Vanille 'Cream' Cadieux vs. Bubbles Burste - For Me, It Was Tuesday

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Re: Vanille 'Cream' Cadieux vs. Bubbles Burste - For Me, It Was Tuesday

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

So, this wasn’t anywhere close to what Bubbles had pictured with this match when it started, but now, she couldn't bring herself to complain all that much. Yes, it had been rough going to get here in the first place, but lying on her back while a devilish minx worked her over with her wiles? Oh, that was so very much her wheelhouse.

For someone who played so rough, Vanille was more than capable of giving her a soft touch. Instead of going straight for the nipple like so many would have, she built up tension, circled it, teased her and taunted, making her groan with anticipation before she dove in and gave her everything she could want. Devilish minx.

It would’ve been enough by itself, but then Vanille had to go and make it so much sweeter, as her foot came to rest against her sex, stimulating her softness. Bubbles jerked up on reflex, her body seeking more pleasure, practically humping against her like a wild woman. ”Damn, you’re good.” She let out a breathless pant and threw back her head as her rolling hips grew stronger with each second, her body taking on a mind of its own.

Never one to just sit back and take it without giving some back, Bubbles tried to sit up and move her face towards Vanille’s, hungrily looking for a kiss. Those lips on her tits were nice, but she wanted a good taste of them, too.

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