(Emerald) Storm Chasing

Spars, workouts, and other such gym rp's go here. There are many different LAW gyms stationed throughout Japan.
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(Emerald) Storm Chasing

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"Phew!" A petite pinkette in the recesses of one of LAW's gym facilities wiped the sweat from her brow. She seemed entrenched in her workout. Focused on seeing her reps and sets through!
Sammi Defoe
Sammi had her palm and her bent knee pressed firmly against a workout bench. With her free hand, she gripped a colored dumbbell, straightening her arm and letting it hang before bending her arm at the elbow to lift the weight, over and over again. After some time, she darn near collapses onto the bench. Her supple, sweaty, curvaceous frame lay there for a moment as she pants to catch her breath. But even in this state, Defoe parts the tufts of pink hair away from her face and forces herself up.

The lightweight adjusts her sports bra and short shorts as she stands up. She lifts one of her legs high onto a nearby wall, pressing against it with the flat of her foot before leaning forward and gripping her quad with both hands, seemingly in an effort to stretch.

"One...! Two....! Three....! Four....!" Sammi counts dutifully as she leans forward to get a good stretch in, showing off her flexibility.

The girl's gaze passed over her surroundings. It's late evening on a weeknight. it's no wonder there's not another soul here. LAW owned tons of gym facilities all over the world, after all. And at this time of day there was little chance to seeing literally anyone there, let alone a wrestling coach, or even less likely, a wrestler. It was just a quiet, tiring night of diligent-

"Huh?" Sammi's ears perked up. She could swear she heard the sound of footsteps in the distance.

"Nah, no way. There's no one else here." The girl would talk to herself as she found her footing on both bare feet. She began to walk towards the stairs. The sound, if it was real, seemed to be coming from quite a ways away, one floor below.

"I think the only people are are the folks at the front deeeeesk?" As she descended one floor below, where the practice rings were, Sammi spotted a hint of green out of the corner of her eye. To the untrained eye, it was just a green blur running the ropes. But to Sammi, it was the chance of a lifetime! The chance to meet one of her heroes! Defoe eagerly skipped her way to the practice ring of interest!

"Heeeyyyyy~!" She'd wave excitedly as she scurried over to the ring apron to begin climbing!

"Omigosh! Omigosh! It's The Emerald Storm! AlizehMidoriYou'reSoAwesomeAndYou'reEvenHotterInPersonIt'sSoNiceTo-AGH!" In her manic, yet restless and fatigued state, Sammi would trip over the bottom rope and land flat on her face in the practice ring! Her voluminous pink hair would cover her head and neck. Her tiny shorts hugged her plump bottom as she struggled to push her upper body up and unglue her face from the mats beneath her. Slowly, Sammi would press her palms against the canvas and raise her head.

"Hey, it's really nice to meetcha...! I'm a Young Lioness....and a huge fan...! Wanna spar?" Sammi would smile, but her quick breaths and the drops of sweat beading from her forehead would betray the fact that she was already pretty tuckered out. And yet, she still requested a chance to spar with one of LAW's top stars - THE prodigious "Emerald Storm" Alizeh Midori, all the same!
Last edited by winner3 on Mon Nov 25, 2024 2:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: (Emerald) Storm Chasing

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Alizeh had been working overtime as of late. After Fight The LAW she was determined to work her way back to a strong place that would see her get another title shot. As a result she was training late a lot more often, making liberal use of the 24/7 LAW gyms. Hence where she finds herself in now, dressed in a plain green sports bra and black short shorts, running the ropes at top speed, a heavy layer of sweat built across her body, not paying much heed to anything around her, after all the place was empty... or so she thought.
Turning from another rope bounce Alizeh would hop to a stop as she saw a girl she'd never seen before climbing the apron and trying to get through the ropes, talking a mile a minute with excitement lacing her voice. Tilting her head and smiling softly Alizeh would shake her head, luckily finding the excitement rather endearing before walking towards her as she introduced herself as a young lioness.

"Hehe, nice to meet you, I'm guessing you already know me hehe." Alizeh said with a chuckle before holding her hand out to the girl to help her up to her feet. Of course while doing this she took a moment to visually inspect the girl, and she looked exhausted, probably from working out herself, but Alizeh had a feeling that she wasn't the type to let things go easily. "As far as a spar, I'm down personally, but are you sure you're good? You're looking a bit winded." Alizeh said, not saying no but wanting to make sure the lioness knew what she was getting into before hand.

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Re: (Emerald) Storm Chasing

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First impressions went a long way with most people. And Sammi's first impression of Alizeh here ensued with the pinkette accidentally/embarrassingly making an impression of her face on the canvas of the gym practice ring!

