Dinner for 3 and half.

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Dinner for 3 and half.

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"Wow we were really lucky to get her now, this place is usually packed." "Mhm..." "Oh come one I'm being honest usually I end up waiting 30 minutes to eat her." "I believe you." "You do not! I can hear it in your voice, you always sound like that when your being sarcastic." "Alright, alright so maybe I'm a bit skeptical about how 'active' this place is but who cares were here to eat not wait in line for 30 minutes." The two cousins talked while looking over there menu. Kyoko had spent a great deal of time talking about her issues at LAW with management to Sheena who was always a reliable vice for her while the two decided to eat, coming to a place that Sheena always said was packed, mostly cause Kyoko had whenever been and wanted to see how great it was.
Sheena Akan
Kyoko Akan
"But you know if the LAW brass is treating you so bad you can always come back to-" "No!..I appreciate it but no, thats the cowards way out. LAw will learn to respect me, and besides I dont think theres much left for me there, did everything I wanted to do and can still show up whenever but if I leave LAW. They win." Sheena looked at her cousin with a frown. "Just dont push yourself please? It never ends well." At this Kyoko smirked and looked at her menu. "Ill be fine, im not alone in there, all the more reason for me to stay. Gotta gelp some people out, dont worry things will get better I promise."

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Re: Dinner for 3 and half.

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Yoko was wasted. After a long day of non-stop workouts, she decided to hit the nearest restaurant to have some dinner, since she REALLY didn't feel like cooking anything right now. Yoko was on autopilot mode, just walking over to her table and dropping down and resting with the menu in her hands.

While Yoko was deciding on what to order, she kept hearing a familiar voice from behind, but her brain haven't quite clicked on it yet.
''What would you like to order, miss? Uhm, gun's are forbidden in here..'' The waiter approached and was a bit intimidated by the artilery piece that Yoko had on her.
I bring my gun everywhere i go and that's not gonna change. Buuuut, if i can have a cup of tea on the house, then you may keep the gun for as long as i'm here. And as for my order, i will have some eggs...
''... Okay then, a couple of eggs and the tea is on the house!'' The waiter took Yoko's rifle and walked away.
Yoko smiled, knowing that she struck a hard bargain.

Because Yoko walked in on autopilot, she didn't notice she was sitting at the table that was near the table that belonged to her opponent in her debut match - Kyoko Akan. They were sitting back to back, both oblivious to one another, for now...

After hearing enough banter from the table behind her, Yoko's brain eventually processed the info and produced a picture of the Belly Queen. Yoko's eyes widened in surprise. ''There's no way...'' Yoko thought.

And then Yoko heard Kyoko say some very interesting words. ''Gotta help some people out''... Yoko couldn't hold herself any longer, Yoko would turn around and greet her friend (Kyoko). Oh, hey there Kyoko-CHAN, what a pleasant surprise meeting you here! Still helping people out like always? Yoko would greet Kyoko with overly cheerful attitude.

Yoko couldn't help, but notice that Kyoko had company and they seemed to get a long, which made Yoko VERY curious, since it's nearly impossible to get along with the Queen...
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Re: Dinner for 3 and half.

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"Speaking of which...When do I meet these friends of yours? I met Amy back when you two were a tag team they cant be that much worse an they?." Kyoko bristled a little at Sheena's request, while true Amy had been a handful to deal with she was at least nice to Sheena. Her Rebellion stable mates weren't even nice to there mothers from the looks of it and she didnt want them anywhere near her, even her manager was a bit eccentric with her ideas and if she knew Sheena could wrestle might try and recruit her, another dreadful thing Kyoko wanted no part of. Kyoko simply tried to laugh it off and come up with an excuse when suddenly someone recognized her shouting her name, a voice she recognized as her face went arguably even whiter then before.

"You cant be serious.." Kyoko raised her menu and looked at deeply pretending not to notice Yoko even though she was right behind her, and Sheena had long past already seen her. "Oh you know Kyoko? Who are you exactly?" Sheena asked the redhead. "She's no one ignore her!!" Kyoko snapped talking a lost faster as she looked through her menu still hoping to get Sheena to drop it. she didnt. "She knows your name and is clearly comfortable calling you chan. I dont think she's no one. What is she an ex-friend or something?" Sheena said before realizing the girl could hear her that close and feeling disrespectful. "Where are my manners. I'm Akan Sheena, How are you?" Sheena said offering her a hand.

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Re: Dinner for 3 and half.

