A Promise Fulfilled (for Dragonofdarkness)

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A Promise Fulfilled (for Dragonofdarkness)

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Continued from here

It had only been by a stroke of fate that Yuki Kazikura had grown this close to Aoi Fukiwara. But then, perhaps it was fate that had brought them together. When the then-Dynamite Schoolgirl first signed on with LAW, still in her last year of high school and fresh of a successful run in the indies, Aoi was the favored name for the coveted position of Lightweight Champion - and the woman she never dreamed she would ever be able to hold a candle to. But, thanks to a little encouragement from some friends, Yuki realized that she had the skills to put Aoi's to the test - and she soon became her first challenger, in a match that she lost but nevertheless proved herself more than capable of establishing a dominant presence in the Lightweight Division. Ever since then, Yuki had worn the champion's endorsement with honor and pride, striving to live up to her standards - so when Aoi lost the title in a brutal beatdown by Rose Gold, the same Rose Gold who Yuki had been betrayed and humiliated by back at We Are LAW 3, it hit her all the harder. Yuki was in the front row for that match, and it had dealt a crushing blow to her morale.

In fact, it was only fairly recently that the two had the chance to reconnect. When circumstances dictated that Yuki end up in the very same hospital Aoi was being housed in, the raven-haired girl had decided to pay her a visit, and that was where she discovered that not only had Aoi begun to walk again, she also believed in Yuki, and thought she had it in her to reach the heights she could only dream of. But even if Aoi thought Yuki had reached her level...for Yuki, that wasn't good enough. Yuki was on a mission - she had to beat Rose Gold. She had to raise herself to her level. And if she was going to take on a champion, she could imagine no better teacher than a champion herself. She had asked Aoi if she could train her, and - even if she wasn't sure how much she could impart to Yuki - she had agreed. They just needed to get out of the hospital first.

But now, the time had come. And Yuki hadn't forgotten a word of their conversation. Now, she had followed the address Aoi had given her, to a bar where her own trainer was supposed to work and where she had her private gym in the back. Yuki looked down at her phone, double-checking the address and making sure she was in the right place. But it certainly looked like she was - and with that, she crossed the street to the front door, stepping inside.
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Re: A Promise Fulfilled (for Dragonofdarkness)

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The inside of the bar was dimly lit as some Yankees or bikers looked at Yuki with suspicion a hooded man polishing mugs looked over. A man smirked as he was about to get up and stopped as immense pressure was felt from the hooded man almost the intent to kill as if warning the biker, "Harm her or anything and you are dead. " the man gulped but sighed "I know the rules boss!" he said "miss are you here for a reason not many girls come here except for one. "he stated "boss is soft-voiced so I'll tell you he don't serve alcohol to those under 21. " the man said. there was a light thud sound heard from below in a consent time. as if someone was hitting something. "oh don't mind that the girl I told you uses boss's basement as a gym she has been coming here for a while "

" You, that girl, look out for that's here to train. I'll get aoi here. Please take a seat. "the hooded man said as loud as he could but it was still quiet. the man pushed a button and the thudding stopped a few minutes later Aoi came from a door behind the bar as she was using one crutch that helped her walk still. "oh Yuki you really came sorry hope the idiots didn't scare you shadow you got any energy drinks or sports drinks?" she said as she went to yuki as the hooded man grabbed what looked to be protein shakes and other items to make it taste good and make the drinks. " oi brat just cause boss trained you don't mean you stronger then us. I see despite everything you got a mouth still miss Hero. " the man that was talking for Shadow said the hero jabbed cast a shadow over Aois eyes as the man realized and sighed " sorry that's was too far aoi any ways that's for the drinks boss we'll be going" the man paid up and would leave the bar followed by his gang of men.

Aoi shook her head and smiled at yuki. "so i talked to Shadow about helping you get better he wont train anyone but will help me trainyou as an advisor or something but only if i struggle with your training "aoi smiled at Yuki.