Still, the perky pinkette managed to shake it off in short order, in no small part to Alizeh's kindness. Sammi shook her head from side to side to find her bearings. When Midori offered a hand to help her up, Defoe's nervous, manic smile, soon seamlessly faded into a calm, contented grin. It was clear that both women had worked up a serious sweat, but Alizeh's conditioning and confidence were all too apparent. The Emerald Storm looked like she could keep going another couple hours if she wanted to. She probably would have even if Sammi had never shown up. Sammi, by proxy, was looking like she could lie down for a few days. Alizeh could tell as much by looking the lightweight over while Sammi got to her feet and collected herself, brushing the sweat off her petite, fit frame and puffing up the hair of her big, pink from

Even with the juxtaposition of Alizeh's endurance and aura to Sammi's fatigue clearly weighing on her, the Young Lioness but her bottom lip, bent her arms at the elbow, and balled her fists before excitedly nodding "yes"! Over and over again!

"Mhmm! Mhmm! Mhmm!" Defoe practically radiated with the energy of an excited, overwhelmed fan. Sammi was clearly a mix of very strong emotions, but she quickly caught herself. After nodding a few times, the smaller gal closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm down. A deep inhale followed by a long exhale.

"I'm sure. I want this." Sammi spoke calmly for the first time since meeting Alizeh.

"I know I'm a bit of a mess right now and I know you're one of the top names around here. But I think of it like this...."

"When else am I ever gonna get the chance to hang with THE Emerald Storm, you know? The way I see it, this all goes down one of two ways."

"1) I somehow, some way pull off a miracle, overperform, and get a lucky flash pin against one of the best LAW has to offer, OR (and I know this one is much more likely), orrrrr

2) I get to say that I learned a thing or two by getting absolutely TROUNCED by THE Alizeh Midori. Which I wouldn't be ashamed to say at all! In fact, I'd actually be proud of it! I'm proud to say that I'm standing in the same ring as you right now, so the way I see it! It's an absolute win for me no matter what happens!"
Sammi would raise her index finger near the end there and wink at Alizeh, trying her best to play it cool. Sammi's confidence was no facade, but she was very keenly aware of where she sat on the LAW totem pole, and how much work she had to put in to rise to relevance. And in her mind, she was already off to a good start by running into a wrestler that she admired!
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Re: (Emerald) Storm Chasing

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Alizeh was admittedly still getting a feel for the girl before her so far. Sammi seemed sweet enough, earnest, outgoing, definitely determined yet humble at the same time, a nice combination for a trainee wrestler. But knowing limits was also pretty important as well, and she looked a bit exhausted as is, not to mention the face plant that the girl did just before talking to her.

But she gave some pretty valid reasons, and honestly as long as Sammi was fine with what then so was Alizeh. Plus admittedly the sweet talking and praise Sammi heaped on her definitely helped sweeten the pot for her a bit making Alizeh smile with a nod as she relented to her.

"Hehe, alright if you're so sure about this, lets do it. It will be a good learning experience for you, and it'll help me out as well... Don't let me down little lioness ~" Alizeh said teasingly at the end with a wink to the pink haired girl as she rolled her neck and bounced on her heels a bit while waiting for Sammi to get in the ring and start the spar off with her.

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Re: (Emerald) Storm Chasing

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Sammi might have had a few things to learn in the ring. But if there was one thing she did know, it was that her enthusiastic smile and can-do attitude could appeal to just about anyone out there!

"Weeeeee!" The pinkette squealed when Alizeh agreed to take her up on this! Though Defoe was pooped, she perked herself up as much as she could by patting herself on her cheeks and balling her fists!

"Okay!" Sammi exhaled!

"You won't be disappointed!" Sammi would nod before stepping back and reaching out for the ropes in her corner.

Standing across the ring from The Emerald Storm made Sammi breathe just a bit harder. A cold bead to sweat rolled down from her temple to the side of her cheek. She could tell that this perspiration wasn't just from fatigue. Looking across the ring, Sammi could tell that the smile on her sparring partner's face hid a wealth of talent. Wrestling was in Alizeh's blood and it showed, both in the way Midori carried herself and in her wealth of matches that she had under her belt!

In Sammi's mind, the only way she was going to combat all of that was by taking initiative!

"Here I come!" The petite pinkette would call out before charging forward from her corner to try and meet Alizeh in her own corner with a Flying Shoulder Block!

Sammi wasn't at her fastest or most explosive after her long workout! She banked on her sudden charge to hope and pray that she could take Alizeh by surprise, hopefully before the greenette could react!
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Re: (Emerald) Storm Chasing

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Alizeh was a little unsure about this but Sammi seemed sure and determined of herself for this so Alizeh was willing to play along. Watching as Sammi promised she wouldn't regret this before rushing at her suddenly, taking to the air and coming in hot towards the greenette... Only for her to duck down and spin to the side to avoid the shoulder tackle.

Normally Alizeh would have responded with a punishing counter like a suplex or backstabber, something of that sort that would surely do a number on her opponent while her back was turned. In this case however Alizeh didn't want to be too brutal from the start.

Sammi was clearly tired, and only a few moves would probably be all it took to end her and she wanted to give her a chance, but at the same time she didn't want to let her off too easily. As such she would move in, getting close to the girl.... and then bring her arm down with hand extended to unleash a loud, impactful slap on Sammi's bum! The loud impact of which would ring out throughout the gym if it connected!

