Sue Fisher(D) Vs. Niko Tomiji: Battle of Pig Tailed Shortstacks

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Sue Fisher(D) Vs. Niko Tomiji: Battle of Pig Tailed Shortstacks

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

Bikini Catfight
Win by verbal submission

Sue Fisher excitedly hopped up and down in the locker room, getting hyped up for her first match in LAW. The pig tailed cutie was eager to make a good first impression, looking sexy and asserting dominance over her opponent, who she heard was the same size as her, meaning this would be a good even bout. Her music hit, and she came out into the arena with a grin on her face, welcomed by a cheering audience. She did some cute, sexy poses, wearing a gold bikini that clung tightly to her small, tanned body. With an eager smile, she ran down the ramp and hopped into the ring, blowing kisses to the fans as she waited for her opponent to arrive.
Last edited by Deskfan45 on Wed Nov 20, 2024 6:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Sue Fisher(D) Vs. Niko Tomiji: Battle of Pig Tailed Shortstacks

Unread post by Bare »

Niko took a deep breath in preparation for the match ahead. It was the first she's had in a while that felt... Normal. Even with the extra condition of it being a bikini cat fight that was more or less par for the course in LAW, especially among lightweights. But there were no real extra stakes or context behind it unlike a few of her previous matches and Niko was kinda glad for the extra simplicity behind it. Really she just wished she could wear her ring gear since she had gotten so used to it already, but going back to her formerly famous bikinis never hurt too much. So after making sure it was all tight and ready she would nod and head out as her music began to play.
Coming out and posing for the fans as her new song played she immediately got a loud ovation, her overall popularity especially since increasing her skill based made her a overwhelming crowd favorite who, unlike before could actually make good on the crowd believing in her. Posing and strutting her way down the ramp in her scarlet bikini it wouldn't be long before Niko made it to the ring, hopping up onto the apron before sliding between the ropes and into the ring proper. Looking over her opponent in the golden bikini Niko would smile and hold her hand out to the girl, offering a hand shake prior to the start of the bout.

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Re: Sue Fisher(D) Vs. Niko Tomiji: Battle of Pig Tailed Shortstacks

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

Sue watched her opponent make her entrance, hands on her hips witch a cocky grin. This girl was a cutie, and the audience loved her. That would make it all the sweeter when she showed her up and all those fans were cheering for her. Niko would enter the ring, and the two shortstacks looked each other up and down. Niko smiled, and offered her a handshake. As catty as she could be, Sue wasn't the type to spit in someone's face when they were trying to be sportsmanlike, so with a genuine smile, she shook Niko's hand. "Hope you're ready to lose~!" She teased, before backing away to her corner.

Once the bell rang, Sue approached Niko, arms raised in a stance. Once she got close, she grabbed for Niko's pigtails, pulling at them.
Last edited by Deskfan45 on Wed Dec 18, 2024 6:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Sue Fisher(D) Vs. Niko Tomiji: Battle of Pig Tailed Shortstacks

Unread post by Bare »

Shaking hands with Sue and greeting eachother as competitors Niko would smile brightly at the girl and nod to her as she backed up and lifted her hands up in preparation for the bout. Though with how amicably they had been just moments before the last thing Niko had expected was for Sue to grab her pig tails! "Yowch! What the hell!!!" Niko yelled out in a mix of pain and frustration, but she wouldn't take it idly as she reached out, grabbing at Sue's own pigtails and pulling on each one herself! "Lets see how you like it!" Niko yelled out in indignant fury!

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