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Re: A Promise Fulfilled (for Dragonofdarkness)

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The moment she entered the bar, Yuki winced; it felt like her whole body was recoiling. There was an almost palpable sensation that she wasn't supposed to be here. This place was dark and dingy, a far cry from anywhere clean and bright and respectable like she frequented. When a few tough types turned to look at her with a glare, she bit her lip and shrunk back a little closer to the door. That just proved it. This was no place for a girl like her. She was an outsider - and, from the looks of them, an outsider with a target on her back.

Yuki might have been a trained and highly capable wrestler, but she was still a small, slightly-built girl who had been a target of bullies back at school. The muscles in her legs tensed as she looked back over her shoulder, scanning for an escape route. She could probably take them if she needed to, but right now she figured it was better to be safe than sorry.

But then, it would become clear that Yuki wouldn't need to worry about that. A hooded man called out to them, and his presence was commanding enough that even the bikers in the bar went silent at his voice alone. Yuki's eyes went wider as she turned her head to look up at him. If this man could bring the entire bar to a halt, he was clearly a force to be reckoned with.

And then, when Yuki heard the thump coming from below the floor and the man mentioned a gym, she held herself a little straighter. Yes, she had come to the right place! She didn't expect someone like Aoi to come to a place like this, but that wasn't something she would need to worry about right now. Sure enough, Aoi would soon come up to the bar - and the moment Yuki met eyes with her, her expression softened into a smile. Even if she was hobbling around on a crutch, it was still good to see Aoi out of the hospital and back to her old ways. She still had plenty of questions, but those could wait.

The dark-haired girl walked over to an open table and sat down, watching as Aoi spoke to the hooded man. She tilted her head curiously when she heard how the men were talking to Aoi. Yuki had only ever known Aoi as the Lightweight Champion - as an honorable, noble, accomplished soul who she hoped to live up to the example of some day. But these people still knew her as an upstart finding her niche. She couldn't help but be curious about how this all came to be.

Finally, as the men stepped out of the bar, leaving Yuki and Aoi alone, Yuki let out a sigh and looked back up at her soon-to-be trainer. Now that the others were out of the picture, she could breathe easier. "No, I understand," she said with a nod. "I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself if you work too hard..." Yuki's eyes lingered on the crutch at Aoi's side, and she winced just a little.

After a moment, Yuki spoke again. "So...how've you been feeling, Aoi? Getting around okay? How did you even meet these guys, anyway? Seems like you go a ways back..."
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Re: A Promise Fulfilled (for Dragonofdarkness)

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Aoi Nods to Yuki as she notices her gaze on her crutch. "well enough I guess... it's not the pain or anything like that it's more..." she started but stop herself. "to how I met the dimwits and shadow it goes back to when i was in high school I took iado before most of my life the way of drawing the sword and that stuff a certain friend got into trouble and I tried to defend her these guys weren't playing around and when i thought we were done for shadow showed up trying ot talk them out of it when they didn't listen i saw him effortlessly wipe the floor with the men that i couldn't do a thing against... i saw a chance to get better at defending my friend and i begged him to train me. " Aoi said as Shadow brought their drinks. "much to my disapproval she did not leave me alone and i was this close to getting a restraining order on her" Shadow said as he sat down. "look i never went to you place nad i barely found this bar that you own but in the end shadow trained me and i got better. joined wrestling more to test my skills but i fell in love with it in the end." Aoi said

"as for the dimwits they are regulars of Shadow bar when i first met them they glared at me but i just walked past them and asked Shadow to train me they're not bad folks just bikers they even let me ride on their motorcycles but they only glare at new people who might be here to start trouble " aoi admit. "they give shadow business but not many outside them come here its kinda good but..." "i need to make a living aoi" Shadow said firmly aoi sighed at that "i prefer this place being quiet. " Aoi said "anyways that's how i met i came to meet them and if you don't believe that shadow is strong well looks are deceiving," Aoi said.

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Re: A Promise Fulfilled (for Dragonofdarkness)

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As soon as Aoi started speaking, Yuki bit at her lip. Already, she could tell this was a sore subject for the blue-haired girl. For a moment, she had to ask herself why she would ever think it wouldn't be. But she didn't want to make Aoi dwell on that, and she quickly changed the subject.

