Golden Time vs Ishigami

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Golden Time vs Ishigami

Unread post by Lico »

Hentai Handicap Match
Victory Condition: A wrestler is declared a winner when their opponent(s) can't get up within 10 seconds after having a climax and downed.
(If a wrestler reaches a climax but still able to stand, there will be no countdown.)
No striking allowed.

It's another matchday for Yuto and he'd make his entrance to the arena after his theme was played on the speakers, dressed in his
. As usual, the crowds' reaction was a mix of cheering and teasing, something he's grown accustomed to. As long as everyone got to be entertained, then it meant he did his job.

The boy slid himself under the ropes and waved to the audience with a wry smile on his face, before heading towards the corner where he'd do a bit of stretching. It seemed like he's going to be pitted against a team for tonight's bout, but that's pretty much what he knew about his opponents. Not like he could do much at this point, apart from waiting for the girls to arrive so they could get started. The crowds were going to love this setup, and frankly, he never minded being put against more than one opponents. Double the girls, double the fun, right?

Ishigami - Mixed

Thread Request

- You don't have to agree with every idea I proposed. Just be honest about it.
- I rather take a "fuck off" rather than a complete silence if I ask you for a thread and you don't want to do stuffs with me. None of that "in the future" bullshit too if you don't really mean it.
- Drop me a PM or something if you're unsure about stuffs in the RP, i.e. if you're stuck with what to do next, or need to clarify a post.
- In the unfortunate event that you don't feel like continuing the thread, please kindly inform me about it rather than left me hanging.
- Post length requirement: At least a paragraph or two. No one liner.
- The most important thing is to have fun!

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Re: Golden Time vs Ishigami

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"Cat ears or no cat ears?" Rebecca was toying with the idea of wearing her accessory she'd become keen on. "Given the match type it feels a little weird, so I'm gonna go with no." Rebecca, a little disappointed by the response, removed them from her head and tossed them away. Once again the blonde duo was going into a hentai style match. Lucy had almost been unable to escape the match type, but she had been slowly starting to enjoy it more over anything else. This handicap hentai match also came with a little twist which drew Lucy to it immediately and by proxy Rebecca came along for the fun!
Hearing a mixed response coming from the arena as they approached, the blonde duo looked at each other with raised eyebrows. However, as Ishigami's entrance died down and the Golden Time theme rang through the arena the tone changed to straight cheers as the pair jogged into view of the crowd. Making their way down the ramp, they would slide into the ring getting their first look of Ishigami. The two would approach the man standing before them before stopping short and both extending a hand in greeting.
"Hi I'm Lucy! You're pretty cute!"..."I'm Rebecca! Let's make sure to give these people a show!"
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Re: Golden Time vs Ishigami

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His opponents' arrival was greeted with cheers from the crowds, a scene that contrasted his. Not that he minded too much. From the look of it, the blondes seemed just about his size, so no real physical advantage, just numbers. Perhaps the odds weren't completely stacked against him, but he also knew he couldn't feel too relieved about it. Even in a one on one, there were plenty of women his size who could kick his ass. At least these two seemed nice enough judging from they greetings.

"Hey... I'm Ishigami Yuto, let's have a good one. And maybe... go easy on me, eh...?" he gave them a wry smile, blushing a little from Lucy's remark.

On a closer look, both Lucy and Rebecca looked stunning. He couldn't help but to scan on their lovely figures a little longer than what he intended. To think he'd tussle around with these beauties soon enough... the boy couldn't help but to feel a little stirred already.

The ref then gathered the three of them at the center of the ring and began to explain the rules. Even then, Yuto couldn't help but to keep sneaking glances at the blondes, barely paying attention to the official.
Last edited by Lico on Sat Nov 02, 2024 2:55 am, edited 2 times in total.

Ishigami - Mixed

Thread Request

- You don't have to agree with every idea I proposed. Just be honest about it.
- I rather take a "fuck off" rather than a complete silence if I ask you for a thread and you don't want to do stuffs with me. None of that "in the future" bullshit too if you don't really mean it.
- Drop me a PM or something if you're unsure about stuffs in the RP, i.e. if you're stuck with what to do next, or need to clarify a post.
- In the unfortunate event that you don't feel like continuing the thread, please kindly inform me about it rather than left me hanging.
- Post length requirement: At least a paragraph or two. No one liner.
- The most important thing is to have fun!

