Vacation On The Seas (LAW Movie Thread)

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Vacation On The Seas (LAW Movie Thread)

Unread post by Pegasus »

Author’s Note
I’ve been trying to find a name for something like this, because this is completely unconventional for this site. It’s usually just suppose to be user-to-user roleplay rather than one person writing everything for everybody. I want to go on record and say that I have gotten everyone’s permission to do this story with various characters from their rosters involved. This is meant to be a slice of life story not going to be attached to anything in the future other than maybe referencing storylines that are going on. I have a similar one like this I am going to write in coordination with this one. That would be the Young Lioness Sleepover thread. Anyway, I have nothing more to say on this and I will be updating it quite frequently as I can. I hope you enjoy it. I also thought to name this a LAW Movie as a cool nickname since LAW is more anime-based despite being akin to real life.
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Re: Vacation On The Seas (LAW Movie Thread)

Unread post by Pegasus »

Cruise Terminal
Miami, Florida….one of the hottest party spots and the most southern point of Florida. The Sunshine State is always very warm even when things are going to start growing cold up north. A very popular vacation spot whether it gets too hot or too cold, but it also happens to be the kickoff point to lots of wonderful cruises. Taking a break from work is definitely important and since LAW will have enough names to hold over the divisions in their absence, the guys had decided to cash in on a vacation where everyone would be available and where they wouldn’t be busy training or for the Young Lionesses, taking classes and sessions. Jonathan handled finding a good cruise to go on and settled for the Royal Arthur that had plenty of fun activities widespread throughout the ship and a pretty extensive two week route from St. Thomas and the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, and last landing in Cancun, Mexico. Lots of time to take on the beaches. Daniel, William, and John would combine financial assets to help pay for boarding passes, luggage check, travel fees, and paid parking for their rental cars along with paying for Enterprise to rent them some cars.

Harmonia was open to the invitation and finally saw it as a proper chance to get away from the ring and her marketing adventures in order to have her non-blood related family to spend time with. Of course, her fiancé, Molly, would be her main focus as well, but she has been so busy competing for the Middleweight Championship that she felt it was time to welcome a little break between matches. Harmonia would get Kyoko when she eventually got back and she was eager to get the upper hand on Kyoko after defeating the champion for her personal championship. Harmonia had been the talk of Tokyo after securing the Belly Championship after Kyoko dominated others with the title for so long that it felt like the elder Akan wasn’t ever going to surrender it. The Superstar proved enough of a match for the former Belly Queen and that boosted her stock to great new heights as she became a heavy favorite to finally take the title off Kyoko when it came time for their next bout, but Kyoko had soon gathered Tara Jaegar and Da Xia for her new group and it seemed like Aella was next in line for a shot at redeeming her daughter and future daughter-in-law. Molly also welcomed the getaway after having to deal with Renee Steinhauser and dealing with the Renegade’s humiliation dealt to her. Sure, Harmonia got some payback back and they even were ringside during Renee’s match against Snow in the ladder match to crown a #1 contender to see who would challenge for the Lightweight Championship, but Molly knew Renee hadn’t forgotten her and Harmonia so there was another encounter fated and Molly wanted to be ready.

Finella and Chris just so happened to be hired as entertainment by the cruise liner so they would getting their passes and travel paid for by the organization that owns the boat. If William was going, then so would his wife and daughter and John would be going as well bringing his girlfriend, Elm, along. They called some others to go as their good friend Cody Jefferson expressed interest in going and Tylor Poe would be going as well bringing his wife, Brianna, with him. They also managed to rope in Harmony Livingston to take some annual leave from her piping job to join them since they don’t get to see her often.