She listened closely to Aoi as she elaborated on what had led her to her path - and her eyes went wider as she leaned in closer. She didn't know that Aoi had taken up iado before, but it was definitely something that caught her attention. She'd never really had her eyes on such physical disciplines - except for wrestling, of course - so it imbued Aoi with a new sense of mystique. She wasn't like her - she was different, unique; she stood out. Though, at the mention of "a certain friend," Yuki gulped, squeezing her hands together under the table. The entire reason they were where they were now was because Aoi had tried to stand up for a friend. That was why she had broken her leg. That was why Rose was champion. That was why Yuki had put so much into trying to better herself, to prove herself worthy of standing where Aoi had stood. And she couldn't shake the feeling that the friend Aoi mentioned was the same one here.

Yuki's mouth opened - the impulse to ask struck her, but she quickly stifled that, knowing that Aoi wouldn't want to discuss such things. Luckily, she was cut off when Shadow mentioned a restraining order, causing her to chuckle a little. "I won't pry, don't worry," she explained. But she listened closely to Aoi's story, and she found herself staring wistfully off into the distance. Yuki had never really thought about the life Aoi lived. But if she was getting in fights, hanging out with bikers, and training in a bar, it was clearly nothing like her own, mundane, everyday middle-class life. It had its own appeal, though - its own sense of adventure. She couldn't help but wonder about what it was like.

"No, don't worry, I believe you..." Yuki smiled to herself at the thought of Shadow being stronger than he appeared. She knew what that was like - what had gotten her so much buzz to begin with was how a dainty, slimly-built schoolgirl like her was standing up to some of the strongest opponents wrestling had to offer, and still defying the odds. "So, do you know anything about, like...where he came from? He must've been a wrestler before, right?"
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Re: A Promise Fulfilled (for Dragonofdarkness)

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Aoi giggled as she looked at Yuki as she asked. "hmmm I have asked how he got so strong and he told me but it's best if shadow tells you. " Aoi said as the male sighed. "not much of a story i was trained by Shaolin monks when i was young so to answer your question I'm a martial artist not a wrestler but after i left the temple i went to study to be a doctor didn't work out tho and i had to make a living so i came here and open this bar but only bikers and a spunky girl come here " he sighs. shadow said Aoi giggled "yeah that's all he's willing to tell i found out he does have his doctorics somehow even though he said it didn't work out." aoi huffed." Anyways any other questions you want to know yuki? I don't get to talk too much about myself and i see your eyes you have a lot curiosity about me now " Aoi giggled at yuki as she could see she was taking in everything aoi and Shadow said.

While Aoi's life did seem adventurous it was only because she found it or it found her. She didn't mind talking about it more but would realize it wasn't about knowing her it was about training Yuki. "if not after we finish our drinks lets head to the gym down stairs and start on that training " Aoi said as she sipped her energy drink.

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Re: A Promise Fulfilled (for Dragonofdarkness)

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Yuki was intent on learning more, and she hung off of every word that left Aoi's mouth. To an everyday schoolgirl like her, everything seemed so new and exciting - it was like something out of her wildest dreams, or the pages of a manga she knew was completely corny and nonsensical but she would enjoy as a guilty pleasure regardless. Iado? Biker gangs? Masked men? It had her rapt attention! And it would only get even better when Shadow mentioned that he had trained as a Shaolin monk. At that, Yuki spun around to face him, and her eyes went wide; her lips pursed in a stunned silence. She'd heard plenty about these monks. If the rumors were true, they were capable of killing someone just by touching them. Yuki never thought that she would ever meet one, and now she didn't even know it. "Wait...YOU'RE-!?" she gasped, only to clasp a hand over her mouth when she realized how loud she was being. If Shadow's soft voice was any indication, this probably wasn't something he was eager to talk about, and it wouldn't be a good idea for her to draw attention to it. Still...on the inside, she was trembling with excitement.

"Sorry...that's just really exciting, is all! I didn't know any of that. So, what's with the mask? Are you trying to hide your identity from the other monks so they don't know you ended up here? Or..?" She leaned in closer over the table. Partially so that she could keep her voice soft and inconspicuous...and partly because she wanted to get closer to a real life Shaolin monk.