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Re: Golden Time vs Ishigami

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Straight off the bat it seemed like Ishigami was a little bit of a softie blushing from such a simple comment. "Hahaha! Don't worry we'll make sure you have a good time!" Lucy couldn't help but laugh at little seeing Ishigami's response. He had clearly been taken in by the blonde duo's beauty noticing him looking their bodies up and down.

The two women were always confident in their looks, and it seemed like that alone was starting to get Ishigami a little unsettled. Rebecca would give a sly half smile feeling confident they could make this man putty in their hands! Before Rebecca could get a word in, the ref brought their attention to him once again. Even listening to the ref for a few last minute items, Rebecca caught Ishigami peeking at the pair every now and then.

Once the ref was finished, Lucy would slide her half sleeves off her arms tossing them out of the ring followed swiftly by her barely there jacket. Instead of throwing it out, she would toss it toward Ishigami. "You can keep that!" Lucy would give him a little wink! "Consider yourself lucky! There are a ton of guys who'd kill to have that!" The pair would move back to an opposite corner from Ishigami to await the start of the match.
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Re: Golden Time vs Ishigami

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"H-huh...?" Yuto was surprised when something was suddenly thrown his way, which he just barely caught. "Wha..." he looked a little confused seeing the sleeves and jacket of Lucy that he's holding. "Uh..." his blushed a little more, but decided to bring the clothing pieces back to his corner and hung them there. Ugh, they're having a little too much fun messing with me, he thought.

The bell soon rang, clearing his thoughts a bit, and the boy would cautiously approach the blondes, arms up in a defensive stance. He wasn't sure what the girls were going to do, but he also knew that waiting for both of them to come at him could also be a mistake due to their number advantage. In his mind, if they both rushed at him, he could try taking down one of them with a tackle. However, if they're both also taking a cautious approach, they might be in a bit of a standoff.

Ishigami - Mixed

Thread Request

- You don't have to agree with every idea I proposed. Just be honest about it.
- I rather take a "fuck off" rather than a complete silence if I ask you for a thread and you don't want to do stuffs with me. None of that "in the future" bullshit too if you don't really mean it.
- Drop me a PM or something if you're unsure about stuffs in the RP, i.e. if you're stuck with what to do next, or need to clarify a post.
- In the unfortunate event that you don't feel like continuing the thread, please kindly inform me about it rather than left me hanging.
- Post length requirement: At least a paragraph or two. No one liner.
- The most important thing is to have fun!

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Re: Golden Time vs Ishigami

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Offering Ishigami a little "gift" had the desired effect to the point he even seemed careful with the garments as he placed them in his corner. "You ready for this?" Lucy gave a little bit of a sarcastic grin. "I don't want to get overconfident, but I think it will be harder to prevent him from spilling his load!" If that was indeed the case, then this match likely proved to be a little messy! "Hahaha! I think I know what you mean!"


The bell would bring the duo's attention back to their opponent who seemed to take a defensive posture to begin. The two women would begin to approach Ishigami slowly willing to lock up with him to start things off. If he took the lock up willingly, the pair would change their plans. Lucy would fully lock up with Ishigami, while Rebecca would go low wrapping her arms around him to drive him back hoping to bring him off balance to force him to his back.

If they were successful, during the scramble Rebecca would try and grab hold of Ishigami's arms while Lucy would focus on his lower half trying to secure his legs. If all went according to plan they would have Ishigami in perfect position for Lucy to begin teasing him with her feet!
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Re: Golden Time vs Ishigami

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It looked like the girls wanted to start things off with a lockup, and Yuto decided to go with it. Even though they had the number advantage, both blondes weren't really built, so it might not be the worst idea to try testing their strength that way. However, just as he took Lucy's hand, Rebecca suddenly went for a tackle, causing him to gasp before he crashed onto his back. Who'd see that coming?


He tried to get up as soon as possible, but his opponents were quick to follow up. Within a flash Yuto had his arms seized by Rebecca, and soon enough Lucy got his legs! The boy tried to squirm away, but then he felt Lucy's foot between his legs, pressed against his crotch to make him pause abruptly. It looked like he got himself into the worst possible start by getting trapped by the girls right away!

