Kaiju weathers the Avalanche: Allison "Avalanche" Ford Vs Akira "The Kaiju" Gogata

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Kaiju weathers the Avalanche: Allison "Avalanche" Ford Vs Akira "The Kaiju" Gogata

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Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply.

"47, 48,49..Oh Come on!" Allison groaned in disappointment as the football hit the floor. She was lounging in the Gorilla position, while the backstage crew were setting everything up for the upcoming match. Earlier while warming up in the locker room, she had noticed a football lying behind the door, which grabbed her attention. She finished her obligations and began to just punt it around the room and trying tricks with it. The activity was starting to become so fun that Allison, who was scheduled to have a match in a few minutes started to juggle the ball with her legs, while simulteaneously walking to the Gorilla postion, almost knocking over people and apologising numerous times.

"Ms. Ford, we are good to go now. You can enter the curtain" One of the crew member gave her the green light to proceed to which she replied with a pleasant smile "Alright Dalton, thanks! And, here you go, don't drop it!" the raven-haired woman would lift the ball up from the bottom with her feet nimbly and fling it at the wide-eyed crew member, who she referred to as Dalton; and walked out of the curtain with all of her confidence and swagger, showing the audience that she belonged at the big stage.
Entrance Music
Allison walked down the ramp with an assured strut, swaying her hips to the beat of her entrance music, while scanning the crowd and winking at the few lucky chaps who she would lock eyes with. But the best part which drove the fans wild was the moment when Allison would pull the lapels of her jacket apart to reveal her physique in all its glory, the lights bouncing off of her body in varying angles to really accentuate her assets.
Entrance Attire
The crowd was hers to work on and have fun with,and she enjoyed the experience; seeing the fans flustered and their jaws dropping when she did that. As the song would reach its crescendo, she would have gracefully mounted the steel steps and got into the ring, removing the jacket to hand it over to a crew member. One last show for the crowd, Allison thought and would languidly lean back against the cornerpost, arching her back to accentuate her midsection, the wild cheers of the people clearly indicating that they are definitely enthralled by the alluring sight that the raven-haired woman had presented.
Wrestling Attire
But now it was time to focus on the task at the hand. Her match today was against a relative newcomer to this promotion, and from what she had heard, this woman in question was a behemoth, a monster powerhouse. Now the last time she had face someone that fit that bill was the Russian, Olegnova and did manage to grab a victory, but the events that followed, she would rather not recollect. So she was certainly curious about her foe today, another heavyweight and licked her lips in anticipation. The ropes would be grabbed by her to warm-up and stretch one final time, while also keeping an eye on the entrance stage to see who would her prospective opponent be today...
Last edited by Hitman45 on Tue Oct 01, 2024 10:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Kaiju weathers the Avalanche: Allison "Avalanche" Ford Vs Akira "The Kaiju" Gogata

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Akira was ready for some action as she got dressed in the locker room. The Kaiju was coming off a loss against the black lioness Zofia. A match that ended with her being taken as the woman’s POW. Although she admittedly enjoyed the fight as well as the sexy prisoner time afterwards. Akira had lost that match due to the hentai stipulation, though. If she had been as sexually experienced as Zofia had been, or if it had been a straight up hardcore match, the ending could’ve turned out very differently.
Akira Gogata
Regardless it was a new day now. And the kaiju was ready to take on her latest opponent. The so called Avalanche looked promising, and Akira was expecting her to get a good fight for herself as she finished up in the locker room. Wearing red wrestling briefs under her long red skirt, gloves, boots, pads all of which matched, and bandage wrappings over her chest, the kaiju was all set for battle. So after exiting the changing area, the towering woman would start to maker her way to meet her opponent in the ring.

The kaiju’s theme music would play as she walkout from the back amid various fireworks going off. She’d gone out too actually, having ignored the stage hands instructions to wait five seconds. Despite almost being caught by the explosive display, Akira didn’t even flinch. Not because she thought she could withstand actual fire. It because the woman knew she wasn’t supposed to be hit by them. So she just assumed that she wouldn’t be regardless. Obviously this way of thinking would eventually set her on fire. But that was the stage crew’s responsibility. Akira would simply March down the ramp, showing off by flexing her biceps as she walked towards the ring. Soon she’d walk up the the stairs and get in the apron.

