Real Name: Lucielle Jeannette Camara Verninac Pardo Costa
Nicknames: The White Rabbit, Lepo, Alice
Age: 22
Hair Color: Brown (Dyes it)
Eye Color: Blue (Sometimes uses contacts)
Height: 5'4
Weight: 140
Alignment: Tweener
Nationality: North American (is of Portuguese, French, and Cuban descent)
Born In: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Hometown: Miami, Florida
Entrance Music:
Ring Attire




Special thanks to Rawg for making this pic!

Thanks again, Rawg!
Promotional Shots

















As Moonstar

Out of Costume




When she's away from the job, Lucielle plays the part of the responsible, obedient daughter to her more conservative-minded parents. A Plain Jane (who has a rocking body, but is a Plain Jane nonetheless) making the best of life in the wrestling business and working backstage after her career in the scripted variant didn't work out the way she'd hoped. Hidden away, effectively faceless. Merely another cog in the machine, a worker drone. Insignificant and bored out of her mind.
As Alicia Lepo, she's free to be her true self: Competitive. Passionate. Sexy. Staunchly independent. Bold and fearless in her search of the next thrilling adventure. Bad and unashamed. And as such, she spends as much time as a wrestler as she can, to the point of dreading being Lucielle.
As Alicia Lepo, she's free to be her true self: Competitive. Passionate. Sexy. Staunchly independent. Bold and fearless in her search of the next thrilling adventure. Bad and unashamed. And as such, she spends as much time as a wrestler as she can, to the point of dreading being Lucielle.
Lucielle Jeannette Duarte Verninac Pardo Costa was born into a middle class home, her father a former professional scripted wrestler turned backstage producer, and a gymnast mother who had to give it up after an injury. It was a loving household, if a little strict.
Lucielle's teenage years would come with the typical pushbacks and rebellion: Having her choices of outfits vetoed for being too showy (only for her to sneak into them anyway), making sure she stuck to the right crowds and stayed focused on her studies, the battle of finding the right partner for her...Her heart yearned for adventure, and the cool kids and delinquents -- her tickets to it -- were taking notice of the womanly form she was growing into and making offers. She'd shirk her responsibilities and take whatever shortcuts she could to stay on top of her academics, which included making use of the crush of Terrell Hughes, a friend she had at the time.
And a great one: Reliable. Open to talk about almost anything. And he would always come in clutch when she skipped school, helping her catch up on what she'd miss. He was a real sweetheart, handsome, and as a game of spin the bottle one night at Beatriz's house would reveal, a spectacular kisser.
Her parents loved the guy and nudged her towards him, but he didn't have enough edge to keep her interest, so she turned him down when he finally got the guts to ask her out. His brother, Devon, however...
Hooking up with him dealt a blow that ended the strenuous frenemy situation she had with Beatriz, who knew that she was taking advantage of his feelings and warned her about the beating that would follow if she dared to hurt him. But Terrell, the optimistic fellow that he is, couldn't be convinced to stay away until then. But he still cared enough to give her a heads up about Devon's two-timing ways, which she knew about, but like many girls who liked the bad boys, she believed that she could tame him.
Both were warnings that she'd ignore, and the consequences would come to pass: She wasn't quite beaten down in the schoolyard brawl that took place the next day, but Beatriz would get some good shots in that would have her well on the way before they were separated. By this time, both girls were training to become professional wrestlers. And both were technical luchadoras in the making, learning the techniques that were geared towards the combat variant.
Lucielle, however, was looking to get into the scripted action. It would be simpler, she believed. Certainly less intensive, and she could become a star all the same. Her regular participation in gymnastics and track and field, combined with an astonishing degree of flexibility, would make her a prospect that Ultima Championship Wrestling (the second largest scripted promotion in the nation, behind WWE) would keep an eye out for after her father put in a word. With a potential contract being on the table now, she started putting more and more time into the craft, leaving Devon with plenty of opportunities to philander, just as Terrell had said he would. Heartbroken, she ended the relationship.
She would never get the chance to apologize to Terrell. A protective Beatriz would stand in the way whenever she tried, and a family emergency would eventually take her to Miami, where most of her mother's relatives were residing. After her grandmother's funeral, she would devote more time to her training, and taking advantage of her good looks to engage in hookups with her fellow trainees here and there in an effort to erase her first relationship from her memory, which had been beautiful before it was marred by Devon's betrayal.
Her dalliances would lead to drama that came in the form of two girls fighting over her. Lucielle had intended for those relationships to be casual, but both wanted more. It ended up creating a mess that got her father's eye set more closely on her, and he would employ the help of other trainers to keep her on the straight and narrow.
