Every Fiber of My Being Wants To Puke At Once When I Say This...

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Re: Every Fiber of My Being Wants To Puke At Once When I Say This...

Unread post by Hills »

Saoirse silently obeys Alizeh's instructions, dropping down to the canvas and allowing her tutor to take both arms and roll her slightly to the side in preparation for the submission. A soft grunt is the only acknowledgement she gives to Alizeh's warning, and a slight twitch in her jaw as the the pressure is fully applied, painfully pushing both shoulders against the restraints of their sockets. She grits her teeth for a moment, fighting the urge to thrash around in an effort to break away, instead focusing on the pain and how the technique was being applied. She pushes against the hold as she'd been taught, probing for weaknesses or counters to it, but none easily present themselves now that the elaborate submission was fully applied.

"Two queshtionsh." Despite her efforts to hold on to her self-possession in the hold, the weight of Alizeh's legs pushing her face against the canvas creates an unavoidable slur in her words. Alizeh can feel Saoirse cringe at this, but apparently asking to be released was even worse in the proud woman's worldview. "Firsht: how do you actually ushe thish? Againsht shomeone fighting back?"

There's a long pause before she continues as Saoirse fights the urge to curl her legs to try and distract herself from the pain. While she was nearly immune to pain when she was fighting, absent the aid of excitement and adrenaline the tightening agony in her shoulders was quickly becoming unbearable.

"Shecond...unf...how eashily can you dishlocate or break shomething from thish poshition?"
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Re: Every Fiber of My Being Wants To Puke At Once When I Say This...

Unread post by Bare »

Having locked the submission hold in nice and tight on Saoirse and keeping it pulled Alizeh would admittedly not go all out. Granted not that she was holding back by much, just a bit to insure she didn't break something. Which is when Saoirse spoke, the unavoidable slur in the girl's words nearly causing Alizeh to giggle as she kept her face pressed down against the canvas.

But if she laughed then she may accidentally flex the wrong way and seriously hurt Wyvern, so she refrained, as is it looked as if the woman was actually struggling for once while in the confines of the hold so naturally Alizeh was going to try and answer a bit faster than usual to make sure Wyvern didn't have to endure this for longer than necessary.

"Well to answer that first question that's what we'd be figuring it out. Pairing this submission with another move that would both stun them, and leave you in position to go right into locking it in almost instantly, and to answer you're second question, fairly easily. You'd just have to give some extra hard pulls while rolling you to do it." Alizeh answered while slowly easing up just a bit more instinctively to try and make it a less intense as Wyvern pondered.

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