she was a rookie who still did not know this place well and besides that Red Hood had told her that after her match was over, the red-haired girl was going to introduce her to her team... well if this match did not give the beautiful girl an opponent who was in a few words... unpleasant, since Cinderella had heard from Red Hood's mouth a few days before she entered LAW, the brutal beating that Snow White received and how her belly was extremely affected during the battle against Spectre, the white-haired girl felt quite sorry for Leah who surely suffered a great amount of pain when she faced that opponent who did not show a shred of mercy even though she was already recovering, certainly Red Hood was going to seek revenge for seeing how they had left poor Snow White and all that happened in Leah's first match where she didn't have many opportunities to counterattack.

while Cinderella was lost in her thoughts but then the light went out almost completely, making the white-haired girl come back to reality while on the speakers the entrance theme of her opponent began to play through the speakers while blue rays appeared and after a few moments the blue rays began to flicker throughout the stadium, creating a nice effect similar to rain, this caught the attention of the white-haired girl as she looked at her opponent's entrance and certainly had quite a bit of style, that brought a smile to Cinderella as she prepared to receive her opponent once he appeared but what she didn't expect was for a geyser of water to shoot up in front of the stage and the girl was finally able to see her blue-haired opponent who he really was and more her outfit which consisted of a blue, black and gold leotard along with matching gloves and boots, from Katie's point of view, Natasha was someone who seemed well trained as she watched the blue-haired girl move from side to side greeting to the crowd although Cinderella could notice how Natasha made some tempting poses.

Cinderella waited for her opponent to enter the ring while she remained completely calm, her eyes watching her opponent's every move until finally her blue-haired opponent entered the ring and Katie could notice the difference in size although it was not as much as she thought until she heard her opponent's words "mmmm?" Cinderella said as she looked at Natasha who looked at her up and down as if she were analyzing every part of her body "Well you are also really beautiful, really someone impressive" She commented with a sweet smile on her beautiful face, certainly in Cinderella's eyes, Natasha was someone of incredible beauty "I hope we can have a good match and maybe get along, and you can call me Cinderella"
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Re: Katie "Leroy" Clement vs Natasha Loclear: a beautiful duel

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While her eyes were drinking in the undeniably stunning view that was Cinderella the Frenchwoman was up to more than just ogling her, those icy blue eyes studying her opponent closely for anything that would help her put together an idea of just what she was capable of. Typically, Natasha would pour over whatever match footage there was on an upcoming opponent to get those insights ahead of time, to make a game plan, but all she had heard were rumors. Those could be fun for the imagination, but rumors were poor substitutes for videos when it came to making plans. Luckily for her Cinderella wasn't just a beauty worthy of the term fine art, she was also polite which went a long way with her.

Natasha chuckled softly into the palm of her hand before placing it upon her hip, striking a simple but alluring pose with her hip thrust out, her body leaning forward just enough to draw the eyes to her chest, and her other hand brushing back her long blue hair. "Beauty and manners, you're quite the treat Cinderella." Now finished with fixing her hair Natasha straightened up and crossed her arms underneath her bust, giving it a gentle bounce as an added tease. "I'd say you look as if you jumped out of the pages of my favorite fairy tale from home, but I don't remember the Cinderella of the story having a body that could stand up to your own~"
Natasha Loclear

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Re: Katie "Leroy" Clement vs Natasha Loclear: a beautiful duel

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Cinderella was undeniably beautiful, her fine and elegant features certainly made her look beautiful and more with that outfit that left nothing to the imagination, highlighting her tastes although the white-haired girl noticed in the gaze of her blue-haired opponent that she was quite... lustful as if it were about looking for the best areas of her to grope her or well, that was Katie's perspective although many times the white-haired girl was always used to that lustful look at her body although she had to admit that Natasha had a beautiful body and really pretty eyes... would they look good on her if her eyes were blue? Then she would try it with some contact lenses to see how they looked with blue eyes, would that make her more beautiful? Well either way after this match, she would try to buy some blue contact lenses even if it was not necessary for her, since it was simply a curiosity that she had although she did not avoid looking at the beautiful features of her French opponent.