Not wanting to lose out on the potential adventures could be brought to her by wrestling under a brand that put on shows all across the globe, she finally started playing ball. And when she turned eighteen, she would finally make her debut. She started off as an enhancement talent and saw plentiful bookings against Heels who had a focus on submissions, making the most of her contortionist-level flexibility to sell their holds. After suffering an injury from a bad throw to the outside of the ring, she would also see some time as a backstage interviewer, and made some contributions to UCW's magazine as well. The snark she'd bring to both made her popular in those roles, and UCW officials seemed content with keeping her there, but she wanted to get back in the ring after she was healed up.
Her wish would be granted, and she would return to action as a masked competitor named Moonstar. The personality that she was supposed to act out was that of a stoic, tight-assed goody two shoes; the exact opposite of what Lucielle herself was. She'd struggle with this, and would sometimes go off script to give the character some spice; a laugh and a joke here when she was meant to be the straight man to a wackier character. Occasionally playing to the crowd instead of putting all of her focus on bringing her opponent down. Reciprocating the flirtations of a man who Moonstar was supposed to view as an annoyance, but was ticking all of Lucielle's boxes during an intergender match. And spitting in top star Melanie Isabella Andrews's face instead of shaking her hand at the end of a one-sided match that Melanie worked quite stiffly following an argument they had backstage.
During this time, she would put forth a stellar display of her talent, leaving fans wanting more after every performance. But because of her penchant for disregarding the script, especially in that last instance (Melanie was related to a man who was high up on the ladder, a fact that she would lord over her and other wrestlers), she would never rise above the mid-card despite her popularity. The incident with Melanie would bring about the end of her push towards the Television championship, and she would be booked to job to others every week, killing all of her momentum.
Eventually, she would get fed up with this treatment and quit. Her father and his family had connections in the big three of professional wrestling: The US, Mexico, and Japan, and he would discuss the different options. Seeing an opportunity, she would ask about work in Japan. She knew exactly who she wanted to work for:
Her family wasn't involved in combat wrestling, and especially not in any promotions that featured erotic wrestling. And so she would be drawn to LAW. Knowing that they wouldn't approve of her wrestling there, even in a purely vanilla sense, she would feign an interest in simply applying for a position as an interviewer or a columnist. And she really would want to fulfill those roles, but she wanted to do more on top of that. She wanted to see how far she could make it without a script, and a green light to utilize everything she knows and fully apply all the gains she'd worked for in the gym.
And so she'd craft a new theme for herself: Something based around a white rabbit, the symbol of rebirth. The invitation to step out of a mundane life and embark on a journey to the extraordinary. And they're supposed to be lucky too -- a bonus. Alicia Lepo would be the name. She would wear a mask, dye her hair, and maybe use contacts and alter her voice to make herself unrecognizable should her family happen to be watching.
But Alicia Lepo would not be a character. Instead, she would be Lucielle Jeannette Camara Verninac Pardo Costa, unchained. When she submitted an application to LAW, it was primarily as a wrestler, but she would also do interviews, both as Alicia and herself. As she was new to the combat variant of the sport, she would have to partake in a series of tryout matches that were being held in Tokyo. Trying competitions that would leave her excited for more.
Alicia made it through, and Lucielle would also be brought on board for work backstage. It was absolutely perfect: She was finally by herself in the midst of a countless bunch of intriguing characters. Premier athletes. And sexy things who were trained in the art of carnal pleasure. While she wanted to be seen, and had an outfit made that would make damn sure of it, she wasn't enough of an exhibitionist to have sex in front of a crowd of thousands. But there was still plenty that she could get up to in private.
LAW held the promise of thrills at every turn. Lucielle could feel it now: She's going to have plenty of material for her memoirs when the time comes for her to retire.
Lucielle's teenage years would come with the typical pushbacks and rebellion: Having her choices of outfits vetoed for being too showy (only for her to sneak into them anyway), making sure she stuck to the right crowds and stayed focused on her studies, the battle of finding the right partner for her...Her heart yearned for adventure, and the cool kids and delinquents -- her tickets to it -- were taking notice of the womanly form she was growing into and making offers. She'd shirk her responsibilities and take whatever shortcuts she could to stay on top of her academics, which included making use of the crush of Terrell Hughes, a friend she had at the time.
And a great one: Reliable. Open to talk about almost anything. And he would always come in clutch when she skipped school, helping her catch up on what she'd miss. He was a real sweetheart, handsome, and as a game of spin the bottle one night at Beatriz's house would reveal, a spectacular kisser.
