Redhead vs Royalty (Audrey Trovita vs Princess Elizabeth)

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Re: Redhead vs Royalty (Audrey Trovita vs Princess Elizabeth)

Unread post by ThurmanMermanPlx »

Audrey had to pause and catch her breath for a moment after that aerial flip, enjoying the sight of Elizabeth faceplanted into the mat. As she rose to one knee, the princess was busy making a scene in the middle of the ring, which at least gave her some time to breathe. That said...

"My god, you are such a child!"

The redhead was clearly getting frustrated, losing that playful tone in her voice. Audrey would sprint forwards, trying to take Elizabeth back down to the ground with a running tackle. If she got that far, then the real fun would begin - the redhead would flop Elizabeth onto her stomach and sit on her behind, pulling the princess' arms over her legs and wrenching her chin back with a camel clutch.
Last edited by ThurmanMermanPlx on Thu Oct 31, 2024 5:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Redhead vs Royalty (Audrey Trovita vs Princess Elizabeth)

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Elizabeth continued to expend her energy by throwing the tantrum. Her opponent finally had enough of her and decided to end her once and for all. Elizabeth would get up, only to be met with a running tackle down to the floor. She would hold her body in pain before she was then flipped onto her stomach and placed in a camel clutch. That was when the princess went into panic mode once the move was locked in.

“Hey! Hey! Stop it! Stop it! You’re hurting my back! How dare you sit on my back! You’re gonna break it!”

The referee, really wanting Elizabeth out of her sight, asked if she wanted to give it. However, Elizabeth was so busy yapping that she couldn’t hear what the referee was asking her.
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Re: Redhead vs Royalty (Audrey Trovita vs Princess Elizabeth)

Unread post by ThurmanMermanPlx »

Finally, finally, Audrey had control. And it felt damn good to have an opponent in her finisher for once, rather than being the poor sod trapped in it by someone else. Now all she had to do was hold it until Elizabeth couldn't endure any longer. By the sounds of it, the princess didn't care for the position any more than Audrey did.

“Hey! Hey! Stop it! Stop it! You’re hurting my back! How dare you sit on my back! You’re gonna break it!”

Audrey wrenched tighter, leaning back as far as she could without letting go. "That's... kinda the point, you know!" she snapped back through grit teeth. "Just give up if you don't like it. Go on. Tell the nice ref you submit."

She adjusted her position, making sure she was comfortable and not in danger of sliding off. "Or you could just scream. I'd take that, too."
My RP profile/preferences
New Thread Requests are CLOSED, however I am more than happy to plan something with you for the future! I am simply not starting new matches currently as I have a backlog of requests and not enough time to reliably respond to them all.

Audrey Trovita (LW) || Audrey (mixed)
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Re: Redhead vs Royalty (Audrey Trovita vs Princess Elizabeth)

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Princess Elizabeth continued to yell and scream in pain by how painful the camel clutch was. Her back was really getting bent out of shape, deteriorating years of posture training she undertook growing up. Eventually, Princess Elizabeth vigorously started tapping out, yelling out her submission.


The referee then called for the bell as they told Audrey to get off of Princess Elizabeth. Internally, they just wanted Princess Elizabeth to stop screeching like a banshee.
Renee’s Undercarders

If you wanna dm me matches, my discord is arstotzkianborderpatrol

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