Louise Bélair vs Kama Kameleon — Penthouse Suite

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Louise Bélair vs Kama Kameleon — Penthouse Suite

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The Saturday Show

Between two smother artists, one can only imagine what they'll get up to! Winner gets to keep the penthouse suite for the remainder of the weekend.
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Re: Louise Bélair vs Kama Kameleon — Penthouse Suite

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Kama needed this weekend. After her promo, one meant to showcase her achievements in LAW thus far, but was hijacked by numerous new faces - and one familiar one. In the end, she had still shown off just how much she had grown, as a new rivalry was born and an... interesting stranger helping her with the trash that was Sylvia. It would be nice to get away for a bit, in a very lavish room.

Especially for her eldest of her parrots, Coral, who sat in her cage, occasionally picking at her wing splint. While trying to defend Kama, daddy's little whore ended up with a hurt wing. Not broken, thankfully, but enough so that the little girl was recommended not to fly for awhile. So while someone pet sat her other three birdies, she wanted to take Coral somewhere new and treat her for a brief period.

But first, as this was offered by LAW as a PPV of sorts, she'd have to fight for the right to the room. Made sense, due to the limited number of these types of rooms. Thar, and any excuse to have fights, the management was happy to exploit.

But the islander wasn't worried. This 'Louise Bélair' may call herself a goddess, but she was merely another pretender amongst LAW'S roster.

Stepping into the room, Kama couldn't help but be impressed. Sure she had been to a few gaudy places - either due to being Sylvia's POW or other reasons with the same bitch - but they didn't compare to the suite. Where those had been merely ostentatious and glitzy, as if trying to justify overcharging their renters, this room was glamorous in an enticing way, and even seemed classy. Despite the air being similar, there was just something elegant about the suite, as opposed to the tastelessness of the others.

Kama whistled, impressed, as she shut the door, and set Coral and her cage down on the dresser. "What do you thing, Coral?" Kama asked, receiving a few chirps back. "Agreed. It is very nice, isn't it?"

"Very nice! Very nice! Scraww." Coral parroted back, causing her mom to laugh a little.

"Now, you stay there. Get a front row seat of your mom kicking some slut's ass, so this weekend you can get the fanciest of bird seed." She joked, turning to the door when she heard the knob rattle. She had hoped to relax and take the room in a bit first, but it looked like the French bruiser she was supposed to fight was closer behind than she expected.

The match would soon be on.
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Re: Louise Bélair vs Kama Kameleon — Penthouse Suite

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Since her exceptional feat at We Are LAW 7, Louise had become even more popular than before and was starting to be recognized as a goddess. She had won many matches and backstage brawls, she had the record for the fastest match won by pinfall and had just crowned the new Loser Champion in addition to having followed up with a second victory at the same evening! Clearly, Louise knew how to stand out and continue to break the rules to make herself even more impressive.

She was particularly excited for tonight's match, not only to keep her winning streak but also because she was on an advantageous ground and would be entitled to a great weekend! She didn't know her opponent, as usual, but knew that she was at an advantage in this kind of match because she would do what she did best, brawling and smothering!

She arrived in the eyes with a big suitcase in hand, dressed as usual even if the hotel was rather chic and warm. She introduced herself at the reception before being accompanied to the place of the match and her future room, a magnificent Penthouse that was much bigger than anything she had imagined! She closed the door behind her with excitement and walked along the corridor, noticing a silhouette in the room... That of her opponent.

There was no spectator or referee, the match could start at any moment... And rather than being discreet to attack her opponent by surprise, she dropped her heavy suitcase on the ground so that a big "BOOM" would attract her opponent's attention. Louise already noticed that she was much smaller... But also that her opponent's chest was just as big as hers. A long silence reigned as Louise began to analyze Kama's physique from top to bottom... Until the Frenchwoman's breasts began to vibrate!


Louise stopped looking at her opponent and pulled on her collar so that a small black cat could escape from her breasts, it was Baghera, the hidden cat of the French girl! Baghera purred and jumped forward to get out of her mistress's warm breasts, analyzing her future room for the weekend before noticing the parrot! It was a first for Baghera who, like her mistress, hid behind a piece of furniture and prepared to hunt the bird... This room was going to be a hunting ground for the feline!