Cinderella watched as her blue-haired opponent laughed softly into the palm of her hand as Natasha adopted a simple yet seductive pose as if trying to fully attract the white-haired girl's attention, which was working as Cinderella momentarily looked at her hips and breasts but decided to focus more on her opponent's face so as not to fall for her blue-haired opponent's charms but Cinderella's cheeks slightly turned a somewhat reddish hue "well, You are an extraordinary beauty, you really are one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen" She commented praising Natasha's beauty while smiling a little and the white-haired girl watched as Natasha fixed her hair but then at one point her blue-haired opponent straightened up and crossed her arms under her bust as if it were a provocation for Cinderella "Well, you could say that I'm a "new" version of Cinderella, although I'm not the only one who has a nickname with the name of a fairy tale character" She commented, referring to Snow White, Red Hood, Scarlet (Hongryeon), Rapunzel and Dorothy, although Liliweiss was also there, but she did not have a name related to a fairy tale.

After that she turned around while heading towards the corner of the ring although she left her attractive butt in view of Natasha "I hope you don't get too distracted in our match" She commented, looking over her shoulder to see Natasha's expression, but then the white-haired girl looked back ahead, only to walk to the corner of the ring and settle in there to wait for the bell to ring and start the match.

Last edited by the funny girl on Fri Dec 06, 2024 9:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Katie "Leroy" Clement vs Natasha Loclear: a beautiful duel

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Well well, someone has a bashful side~ Who would've thought with a body like that? These thoughts ran through the Frenchwoman's mind as she observed her soon to be opponent, taking note of those quick stolen glances down at Natasha's assets and the red hue in the pale woman's cheeks. Before she could ask any leading questions to uncover what the woman was thinking however Cinderella revealed it on her own, heaping praise upon Natasha that she had no doubt was genuine, putting a big smile on the blunette's lips while she nodded along.

"Not subtle with your thoughts are you? I like the sincerity though...and this view!" Natasha called out after Cinderella while the woman was heading over to her own corner for the start of the match, that ass jumping for both her and the cameras which had all zoomed in on such a lovely shot. Natasha felt inspired to put on a show of her own, raising her arms up high above her head before swaying to a beat only she could hear, humming her favorite part of her intro song as she danced for all those in attendance while on her way to her own corner.

By the time she settled into her corner the bell was already being rung, the crowd cheering for the start of the action between the pair of incredibly gorgeous women. Natasha rolled with it, leaving her corner with an almost skip to her step as she too was excited to get her hands on Cinderella. "I'm usually the one warning of distractions, but with you I suppose I should keep that in mind." She spoke while keeping on the move, keeping her distance long enough for the woman to leave the corner, and only then did she lunge forward to deliver a clothesline across Cinderella's chest!
Natasha Loclear

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Re: Katie "Leroy" Clement vs Natasha Loclear: a beautiful duel

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The white-haired girl when she turned around really felt like all the spectators, the cameras and even her opponent were looking at her big ass, she was even sure that she heard her opponent yell at her, surely due to her ass that was really remarkable and why lie, Cinderella certainly liked the attention although she was not used to being looked at with lust... and more with this outfit that made her look too sexy although she wonders what kind of clothes her companions from the past would choose that she had called Red Shoes, Hansel and Gretel, Grave and the Little Mermaid although knowing them she would surely have some outfits that would bring out the best in each one and make them more beautiful although surely between Grave and Red Shoes they would be the ones that would stand out the most if those two were here and more with their respective physiques that stood out quite a bit but that would be a question that she would think about later, since she had to concentrate on something.

Once she got to her corner she managed to notice how Natasha could get the fans' attention in her own way as she headed to the corner of the ring although Cinderella didn't want to admit it, her blue-haired opponent was really sexy and more so with those movements that Natasha made although she could hide her blush a little but not too much, seeing those daring movements of her French opponent it is true that Natasha seemed to have manners but that also combines it with sexy movements that could make anyone who was fighting against her get distracted but the white-haired girl would try to concentrate as much as possible on this fight in order to win.