Everyone had arrived at the parking spots that they paid for immediately driving from the airport since they would be expected on the boat at noon in time for it to start moving at 1 PM. They had caught an 8 AM flight and some even came in earlier since they had to travel from Austria and Japan. They parked and went to check-in as they registered themselves to get their boarding passes as well as make a quick stop by security as the guards had them put their shoes, belongings, and any electronics in bins before they were passed through and further patted down. Jonathan, Brianna S., William, Sarabeth, Astrid, Daniel, John, Elm, Cody, Harmony, Tylor, Brianna P., Harmonia, Molly, Sheila, Chelsea, George, Finella, Chris, and Rylie were ushered through and collected their things before heading for the docking lot where they looked up to see the big boat that they would be embarking the seven seas on.
Last edited by Pegasus on Fri Nov 08, 2024 6:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vacation On The Seas (LAW Movie Thread)

Unread post by Pegasus »

The boat was completely massive from first sight as the travelers gazed up at the modern design of the ship with the name plastered on both sides in a royal black color. Black chess pieces adorned the back of the ship and a stone mermaid sculpture holding her hands to her heart and her eyes closed was attached to the front of the ship. They could see life boats attached to the side of the ship and the rushing blue waters colliding with the exterior of the liner below their feet. Up on the roof, water slides and multiple pools, fitted for both adult and children, were located along with a musical sound stage for live performances where Moonrock would most likely jam out most nights. Sheila looked up with an astonished face as her eyes widened at the massive size of the cruise ship.

I knew this thing would be massive, but I feel like a pea compared to it. Like it could stomp me like a marshmallow,” Sheila stated.

Don’t look now, but I think it can sense your fear,” Sarabeth joked as Sheila blushed a bit still looking at the ship.
Sheila Chihara
Sarabeth Chummers-Ashworth
I’m not scared! I just wasn’t expecting it to be more than what I naturally thought it was. That’s it,” Sheila defended herself as she shot a pouty look at Sarabeth.

Too bad Meiyun couldn’t join us. I know her family gets a big boost this time of year,” Astrid stated.
Astrid Ostberg
Don’t worry about her, mom. Jessie and Matilda will make sure to assist her with the dinner rushes,” Sarabeth stated with a friendly nod to her parent.

“And I heard the gym actually has a boxing ring onboard in their gym. Not exactly the same as a wrestling ring, but we called ahead and they say we can use it for sparring. They may even set up a small wrestling event for us,” Tylor explained as he wore a plain white t-shirt, black sweatpants, and black Under Armor sneakers while his wife wore a pink cotton sweater, a white skirt, and brown sandals.

That’s awesome! I don’t get to wrestle much anymore and Jonathan can help me brush up on my technical moves. I’ve been feeling a little rusty from all the hardcore matches,” Rylie expressed her happiness as she pulled up next to the group.
Rylie Marshall
I’ve been meaning to ask you for a match, Rylie. I want to show you how wild I can get with weapons,” Sheila challenged as she turned to the Rascal as that drew a competitive smirk.

Don’t get too carried away, little kangeroo. My bro, Oscar, and Drake know how hard I hit and I don’t go easy on the girls either,” Rylie playfully warned.

Ye dolts goin’ ta destroy the ship?” Chelsea grumbled as she held hands with George in the back.
Chelsea Forster
George Fortunato
Ah, let de young ones have der fun, luv. Who knows? Maybe som’ of de clubs aboard wil’ ‘ave som’ other fun matches ta explore,” George suggested with a little chuckle knowing how the lewdness of some LAW matches could be.

Ye even fink of wrestlin’ som’ other broad and ah be send in’ ye over de deck ta sleep with de fishes! De sharks can deal with ye bullshite,” Chelsea cursed as she pointed a finger in George’s chest.

Calm yerself, luv. Let’s not get too hasty on the first day,” George stated with a teasing smile.

Ye best not test me patience,” Chelsea grumbled as her sister Molly and her friend, Harmonia, brought up the rear.
Harmonia Edelstein
Molly Forster
I have do have to wonder, George, who is in charge of the pub while you and Chelsea are away?” Harmonia asked.

Hmm? Oh, ah’m havin’ Karl an’ Tania take things over. Tania promised ta challenge cute girls ta oil wrestlin’ ta help take in more money,” George replied with a smile.

I do have my concerns about her being a co-owner. She doesn’t hesitate to abuse the whiskey shots,” Harmonia stated.

In ma eyes, luv, it is what it be. Pubs are all about fun and relaxation wit’ a twist of craziness. If all else fails, ah told her ta change de channel to ta football channel and let da drunktards rave. It keeps dem busy,” George explained with a cocky smile.

You really know how to handle business, huh, George?” Molly asked with a raised eyebrow and an impressed expression.

Yer fiancé ain’t de only business savvy person, Molly. Ol’ George has had dis mindset since de teenage years,” George boasted as Chelsea squeezed his hand to show her support.

