The Yokozuna vs the Amazon

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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The Yokozuna vs the Amazon

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Hippolyta Britt vs Nori Mogumi
Normal match
Win by pinfall , submission , count out or DQ

Hippolyta was changing into her wrestling attire as it now consisted of White and gold wrestling Boots while she wore long white shocks beneath them. As her boots reached just below her knees as the socks reached her upper tights. An simple white Leotard that had an gold imprint in the middle and an pair of gold cuffs with white gloves to finish the look.

Once she had gotten her hair in an ponytail it was time to make her journey to the guerrilla position as it was almost showtime. As she had to go out first , and set the bar as she was determined to make the best entrance so that nobody could top it. So with that in mind she was determined to outdo her , and steal the show from the first moment as soon her entrance theme Warriors began to play

As she would walk on stage as her music began to play as white pyro would appear on stage. As she would turn away from the ring as she struck an few poses before with an loud bang the last of her pyro would go off. Which was the sign for her to turn around as she walked to the ring as the announcer said ''now entering from Reseda, Canada. Weighing in at 190 ibs it's Hippolyta Britt''as the blond climbed the steel steps as she climbed into the ring over the top rope as she said ''are you ready to see me wrestle again LAW'''

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Re: The Yokozuna vs the Amazon

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Ready to go!
Nori was all set backstage as she finished tying her mawashi over her attire. The female sumo was wearing white shirt over her wrestling singlet and going barefoot for her match. The The young woman was excited to face off in a traditional wrestling match, and while she would have liked to compete in a sumo themed bout, the newcomer was always up to try new things! So, as a knock on the door signaled her, Nori would make her way out of the locker room and head to make her entrance.
Sumo Stomp!
While the fans were still pumped up by Hippolyta's arrival, the young sumo practitioner would come out as her music played in the background. Smiling confidently as she walked across the stage, Nori would crouch down before raising her leg up high in the air. Her foot almost pointing to the ceiling before she brought it back down with a huge stomp! Then, the woman would do the same with her other leg before letting out a fearsome warrior cry. "OOOOORRRRAAAAAAHHHH!" she would roar at the fans as some minor fireworks went off around the stage.

Smiling as she listened to the cheering fans, Nori would start to make her way down the ramp and into the ring. Sliding in on her belly, the cute sumo girl would look up to see her amazonian opponent. The blonde woman sure looked strong. But that only made her feel more motivated to face such a powerful combatant. So, standing up and walking over to face Hippolyta, the young woman would smile as faced the amazon down. "Greetings! My name is Nori Mogumi and it will be my pleasure to give you a challenge worth your time!" the female sumo would say as she bowed respectfully to her opponent. "Please give me your all and I will happily return the favor!" Nori would add before standing upright and heading to her corner to wait for the match to start.

As she walked over, the young woman would pull her t-shirt over her head and toss it out to the crowd for a lucky fan to catch as a souvenir to take home. Now, after settling back in her corner, Nori would look over at Hippolyta as she waited for the bell to ring. The eager sumo couldn't wait to show her opponent and the fans a good fight as she licked her lips in anticipation!
Nori Mogumi - Standard Attire

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Re: The Yokozuna vs the Amazon

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Hippolyta would watch as her opponent walked out , and smiled as the other woman made one heck of an impact. As it became obvious that the other wrestler was an entertainer just like she was as she Sumo wrestler would do the whole routine that most Sumo wrestlers did or so she assumed. Since she had not seen much Sumo , but it felt impressive as soon the two were face to face as one lucky fan got an extra souvenir as it was the blond's turn to say something back as she retorted ''I always give it my all , and I am certain that you will give me an challenge worthy of my skill set. Still it be an shame if the match would be over to soon so do tell me when you would need an break to catch up as I heard you Sumo wrestlers aren't the fasted''as she teased her opponent

Once the bell would ring the blond would make her way to the center of the ring as she raised her hands as she hoped to meet Nori in the middle of the ring for an test of strength

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Re: The Yokozuna vs the Amazon

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Nori would smile as her opponent mocked sumo wrestlers for being 'slow'. Clearly this amazon had never seen the lightning fast speed of a mighty sump palm strike! It was no matter, though. The blonde woman would learn for herself as they faced each other in the ring. And Nori looked forward to teaching Hippolyta the truth about sumos! As the bell rang out, signaling the start of the match, Nori would walk over and meet the woman in the center of the ring. Seeing that she was being offered a test of strength, the young sumo practitioner would smile and eagerly accept the amazon's hands. Fingers locking together, the two female warriors would begin to clash in a battle of muscles. Their bodies straining as pushed against one another.

"Not bad...for a mere amazon~" Nori would say, taunting her opponent as she was gritting her teeth. As the suo was about to be pushed back a step by the blonde woman, though, Nori would lift her leg and stomp down hard to stand her ground. Her toes digging into the canvas as she refused to be forced back by Hippolyta. Straining as she pressed their foreheads together, Nori would stare into her opponent's eyes as she tried to force the woman back. "...But as a sumo...I won't be defeated!" she would declare as she would try to take a step forward and begin to push the powerful amazon back.