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Ahahaha! Yoko would rest her arm around Kyoko's shoulder like some old buddy. Well hello there, Kyoko's friend, I'm Yoko littner, a friend of Kyoko's is a friend of mine! Since Yoko decided to go in like this, then what the hell, she would go all out. I'm a fellow wrestler, who had the honor of having a debut match against the Belly Queen! Yoko would tap on Kyoko's shoulder a few times. Haven't you seen it on TV?

Anyway, you could say we've befriended in the ring. After hearing Sheena introduce herself, Yoko's face widened in surprise. So, the two of you are siblings, right? Sorry for mistaking you for her friend, Sheena, silly me! Yoko would accept her handshake. In her mind, Yoko was laughing her nice, curvy ass off, imagining what Kyoko might be thinking at the moment. Kyoko's arrogance may be pretty damn annoying, but in her debut match, Yoko realized that messing with that very attitude IS SO DAMN MUCH FUN!
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Re: Dinner for 3 and half.

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Kyoko was livid, her face not showing it under the menu blocking her embarrassment to Sheena as Yoko seemed to be getting louder and more rowdy with each passing second. "Yes..she had the honor of losing to me in her debut.." She said trying to sound threatening but a bit to panicked to carry the weight in her voice. So Sheena ignored it and kept talking to the redhead. "Yoko huh? Sorry but I did not see that yet. Im kind behind on LAW stuff and usually only have enough time to watch some matches. But I can check it out later if you want." Sheena said smiling before Kyoko's eyes went wide. "No!...I mean..no need, I can tell you about that match..later..much better then the tv would be able to go over it." Kyoko said as Sheena looked at her confused before focusing back at Yoko.

"Oh and we get this alot but were not siblings. Just cousins. Of course were the only ones wrestling at the moment so we just try and stay a bit close..so kinda like siblings." Sheena said with a shrug. Kyoko really wanted to just start tossing Yoko's ass around this place and choke her out with ehr own jacket for this as she gave Yoko side glance full of murderous intent.

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Re: Dinner for 3 and half.

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Yoko kept nodding as she listened Sheena talk, explaining everything, then she felt murderous intent from Kyoko and noticed that she was glaring with such a look, that it could kill by looking alone. It was indeed intimidating, but in this case, considering the circumstances and seemingly delicate position Kyoko was in, which Yoko was beginning to catch on.

To this, Yoko responded with her own side glance, meeting Kyoko's, then a cheeky smile would appear on one side of her lips and then would wink at Kyoko with one eye, as if saying ''I understand. You are screwed, my dear''.

Kyoko is a bit shy. At least that's what i think. That's why she doesn't want you to see her matches, because she is afraid it would disappoint you. But i know from my own experience, that Kyoko Akan is a force to be reckoned with in the ring. Yoko would start off like that, in the hopes that Kyoko would think that maybe Yoko is legit complimenting her, because none of that is technically a lie, but then Yoko bring down the punchline.
So my point is, that you should totally watch all of her matches and appreciate to how great your wrestler cousin truly is. How friendly and sportsmanlike she is... Like when she gave me a firm and warm handshake... LAW may be mistreating her, but the crowds like to see her in action

Kyoko also encourages all new wrestlers to better themselves, should be evident in her match videos. Or take me for example - I admit, i lost fair and square to this woman here Yoko would tap a few more times on Kyoko's shoulder as she would say that. But look at me now, i'm right here at this restaurant straight from the gym, after whole day's worth of a workout. I could talk all day of how impressed i am by Kyoko, she's like my idol...

Yoko would talk fast and loud through all of this on purpose, so that it would be nearly impossible to interrupt her in a subtle way.

Yoko would turn at her buddy Kyoko. Sooo, Kyoko, are you gonna order something? Gosh, you look like you're going to eat that menu instead, hahhahah! Yoko would joke, trying to ''lighten the mood'' and trying to take off Kyoko's ''mask'' (menu) in a subtle way. Whatever the result, at least the reaction should be hilarious. Hopefully....
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Re: Dinner for 3 and half.

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Thats it...as soon as she was done here Kyoko was going to murder Yoko and brutalize every damn redheaded wrestler that remotely looked like her just for that. Yoko was clearly having too much fun at her expense her having caught on to the situation if the look in her eyes and smile when she winked at her was anything to go off of. And that only added to her troubles as Yoko praised her getting Kyoko relax just enough for her to start going over her life in LAW and encouraging Sheena to see it all in all its glory. Her cousin, bless her heart, was blissfully unaware of the actual meaning behind those words and smiled at what she thought was Kyoko setting an even finer example then usual. "Thats really good to hear! Ill try to at least see your match in that case." Kyoko muttered something in an annoyed tone as she heard Yoko comment on the menu she was hiding under as she slowly tried to put on a straight face and lowered it so that it was on the table.

