Thunder and Ice — Yukino Fuyumi vs Candice Edison

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Thunder and Ice — Yukino Fuyumi vs Candice Edison

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Decided by spinny-wheel when both wrestlers enter!
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Re: Thunder and Ice — Yukino Fuyumi vs Candice Edison

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The Idol Dragons had competed side by side in many of LAW's big events so far. As WOWW Tag Team Champions, they were some of the hottest rising stars in tag team wrestling today, and both of them were determined to live up to the hype by proving their strength, skill, and determination against any challenger in their path. However, this would be different. Tonight was Turning Point, the next big show on LAW's calendar of supercard events, and Yukino would be competing alone. She had to admit, she was always a little bit nervous when it came to going into a match without Nashi at her side to give her support - for a show like this, the burden on her shoulders was even greater. She had the world's attention on her tonight, and she couldn't afford to let anyone down. But no matter what she was up against, Yukino still sucked in a deep breath, turning her head up toward the entrance. She was ready to give this match the effort it deserved!

Besides, it wasn't as though Nashi wouldn't be here. She might not have been in the ring with her, but the pink-haired girl had agreed to accompany Yukino at ringside. And now, as she stood at the Gorilla position, Yukino looked back over her shoulder at her friend. "Wish me luck, Nashi..."

"Coming first to the ring, from Tokyo, Japan! Representing the Idol Dragons, standing at 5'2 and weighing 160 pounds...YUKINO! FUUUUYUMI!!!"
As the top of the entrance ramp was bathed in a cool blue light, the arena broke into cheers for the fan-favorite idol. If this was going to be a major event, Yukino wanted to pull out all the stops to make sure her entrance was a memorable one! Images of falling snowflakes played on the screen before Yukino stepped out through the curtains, wearing a white fox mask over her face and a white fur-trimmed jacket. Once at the edge of the stage, she sank to one knee, reaching to a scabbard on her side - and swiping a sword out through the air in a smooth, calculated display of finesse and discipline! As she drew the blade, a burst of ice-blue pyrotechnics went up behind her in a line, igniting one by one in perfect time with the motion of the sword. And when all had flared, an image of ice appeared over the big screen as though it had been frozen solid - only for a crack to form along its surface a moment later!

Already, Yukino was getting plenty of cheers from such a display. She proceeded to the ring, making her way down to the apron and climbing inside, where she took off the mask and jacket, then handed her sword over to a ringside attendant. But then, she brushed some hair out of her eyes and faced the ramp, awaiting her foe. The real challenge was about to begin...
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Re: Thunder and Ice — Yukino Fuyumi vs Candice Edison

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Nashi was beyond excited for tonight as she and Yukino were coming straight off the heels of competing in We Are LAW, to now Yukino being selected to compete in a brand-new event and Nashi couldn't be happier for her snowy friend. "Yukino I can't believe it, you get to compete at Turning Point on your own. This is such a big opportunity for you to show people how far you've come on your own!" Nashi said excitedly as she walked went up to her partner and gave her a big hug!"And if they try anything I'll put a stop to it." She said with a confident smirk letting Yukino know that she's got her back no matter what. Soon enough a backstage worker entered the locker room and turned to the Idol duo."Miss Fuyumi your being called right now to go first for the match good luck." And just like that the backstage worker left shutting the door as they left for the gorilla position Once there Nashi would stand behind Yukino, after all it was Yukino's big night to shine and Nashi didn't want to upstage her or anything. That was until Yukino turned a shoulder and seemed a little bit nervous about everything. Truth be told, Nashi wasn't surprise, ever since they were kids, Yukino was always nervous of everything even when they were top Idols in Japan, she always felt as if she was going to throw up before a show, and Nashi had to give her the same pep talk she always had to give. She placed on hand on her shoulder and leaned in."Yukino, you have nothing to worry about. This is your night to shine without me taking the spotlight. Remember who was the person who defeated me to be a contender for the Openweight Championship? It was you, and because of your costumes we would win cosplay events at conventions and when I slipped at our biggest concert, you grabbed me making it seem were going for a dip and because of that we won that year's National Idol competition. You got this okay?" Nashi looked at her tag partner straight in the eyes with a reassuring smile before going back behind and giving her a quick smack on the butt!"That's a smack for good luck tehe." She giggled as the announcer began to call Yukino out to the stage.

