Gritty Grudge Match In A Cage: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Haines vs. Sienna Smith

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Re: Gritty Grudge Match In A Cage: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Haines vs. Sienna Smith

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Alaina smiled and stood tall, extra happy that Irelia was there with her. Alaina have her a big hug and a pat on the backside before raising Irelia's arm up while looking at Sienna.

"Hey fake flabazon, ya see what a real woman here looks like? Irelia is twice the wrestler and ten times the lady you are and I am glad Danny avoided the trap that you are." Alaina shouted to Sienna before walking out ofnthe cage side by side with Irelia.

"I really can't wait to see you in action again, it has been too long. Who is up next in the ring for ya?" Alaina happily asked Irelia as they left leaving Soenna behind in the ring.

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Re: Gritty Grudge Match In A Cage: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Haines vs. Sienna Smith

Unread post by winner3 »

The "Siennazon" parody, as fun as it was, didn't help Sienna against The Amazon! Both Smith and JJ were left with their pride wounded and their beautiful ebony frame battered and bruised in defeat!

Irelia smiled and hugged Alaina back. The brawny pair of heavyweights made their way together out of the cage and towards the back.

"Heh! It really has been too long, hasn't it? I've been hassling management to get me a match. They say I'm up against Lauren Fredericks in just a couple of days! I'd love for you to watch me at ringside." Xu smiled widely to Alaina. The two seemed to be feeling good after having sent Sienna and JJ packing!

Winner by Pinfall: Alaina Sanders!
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