Her parents loved the guy and nudged her towards him, but he didn't have enough edge to keep her interest, so she turned him down when he finally got the guts to ask her out. His brother, Devon, however...
Hooking up with him dealt a blow that ended the strenuous frenemy situation she had with Beatriz, who knew that she was taking advantage of his feelings and warned her about the beating that would follow if she dared to hurt him. But Terrell, the optimistic fellow that he is, couldn't be convinced to stay away until then. But he still cared enough to give her a heads up about Devon's two-timing ways, which she knew about, but like many girls who liked the bad boys, she believed that she could tame him.
Both were warnings that she'd ignore, and the consequences would come to pass: She wasn't quite beaten down in the schoolyard brawl that took place the next day, but Beatriz would get some good shots in that would have her well on the way before they were separated. By this time, both girls were training to become professional wrestlers. And both were technical luchadoras in the making, learning the techniques that were geared towards the combat variant.
Lucielle, however, was looking to get into the scripted action. It would be simpler, she believed. Certainly less intensive, and she could become a star all the same. Her regular participation in gymnastics and track and field, combined with an astonishing degree of flexibility, would make her a prospect that Ultima Championship Wrestling (the second largest scripted promotion in the nation, behind WWE) would keep an eye out for after her father put in a word. With a potential contract being on the table now, she started putting more and more time into the craft, leaving Devon with plenty of opportunities to philander, just as Terrell had said he would. Heartbroken, she ended the relationship.
She would never get the chance to apologize to Terrell. A protective Beatriz would stand in the way whenever she tried, and a family emergency would eventually take her to Miami, where most of her mother's relatives were residing. After her grandmother's funeral, she would devote more time to her training, and taking advantage of her good looks to engage in hookups with her fellow trainees here and there in an effort to erase her first relationship from her memory, which had been beautiful before it was marred by Devon's betrayal.
Her dalliances would lead to drama that came in the form of two girls fighting over her. Lucielle had intended for those relationships to be casual, but both wanted more. It ended up creating a mess that got her father's eye set more closely on her, and he would employ the help of other trainers to keep her on the straight and narrow.
Not wanting to lose out on the potential adventures could be brought to her by wrestling under a brand that put on shows all across the globe, she finally started playing ball. And when she turned eighteen, she would finally make her debut. She started off as an enhancement talent and saw plentiful bookings against Heels who had a focus on submissions, making the most of her contortionist-level flexibility to sell their holds. After suffering an injury from a bad throw to the outside of the ring, she would also see some time as a backstage interviewer, and made some contributions to UCW's magazine as well. The snark she'd bring to both made her popular in those roles, and UCW officials seemed content with keeping her there, but she wanted to get back in the ring after she was healed up.
Her wish would be granted, and she would return to action as a masked competitor named Moonstar. The personality that she was supposed to act out was that of a stoic, tight-assed goody two shoes; the exact opposite of what Lucielle herself was. She'd struggle with this, and would sometimes go off script to give the character some spice; a laugh and a joke here when she was meant to be the straight man to a wackier character. Occasionally playing to the crowd instead of putting all of her focus on bringing her opponent down. Reciprocating the flirtations of a man who Moonstar was supposed to view as an annoyance, but was ticking all of Lucielle's boxes during an intergender match. And spitting in top star Melanie Isabella Andrews's face instead of shaking her hand at the end of a one-sided match that Melanie worked quite stiffly following an argument they had backstage.
During this time, she would put forth a stellar display of her talent, leaving fans wanting more after every performance. But because of her penchant for disregarding the script, especially in that last instance (Melanie was related to a man who was high up on the ladder, a fact that she would lord over her and other wrestlers), she would never rise above the mid-card despite her popularity. The incident with Melanie would bring about the end of her push towards the Television championship, and she would be booked to job to others every week, killing all of her momentum.
Eventually, she would get fed up with this treatment and quit. Her father and his family had connections in the big three of professional wrestling: The US, Mexico, and Japan, and he would discuss the different options. Seeing an opportunity, she would ask about work in Japan. She knew exactly who she wanted to work for:
Her family wasn't involved in combat wrestling, and especially not in any promotions that featured erotic wrestling. And so she would be drawn to LAW. Knowing that they wouldn't approve of her wrestling there, even in a purely vanilla sense, she would feign an interest in simply applying for a position as an interviewer or a columnist. And she really would want to fulfill those roles, but she wanted to do more on top of that. She wanted to see how far she could make it without a script, and a green light to utilize everything she knows and fully apply all the gains she'd worked for in the gym.