"Have fun Baghera while I take care of this bitch !~"

Louise left her suitcase at the entrance and walked forward, facing her opponent while looking her straight in the eye with an air as haughty as ever. She kept her arms crossed under her chest, making her breasts puff up to make them bigger than they were before she quickly glanced at Kama's breasts that were very close to her face.

"Hey flat bitch, didn't we teach you to kneel in front of a goddess ? You have three seconds."
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Re: Louise Bélair vs Kama Kameleon — Penthouse Suite

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Kama took a seat in one of the fancy chairs, one leg crossed over the other, finger in her cheek, leaning back relaxed as the door opened. She wanted to get a good look at her opponent, give her a once over, before the room could become a battlefield. Maybe she could wring some pleasure from this, and she wasn't talking about just the room.

Not long after the brunette entered the room, she all but tossed her bags to the ground, no doubt bothering whoever had the misfortune to rent the room beneath them. Kama would slightly flinch, from the sudden and loud sound, but quickly recomposed herself with an eye roll. "Charming," she said beneath her breath, looking the girl over as a black kitten squirmed its way out of the hoodie's head hole.

While her complete physique was hidden by her clothing, Kama could at least make out the girl had a decent sized rack. Not as big as the deity, of course, but the brunette was definitely trying to make it seem as such. Even going so far as to cross her arms under them and heft them up to make them look better. Fitting in Kama's eyes, as it was similar to when prey attempted to look bigger when faced with a predator.

Air of confidence or not, Louise was definitely acting similarly.

The islander sat up from her chair, stopping at the foot of the bed as the shorter woman approached similarly, making a delusional request. "I'm sorry, it's hard to hear you down there~" Kama taunted, stepping forward with a little hop, her chest bouncing before resting on top of the Wildcat's own. "It almost sounded like you said I was the flat one, here~"

Kama smiled confidently, as her opponent to be ogled her larger chest that stood eye level with her. "You have one second to prostrate yourself before a true goddess, and then I'll consider whether to accept or not before I kick your unworthy ass out of this elegant space~" The deity held her hands behind her, patiently waiting for what she was sure wouldn't come. "Well, tiny tits~? What will it be~?
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Re: Louise Bélair vs Kama Kameleon — Penthouse Suite

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Louise might be smaller, but she looked down on her opponent as if she were the one controlling this duel... But for once, her opponent refused in a rather peculiar way. She also considered herself a goddess and worse, she clearly threatened the Frenchwoman by ordering her to kneel down in a second. Obviously, this did not please the Wildcat at all who raised her chin while taking a slightly more serious look before placing her hand on Kama's shoulder.

"Time's up."

Louise threw her knee between her opponent's legs for a quick and effective low blow. She then tried to pull her opponent to the ground by applying pressure on Kama's shoulders with her hand, forcing the false goddess to kneel down and have her chest against Louise's chest. If she succeeded, the Frenchwoman smiled arrogantly and wrapped her arms around Kama's head to squeeze it against her breasts.

"What are you doing ? Do you think copying me would make you stronger or surprise me? Haha ! You're really stupid!"

The match had barely started and Louise was already starting to squeeze her opponent's head against her chest to smother him with a breast smother. Even though she was wearing her sweater, the shape of her breasts was starting to take shape, finally showing their true size... And they were big! Kama's face was completely trapped in the French woman's chest and Louise didn't plan on freeing her!

"So ? What do you think of my "tiny" tits ?! It looks like you can't talk !!~"
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Re: Louise Bélair vs Kama Kameleon — Penthouse Suite

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Silence befell the fanciful room, neither woman backing down. Red irises glared down into brown, unwilling to follow the simple demand. The insolent woman cause Kama to suck at her teeth, further irritating her.

Before the islander could strike, Louise had kneed her between the legs with little warning. "Kggn-" The deity groaned, falling to her knees, before the brunette swiftly pulled her head into her chest and continued shit talking her. Kama tried prying herself free of the surprise smother, to little success.

While suffocating, she silently admitted Louise's chest was bigger than she thought. The hoodie had slightly demurred the masses of sensitive flesh, but she wouldn't take back her insult. Big or not, they were no comparison to her own divine set.