Nashi would come out from behind letting Yukino take center stage as for tonight Yukino had spent a week working on her entrance attire and Nashi wanted to make sure that everyone could see it firsthand. Nashi waited with anticipation as Yukino took a knee, wondering what she did have planned, until Yukino, releasing her scabbard with one swift motion of her sword caused not only unique pyrotechnics to go off but also the screen going frozen solid before cracking! ""WOAHHH!!!! THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!!!!!" Nashi couldn't contain her excitement, Yukino wanted to keep her entrance a surprise and Nashi was utterly blown away taking a step back to cheer and applaud her best friend before following her down to the ring pointing towards her so the crowd would give her bestie the attention she deserved! When they made it down, Nashi in a sign of good friendship stepped up the steel steps and sat down on the middle rope and using her hand to push up the top rope."Right this way Ms. Fuyumi." She grinned as when Yukino stepped into the ring and gave her stuff to the attendant, Nashi made sure to grab it and hold onto it for safe keeping as waited on the outside of the ring.

Now it was time for her opponent to make her entrance to the ring and the dynamic of Nashi and Yukino's bond couldn't be any more different, as in the locker room there was the heel trio, The Harbingers getting ready for one of their own to ascend down to the ring. Candice was there in the locker room looking at the mirror as she began to crack her knuckles and neck as Bernadette began to speak to her."Alright, Candice, tonight your facing a pop Idol. Remember the rules will be determined by a spinning wheel so we don't know anything about the match. So if it ends up being standard, will be prepared. Just make that Pop Idol a sobbing mess and will be good." She smirked looking at her tag partner as Annabelle pouted hugging a teddy bear, she brought. "How come you get all the cute ones Candy? I would like some fun too." She let out cradling the teddy bear back and forth as Candice merely grinned."Don't worry I already have enough reason to hate the winter idol already so when I'm done she'll be in early retirement." She grinned as she was adjudging her entrance outfit with Bernadette grinning."Sounds good. Let's go girls!" She let out as the trio all walked to the curtains as the lights began to dim to signify it was Candice's turn to enter into the squared circle.

"And her opponent, from Miami Florida! Representing The Harbingers, standing at 5'10 and weighing in at 161 pounds.... CANDICE "THUNDERBOLT" EDISON!!
Soon enough right as the curtains were about to pull away on the top screen showed a winter wonderland before being merciless wipe out with a single bolt of thunder as Candice's name appeared on screen. As if on cue the trio all came out with Candice taking the lead wearing her PPV entrance attire with thunderbolt like wings on her back, with Annabelle to the left and Bernadette to the right. Perusal given their reputation, the crowd booed at them especially Candice, after she potentially ended the career of Lyra Heart at Fight the LAW earlier that year. Candice didn't give two shits about the boos her attention was dead set on Yukino while Annabelle smiled and wave to the crowd and Bernadette couldn't get enough of it egging the crowd on for more boos with her hand gesturing. Candice hated Yukino, the mean green girl made a name for herself in WOWW but always came short of a title despite being better than so many others, and instead this snot nosed brat won the WOWW Tag team championship, made her blood boil as she gritted her teeth angrily. Once they made it to the ring, Candice pulled her arms back to untie her winged thunderbolts and gave Bernadette her cap to hang onto as she pulled herself up and sidled underneath the ropes looking Yukino dead in the eyes.
The greenlette looked Yukino up and down letting her tongue sneak out a bit licking her underlip like wolf ready to eat her food. She couldn't help herself, she wanted to hear this singer scream until her lungs gave out and she was going to make her do it here and now!"Fresh meat for me to enjoy hehe!" She mocked her the winter girl as cracked her knuckles ready to throw down but unfortunately the rules were randomized meaning they had to wait till it was decided. Then soon enough the wheel came out with the ref in front of it."Okay girls you will take turns spinning the wheel and we will combine both rules into one. First will Ms. Edison. "Okay than. Let's see what I'll get. She chuckled as she marched forward with her flowing back and forth like a pendulum as she made it to the wheel placing her hands on it."If the wheel lands on Standard, then maybe this broad will have a chance right ref?" She snickered at the ref before giving Yukino one mean glare as she spun the wheel taking a step back letting it spin. It spun for a minute until it began to slow down with Candice praying it would land on No DQ but it almost seemed like that dream died as it appeared to land on standard.... before one last push brought it to No Disqualification!"Oh this is just tooo good!!! HAHA!" Candice couldn't contain her laughter as she placed her arms underneath her breasts to not loose air from her laughs. Once she finally stabled herself, she gave her opponent a glare taking a step back for her to spin the wheel."Now spin slut. Enjoy your last night in the ring because when I'm done, you'll have to vacant that title you don't deserve." The thunderbolt muttered coldly as she walked back leaning back on the ropes trying to keep herself still as now she waited for Yukino to spin the stipulations so she could begin to pound that pretty cute face into the curve of the canvas!
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Re: Thunder and Ice — Yukino Fuyumi vs Candice Edison