And so she'd craft a new theme for herself: Something based around a white rabbit, the symbol of rebirth. The invitation to step out of a mundane life and embark on a journey to the extraordinary. And they're supposed to be lucky too -- a bonus. Alicia Lepo would be the name. She would wear a mask, dye her hair, and maybe use contacts and alter her voice to make herself unrecognizable should her family happen to be watching.
But Alicia Lepo would not be a character. Instead, she would be Lucielle Jeannette Camara Verninac Pardo Costa, unchained. When she submitted an application to LAW, it was primarily as a wrestler, but she would also do interviews, both as Alicia and herself. As she was new to the combat variant of the sport, she would have to partake in a series of tryout matches that were being held in Tokyo. Trying competitions that would leave her excited for more.
Alicia made it through, and Lucielle would also be brought on board for work backstage. It was absolutely perfect: She was finally by herself in the midst of a countless bunch of intriguing characters. Premier athletes. And sexy things who were trained in the art of carnal pleasure. While she wanted to be seen, and had an outfit made that would make damn sure of it, she wasn't enough of an exhibitionist to have sex in front of a crowd of thousands. But there was still plenty that she could get up to in private.
LAW held the promise of thrills at every turn. Lucielle could feel it now: She's going to have plenty of material for her memoirs when the time comes for her to retire.
Alicia is a luchadora who, while certainly quick, isn't as fast-paced as most others who utilize the style, having adapted a more methodical approach. She picks her spots with her riskier athletics, normally waiting until she's worn her opponent down with her submission wrestling acumen. The legs, back, and ribs are made the most frequent targets in order to rob them of their ability to evade her high-flying maneuvers, along with the arms of bigger and stronger opponents in order to keep herself in the fight; she can't take too many hard hits. She is very strong against submission holds, however. Not only because of her technical knowledge, but also how flexible she is; contortionist level.
Despite what her attire may suggest, Alicia doesn't lead too strongly with her sexuality, preferring to wrestle a good hard fought match with those who aren't too taken in by her curves and all the skin she has on display in what she calls her "Litmus outfits". With that said, however, she likes winning just a little bit more than she likes to be challenged: So if she's faced with an opponent who's proving to be too tough, she'll most definitely use it (among other dirty tricks) if it seems like it'll give her an edge. Up to a certain point; she'll be just fine with kisses and clothed action, but will never initiate actual sexual contact.
Despite what her attire may suggest, Alicia doesn't lead too strongly with her sexuality, preferring to wrestle a good hard fought match with those who aren't too taken in by her curves and all the skin she has on display in what she calls her "Litmus outfits". With that said, however, she likes winning just a little bit more than she likes to be challenged: So if she's faced with an opponent who's proving to be too tough, she'll most definitely use it (among other dirty tricks) if it seems like it'll give her an edge. Up to a certain point; she'll be just fine with kisses and clothed action, but will never initiate actual sexual contact.
Signature and Finishing Moves
Signature Moves
Torture Half-Crab
Rolling La Tapatia
Rabbit Teep
Rabbit Hole DDT
Spinning Wheel Kick
Spinning Headscissor Takedown
Wheelbarrow Flip
Wake Up Call
Stunned by a Stunner
FFS (Face Full of Stuff) DDT
Finishing Moves
Reverse Pedigree
Jim Breaks Armbar/The Quartering
If the opponent's being a little too persistent, Alicia might twist up their legs as well, transitioning into the The Quartering, a Critical Finishing Move.
Torture Crab
Romero Package
Super Rabbit Hole DDT
Flight of Fancy
Critical Finishing Moves
Malice Shooter
Alicia's Voice: Ali Hillis as Black Cat
Lucielle's Voice: Erica Lindbeck as Black Cat
- Melanie Isabella Andrews ("Oh, how the mighty have fallen. She was a queen in UCW, but she ain't shit here. I wish I could've been there to kick her ass when she tried out, but watching it happen again and again was fun enough.")
- Elvira Velour ("I have never met a woman as sexy as Elvira Velour. Jesus Christ, the things she can do to a woman...!") (Friend with benefits)
- Black Severin ("Didn't see that transformation happening. Who'da thunk it?")
- Bella Pirata ("I wasn't as good to Terrell as I should have been. Does she still hate me for it?")
- Melanie Isabella Andrews ("Oh, how the mighty have fallen. She was a queen in UCW, but she ain't shit here. I wish I could've been there to kick her ass when she tried out, but watching it happen again and again was fun enough.")
- Elvira Velour ("I have never met a woman as sexy as Elvira Velour. Jesus Christ, the things she can do to a woman...!") (Friend with benefits)
- Black Severin ("Didn't see that transformation happening. Who'da thunk it?")
- Bella Pirata ("I wasn't as good to Terrell as I should have been. Does she still hate me for it?")