"We were ordering before you showed up sweetie...In fact maybe its better we dont take any more of your time since your clearly trying to eat too.." Kyoko said looking at Yoko as Sheena folded her menu. "Yeah I already know what I want just waiting on the waiter to get here. Besides I cant resist letting my cousin's fan speak with her if she has no problem with it. Right Kyoko?" Kyoko clenched her fist and forced a smile. "No..problems here..hehe.."

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Re: Dinner for 3 and half.

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Yoko heard how Kyoko basically said ''would you please fuck off my case.'', then Yoko was like ''ah, i see what you did there.''
So, then, why were you looking so intensely into that menu? Did it have some pretty pictures? Anyway, you can take my time, i don't mind at all. You know what? I'll join you instead, there is no problem with that, right? Yoko would say, looking at Kyoko in a ''I know that you know that i know'' kind of fashion. That would translate to ''yeah, you wish, i'm just getting warmed up, dear''.

Yoko would notice that her eggs were already brought, so she would take her food and her tea, and sit closely next to Kyoko. I though we could get to know each other better. Like, you could tell me a little of YOUR PAST, Yoko would glance at Kyoko, ephasizing those words, the emphasis that only Kyoko would understand. And in return, i could also share some of my stories. Like why i always carry my gun EVERYWHERE i go? Have you seen it? The waiter took it. I even brought it to our match! You should've seen the look on Kyoko's face, haha! Now that i think about it, i might've looked like a heel there and now you're gonna watch it... Now i'm getting a bit shy myself... Me and my big mouth...
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Re: Dinner for 3 and half.

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"Well I was looking over all of it closely since this is my first time here, unlike my cousin." She was not going to make this easy was she? "That works for me, I'm always happy to meet new people." Sheena said making room in case Yoko wanted to sit by her and talk to Kyoko across the table. Once Yoko was situated she seemed all to happy to start talking about things they could talk about clearly interested in Kyoko. Something Sheena understood as just being a big fan While Kyoko understood the actual meeting and it almost made her pull her hand out and yank on the redhead's stupid ponytail. Though that would just likely satisfy her more since Sheena would have no idea what is going on.

"Well I can see why that would be a surprise, not a lot of people carry guns around here. At least I haven't seen them." She said looking at Kyoko trying to gauge how much was okay to tell her since she knew Kyoko didnt like talking about her past. For understandable reasons. Kyoko thought she could get Sheena to back off out of respect but then her face brightened up as if she had an idea. "Well one thing I'm sure you would appreciate is that Kyoko used to be her high school and college defender, there were a lot of bad people there and she made sure they didnt mess with the good ones!" Sheena said proudly leaving out the more personal details of that fact as Kyoko looked out the window just to avoid seeing Yoko's reaction to that bit of information. "Sheena what the hell..." She muttered under her breathe with no intention of directing her words towards anyone.

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Re: Dinner for 3 and half.

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Ohhhh! Yoko's eyes widened in surprise. I knew it. She muttered. Defender from the bullies, huh? I knew Kyoko was a kind and caring person deep down, even though it can sometimes be difficult to see from the outside Yoko would lean in on Sheena and whisper. Kyoko's a bit too proud sometimes and had her share of bad apples, which she is a bit too shy to admit to the person she seemingly cares the most, which i suppose is you.

Yoko would sit back and start working on those eggs. Now that you mention it, me and Kyoko are alot alike. I too had a history with bullies. I certainly wasn't a defender on such a big scale as a whole school, but i had my hands full protecting my younger brother. This may sound rough, but i don't know the right words to put it, my brother was pretty pathetic, objectively speaking. Long story short, it often went like this - he gets bullied in school and comes back home with the consequences that can't go unnoticed, i go to school and punch the hell out of those who bully him. Then they call their buddies and attack us on the street or various other placed. It was a mess... This just kept happening and never stopped. I'd rather die before i let anyone touch my little bro...

Yoko would turn to her buddy. You know what Kyoko? I think we should form a tag team! We could call ourselves ''The Jobber Protection Agency'' haha, this is just a random name i came up on the spot and i'm open for ideas. Yoko would show a thumbs up to Kyoko. We could protect all the newcomers and jobbers from the bullies! We should rip all the heels a new one! Haha, what do you think, Kyoko? Yoko knew full well that Kyoko was a heel and just wanted to see her reaction to this.
Sloth's Harem

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