Trinette Vaillant Vs. Violette Aonlous - Friendship Lost

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Trinette Vaillant Vs. Violette Aonlous - Friendship Lost

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Standard Match

Rules: Standard rules apply
Victory Condition: Pinfall, Submission or K.O.

It had been quite a long time since Trinette had seen Violette in person. Though that didn't mean that she was unaware of what sort of actions and what kind of person she had become since their last meeting. The fact that Violette seemingly had decided to walk down a path of evil and cruelty meant that Trinette had only one choice in the matter. She would have to take it on herself to bring Violette to heel.

This was actually a reason as to why Trinette had joined LAW, not the primary reason but still a pretty big one. She wanted to confront her old friend and rival and see if she could turn her away from the path she was heading....but Violette had taken a hiatus. She wasn't able to confront Violette....until now! Trinette's requests had been answered as the return match for Violette were set against the Paladin.

The blue-haired fighter stood at the Gorilla Position, centering her mind and focusing on the task at hand. She had a fixed goal and she was determined to bring Violette to justice. Stepping out onto the ramp her music started to blast out of the speakers, Trinette would march down the ramp and towards the ring to the cheers of the crowd, as the noble paladin took the stage! She made her way to the ring and ascended the stairs, before she then slipped into the ring in between the ropes. Trinette would parade around the ring, then taking to the center of the squared circle as she then placed her right arm across her chest with the base of her fist pressing against her shoulder, giving a slight bow in a noble salute. Trinette would then turn around and walk to her corner, where she would fold her arms underneath her chest and wait for her old rival...

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Re: Trinette Vaillant Vs. Violette Aonlous - Friendship Lost

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Violette was back in LAW. Legal issue after legal issue, she had finally gotten through all of them. It seemed she had made some enemies, pissed off the wrong people. So they tried to trump up some bogus charges on her, attempting to frame her. But despite her looks and stuff, she was a smart girl and managed to clear her name, even after an appeal. Now she was free, ready to return to what she loved, wrestling.

Though much to her annoyance, it seemed her old childhood friend couldn’t stop chasing after her. She had just gotten back and right away, Trinette forced a match on her. Like seriously, get a life. It was fine though, Violette would give her the beating of a lifetime and ensure her old friend knew her place. Then she could go on to bigger and better things in LAW.

Not wasting a moment, she would now make her way down the hallways, having her signature bat known as “tough love” lay on her shoulder. Eventually, she reached a spot that she had not been in a while, the entrance. She was just behind the curtain. God this felt good. Her blood was rushing and she was full of energy.
Then her theme song played, one that the crowd hadn’t heard in a while. With that Violette would make her way out. A good portion of the crowd applauded her, glad to see her return. Some didn’t know her and as such decided to clap anyway. Though some remembered her and still hated her, they would boo her. As Violette went down the ramp, she would casually give the middle finger to a few people booing her, not even looking at them.

As she got to the ring, she would go up the metal stairs and enter in between the top and middle rope before going to the center of the ring. She would give a bored look at Trinette before pointing “Tough Love” at her. The referee would start telling her to put the bat away but blue blue-haired heel would simply ignore them. “Look who couldn’t stop following me, Trinette. Seriously, constantly chasing after me. Starting to think you have a crush on me or maybe you're like a puppy who keeps coming back to their owner. Well if that is the case, after I teach you some lessons, maybe I will put a collar on you.” said Trinette with a bit of a smirk on her face. With that, she would then throw the bat to the side and then place her hands on her hips while standing in the middle of the ring.

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Re: Trinette Vaillant Vs. Violette Aonlous - Friendship Lost

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As the music of Violette started to play out of the speakers, Trinette would take a step out of her corner and look around at the reaction that the crowd gave. It was a rather mixed reaction, leaning more on the negative side? Trinette would take note of this, she wasn't sure if it meant that some people simply didn't know who Violette was or if it had been because they agreed with her cruel ways.

The bluenette watched as her rival walked down the ramp and started to ascend the steel steps. The eyes of Trinette would shift to the bat which she had in her hand. Though as Violette entered the squared circle and went to the center of the ring, pointing that bat towards the Paladin. Trinette would start to walk towards the center of the ring, she wasn't going to back down. The referee quickly complained to Violette, and told her to put the bat away. Trinette moved forward still, watching her old friend and rival's demeanor and her actions. She listened to the words she spewed and when she saw Violette throw the bat to the side, Trinette would let out a light sigh.

" I must admit. At first I was conflicted on how to go about this." Trinette said as she took another step closer to Violette, and placed her hands on her hips. "I'm cot conflicted anymore thanks to you. I will beat you down Violette. Your evil ways will not be tolerated. If you are beyond redemption, then I'll defeat you. I hope that beating some sense into your thick skull will change your ways, but trust me when I say this old friend. I will not take your wickedness lightly. Nor will I be gentle with you." The Paladin spoke out, she would glare at Violette, her strong sense of righteousness and justice exuding from her like an aura. "Mock me all you will, but once I have vanquished you. You'll have a chance to reform your ways, I suggest to you that you contemplate that throughout this match."
Last edited by Devastated on Thu Nov 07, 2024 12:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Trinette Vaillant Vs. Violette Aonlous - Friendship Lost

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Violette placed her hands on her hips as she heard Trinette talk. There it was, the whole high and mighty speech—the person riding in on their high horse. Violette put the palm of her hand over her mouth and then yawned in response. "BORING. Is that what you are trying to do, bore me to death, if so, it's working. Guess I will do everyone a favour and just beat the shit out of you until you stop talking and moving. Then we will still see if you cling to your beliefs." said the heel in response to her old friend.