A fact she was ready to prove, as her arms wrapped around the French girl's waist. With effort, Kama lifted Lou off her feet, before bringing her grotch first down onto her knee for an atomic drop. A move both a way to escape, and revenge for the low blow. If it worked, the islander would in return force Louise to her knees in a similar fashion. "Was that so hard~?" Kama huffed, before wrapping her own arms around Lou's head, grabbing a couple handfuls of hair in the process, and pulling the bitch face first into her divine mountains.

"Your little cantaloupes were cute, but
these are what a real set of tits feels like, you insignificant wannabe~"
One upping Lou, Kama pushed her full weight forward, trying to get her meager opponent on her back and lay atop for her smother. "Just enjoy the feeling, and let this room go to who it rightfully should~ Me~"
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Re: Louise Bélair vs Kama Kameleon — Penthouse Suite

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Louise felt confident, maybe even a little too much. She already imagined winning this match in advance, after all not many people managed to escape from her powerful breast smother! ... At least, not directly! Louise remained smaller than her opponent and Kama had no trouble reaching the small middleweight before releasing her for an Atomic Drop, aiming for the Frenchwoman's crotch.


Louise immediately released her hold on Kama's head and found herself kneeling in front of her. The Wildcat groaned in pain and looked up, briefly seeing her opponent's face before finding herself locked in her turn in the latter's breasts. Louise groaned slightly while being smothered by her opponent's chest and pushed her head forward, trying to avoid falling on her back at all costs.

Anger was starting to rise... And that was normal coming from Louise, she was not at all known for her composure. Her opponent's words were as arrogant as hers... She felt like she was fighting an evil and much bigger version of herself... And ugly. She absolutely had to not lose!

"Mmmnghh!.. Nghhh!!"

The self-called Goddess then raised her hands to place them on Kama's shoulders, pulling her opponent down while her legs forced her body to get up. She did not intend to lose this kind of contest and intended to find herself breast against breast in front of Kama once again to exchange a few words... And maybe a few blows.

"You.. F-mmmnh!.. Fucker!.."
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Re: Louise Bélair vs Kama Kameleon — Penthouse Suite

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Louise definitely hadn't expected Kama to be able to fight back. Either she was just that over confident, or she was stupid. If not both, if the islander was honest.

The crotch-first drop to her knee got her free, and got the French woman kneeling before the true goddess, as she should. Her breast smother soon after, however, didn't go as smoothly. While she hid Louise's ugly mug between her divine mountains, the bitch had the gall to keep herself upright and push back against her weight. Kama sucked at her teeth, red eyes glaring down on the head of brown. "Just.. go... down!!" She said as she pushed down on Louise, trying to lock in her dominant smother.

Eventually the infuriating pretender freed herself as the two got back to a vertical position. As if that wasn't insult enough, the bitch had to open her mouth. "Only if... you're lucky..." Even if it was meant as an insult, Kama wouldn't let the French woman get the satisfaction from it.

"But... you're barely.. hhgg..." Kama strained trying to push the girl down again, but it was clear Louise was dedicated the stronger between them. "Worthy... to hold up... gg.. my blessed.... breasts...!" Her knee flew up into Louise's belly, trying to force the girl back and away from her. If it didn't work, she'd repeat until the girl did.

If it was eventually successful, or if somehow she found the will to fight back, Kama would huff and fix her hair before smirking at the unworthy bitch before her."Not to mention hiding yourself like that..." Kama motioned to the hoodie and skirt the girl wore, as opposed to the tank top and short shorts the true divinity before her wore. "Didn't get the dresscode memo? Or do you just not have any lingerie worth wearing?"

Her taunts were intentional, provoking Louise with each word. "Not that I blame you for hiding such a... plain figure~" There was no doubt the two of them wanted to tear into one another, but if they were going to, they might as well dress appropriately, right? Not to mention, get a look at how Louise truly looked. "Tell you what. You show me yours, and I'll show you what a real beloved body looks like~" In a quiet show that she wouldn't try anything, while still ready if the craven cow tried anything, the islander took a step back, so Louise could change.
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Re: Louise Bélair vs Kama Kameleon — Penthouse Suite

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Kama and Louise fought with all their might, one to avoid kneeling and the other to avoid being locked up too long in a suffocating breast. The duel lasted a few seconds before Kama ended it, kneeing the French woman in the stomach who instantly straightened up by stepping back and releasing Kama's shoulders, continuing to look at the fake goddess with a glare.