Still, as Aoi would soon remind her, Yuki was here for business, not just stoking her curiosity. As soon as the blue-haired girl had mentioned training, she took in a deep breath and straightened herself in her seat, clearing her throat. At once, her mood completely shifted, growing calm and collected. Suddenly, she remembered why she was here. She remembered just how much was on the line, and why coming up short wasn't an option. Fangirling could wait. Now, she had to devote herself to her life's purpose.

"Right," she said. She took one last sip of her drink, then set it down. "I'm ready. I wouldn't come here if I wasn't..." Taking a deep breath, she pushed herself back up to her feet. "Let's go."
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Re: A Promise Fulfilled (for Dragonofdarkness)

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Shadow look at Yuki feeling she was about to explode with excitement. he sighed hearing her ask him such a question. Aoi chuckled seeing Yuki. before shadow could ask for help yuki already calmed down and was ready to train. "okay then yuki tell you what if you do good ill have shadow show his face to you." Aoi teased a bit and would get up heading to the door behind the bar. Aoi her self did think her life was a bit abnormal but wouldn't change it for anything tho she was sure Yuki wish she had an exciting life like this. as they head down to the gym area it wasn't big or impressive but they had everything they needed

"okay so I want to know what do you want me to help you with exactly like speed strengths or techniques." Aoi said as she looked at yuki. She would smile and giggle still at how excited she was about hearing aois story about her self.

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Re: A Promise Fulfilled (for Dragonofdarkness)

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As Yuki walked after Aoi, she heard what the blue-haired girl had to offer about their training, and at that, she went silent - but her eyes went wide with wonder. It seemed almost too good to be true. "R-Really..?" She didn't know why she would care. She barely even knew Shadow, and there was nothing she would actually have to gain by seeing his face...but it was what it signified that made this that much more special. If Shadow wore a mask everywhere he went, even if he was just tending to a bar, then clearly for him to show his face would be a special occasion - perhaps something that would be the mark of a person he could truly trust! And this was Yuki's chance to be inducted into that circle! Her heart beat faster in her chest as she turned to Aoi - she almost didn't feel worthy! "O-Only if that's something he wants to do-! I don't know if it's a touchy subject for him..."

When they at last got to the gym, though, Yuki took her place in the center of the mat and drew in a deep breath, then cracked her knuckles. Any thoughts about what might happen if she won left her mind. There was no time for those now - that was just a distraction that was going to slow her down on what was really important. She needed to get stronger. She needed to be ready for Rose.

"...The fact is, Aoi..." she continued after taking a deep breath, "I just...want to be more like you. When we fought, I was amazed by how quickly you could move, sure. But what really stands out to me is, well...you were a champion! I can't help but feel like I'm not worthy to even be here. I want to have what made you the champion you were!"
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Re: A Promise Fulfilled (for Dragonofdarkness)

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Aoi giggled as she listened to Yuki about shadow and then listened to yukis words' seriously. Aoi listened intently and nodded and she crossed her arms a bit. "Then Yuki might i ask why do you fight?" aoi said. " That question was asked to me by shadow after he agreed to train me. he said having a reason to push yourself if it had some special meaning is the best way to get stronger it does sound like something form a shonen but it does work. "AOi said. " i remember thinking hard for me it was the joy of fighting for one and pushing myself pass my limits but more importantly i remember the reason i first want to get stronger..." Aoi eyes went a bit downcast as she didn't want to say but sighed. "i wanted to protect my friend who protected me when i was in serious trouble. even though i never deserved it since i was so awful to her when we first met." Aoi said.

"Thats why i was able to become champion i thought if i could show the world I not someone to mess with i will fight tooth and nail for who i care for it it could deterre people who want to hurt someone i care for. Tho you saw how that happened in the end. however, i do enjoy wrestling and fighting and getting strong to fight for my friend is all i need to keep pushing myself so i had 3 reasons to fight for the joy, to push myself and to protect." Aoi said and she groaned and stretched her head. remembering all the hell she put herself though. "it does sound like something from a shonen manga and a bit embarrassing." Aoi said blushing a bit "your welcome to laugh but shadow did even as i decked him in the face" Aoi laughed a little

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