Regardless of business comparisons, I’m just glad we finally get to be a family for once. I’m dreamed that this moment would always come despite the hardships we faced in the past. We’ll be officially family one day so I want to capture every moment in detail,” Harmonia explained as she put an arm around George and Molly as they caught up to the others.

Way in the back, Chris Yukine stepped forward with her guitar case strapped to her back and carrying her red backpack filled with extra clothes, shampoo, necklace accessories, makeup, and her phone. Finella came beside her carrying her violin case and rolled a black suitcase behind her. Chris kept her distance as she sighed, but Finella caught on this and nudged her shoulder for a little comfort. Chris wasn’t at all estatic about taking this cruise. Sure, the performance would allow her to be herself and play with Finella all the while the paychecks would look good in her bank account when she eventually returned to Japan, but if one thing always stopped her enjoyment, it was learning Harmonia would be apart of it. Chris hates her or at least she wants to tell herself she hates her. And then there’s Chelsea, someone Chris has no love for either. Chelsea and Harmonia were neutral when they heard Chris would be taking this cruise and it seems a non-verbal agreement about keeping distances for now was in order. They were here to enjoy themselves so they would let things be unless someone started something.
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Re: Vacation On The Seas (LAW Movie Thread)

Unread post by Pegasus »

The group started talking more amongst themselves as they made it to the line that would lead up the ramp towards the cruise ship. Another girl had filtered her way through security and into the loading dock as it happened to be another Young Lioness like Sheila and Sarabeth named Kimiko Bando. She already had been taking on all comers and shared the ring with some tough established stars like Valley Doll III, Alizeh Midori, and even defeated Sheila in her first POW Match. Unbeknownst to the guys, Sheila had invited Kimiko out since Meiyun would be too busy helping her family’s restaurant to attend vacation and Sheila wanted to bring someone from the dorms with her. She always felt part of William’s family and Sarabeth was a sister to her, but Sheila always liked having her own social circle to mingle her two worlds together and she got to know a lot about Kimiko upon losing to her.

Kimiko dressed in a normal red hoodie with a golden dragon symbol on the back, dark blue jeans, and white boots as she carried a small red luggage case. She wasn’t able to get a ride with Sheila to the airport as she had a quick morning lesson to attend to and she had to get breakfast at the airport as her plane left at 9:45 AM. Suffice to say, Kimiko was a nervous wreck and always felt like she would be too late after getting a bus ride here. Kimiko made a run for the line and just happened to see Sheila as she waved her free arm in the air.

SHEILA! SHEILA! I’M HERE! I’M HERE!” Kimiko shouted as her panting became a little ragged as she sunk down to her knees with everyone turning to face her.

“Are you alright, ma’am?” Cody asked as he is revealed to be a obese young man with short black hair dressed in a cotton brown jacket, black “Bleach” t-shirt, blue jeans, green bow tie, and black combat boots.

I’m good….whew….I'm good. Sorry for running behind,” Kimiko replied as Sheila and Sarabeth helped her up and Sheila scooped her up in a tight hug.

I just knew you would make it, Kimi! Don’t worry about being late. You’re here now and you made it just in the nick of time!” Sheila exclaimed as she let Kimiko go and the Japanese girl blushed as she rubbed her body.

Uh….yeah. Yumie wanted to help me freshen up on a combo process we were practicing last week and I had to focus on that. I booked my flight a week ago and packed accordingly. I just hope this can last me two weeks,” Kimiko explained as she gestured to her small luggage.

Don’t worry too much about missing anything. We can just buy from the ship,” William interjected as he wore his glasses, a white and blue dress shirt, khaki shorts, and blue sneakers.

Oh hey! You’re in the Young Lioness program as well, huh? I’m Sarabeth. We may have met before, but we certainly haven’t been acquainted,” Sarabeth greeted as she and Kimiko shook hands.

Kimiko! It’s so nice to see you! I hope your flight wasn’t too bumpy on the way over here,” Astrid added with her own greeting patting her student on the shoulder.

Hello to you too, Ostberg-san! It was touch and go for me as I had to hurry over here and the time difference did give me a little advantage,” Kimiko replied with a shy giggle and a blush.
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