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Re: The Yokozuna vs the Amazon

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Hippolyta may have not known much about Sumo wrestlers , but what she did knew was that they usually were pretty strong as she knew that if she were within Nori's striking range. Or even worse within grabbing range that she would regret it if her opponent would be able to trap her in an bearhug or another hold. However when it came to an test of strength the blond was confident she could easily force the sumo practitioner to her knees as their fingers locked up as the two began to push against each other.

As the two pushed back and forth it seemed like they were in an stalemate , but to the blond's surprise Nori was able to talk some trash. Which came out of nowhere for her if she was honest as she retorted back ''Well wish I could say I am surprised. . However always figured you Sumo wrestlers would be hard to push back for obvious reasons''in an attempt to taunt the other woman back as they were forehead to forehead as neither was able to push the other back even if the blond was starting to slip slightly.

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Re: The Yokozuna vs the Amazon

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Nori smiled as she continued to face Hippolyta in fierce test of strength. Neither side seemed to have the advantage as the two women found themselves in a stalemate. Groaning as she strained against the amazon, Nori would admit her opponent was strong. Stronger then most in fact! However, that only lit a fire in her belly at the thought of facing such imposing and worthy challenge. While it seemed that Hippolyta would compliment her, Nori could tell the woman was refering to the typical size of sumo wrestlers. It didn't bug her, though. Nori was proud of the size and presence of the mighty sumo wrestlers. Just like she admired the muscular physique of powerful amazons.

"Heh...body shaming a sumo? I'm too proud of my be provoke by that..." Nori would tell her opponent as they continued butting heads with each other like a couple of rams. "How about...I have you kiss my you can great it is~" the sumo would declare as she would try to puff her chest into the amazon's. Hoping that her large breasts might be able to knock Hippolyta back a step as they smashed into the amazon's sexy bosom with a loud SMACK.

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Re: The Yokozuna vs the Amazon

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Hippolyta would just smirk when she heard the other woman retort to her comment as she and the Sumo wrestler traded blows. Both trying to push the other back when Nori would up the stakes by saying she would make the Canadian kiss her body should she lose. Those words combined with the chest bump that followed soon after had the blond stumbling back an step or two as she looked into her opponent's eyes as she thought of an good comeback to say.

After an second or two , Hippolyta felt she had the correct words to say as she retorted back ''ohhh you wanna add stakes to this little battle then. Well if you want to make the stakes that why not agree that the loser as to go to the winner's locker room , and kiss her body in private to show the error of her ways then''as she brought her own chest to bear as she drove her tits into the sumo wrestler in an attempt to knock her back an step or two .

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Re: The Yokozuna vs the Amazon

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The young sumo woman would smirk as she heard the amazon propose stakes to their match. Claiming that the loser should kiss the winner's body all over to show which of them really was the stronger warrior. Nori loved adding stakes to matches. They always made things so exciting. And the idea of having the defeated Hippolyta kiss her sexy body all over and in private? Or risk being forced to kiss a victorious amazon after being defeated herself? She really liked the sound of that!

"You're!" Nori would declare with a big grin as she rhymed by accident. Her own wordplay made the woman chuckle a little. Then, Hippolyta would smack her her breasts back into the sumo's busty pair. Causing the woman to be forced back a step as a result.

Now more determined than ever to beat her opponent thanks to the stakes, Nori would change up her tactics. Rather than push the amazon back, the female sumo would try to push the woman down! Trying to angle her weight over her opponent, Nori would attempt to force Hippolyta onto her knees with her strength and insight to using people's weight against them. A lot of sumo wrestling was about shifting weight after all! If successful, then Nori would try to bury the blonde woman's face between her breasts as she kept pushing her down. That way she could keep Hippolyta on her knees while also smothering the amazon with her breasts!

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Re: The Yokozuna vs the Amazon

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As she heard the other woman agree to her stakes , Hippolyta only got more confident to win. Since she felt she needed to win as the sumo wrestler's breasts were pressing against her own. The smirk on her face growing slightly when she had forced the other woman to take an step back. Her desire to show off , and win the bet they had just made fueling her more and more as their breasts collided again and again while trying to push the other back.

Then came the moment when Nori would change her tactic as suddenly the blond felt an weight push down on her breasts as she buckled under the pressure. Since it took an lot of strength to keep standing as she would lean forwards slightly so her face pressed against her opponent's chest. Which was followed up by her leaning backwards as her breasts would slam into the sumo wrestler's own from below as she gave what could best be described as an boob uppercut as it would likely make an amazing gif for her fans to post on social media after the match.

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Re: The Yokozuna vs the Amazon

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Nori would smirk as she'd manage to bring the amazon down to her knees. Hippolyta was certainly a powerful foe with incredible strength. However, the sumo woman wasn't lacking in strength in any sense. She could give this amazon all she could handle and more. However, before she could begin to smother her opponent, Hippolyta would swing her breasts up and smack them into Nori's rack. Causing her titties to flop upwards with a smack as the two sets of boobs clapped together.

"Yeoouch!" Nori would yell out as she recieved the boob uppercut. However, a little sting wouldn't be enough to make her back off. Looking to repay the amazon for that boob attack, the female sumo decided to give her own attack using her breasts. Pulling back for a moment, Nori would attempt to launch herself forward and try to driving her boobs straight into Hippolyta's face as she'd try to preform a sort of tackle on her strong opponent! Looking to knock the amazon over and slam down on top of her tits first so she could lay down and smother the sexy woman with her rather sizable breasts covering Hippolyta's face.

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