Shrouded tile double dildo (Qingling(D) vs Clara)

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Shrouded tile double dildo (Qingling(D) vs Clara)

Unread post by Dragonofdarkness »

atch type: double sided dildo
win by verbal submission
attire naked.

QInglling would pace back and forth she was a bit nervous for her debut. She never thought she'd be put in such a lewd match from the get-go she was amazed and stunned by it. She wore a robe with nothing underneath and red blush across her face. she was a bit excited deep down everything about this match was exciting. A stagehand would call out to her and tell her to make her entrance, she hurried over to the entrance and once her music played she would come out waving to the crowd still blushing. she would make her way to the ring and enter it, Once in the middle of the ring she turned to a cameraman smirking as she undid her robe and pulled it apart showing off her naked body.

The crowd would cheer as she disrobed, put it aside on her corner, and waited for Clara, who she didn't know anything about just that she had a bit of a losing streak thinking she could beat her and make a good debut for herself.

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Re: Shrouded tile double dildo (Qingling(D) vs Clara)

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Clara was extremely nervous about this match. She had never partaken in such a match before, though she had some experience in hentai matches, though not the best experiences. She had also not won a match in a while, and her confidence was low. She arrives at the ring in question and strips to her birthday suit, before putting on a robe. She then steps out to the crowd, who cheered for her. She slowly walked to the ring and slipped under the ropes, before standing up and looking at her opponents naked body, blushing brightly. She then drops her own robe and reveals herself.
"H-h-hello... I am Clara..." She said nervously as the cameraman turned his attention to the white haired girl's body, before backing off to get both girls in view.
Last edited by FreshBritishSalmon on Tue Aug 20, 2024 9:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Shrouded tile double dildo (Qingling(D) vs Clara)

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QIngling looked at the girl coming thinking that was her opponent she looked cute but seemed nervous. she smiled thinking it was gonna be an easy win as she walked towards Clara and extended her hand. "hey there I'm Qingling nice to meet you and beat you" she smiled teasing the girl. Once they shook hands she would put her hands on her hips looking up and down her fellow naked opponent. she was cute and she couldn't wait to beat this girl and see her a moaning mess.

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Re: Shrouded tile double dildo (Qingling(D) vs Clara)

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Clara let out a very slight smile as Qingling introduced herself. The two seemed evenly matched in both body size and shape, though Qingling seemed to be the more confident of the two of them. She shook Qingling's hand and then backed off, before the referee stood up.

"Okay ladies, this is how thos is going to work..." She got out a large black double dildo that had a white line down the middle. "In a moment, you will both sit down and spread your legs. I will then ask you to take half of this double dildo into your crotch. Then..." She pressed a remote, and both tips begin to vibrate. "...You fight while this is happening inside you. The winner forces the loser to give up first. When you are ready, sit down."

Clara blushed brightly seeing the toy. It was a monster, and putting that into the two rather petite girls would mean that, most likely, their wombs would face the full brunt of the vibrators. But Clara never says no to a fight, so she slowly got onto the floor, opening her legs wide and waited for Qingling to follow suit.

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Re: Shrouded tile double dildo (Qingling(D) vs Clara)

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Qingling saw the dildo and gulped she was worried about how much it will hurt and how big it was but would have to stay strong she was sure she could beat Clara in this somehow. sitting down she spread her legs wide her bare pussy spread aswell as she looked at Clara. "hope your ready to lose calra" she smirked trying to stay confident.

she took the dildo into her as she moaned loud and bit her lip as it spread pussy nad stretched it it was both painful and pleasurable. she groaned as the dildo made it to half and the ref started to push the dildo into Clara. "ngh ahh aha... not ah so bad" she panted as she looked at Clara and tried to smirk tho it was more forced

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Re: Shrouded tile double dildo (Qingling(D) vs Clara)

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Once Qingling was fully inserted onto the toy, Clara edged herself on slowly, gasping and moaning as the large toy penetrated deep into her. As suspected, the toy went extremely deep, but she got it in, and soon, the full toy was being taken by the two lightweights. She blushed brightly and nodded to the referee, to show she was ready.

Once Qingling also notified that she was ready, the referee started the vibrators once more, signaling the start of the fight. Clara moaned loudly but reached forwards, trying to grab a hold of Qinglings shoulders and pull her close so that she could arouse her more, while the dildo assaulted her womanhood.

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Re: Shrouded tile double dildo (Qingling(D) vs Clara)

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Qingling notified the ref she was ready to and the match started in earnest as she moaned and held onto Clara who also held onto her shoulder she forced herself to smirk and pull clara into a hug and kissed her deeply as she tried to rub her pussy into clara while the toy fucked her and clara moving inside. she would also try to move her hips to fuck clara with said dildo. moaning out as she kept her self-control.

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Re: Shrouded tile double dildo (Qingling(D) vs Clara)

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As the toy began to vibrate and cause pleasure to the two girls, they began to take hold of each other and use other means to increase the pleasure they both were feeling. The two of them kissed deeply and hugged each other, making their petite chests press into each other, their nipples beginning to joust as they hardened. Clara then felt Qingling begin to squirm and buck her hips, trying to push more of the dildo into Clara, but the white haired girl would respond in turn, especially since she assumed that the toy was already close to their inner sanctum inside them. Clara blushed and moaned deeply into Qingling's mouth, clearly struggling to endure the pleasure between her legs.

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Re: Shrouded tile double dildo (Qingling(D) vs Clara)

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the two girls kissed as they rubbed their pattie breasts into each other, qingling moaned trying to fight off the pleasure as she had to focus on making Clara cum. "mmm ahhh fuck!" she moaned kissing Clara's neck while she tried to fuck Clara with the huge dildo in them. she moaned out loud her body tenser the pleasure was getting to her, her pussy already dripping wet. "ngh fuck.." she moaned trying her best to fight the pleasure and get Clara to cum.

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Re: Shrouded tile double dildo (Qingling(D) vs Clara)

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The toy between them was clearly doing its job as both women writhed and struggled under the immense pleasure that they were both enduring. Clara already was getting wetter by the moment, but she knew that she had to fight off the orgasm building within her in order to be victorious later on down the line.

"Nghh.. come on.... cum....." She moaned, staring at Qingling with glazed eyes as she kissed her both on the lips and on the neck. Her toes curled harshly from the pleasure and the white haired girl knew that this fight was going to be one of her toughest yet.

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