Van Arkride - The Carefree Mercenary

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Van Arkride - The Carefree Mercenary

Unread post by killcarrion »

================================[Personal Information]===============================

Name : Van Arkride
Alias: The Carefree Mercenary, Pragmatic Private-Eye, Sweet-toothed Sleuth
Sex: M
Age: 25
Eyes: Deep Blue
Hair: Shades Of Black And Blue
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 155
Nationality: Japanese

================================[Combat Information]===============================

Entrance MusicNow More Than Ever

Strategy and Style – A stalwart powerhouse grappler who uses a variety of strong style wrestling and MMA in a fluid utilization that employs non-stop pressure to never allow his opponent a second of relaxation or time to recoup. A more fleet-footed slamming and submissions based approach is his main bread and butter, so whenever grounded an adversary can expect him to continue onward with a methodical mix-up between a ground and pound, burly sleeperholds, or joint targeting/stifling submissions. Brandishing a physique capable of withstanding its fair share of punishment and a questionable morality that could see him slip into shades of grey or even downright cheating if it can can secure him the victory and more importantly, a payday.

Preferred Matches – Standard, Submission, Hardcore, Cage, Sensual.

Match Type: First Blood Match
Victory Conditions: A pin, knockout or submission can only count after a wrestler has made the other one bleed. No DQ, anything goes.

Match Type: Handcuff Match
Victory Conditions: Wrestlers must lock up both their opponent's wrists together or to a specified structure with handcuffs that are supplied outside the ring.

Endurance: :star: :star: :star:
Strength: :star: :star: :star: :star:
Speed: :star: :star: :star:
Defense: :star: :star:
Technique: :star: :star: :star:

Strikes: :star: :star: :star:
Submissions: :star: :star: :star:
Powerhouse: :star: :star: :star:
Aerial: :star: :star:
Counters: :star: :star: :star: :star:

Favored Moves : Spears, Palm strikes, Drop Toehold, Jawbreaker, Headbutts, German Suplexes, Running Bulldog, STF, Knife-edge Chops, Forearm Strikes, Implant DDT, Camel Clutch, Monkey Flip, Sleeperhold, Mexican Ceiling, Spinning Roundhouse Kick, Small Package, Striking Combination, Boston Crab, Back Suplex, Shoulder Tackle, Bear-hug, Elbow Drop. Hurricanrana.

Signature Moves :
1) Aerial Buster
2) Howling Roar
3) Heavy Spike
Finishing Moves :
1) Raging Buster
2) Heavenly Halter
3) Regal Beatdown
Critical Finishing Moves:
1) Vandalize Raid
Wrestling Attire:
Without Jacket...
Casual Attire...
Another Hard Day at Work...
Overworked By The Sadistic Student Council President As A Student...
Although Van Figures His High School Days Weren’t All Bad...
Closing The Bar With Those Same Friends...
Personality: Seemingly lackadaisical and laid back to a fault upon first impressions, Van’s portrayal is one of an easygoing slacker who prefers simplicity in his life as opposed to overcomplicating matters when he can. Van’s nature stemming from him having accrued a lifetime’s worth of experience dealing with some of the dregs of society. Accruing a steadfast competency and skilled aptitude for problem-solving whenever hurdles are placed in his path. Dry and pragmatic with a knack for forging relationships in spite of his loner persona, albeit sometimes with the intentions of merely having others indebted to him. Skilled and capable with a charismatic and affable demeanor, Van’s debonair confidence can nevertheless show cracks whenever allowed to speak about one of his hidden passions usually with childlike wonder and enthusiasm.

“Suffice to say that I'm not like the cops. I do things my own way. And that way isn't black, but it definitely ain't white either. Mine's like the color of a dark blue sky just before dawn.”

Van’s own description of his unique methodology isn’t written on the back of his business cards for nothing. Those words being a seamless reflection of not only the manner in which he conducts himself and handles his assignments whenever he’s on the job, but his own personal viewpoint on life in general. Van preferring to live within the indecipherable shades of grey rather than on the side of stalwart justice or heinous criminality. It just fits his tempo better as a problem solver for hire. Free to accept or reject whatever jobs are offered depending on the circumstances and details involved. Whether it’s taking pictures as evidence of a philandering spouse, escorting clients out of the country who may be targeted by the mafia or on the run from the fuzz, finding a lost cat, being recruited as hired muscle into gang wars, or merely acting as a courier himself. If the pay is right and Van has the time and willingness, you yourself could wind up hiring the most capable handyman in the underworld, or “Spriggan” as he enthusiastically calls himself. His office doors are open to anyone who knocks but doesn’t mind waiting until after he’s taken his morning naps first.

Being his own boss is one of the main highlights of this chosen profession as it allows Van a carefree life after having been raised in less-than-ideal circumstances. Living in an orphanage with multiple children to a room being one of his earliest memories as he learned to fend for himself whenever scrounging for scraps or defending his fellow orphans from bullies. Van’s penchant for befriending others stretching across social classes as well, several of whom he’d grow up with even into high school. Even serving on Student Council beside them…but due to circumstances beyond his control, Van opted to abandon whatever chances he had at a higher education by dropping out early. Certain underworld connections enabling him to hone his fighting skills and make more money off his street smarts instead, garnering a reputation for his skilled prowess when it came to handling matters of utmost discretion. Although this wasn’t his first choice when it came to earning extra cash on the side, the world of competitive wrestling seemed to be in a boon period…and he’s been meaning to trick out his ride with some expensive customization anyway.

- Cakes And Pastries~
- His Customized SUV
- Mainstream Films
- Sleeping In
- Hot Morning Shower And Dip In The Sauna

- Any Damage To His Car
- Being Called “Old”
- Rebellious Young Punks
- Being Indebted To Others
- His Landlord

Fun Facts:
1) Van is a bonafide autophile who routinely and enthusiastically modifies his customize SUV as a cherished hobby of his. A decent portion of his petty cash goes towards financing this expensive endeavor.

2) Van's apartment, modified to be his office, is located above a neighborhood bistro, the owners of whom are also his landlords. The convenience of having an exquisite restaurant available to him 24/7 is one of the main benefits of this location. The grumpy landlord, less so.

3) Van loves sweets of all delectable origins. People have routinely talked him into jobs based solely on the promise of quality pastries alongside his usual fee.

4) If Van was a Pokemon, he would be...
LAW Information:


1) Reluctant Reunion: Elaine Auclair Vs Van Arkride - Van's debut takes a turn for the nostalgic and awkward as he squares off with his high-school sweetheart, childhood friend...and bitter ex.


Last edited by killcarrion on Sat Jan 25, 2025 4:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

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