"Hann... Ngh! Grrr..! Nobody cares about your fake breasts!"

Louise's rage and anger continued to rise second after second, finally listening to my talk was really the best way to annoy the Wildcat who was starting to lose patience and clenched her fists. But Kama's proposal seemed to calm the French woman down, at least in appearance. Louise simply sighed and approached her head slightly from left to right before throwing a dark look at Kama.

"Who do you think is impressed with a body as silicone as yours? Talking about sex appeal, I'm sure you have old lady boobs."

She laughed lightly at her own words and straightened up completely, proudly displaying her bust with a big smile while looking towards her opponent and opening her arms to strike a pose.

"Admit it, this is the first time you've found yourself in front of a goddess AND my incredible smother breast has made you curious.~ I'll show you what's under my hoodie but only so you shut your mouth, I love it when sluts like you turn green with jealousy.~"

Louise grabbed the bottom of her sweater and her T-shirt lifted it, removing her two tops in one go to show herself in a bra, finally revealing her chest. The Frenchwoman then threw her top on her suitcase and approached her opponent, poking her index finger rather strongly on Kama's chest with each of her words while looking down on the false goddess with a provocative air, finishing her sentence with a slap on her rival's chest and a step back

"Your turn bitch, show me what you really have or I'll squeeze you so hard that your clothes will tear !~"
Last edited by Bearhug Goddess on Wed Jan 22, 2025 6:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Louise Bélair vs Kama Kameleon — Penthouse Suite

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Kama's knee was successful in getting Lou to back off. She would have preferred to keep the pretender between her tits, smothering the life out of her, but with how Louise was pulling herself free that wasn't gonna work. So rather than let the bitch pull something, the goddess struck first.

Her taunts seemed to work as she wanted, to. Well, at least somewhat, since all the bitch did was remove her hoodie and wh1atever shirt may have been beneath it. "All you got right was the curiosity on your pitiful chest," Kama said as she looked the seething brunette up and down.

Kama could admit the hoodie hadn't really done Louise justice, hiding her full size. Her look was more analytic than the French girl no doubt expected, the islander even raising a hand to her cheek. There was no way Louise was bigger than her, but she was a lot closer than the deity initially imagined. And the lingerie was a fair pair with her skin tone and hair. Overall, Louise was only slightly exceeding her expectations.

Soon after, Louise, persistent with her antagonistic aura, poked at Kama's chest several times, ending with a slap. She hissed at the sting, but covering the area Louise dared to strike. With a little sneer, Kama straightened back up, removing her hand from her chest, glaring back at the bitch.

"You say that, but are still hiding your shameful, flat ass?" An unnecessary taunt, no doubt, but Louise was really starting to piss her off. "But, the real, all nautral goddess before you keeps her word~" As she spoke, Kama tossed her jacket and hat towards the chair behind her, grabbed the bottom of her crop top and pulling it, as well as the sports bra beneath, over her head. This left her pale skin bare, free of any blemish or marring that would result from Louise's incorrect claim.

Not only that, but she even turned her back to the pretender, flipping her hair over her shoulders to further accent the point. The islander then would grab at her pants and panties, slowly pulling them down and sticking her curvy butt towards the brunette, accentuating the motion as if to say, 'I'm proud of this, unlike you seem to be with yours~' Once she was finished, those two joined the pile of clothes.

"Well?" Kama said proudly, turning back around and locking her fingers behind her head, presenting her divine body in all its glory. "How does it feel, to stand before a true goddess?" Her taunt then fell to silence, the only sound for the moment being the squaking of her still caged Coral.

"True goddess!" Coral seemed to second, whistling after her words before going back to preening herself.

"Thank you, Coral. Glad someone else here has a brain." Kama smirked at Louise, before stepping back and opening her own suitcase. "And, special for this match and something you're unworthy of," The deity trailed off, pulling out a yellow negligee that gradiated to purple near the bottom, as well as a pair of panties that only would cover her privates, and long, violet stockings from the luggage. "Now," she began, slipping the stockings and panties on. "Are you gonna finish showing me your third rate body, or are we gonna keep going at it like some highschool drama?" Slipping into the silken lingerie, she stood before her opponent, ready for if the bitch tried anything other than peel off her skirt.
Last edited by GolemGuardian on Sun Jan 26, 2025 5:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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