Wasting no time, Akira would quickly step right through the ropes before raising one fist in the air as the crowd cheered loudly. Looking right over at Allison, the kaiju would make her way to her own corner. Her eyes locked on the avalanche as she rested back against the turnbuckles. Not once looking away from her target, the blonde woman would wait silently until the bell rang. Once it did, Akira would push herself out of the corner and meet Allison in the center of the ring. Marching right up to the woman as she cracked her neck and knuckles, the kaiju would look down at her opponent before finally speaking to Allison.

“You ready?” the blonde woman would ask. Only wasting two words on the avalanche before raising her fists and throwing her first punch of the night. She didn’t even wait long for the raven haired fighter to answer before she’d strike. Sending a simple right hook at Allison’s head, the kaiju wanted to see how fast her opponent was to start things off. However if it managed to hit her in the face Akira wouldn’t be complaining.

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Re: Kaiju weathers the Avalanche: Allison "Avalanche" Ford Vs Akira "The Kaiju" Gogata

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Allison's eyes widened from the vibrant display of fireworks aiding in the entrance of her heavyweight opponent. Her surprised reaction wasn't from seeing the fireworks on display, but the almost immediate foray of her competitor onto the stage, despite the special-effects burning at their brightest and sounding the loudest. She was a woman of panache, Allison could tell by the grand entry. But her expressions were marred by perplexity. She would meet her gaze with one of the crew members out of the ring, near the announce table.

""Hey, Dude, isn't that hazardous? She is casually walking in between the fireworks like that? One flicker of spark from them fireworks is enough for her to start running around like a prissy...What are the guys backstage even doing? Her pupils looking at the guy questioningly. There could have been a genuine backstage malfunction or a mishap, but the crew member near the ring just shrugged, saying that he too has no idea about it.

It may be really been intended that way or it was a huge stroke of goood luck, but no harm was done and even then, it was surprising to see the mammoth of the woman marching through the path of fire, absolutely unfazed. "She must be really brave, or drunk. Those are the only two explanations that come to my mind", Allison kept her gaze trained at the ramp, which was now laden with the dying ember of the effects and the smoke from it kind of engulfed her opponent, appearing as a big silhouette marching out of the murky background.

"Whoa...She is built! Look at those abs. I can wait to get my hands on them. Oohh...can only imagine the feel of my fist against that ravishing brick-wall of hers..." Allison could only stare as the woman in question finally made herself seen. As charming as she was powerful, she walked down the ramp unbothered by the fireworks before and languidly got into the ring.

Both of the competitors were inside, the ingredients for a fine spectacle all in place. All that was remaining was the referee to give the signal to begin. Meanwhile, Both of the fighters were locked onto each other, their eyes not leaving each other. Allison furrowed her brows looking at the big heavyweight on the opposite corner. From the moment she appeared out of the misplaced special effects and her demeanor, the gait, a sense of recklessness; all culminated in her mind to form an opinion that this woman was quite different from the others she had faced till now.

And that would be demonstrated again, when, after the referee would ring the bell, both women women would meet at the centre of the ring to commence the fight; Akira would throw a punch aimed at her face while talking, as if she was in no mood to hear what the raven-haired woman would respond with.

"Hey!..I thought we were talking! Whatvere happened to warm greetings?"Allison would lift her left arm to the side of her wide-eyed face to glance the fist away from her. But the power packed behind the hit was enough to force the raven-haired woman to take a step back. This was going to be an eventful night...

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Re: Kaiju weathers the Avalanche: Allison "Avalanche" Ford Vs Akira "The Kaiju" Gogata

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Akira liked the look of the woman. In fact, it seemed like the feeling was mutual as he’d opponent was staring so intently like that. What the blonde behemoth didn’t realize was that her opponent liked how she looked sexually. While Akira had managed to pick that up from other opponents she failed to realize that here. Maybe because those were hentai matches so she was expecting those gazes. For whatever the reason, though, the towering woman liked what she saw. While, she still had the size advantage, she expected this woman could still punch like a truck with the physique she possessed. However, whenever she was faster than the kaiju was yet to be seen. Rather than dodging, Allison would tank her punch. The impact of it making her opponent stumble backwards a bit. Not bad. She could certainly take a hit well. Even more impress that it was one of the kaiju’s punches she had endured. Hearing the woman complain about not talking threw Akira for a loop, though.

