Sacrifice for the Blood Devil: Tilde Volcain vs Larissa Saito

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Re: Sacrifice for the Blood Devil: Tilde Volcain vs Larissa Saito

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Tilde had better no fall just yet. Larissa was just getting into things, meaning the fun was just getting started. Larissa using her bare knuckle skills to constantly land blow after blow on Tilde's face. Pushing her back with every punch, Larissa could feel her knuckles land cleanly on Tilde's face. Though after a certain point with so many blows to the head Tilde was going to be discombobulated. What was scarier was that Larissa's smile grew more and more sinister with each blow. The Blood Devil was coming in full force. Once Larissa had Tilde at the ropes it was impossible to hide her enjoyment. HAHAHA, YES NOW SHOW ME SOMETHING RED Larissa said as she comically pulled her fist back and launched it forward for a rocketing uppercut!

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Re: Sacrifice for the Blood Devil: Tilde Volcain vs Larissa Saito

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It was unsettling to see someone revelling in violence as much as Larisa was, sure, you had to at some level enjoy fighting to be in this business to begin with but it seemed that the blond was in it not so much for the fight itself but the gore of it. The worst part of it was that Tilde was the one in her sights now and with hardly the ability to deny the woman who pushed her steadily back and now aimed yet another blow at her head! Tilde's head was snapped up and back, jaw clenching with the sudden force threatening to break her teeth from the pressure as she fell back only to get tangled on the ropes, hanging from them, a steady trickle of blood dripping from her nose done her chest.

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Re: Sacrifice for the Blood Devil: Tilde Volcain vs Larissa Saito

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Some people fight for the love of the thrill. Some people fight for the sake of competition. Some people fight for survival. What did Larissa fight for? Simply to see blood and the thrill that comes with it. The simple sight of it was enough to get Larissa going and once she was going, Larissa would want to see more. Thankfully she was going to be able to sate her violent desires. Her opponent on the other hand is in for night that she will not be forgetting for quite some time. Now that the uppercut had landed, it rocked Tilder and sent her falling back! Thankfully the ropes were there to catch her fall. Though that just made this next part easier for Larissa.

YES YES EXACTLY THAT IS WHAT I WANTED. Larissa said as she crept up onto her opponent. Playfully mimicking a boxers stance, everyone could tell what was coming next. MORE MORE I WANT MORE Larissa said as she began to batter Tilde with a barrage of violent hooks, jabs and various other punches. All aimed and geared towards painting the night red!

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Re: Sacrifice for the Blood Devil: Tilde Volcain vs Larissa Saito

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Tilde was not looking at Larisa, her eyes cast downward and only made aware of her approach once she saw the woman's feet, raising her eyes to meet her opponent and hearing what she said. she tried to rise off the ropes but to no effect, instead making for a perfect target practice for the blond that had now begun to unload a cavalcade of punches on Tilde's face. Her head was whipped from side to side with every blow, spraying blood around the ring and onto Larisa herself before finally one of the blows shifted Tilde's body enough that she slipped off the ropes and collapsed onto the ground.

Still, the world was not so merciful as to make her pass out at that point as she simply groaned, curling her fingers up and reaching to the side. What she was reaching for was Larisa's ankle, if she could get a hold of it, she would grip it for dear life before pulling herself under the ropes with the other hand, falling to the ground outside and with enough luck, taking Larisa along for the ride!

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Re: Sacrifice for the Blood Devil: Tilde Volcain vs Larissa Saito

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Larissa with each of her punches would let out a near primal grunt for them. Despite appearances, Larissa was working for each blow, putting her back behind them to maximize the power. Though very sloppily as Larissa was not professionally trained. The ring floor which was a nice white, was being painted red at the ropes. Slowly but surely painfully, Larissa was getting her way. One of the blows even knocking Tilde off of the ropes and laying her out. Larissa could tell when someone was playing possum. Tilde was still in the land of the living. She could see her curled up fingers moving to the side.

Larissa would for allow for the movement. Wondering what she would do in this position. Reaching for Larissa's ankle and grabbing a hold of it. TCH Larissa sucked her teeth in anger. Raising her other foot and stomping on Tilde's hand to get her to let go. If Tilde let go, Larissa would follow that stomp with a punt kick to Tilde's face. Reaching down to grab Tilde's hair and raising her head up to speak. SO VIOLENCE OUTSIDE THE CONFINES OF THE RING IS WHAT YOU WANT? Larissa screamed in reference for Larissa wanting to take the fight outside. I LIKE THAT IDEA~ Larissa said as she kicked Tilde out of the ring. Now leaning on the top rope watching her semi bloodied opponent squirm.

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Re: Sacrifice for the Blood Devil: Tilde Volcain vs Larissa Saito

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Tilde tried to escape her awful predicament by dragging the fight outside but was only rewarded for it with a stomp to her hand, breaking her grip on the other woman right before her already bruised face would be treated with a kick straight across it, making the woman's vision go white for a second before she was pulled up, bearly putting her opponent's words together before a swift kick would send her spilling out between the ropes and outside the ring!

As she fell she could only give a weak grunt, turning over to try and crawl towards the apron, inch by painful inch getting closer. She wouldn't try to climb the ring, the only thing she'd get for that would be another beating, instead, she'd rummage around underneath the ring, trying to grab something she could use to her advantage

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Re: Sacrifice for the Blood Devil: Tilde Volcain vs Larissa Saito

Unread post by Tiamat »

Larissa wasn't a evil person to say the least. Despite actions and appearances may suggest. Watching Tilde squirm from the ropes was not done out of malice. In reality it was to see if Tilde had any fight left in her. Tossing about a opponent that is spent is hardly fun. But when they still have that fire to keep going? There is where Larissa finds the fun.

Grinning to herself, Larissa exited the ring to enjoy Tilde some more. Seeing as how she was already crawling towards the ring. It made the trip that much shorter. Allowing Tilde to rummage underneath the ring for a moment would hopefully provide Larissa with some more entertainment. YES YES, BREAK TIME IS OVER. Larissa said clapping. Pulling Tilde from underneath the ring and punt kicking her in the stomach. IF YOU STILL HAVE THE WILL TO FIGHT. THEN GO ON, MAKE ME BLEED Larissa threatened like a maniac. Yet despite that, people oddly still rallied behind her. Larissa would back a few paces before sprinting towards Tilde and trying to take her head off with a drive by soccer kick!

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Re: Sacrifice for the Blood Devil: Tilde Volcain vs Larissa Saito

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

Tilde managed to crawl to the apron and rech underneath, her fingers locking around a firm woden handle just as Larisa grabbed her and pull her out for a swift kick, making her roll over and realese her hol on a baseball bat. She'd scrumble, getting on all fours to get closer to the weapon ang grab it just as she heard Larisa scream and rush towards her.

Tilde would use the baseball bat kind of like a walking stick, pushing up from her knees back up though her legs remained wobbly to say yhe least and as Larisa closed in on her she would side step the woman, hoping to be able to slam the bat into her face as she passed before colapsing back down to her knees. Desperate as she was, her body did not seem to want to keep up anymore and any effort seemed like a herculean task, it seemed it was only a matter of time before her mind would give in too

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