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Re: (Emerald) Storm Chasing

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Sammi knew what her chances were in this spar, but she also knew that the chance to trade moves with The Emerald Storm herself would mean absolutely nothing if she didn't try her best! And for the perky pinkette, her best was a Running Shoulder Block straight out of the gate!

Sammi's big, pink hair flowed in the wind as she went sailing towards Alizeh! And it sailed even harder with Midori skillfully ducked and spun around to dodge! Leaving Sammi to connect with nothing but the top turnbuckle!

"Blargh!" Defoe grunted as she hit the top turnbuckle pad face-first! The collision saw her fall down to the middle turnbuckle! Her arms were draped over the middle ropes! Her legs shook as she tried to keep her feet on the ground beneath her!

Sammi was stuck in a rather compromising position, bent over suggestively with her back to a veteran opponent! Defoe panted heavily! She took deep breaths! And her inhales would be interrupted by the sound of Alizeh slapping her pert backside so hard, the sound of the smack echoed throughout the gym, catching many people's attention!

"Owwwwww! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" Sammi immediately fell to the canvas!

Once again, the Lioness found herself in a compromising position! Sammi stopped, dropped, and rolled like she was on fire! Only, her opponent was on fire in this spar, and the lightweight pinkette was rolling back and forth across the canvas with both hands on her bum! The backs of her thighs were red as she tried to soothe away any pain she could!

"My boooootyyyyy!" Defoe would exclaim when she finally stopped on her knees with her chest in the canvas and her backside pointed up in the air! Sammi's sweaty, tired frame would glisten in the light as she lay there, still stunned and hurting with a sore backside!
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Re: (Emerald) Storm Chasing

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Needless to say Alizeh's plan worked like a charm. Not only countering Sammi's move but punishing her in a way that wasn't too much for a young, inexperienced and more importantly exhausted wrestler. Watching as the girl began thrashing and rolling about on the mat Alizeh couldn't help the giggle that escaped her lips as she casually approached the girl as she seemed to calm down a bit but still with her but in the air which gave Alizeh a positively devious idea.

"You know in LAW, you should always know not to offer up THIS particular part of you're body up to your opponent. Alizeh said in a playfully evil tone as she entered into a crouch, clasping her hands together with her pointer fingers extender just feet behind Sammi... Before charging forward and extending her arms outward with everything she had... Right into Sammi's clothed rear end for a little move known as the thousand years of death!

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Re: (Emerald) Storm Chasing

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Sammi knew that she was in over her head. But even she couldn't have predicted that she'd be toyed with in this way. Even gym goers in the far-off distance let out a few audible laughs and cackles when Alizeh commented on her sparring partner offering up this part of her body to her opponent like this! Defoe had inadvertently found herself in a lewd position, face down and booty up! A position that Midori couldn't help but capitalize on!

"Ah....oh no...today was squat day.... don't-!" Sammi spoke between heavy breaths. The petite pinkette clenched her teeth and raised her head. But she couldn't will herself off the canvas in time to avoid Alizeh's playfully prodding prank!

"AIIIEEEEEEE!" Sammi would yelp out! The sudden sensation of the greenette's index fingers poking into her bum hole through her clothes forced Sammi to flip over and fall onto the canvas on her back!

Once again, poor Sammi clenched her pert buttocks with both hands and once again, she rolled back and forth across the canvas with her teeth clenched! She made a total mess of her big, pink, afro as she rolled all over the practice/gym ring! Her breathing quickened to a comedic pace. It once again took her a moment of three to find her composure. And if Midori afforded her that moment of respite, Sammi would take refuge by the ropes.

With one hand on the bottom rope and the other still on her own backside, Sammi would blow some of her own pink hair away from her way and raise an open palm towards Alizeh to ask for a moment, and to ask for something else.

"Phew....ah....okay....okay....I know this is LAW and I should have expected that at a certain point. Annnnnd I guess I should have expected it from you. I've definitely seen you do way pervier things on TV....but...!" Defoe took one last deep exhale.

"Request! Could you make sure your next move doesn't target my butt?! She....she can only take so much, you see! Today was lower body day...!"
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Re: (Emerald) Storm Chasing

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Alizeh was trying so hard not to burst out laughing right now. After all she knew she definitely shouldn't given the nature of this little spar and how damaging it could be to Sammi's confidence, but she couldn't help the smile at least that came up on her face as Sammi began to pick herself up.

"Alright ready to- Oh?" Alizeh's words were cut off as she saw Sammi putting her hands up in a gesture to pause for a bit, which Alizeh naturally allowed to happen as Sammi said she had a request... which was for no more attacks to be made on her bum which... while not as fun was fair. "Hm yeah I don't see why not. But certain moves will probablyyyy still hurt there even though they aren't targeted there.

So you just may wanna brace for that."
Alizeh said lightly with a small grin, mostly having fun with Sammi though she was indeed correct about certain moves still certainly affecting Sammi regardless if they were targeted there specifically.

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