“…Does a punch not count as a warm greeting? the blonde woman asked. Looking confused by this revelation. “Oh…Ok um…Hey…I’m Akira…” she would say, introducing herself to the avalanche. However, after she did, Akira would go right back on the attack as she tried to rush the woman. After greeting the woman properly this time, or at least she thought she had, the taller fighter was back on the attack. Attempting to grab Allison’s arm, the kaiju would try to send the woman across the ring with an Irish whip. If successful, the muscular beast would wait for her opponent to bounce off the ropes back her way so that she could charge at Allison for a running lariat!

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Re: Kaiju weathers the Avalanche: Allison "Avalanche" Ford Vs Akira "The Kaiju" Gogata

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"Hnnh...the power of her hit sure does justice to the large ripped frame" Allison thought to herself, languidly flicking her hands to alleviate the sting of Akira's strike with a slight wince.

Allison may have avoided the bulk of the damage, which was probably sky-high, but still the contact of the blonde behemoth's knuckles with the hands did make her presence felt, as she was forced to take a step back to contain the hit. She had to be vigilant and alert on all senses to get out of this fight in one piece, let alone win because even the tiniest loss of focus could be disastrous, potentially scuppering any hopes to put up a fight.

Akira's reply to Allison's comment brought up a quizzical look onto her face, which was accentuated by the mild raise of her eyebrow. Akira's nonchalant demeanor meant that Allison wasn't sure whether she meant that sarcastically or with genuine curiosity, but she decided to play along. By the looks and the interaction with her till now, Akira sure was an intriguing woman. A Heavyweight who wasn't arrogant, brash or looking to send ther opponent to intensive as soon as possible, but rather, a gentle giant.

The blonde would track back to their initial piece of conversation and introduce herself, though from what Allison could decipher, Akira was actually confused, much to the raven-haired woman's amusement. But before Allison could form any thought in her mind, she would be whipped towards the cable like a mere bundle of grass, as if she was weightless for her larger opponent. This simply wasn't good at all. What awaited her after she would ricochet back could simply flatten her and it would prove to be true, as the sinuous and bulging arm of the blonde came to view, raised horizontally!

There wasn't much time to think. Allison had to act on instinct, which was telling her to use her shorter height in her favour. Charging towards Akira, without missing a beat, Allison would tilt her torso slightly away from the arm, just enough for her to grab it with her own. Using it as an anchor, the raven-haired woman would rotate around the Heavyweight to land on the opposite side, the momentum of the whipping adding a spring to her step, while coiling her arm around the head; and immediately drop down to the mat for a Float-Over DDT!

"Hello Akira, I am Allison" A chuckle escaping her lips, she would answer to Akira, mostly lying face down on the mat.""And you are right. In our line of work, warm greeting are extended by our fists Allison would shrug; a coy smile playing on her face.

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Re: Kaiju weathers the Avalanche: Allison "Avalanche" Ford Vs Akira "The Kaiju" Gogata

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In all honesty, Akira struggled with social interactions. She managed to get by in life but it always bugged the kaiju how much of a struggle it was for her compared to the people around her. This was one of those moments as she battled against the avalanche. While Allison was right that there was more to the blonde woman than the surface offered, she was wrong to assume that Akira was a gentle giant in any sense of the word. She loved fighting. She loving beating others and getting beat on by others. She loved violence and she never shied away from it. Still, there was a side to her that was at least friendly when outside of fighting. Allison wouldn't get to see that side until after the match, though.

As Akira came charging at the avalanche with her arm extended to take her head off, the woman would have a smile on her face as she anticipated the sweet, sweet sensation of the lariat sending vibrations through her arm muscles from the sheer force of the impact. However, instead of those familiar vibrations, the kaiju would feel Allison's entire weight hanging from her for a brief moment. Before she even realized what was happening, the smaller woman would swing around her body before ending up on her left side. Her head now under Allison's arm, Akira would find herself being brought down by a lightning fast float-over DDT! Her head would get planted into the canvas with a loud bang as her opponent turned the tables around. But she could still make out the woman talking to her.

Head down and ass up as she was down on her knees, the kaiju would hear her opponent introduce herself. Apparently, after revealing her name to be Allison, the avalanche would apologize and admit that in their line of work...physical altercations were in fact a form of greeting. That made Akira smirk as even as she was still face down on the mat where she'd been nailed with the DDT. A part of her was annoyed that this woman seemed to be confusing her after having just complained about fists not being a greeting. But she didn't care about that nearly as much as she cared about the fight.