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Yes, Yukino was nervous going into this match. She knew that this was the biggest singles match she had been in since her Apex match against Nashi, with more eyes on her than ever before. She was under a lot of pressure to live up to everyone's expectations, and to put forth the performance worthy of a supercard. She wasn't as outgoing or as self-assured as Nashi was, and even if she'd gone over this and rehearsed her entrance plenty of times, she still couldn't help but ask herself what would happen if everything failed. Still...she had Nashi by her side to cheer her on, as always. And when Yukino heard her partner's words of encouragement for her, she looked back over her shoulder with a smile. She couldn't forget that, no matter where she went or what she did, she would always have Nashi by her side. Thinking back on all the fond memories of their times together, she knew she had overcome plenty of obstacles before thanks to her. This would be no exception!

"Thanks again, Nashi," Yukino said with a nod to her friend. "I owe you one." Standing a little taller with a smile on her face, she turned to the entrance ramp, ready to step out onto the stage! And when she heard the whole arena erupt into cheers for her, it just made her smile grow wider - that told her everyone believed in her, and she could do this!

However, when Candice made her entrance...that changed everything. From the moment her entrance video showed a bolt of lightning shatter through the serene snowy landscape, Yukino knew this was her way of announcing exactly what her intentions were. She sucked in a breath as her muscles went tense and her heart skipped a beat. When Candice arrived on the scene a moment later, it was no easier on the white-haired girl. Yukino was well aware of the Harbingers and their brutal campaign through every wrestler in their path - she could only hope that she would be strong enough to withstand it.

"Do your worst..." Yukino muttered. "Whatever this wheel turns up, I'll be ready for it!" She narrowed her eyes on Candice, trying her best to make herself look big and tough and to quell any doubts rising in her. Still, no matter how hard she tried to hold steady, when Candice spun the wheel, and it came up with No-DQ, that still made her gulp - she hoped nobody could see that. That meant that she would be facing Candice at her most brutal and ruthless, unrestrained by any rules that might curtail her. But it still wasn't over. Now it was Yukino's turn to spin the wheel.

She sucked in a deep breath as she stepped up to the wheel, her hand resting on the handle. For a moment, the white-haired girl's eyes lingered on it. It was anyone's guess as to what happened next. For all she knew, the next stipulation might work to her advantage...or, just as likely, it could make everything even worse. But waiting around wouldn't do her any good. There was no stopping this match now - she'd have to face it one way or another. At last, with a gulp, she pulled down on the wheel and let it run.

She stood there, watching. Her fists squeezed tighter to try and quell her rising nerves. The wheel flicked through every section with a ticking noise each time, but it seemed to get no closer to stopping, leaving Yukino hanging all the while. After what seemed like an eternity, at last it stopped...on a section marked "Shock Collar."