With that, the referee would get in between the two of them and separate the two of them. Violette would take a few steps back at first and waited for the bell to ring. During this time she would continue to look Trinette in the eyes as she awaited for the bell to be rang.


With that, the match was underway, the heel would start to circle around her prey, arms raised as she did so, attempting to see if she could flank her. She doubted it but would still attempt to do so. Trying to come to her side, Violette would move in and try to grab Trinette or at least enter a collar and elbow tie-up.

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Re: Trinette Vaillant Vs. Violette Aonlous - Friendship Lost

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The reaction that Violette gave her wasn't entirely unexpected. The two of them no longer seemed compatible, their paths had diverged too much. Trinette would shake her head and release a soft sigh. " Then let us move onto combat then." Trinette spoke out as she would glare at Violette. There was a brief moment before the referee moved in and separated them, which Trinette agreed to without any apprehension, she took a few steps back and waited for the bell...and while she did her and Violette would share an intense glare as they stared into each other's eyes.

Once the bell rang, Trinette would circle her old friend, arms raised and matching the movement of her rival. The Face would see how Violette was trying to flank her, and keep her guard up, as Violette moved in so would Trinette! The Paladin would lock up with Slayer as they engaged in a collar and elbow tie-up!

The two French wrestlers would begin to push against each other, and Trinette sought to press forward and push into Violette, trying to force her rival back towards the ropes!

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Re: Trinette Vaillant Vs. Violette Aonlous - Friendship Lost

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Violette smirks at her opponent's words. "Finally, now you are starting to make sense and see things my way."

With the match underway, the two blue-haired wrestlers would clash, their hands and arms interlocking as they attempted to overpower each other. The two of them were evenly matched but Violette wasn't going to lose this. She was now starting to get a feel for Trinette and getting an idea of what her opponent was capable of. This wasn't going to be an easy fight part of her thought of going for a dirty trick, something to give her an edge but no, she was going to win this first part with pure strength and skill.

She would stop pushing her opponent and instead suddenly attempt to try to pull her in, using Trinette's own momentum against her. She would then jump in the air before letting herself fall back and kicking both of her legs forward as she did so, trying to send her fellow blue hair wrestling into the air and towards the corner as she tried to perform a monkey flip.

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Re: Trinette Vaillant Vs. Violette Aonlous - Friendship Lost

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Trinette and Violette had locked up, clashing as their arms interlocked and they started to push against each other! Starting out things were looking rather evenly matched between the two! As they jostled and struggled for control, and trying to overpower each other...though for a moment it was looking as if Trinette was starting to overpower her rival, but that seemed to only be a part of Violette's plan!

The Paladin was surprised as she felt herself being pulled towards Violette as the Slayer jerked her downwards! Those boots of Violette kicked up into Trinette's stomach as she was flipped up and over as the short haired wrestler monkey flipped Trinette through the air, sending her sailing towards the corner which she hit back first and dropped down onto her shoulder's upside down with her lower body leaning against the corner!

"Gwuah!" Trinette cried out upon impact with the corner, she had been taken aback by the sudden Monkey flip to say the least!

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Re: Trinette Vaillant Vs. Violette Aonlous - Friendship Lost

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Violette managed to fall back and kick her opponent in the chest, launching her into the air. She let out a cruel smirk as her plan worked and sent her fellow blue-hair opponent right into the corner. The punk wrestler would get back onto her feet and look at her upside-down opponent. "Look at you, already down and out, what a pathetic loser." said Violet in a mocking tone as she charged forward, quickly closing the distance between the two. As she got close, she would jump slightly in the air, attempting to hit Trinette with a dropkick right in her gut, attempting to sandwich her in between the turnbuckle and her boots.

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Re: Trinette Vaillant Vs. Violette Aonlous - Friendship Lost

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Trinette was stuck upside down in the corner, groaning out a bit as she tried to adjust herself so she could get back up. Trinette wasn't going to be awarded that chance though, as her efforts were cut down short before she had even truly had a chance to begin to rise! Her rival came charging right at her and then drove her boots into Trinette's belly, the impact caused the long haired bluenette to gasp out as she was sandwiched between the boots of Violette and the corner turnbuckle! The impact jolted her body and caused her to cough out!

After a couple of seconds, Trinette's body would slump down and drop onto her side right in front of the corner with her arms wrapped around her midsection.

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Re: Trinette Vaillant Vs. Violette Aonlous - Friendship Lost

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Violette managed to close the distance between herself and her fellow French wrestler by jumping in the air and connecting with a brutal drop kick that flattened her opponent. She would quickly pick herself up as she saw Trinette slump down and cough. The crowd was booing at the sight but honestly, that felt great. "Not all high mighty now, are you?" said Violette mockingly as she moved closer and attempted to grab Trinette by the hair and try to pull her up. If she managed to do so, she would try to grab her leotard and then try to lift her for a suspended vertical suplex. Might as well show off a bit and make a statement, something that would put all the other wrestlers in LAW on notice.

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