Amèlie Dubois meets a new face

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Re: Amèlie Dubois meets a new face

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"Candys....You are so nice.. i ca.." Amèlie just hugged Candys but normally this time. She never found a girl THIS nice. Thing is she still liked to be squeezed by her, but Amèlie couldn't let Lou lay an hand on this girl anymore.

"'s her attitude... i liked her at the beginning... but that's not the problem now. Gonna need to cover you up, i can't let you walk like this." Amèlie tried fo found something to cover Candys, she couldn't let the girl come out of the gym almost naked!

"So if i don't need to fight her... what we do now?

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Re: Amèlie Dubois meets a new face

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Candys laughed slightly as she saw Amélie struggling for her and avoiding that we could see her naked, it was rather pleasant especially after having taken a long and powerful squeeze. She looked around her and walked towards the exit while smiling at Amélie.

"Well... I'm sure you have clothes in your locker room... And then, maybe I can help you rekindle the flame between you and Louise? I don't know Louise too well but I think I know her a little, and I wouldn't say no to seeing you again in a squeeze duel..~"
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Re: Amèlie Dubois meets a new face

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"I can't let you go alone to Louise! She will make you suffer!" Amèlie shouted. She seemed to really care for Candys. "Yes i have some clothes... let's go there." Normally Amèlie would jump on a semi-naked woman but not Candys.

Since it was her fault that Candys was in that state, she couldn't...right? Thing is this girl was... weird? She actually wanted Amèlie and Louise fight between themselves?... it was.. strange. Of course Amèlie wouldn't refuse to beat up Louise, but sending Candys alone to her... kinda made Amèlie scared for her.

"Let me come with you, i won't let Louise see me, i can't send you alone to her!"

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Re: Amèlie Dubois meets a new face

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Candys followed Amélie, keeping one hand at her chest, not wanting the few people outside to see her naked before her first match even arrived. She blushed slightly and whistled innocently while thinking of a way to help the little blonde.

"Mhh... Louise is the kind of woman who is too proud of herself... Maybe beating her backstage would work?... You could try to ambush her during her first match or in the gym! But I don't know when she leaves her house to be honest..."
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Re: Amèlie Dubois meets a new face

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"That could take a while... who knows when she comes here? I can't like.. sleep in backstage you know..let's get clothes first then we think ok?" Amèlie quickly picked Candys up and rushed to her locker room, not wanting people seeing her.

"This way will be faster. You don't think about Louise now." As soon they reached the locker room Amèlie gave Candys some clothes to put on. "Now put these on.. then we think on how i can beat that bitch up."

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Re: Amèlie Dubois meets a new face

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"So we have to find a way to know where she is and when... Hmm..."

Candys continued to follow Amélie to her locker room and went in without thinking too much. She grabbed the sweater that Amélie gave her so she could hide her chest and punched the palm of her other hand.

"What if... We set up a fake date? I invite her to a bar to drink and you go instead of me?.."
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Re: Amèlie Dubois meets a new face

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"Oh. That sounds good so i can beat her up! Good job Candys!" Amèlie didn't thought of that at all and Candys just gave her the solution to fight Lou and get revenge for what she had done to this nice girl!

"I will send you pictures of how i'll beat her up <3" Amèlie said in a smug tone, she still wanted to prove Candys that she was stronger than Lou and this would be perfect for it. "I'll send you a good picture where i squeeze her up! But for now you should get some rest, and.. let me know when you organize it!"

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Re: Amèlie Dubois meets a new face

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Amelie seemed to be convinced by this idea and it made the pinkette smile as she proudly put on the top that Amelie had just given her. Now she had to put her plan in place and for that she needed her phone... Which was at her house. She patted Amelie's shoulder and held out her hand to ask for her phone.

"I think I'll go then now that we have a plan... Can you lend me your phone for a few seconds, I'll just put my number so we can keep in touch~"
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Re: Amèlie Dubois meets a new face

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"Oh for sure! Here you go!" Amèlie felt a bit embarassed seeing Candys asking for her number... this girl was so cute and nice... But no, Amèlie didn't want to do something that she could regret, so for now she would go along with the plan. So after Candys was gone, Amèlie could only wait her call to go to the place where Lou would be.

She hoped that anything would work smoothly and Candys wouldn't get in trouble for this.

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