"Huh..?" Yukino didn't know what to make of that. She hadn't heard of a stipulation like that before. But when she glanced over in Candice's direction, her teeth clenched a little tighter. It wasn't lost on her that this stipulation seemed all too thematically appropriate to Candice - had it been added for this match? She had to be wary. Even still, she didn't know what a match like this would involve. "What's..?"
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Re: Thunder and Ice — Yukino Fuyumi vs Candice Edison

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Candice made it clear right from the outset that she wanted exterminate this little bitch right in front of everyone. What made it even better was when her opponent tried to act all tough when in reality she could see that her opponent was shaking.”Oh is that so?” Candice’s eyes lit up as
Yukino seemed to have a backbone in her afterall. The green-haired Thunderbolt smirked before sending a glare of her own at the younger wrestler before standing up straighter to show the size difference in them.”Just note this. My first PPV opponent of this year as a singer who took years off my career. So I faced her in the ring. I snapped her in half just like what I’m going to do with you bitch.” She sneered as she looked down at the Winter Idol letting out a small but sadistic chuckle. She wanted to leave Yukino with that before spinning the wheel. It thankfully landed on her favorite match type, and from one quick glance she could see the tiny gulp her opponent made which made her grin even more.”She’s dead.” She said to herself as she didn’t have much longer to break her in half.

When the winter haired girl finally went up to spin, Candice’s eyes fixated on the wheel wondering on what stipulations it land on. Finally, it landed on “shock-collar”. Candice couldn’t believe it. Her signature match type and it landed right on it. Candice’s grin began to rise with her teeth looking like a shark was smiling at Yukino. Bernadette meanwhile on the outside also grinned looking at the bluenette.”Sorry Idol, but your Cinderella story is about to end!” She let out proudly as Nashi couldn’t help but be furious at this as she smacked her fist on the canvas.”Don’t listen to them Yukino you got this!” She called out to her partner as she leaned on the ropes worried if her best girl will make it out in one piece after all this.

Two ring hands came into the ring. One put the collar around Yukino as the other did the same for Candice who kept a ferocious look at her opponent as she wanted her to know that the clock was ticking before her destruction. Once they were on candice looked at the ring hand and snarled.”You did the one thing your good at doing now get out!” She leaned in with a death glare as the petite ref girl jumped and ran out for safety.”Heha, works everytime.” Candice let out a tiny laugh before putting her hands down to side focusing back on Yukino.

“Here are the rules for tonight’s match! No Disqualifications so anything is legal except for murder! Pin falls and submission are allowed as well as KO. Throughout the match at random inter poles, a competitor will be shocked. If for some reason the collar is pulled on both will get a higher voltage than normal. Thankfully we did background checks and the electric shocks these girls will receive tonight will not in anyway cause fatal harm to them so with that being said let us begin!!!

The crowd erupted on the edge of their seat to see who would win as the teammates did the same. Nashi looked at Yukino fearing the worse before shaking it off.”Yukino show that girl whose boss!” She raised a proud fist in the air to show that through thick and thin, Yukino can rely on her. Annabelle meanwhile pouting hugging her as she looked the cute snow idol.”Pleawse don’t break her… she too cute!””Trash her Candice!” Bernadette and Annabelle couldn’t have been more opposite if they tried. While Annabelle didn’t want her partner to break the admittedly cute winter idol, Bernadette saw this as further opportunity to show the dominance of The Harbingers. Candice cracked her neck on both sides before leaning back to get into a lowered position while putting her hands out ready to square up. “Come on fake champ! Show me what you got!” She barked out rudely wanting Yukino to at least look like she was ready for a fight and not another dumb concert to start this match!
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Re: Thunder and Ice — Yukino Fuyumi vs Candice Edison

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When she heard Candice's threats, Yukino took in a gulp, and a cold sweat began to run along her brow. Just what was she getting into, she asked herself? The green-haired girl would surely show her no mercy - even before the match had begun, she was making threats that Yukino had no doubt that she would be every bit willing to deliver on. Not even the referee was safe, as Candice sent her away shaking with a glare alone. Her opponent clearly had no qualms about doing whatever she needed to to get ahead, even if it meant breaking rules and threatening authority figures. When the rules were explained, it only made Yukino even more nervous. Electric shocks!? Wouldn't that hurt? How was she supposed to compete with a threat like that bearing down her shoulder?

For a moment, Yukino glanced back and forth, looking back over her shoulder. She felt like she was making a mistake. But when she saw Nashi and heard her words of encouragement, she took in a deep breath. It was too late to back out now. Yukino couldn't run away. Even if Candice wanted to threaten her, Yukino would need to stand up to her and show her that she wouldn't let herself be moved this easily. And more importantly, Nashi believed in her - Yukino couldn't let her best friend down!