The kaiju would simply push herself up off the mat and sit on her knees before slowly looking over at Allison with a smile. Looking as if she hadn't been hit by the DDT at all. "Nice to meet you." the woman would say, this time a hint of up beat emotion in her voice. Licking her lips as things were starting to get fun, Akira would stand with her arms wide open. "I don't think I quite heard you, though...wanna try again?" the towering woman asked, looking to give Allison a free hit to really see what the avalanche could offer her.

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Re: Kaiju weathers the Avalanche: Allison "Avalanche" Ford Vs Akira "The Kaiju" Gogata

Unread post by Hitman45 »

Internally, Allison heaved a sigh of relief the moment she dodged the powerful lariat and transitioned it into a DDT. Had that arm struck her square in the face, taking into consideration the sheer size and power of the bigger blonde and the momentum generated from the Irish Whip, there was a pretty good chance that Akira's arm could have taken her face clean off! So, the immediate shift from defending herself to smashing her opponent's head into the mat was immediately welcome.

Akira had already demonstrated with a few glimpses that she could hit pretty hard and deal heavy hits if caught in her grasp. But Allison was still surprised to see the bigger blonde stay down for just a short time before gingerly pulling herself up! That DDT that she had eaten should have had left her down for a considerable amount of time but this woman actually managed to get up within a mere fraction of that time and that too, unfazed from the hit, like it was just a gentle bonk to the head!

Allison raised an eyebrow seeing Akira daring her go at it again and even spreading her arms to the sides, almost taunting the brunette. Yeah, this was definitely gonna be a reeaally long match. The raven-haired woman would most certainly have to find a few extra gears to get a favourable result out of this one. Eyeing Akira's body up and down, the corner of her lips curved upwards in a slight smirk. If this woman wasn't afraid of taking a few free shots, then the brunette certainly didn't have any reservations in dishing them out.

She came to a conclusion that going in for a grapple could be laden with risk. Akira might be luring her into a trap and lay waste if she walked right into it. So, to indulge herself and to stay out of harm's way, the best path to move forward was to attack from distance and this is where her long, toned legs would aid her. With a casual shrug, Allison would take a step back before going for the blonde's stomach with a Spinning-Kick, which if connect would cause her to bend forward reflexively, and the raven-haired woman's response to that would be to take a gentle leap to and connect her knee to the blonde behemoth's face, snapping her straight back up. The final flourish of this combo would be a Front-Dropkick to the probably dazed woman's seeingly well-endowed chest to knock her back to the mat...

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Re: Kaiju weathers the Avalanche: Allison "Avalanche" Ford Vs Akira "The Kaiju" Gogata

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Akira was wide open as she smirked confidently at her opponent. The kaiju wasn't afraid to take a hit. In fact she was looking forward to it. Seeing that Allison was slow to approach, the blonde woman figured she was either too scared or thinking too much. If it was Akira, she would have taken her shot the second her arms had opened. It left her feeling anxious as she waited for the the woman to strike. Soon, Akira even thought about just going after her opponent rather than continuing to wait any longer. Luckily, just when she was reaching the limit of her attention span, Allison would spring into action.

Watching as her opponent was getting in close before taking a step back, the avalanche would suddenly spin around before driving a spin-kick into her toned midsection. The Kaiju would grunt out as the woman's boot buried itself in her midsection. Luckily her toned core was pretty tough, allowing her to withstand some of the impact more than lesser bodies could have managed. However, Allison wasn't done yet. The woman would suddenly swing her leg up at the blonde beast's face as she was leaning forward slightly. Akira would let out a loud grunt as her head shot back up with a loud SMACK echoing from the impact. That sort of irked the kaiju, though. She was only giving Allison a free shot. Not multiple! On one hand she appreciated the enthusiasm, while on the other she felt like the woman was taking advantage of her a bit. Then, as she watched Allison bending her legs for what must've been yet another attack, that was a bit too much for the blonde woman to let go. While she wouldn't be mad per-say, the kaiju would make her opponent pay for being a bit greedy like this.