"Gh... you girls are crafty..." he said while trying to squirm a little again.

Ishigami - Mixed

Thread Request

- You don't have to agree with every idea I proposed. Just be honest about it.
- I rather take a "fuck off" rather than a complete silence if I ask you for a thread and you don't want to do stuffs with me. None of that "in the future" bullshit too if you don't really mean it.
- Drop me a PM or something if you're unsure about stuffs in the RP, i.e. if you're stuck with what to do next, or need to clarify a post.
- In the unfortunate event that you don't feel like continuing the thread, please kindly inform me about it rather than left me hanging.
- Post length requirement: At least a paragraph or two. No one liner.
- The most important thing is to have fun!

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Re: Golden Time vs Ishigami

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The two women would crack a smirk at one another at seeing Ishigami now trapped between the pair. Despite his struggles to free himself they weren't going to let him go so easily! Rebecca would scoot herself forward pulling Ishigami's arms up as high as they'd go locking her grip on his wrists. She would then try and wrap her legs around his head to keep him nice and stable. Giving him a gentle squeeze between her thighs."Give him a little taste Lucy!"

With her feet tucked into Ishigami's crotch already she would begin pressing her feet against his manhood hoping to stir a little something within Ishigami to get him going. A slow massaging motion back and forth. "I've never tried gettin a guy going this way, but shameful not to try it I guess!" The ease with which the blonde's had been able to get Ishigami down only increased their confidence going forward in this match. "Be sure to let me know how this feels!" Lucy would shoot a wink at Ishigami followed by a devious smile!
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Re: Golden Time vs Ishigami

Unread post by Lico »

Yuto now had his head trapped between Rebecca's legs as well, which pretty much put him completely under his opponents' mercy. At least the girl didn't really squeeze him tightly and seemed content just to keep him trapped without really hurting him. Meanwhile, Rebecca's foot starting to move on his nether region, causing his lower half to wriggle around a bit while he moaned from the sensation.

"N-nnghh... uuhhh...!" he could feel his bulge growing and his shaft twitching under his pants from seeing Lucy's smile, "N-no... let me... nggg... go..." he said with a rather flustered look.

With his struggle being pretty much futile against the blondes, the boy was getting increasingly stirred, but he's not at the point where he'd openly admit that it felt somewhat good yet. However, his half hearted protest more or less indicated that he's not completely disliking what Lucy was doing to him.

Ishigami - Mixed

Thread Request

- You don't have to agree with every idea I proposed. Just be honest about it.
- I rather take a "fuck off" rather than a complete silence if I ask you for a thread and you don't want to do stuffs with me. None of that "in the future" bullshit too if you don't really mean it.
- Drop me a PM or something if you're unsure about stuffs in the RP, i.e. if you're stuck with what to do next, or need to clarify a post.
- In the unfortunate event that you don't feel like continuing the thread, please kindly inform me about it rather than left me hanging.
- Post length requirement: At least a paragraph or two. No one liner.
- The most important thing is to have fun!

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Re: Golden Time vs Ishigami

Unread post by B.Lemme »

Lucy could feel Ishigami growing larger with each stroke the blonde's foot made over his crotch. Nobody could blame him though! Getting double teamed by a pair a gorgeous blondes would appeal to just about anybody! However, she wanted to toy with Ishigami just a little bit at feeling how quickly he was pitching a tent!

"Looks like he's growing quick! Five bucks I can get him to cum in less than a minute!" Lucy shot a smile at Rebecca who was quick to follow up. "I'll take that action! Plus this guy might be more resilient than we think!" Rebecca would squeeze Ishigami's head just a little more to prep him for Lucy's next action.

"Keep a good hold on him then Becca! I'm gonna get a better feel of this cutie!" Lucy would cease her caressing of Ishigami's crotch and shift from her ass to all fours. She would move forward before taking one hand grabbing a handful of Ishigami's bulging pants. "I've got money on this so be a good boy and cream your pants for me! Faster the better!" Provided Ishigami made no actions to avoid it Lucy would shift her grasp to the rod and begin giving it some more direct attention!
Lemme's Ladies
Discord: B.Lemme

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