Stiffening her muscles, Yukino balled a fist and pounded it against her palm, settling into a stance. "That's right-!" she said. She couldn't help but still be a little nervous - but she also knew that she had no other option but to face this match head-on! She looked at Candice, her eyes narrowing into a glare. "Whatever it is you want to do to me...I'll be ready for it!"


With the match underway, Yukino needed to bring that energy to the forefront! Still watching Candice closely, she stepped forward, cracking her knuckles before settling into a stance. She was sure Candice wouldn't start things off as predictably as offering a lockup, but maybe if she kept her eyes trained on her, she could at least be ready for what she might have in store...
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Re: Thunder and Ice — Yukino Fuyumi vs Candice Edison

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There was nothing Candice loved more than seeing a good for nothing runt like Yukino scared out of her mind. The greenlette stood there with a sharp look on at her face as she ready to tear Yukino inside out right here in front of the entire world. She knew that the snowy girl couldn't wrap her head around the shock collar stipulations. This was her bread and butter of hardcore matches and had seen that exact look on so many other girls faces that she could see she was in over her head and that would cost her everything. Her teammates felt the same as Bernadette leaned in with glee ready to see the massacre about to take place before leaning over to her own pinkette partner."Don't worry Annabelle, when Candice is done you can what's left of her."Bernadette added with a light chuckle as Annabelle looked on with a giggle she pressed her hands interlocking."Awwww thanks Bernie...." Annabelle said with sparkles in her eyes as if were a child being told she would be given a brand new toy that day.

The Harbingers all thought this was would a squash victory all looking on at the blunette as if they were vultures looking at roadkill until someone opened their mouth. When all hoped to seem be lost for Yukino's confidence. Nashi had to speak up and cheer her best friend on and thankfully it worked! In a blink of an eye Yukino rose to the challenge no long afraid of Candice's threats. "You little turd...." Candice lowered her head gritting her teeth. If there's one thing she hated, it was when these girls tried to act tougher then they actually are, so Candice had to put her in her place! "That's it your dead you little bitch!" She hissed out as she lowered her body to get into a stance as the bell finally rung.

Without a second thought, Candice went to show why she was called "The Thunderbolt" as she made a sprint to Yukino to get all up in her face to send a swift headbutt!"Sorry but tramps like you need to know your place!" She spat out as if she had succeeded she would tug on Yukino's collar to kick of the match with both girls being shocked by their own collars!
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Re: Thunder and Ice — Yukino Fuyumi vs Candice Edison

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Was Yukino worried? Was she intimidated? Yes, of course she was. She was well aware of the fearsome reputation the Harbingers had accrued for themselves, and it was nothing she wanted to be on the wrong side of. But there was no turning back now. The match was already underway, and she wasn't going to do anything for herself by turning and running away like she was afraid. She was done running away. She owed it to herself, to Nashi, and to her fans - she had to stand tall and be strong, like everyone knew she could be! And even if she was staring down the Harbingers themselves, as they promised to show no mercy and to tear her limb from limb, Yukino had to believe she had it in her to beat the odds!

As the bell rang, the two women locked eyes on one another as they got into their stances. Neither wanted to flinch, or even to blink. Yukino had to be ready for anything. But even then, Candice was just as unpredictable as the thunderstorms she drew her name from! Before Yukino could meet her head to head, she had already closed the distance in a swift bound - and thrown her head hard against Yukino's, causing it to crack backward as she let out a scream! Her head was throbbing from the impact, and she started to stumble away, clutching at her sore temples. But as Yukino created some distance between the two of them, she left Candice an opening to go for what she really wanted to do - and that would be even worse!

Just then, Candice grabbed onto Yukino's collar - and in an instant, a searing shock of electricity ran through the both of them! Every part of Yukino's body seemed to burn and shake, and she threw her head backward with an even louder cry of pain! Even though Candice was hurt just as much from tampering with their collars, it didn't even slow her down. That, it seemed, was a small price to pay, if it meant bringing the pain to Yukino!