The bell had rang, meaning that the match had begun and without hesitation Cinderella left her spot while watching her opponent's movements, although upon hearing her, she understood what her comment was due to, since her body was quite attractive to anyone and while she was watching her blue-haired opponent suddenly Natasha ran in her direction but the beautiful girl was prepared for this when the clothesline was about to hit her, Katie quickly ducked to avoid the clothesline and quickly turned around to try to throw a kick against Natasha's midsection of back to do some damage and get her away from her "are you so excited to take me down?" Cinderella asked as she watched, although what she didn't know was that her opponent had more lustful intentions that the white-haired girl wasn't even remotely prepared to face, since well, she certainly wasn't someone who was an expert in touching girls, much less groping them, that was Rapunzel and Red Hood's job.
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Re: Katie "Leroy" Clement vs Natasha Loclear: a beautiful duel

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By the time the bell rang Natasha had her first few moves planned out in advance, including options for if Katie blocked, dodged, or grabbed onto her attacking arm. She would jump up and down as if further limbering up for the match while Katie exited the corner, waiting for just the right distance between them for her to kick off the ring floor and launch herself at the white haired beauty, her arm swinging out to strike across the other woman's chest only for Cinderella to duck beneath the clothesline at the last possible moment.

In that split second she transitioned into the next step of her chosen routine, leaning forward to keep up her momentum while making a dash to the far ropes. Natasha was forced to stumble those first few steps however as Katie struck with a kick to her lower back just as she was nearly out of reach. It wasn't a full force kick but it stung all the same, Natasha wincing from the blow but only for a moment before throwing herself into the ropes, spinning around to land back first and then launching herself right back from whence she came!

"Who wouldn't be?" Natasha replied just as she began a series of quick moves, darting in and out of reach of Katie while testing her defensive reactions with several open hand strikes all over Katie's chest and midsection. The frenchwoman was banking on her being more nimble than her opponent and was putting that to the test.
Natasha Loclear

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Re: Katie "Leroy" Clement vs Natasha Loclear: a beautiful duel

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The white-haired girl herself was certainly strong and fast but not enough to rival Liliweiss who was the leader of "Old Tales" who surprisingly seemed extremely... innocent due to her face that seemed like she wasn't capable of harming even a fly but behind that cute face, Liliweiss was someone who certainly surpassed everyone in general, since she had great ingenuity when it came to fighting, great endurance, great strength and better training that seemed to leave them all far behind but that didn't mean that they were weak, since certainly in the group of "Old Tales" no one was almost precisely weak... well leaving aside Snow White who was not of brute strength, but was someone more... to use her mind than to use her fists but Cinderella proved to be someone with gorgeous reflexes by dodging her opponent's clothesline to prevent her blue-haired opponent from taking the advantage by knocking her down against him ground and the beautiful girl was left vulnerable in front of the French girl who was very willing to weaken her.

Katie managed to connect a kick against her opponent's back but because she was almost out of her range and her blue-haired opponent kept running, the kick she threw was not completely effective in doing much damage to Natasha, Cinderella turned around completely watching as her blue-haired opponent threw herself back against the ropes of the ring and then ran back towards her, the white-haired girl raised her arms in defense mode while Cinderella listened to the words of her blue-haired opponent, if it is true that any girl would be quite impressed to see such a white-haired girl, a body that made the gaze of all the spectators focus on Cinderella, since she was someone beautiful and if someone put her against an opponent who was really perverted... things could get out of control because in this type of combat she was not that good and her opponents could take advantage of that and touch her and grope her to no end power but she was not going to let herself be manipulated so easily by her opponents.

Cinderella quickly began to defend herself from the rapid movements of her blue-haired opponent, putting her arms out so that they would receive the damage, but although she tried to defend herself, her opponent's speed began to complicate things for her "mmmngh!" She gritted her teeth as a quick punch landed on her chest as she took a step back and then another as her opponent's hand landed quickly and painfully on her midsection, causing Katie to inevitably start to back away as she tried to play defense.
http://law-rp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

my discord name is: thefunnygirl

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