As soon as Allison would jump off the mat, Akira would catch her before she could start turning her body for the drop kick. Then, as fast as she had snatched the woman up, the kaiju would throw her back down with a make-shift powerbomb to show her who's boss. "You can't say hi that many times...doesn't make any sense..." Akira would claim as she rubbed her jaw. The towering woman was acting as if Allison had been repeatedly shouting 'Hi' to her over and over again instead of actually attacking her. However, Allison's strikes did hurt evidently as the woman rubbed her jaw. The knee strike was a bit jarring, and because of that, she had failed to actually grab and slam her opponent with a proper power bomb. Instead, Akira had settled for a rougher one that probably wasn't even half as effective to send a message to the avalanche. Seeing how greetings were finished, the kaiju wouldn't give her opponent time to rest. Reaching down, Akira would slowly pull Allison up to her feet and try to whip the woman across the ring and into the furthest corner to show off.

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Re: Kaiju weathers the Avalanche: Allison "Avalanche" Ford Vs Akira "The Kaiju" Gogata

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When Allison was pondering about her next move after receiving a daring proposal from Akira to take a free shot, she could make out that the blonde was eager for Allison's response, like an urge to know what she would do next. "Ah, her face does give away the little things..." the thought crossed her mind as she continued to explore the innumerable possibilities. An open shot, a chance to make early inroads into the fight. Allison knew she had to make it count.

The intial two pieces of offence went by without a hitch and the her foot colliding with Akira's midriff sent a spike of satisfaction in her. Good thing those abs of hers aren't just for show, because even though it was a perfect strike, Allison felt that it didn't have the desired impact on Akira, but it was enough to leave her defenseless for the knee lift to her face, which straightened her back up. This hit was delightful, both in terms of contact with her face and the damage that the raven-haired woman was sure, was higher that the one against her abdomen. But all that would come undone when Akira would catch her Dropkick mid-air and slam her back to the mat, with a Powerbomb, which was rather awkward.

"Owww! Hssshh..." Allison hissed out landing on her back. Maybe it was the grip on her legs or maybe Akira was still reeling from the knee hit, but the bomb didn't hit her as hard both of them might have expected, just a sliver of discomfort shooting up her spine, momentarily forcing her visage to contort into a wince. The sting was starting to sink in, when Akira pulled her back up, her crazy strength on display again, lifting the raven-haired woman with almost zero-cooperation from her side. Akira's hands managed to completely engulf Allison's shoulders when she hauled her up and then just casually whipped her to the corner-post farthest from her, like Allison was weightless!

"HHaah! NNgh...Gotta say Akira...this is a real miscommunication communication we are having at the moment! What are we even talking about right now?" Allison would shout from across, her' breath hitched from the harsh collison with the cornerpost, but she held on to the ropes and leaned against them, body undulating with each breath. She looked on amusingly to see the behemoth showing off to the crowd instead of continuing on."Yeaah...Keep doing that. We've got all the time in the world. You know what? Infact, I will order a sleeping bag and takeout to get settled here. You continue. Look! that shitface is drooling. Flex your guns for him!" This fight may have started on a very different note, but it didn't mean that Allison couldn't have some fun!

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Re: Kaiju weathers the Avalanche: Allison "Avalanche" Ford Vs Akira "The Kaiju" Gogata

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Akira wasn't going to the avalanche get into her head. She'd given her a free shot, and as a result the woman took two and tried to land a third before the Kaiju shut that shit down. So, the big blonde behemoth would send Allison all the way across the ring as she showed off her power. Watching as the woman ran across the ring before slamming back against the turnbuckles, Akira wouldn't just let her lay back and relax. Even as the avalanche tried to talk her way out of further trouble by claiming they were mis-communicating, the woman wasn't listening to any of it.

IF they were having a bit of a miscommunication, the obviously the best way to fix that was to stop communicating all together. So that's what she did. She stopped talking. "There! Problem solved", Akira would think to herself as she started charging at her opponent all the way in the corner. It seemed like Allison was trying to trick her again as she told the blonde woman to start flexing at some guy. That wasn't gonna work! Mainly because she couldn't be bothered to stop or even look at whatever her opponent was pointing at. If the kaiju had been standing still, she might have accidentally looked on instinct. However, she was charging full speed and right on target as she would attempt to ram her entire body against Allison in the corner with a huge Body Splash. Jumping last second, Akira would try to flatten the avalanche from the force of her massive frame moving through the air. The blonde woman couldn't jump too high, but she could get enough air to smash abs first into Allison's face. Most of that was thanks to her height, but still, if she succeeded, Akira would slide down the woman's body and back onto her feet. Her abs sliding down the avalanche's body from her face to a bit below her breasts.

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