The white-haired girl's teeth clenched in a grimace, and her eyes squeezed shut so tightly it caused tears to well up in her eyes. But, as she reminded herself, she couldn't slow down - not even now! She threw her arms around Candice's sides, looking to pick her up off the mat and toss her backward for a suplex! If Candice was going to stay in close quarters, Yukino might as well exploit that fact to her advantage!
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Re: Thunder and Ice — Yukino Fuyumi vs Candice Edison

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Before the match even started, everyone knew how sadistic Candice was. When the greenlette started as a heel, no one was safe from her wrath. She would do anything to win a match regardless of it ending a career of an upcoming star or a famous competitor. It would only get worse in shock collar matches but even then, what she did was unsee in any of her previous matches. For the first time ever, Candice opened the match with trying to pull off her opponent's collar causing both girls to get hit with electric shocks! Everyone gasp from the crowd even Nashi who covered her mouth in utter shock unable to believe what was happening in front of her very eyes. What wasn't shocking was how her teammates weren't surprised what Candice did. Bernadette merely folded her arms together giving Candice a proud look on her face as Annabelle clapped for her partner.

Candice now, up close and personal stared directly into her opponent watching her cry out in pain. While Candice did flinch a bit, she making her head shoot up a bit in pain, she was used to it and fought through the pain to keep going."Whatz the matter singer!? Can't fight? Haha!" Candice let out a laugh as her eyes opened wide with excitement. What made it even better was seeing this "wrestler" cry like the pathetic idol she was, making the thunderbolt chuckle at her misfortune. Everything started to change when out of nowhere Yukino managed to wrap her arms around Candice's waist. "DA HELL!?" Candice let out frozen in shock as Yukino lifted her up and slammed her down on the canvas!

"OMMMPFFF! Candice let out as she hit the mat hard on her back still in utter disbelief trying to process what accured. Nashi couldn't believe what she had seen as in a matter of seconds, Yukino was able to turn the tables on Candice and get the upper hand. "YOU GO YUKINO!!!" Nashi jumped for joy cheering on her best friend before turning to the crowd to get them cheering as well. Meanwhile Bernadette and Annabelle couldn't believe what they just witnessed first hand. Bernadette tugged on the bottom rope furiously as she leaned her head underneath the bottom rope."COME ON CANDICE GET UP AND CRUSH HER!!!" She yelled loudly giving Candice her orders to get her head in the game. Candice wincing from the yell in her ears nodded and looked at the winter Idol for a possible weak spot. After staring the girl up and down she saw it right there."You dumb bitch. You should kneel!" Candice let out angrily as she went to kick her leg out to kick Yukino right in the knee to put Yukino in her proper place!
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Re: Thunder and Ice — Yukino Fuyumi vs Candice Edison

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Both women knew fully well that if either of them tried messing with their collars, it would only deal out a more painful shock to both of them. But that wasn't even cause for concern for Candice. It was just another weapon she could exploit to hurt her opponent even more! When she pulled at her collar, Yukino fell back with a cry of pain as an unbearable, searing shock shot right through her system. Her teeth clenched in a grimace, and tears budded in her eyes. Candice was being shocked just as hard - but that was fine in her book, as long as Yukino was hurt just as worse! She'd go to whatever lengths she had to to make sure the white-haired girl suffered!

She wobbled in place. Her balance teetered and threatened to give way. But Yukino knew one thing - if Candice was hurting from the shock, yet still fighting through it all the same, there was nothing stopping her from doing that too. She needed to rise above the odds - she had to show the world she was stronger than that! It hurt just to move, and she whined and whimpered as she put herself through the motions. But all the same, Yukino ran behind Candice and managed to slam her into the ground!

The green-haired girl fell with a thump, and the arena burst into cheers - as did Nashi, who was right there in Yukino's corner, seeing it all! The Winter Idol needed to take a few haggard breaths to collect herself - a tingling sensation still lingered in her body. But when she realized what she had done - that she had brought Candice down, and fought on through the pain - it made her smile wider. She had done it! That was proof she could do it!

Candice was quick to strike back, kicking a leg out into Yukino's knee. The white-haired girl's leg snapped backward as she let out a yelp. Her balance was already compromised, and now she could feel the force of gravity starting to drag her down. There was no use in fighting that. But she could still use this to her advantage. Turning to the side, she stuck out her elbow, letting out a battle cry as she tried to drive it down onto Candice's chest!
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