Cuddling a Cactus - Jocelyn "Jocie" Elliot (D) vs. Maria Cacti

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Daiki Higurashi
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Cuddling a Cactus - Jocelyn "Jocie" Elliot (D) vs. Maria Cacti

Unread post by Daiki Higurashi »

Jocie was a little nervous for her first match. She looked left and right and felt a bit shy, though she tried not to let her naivety get the best of her.

"You can do this, Jocie.. you can do this!" said the brunette grappler as she walked sheepishly out to the middle of the top of the entrance ramp as her entrance music kicked in. She smiled nervously and waved to the sea of noisy people that were watching her from the stands. The nervousness melted off her face and a beaming grin replaced it. She jumped up excitedly a couple times before reining herself in and walking purposefully to the ring. She climbed the steps and ducked under the middle rope.
She was clad in her usual orange sports bra with white trim and matching MMA shorts with her navy gloves on her hands. Her feet were bare and wore nothing but navy-colored bandage wrappings around her ankle. Her chestnut brown hair was tied neatly into a bun. As she set her eyes on her opponent, Jocie posed to her soon-to-be fans with her fighting stance.
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Re: Cuddling a Cactus - Jocelyn "Jocie" Elliot (D) vs. Maria Cacti

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Maria would be editing one of her videos in her locker room. She was really excited as the Children’s YouTuber was called up again to be in a match. Although her debut wasn’t anything to write home about, it did introduce her talent to everyone in Japan; though people would want to forget about hearing the obnoxious voice of the Cactus themed wrestler.

Maria would then be told to come to the show curtain. She closed her laptop before leaving her locker room, making her way to the show curtain. As she was given the green light to come out, Maria would burst through the show curtain and make her entrance.
Maria Cacti
Maria would come down the ramp and waved at everybody. The entire crowd groaned as they had to hear that obnoxious theme again. Maria entered the ring by climbing up the steps and would crawl under the ropes to get in. Once she done that, she popped right up and waved at her opponent with a smile on her face.
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Daiki Higurashi
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Re: Cuddling a Cactus - Jocelyn "Jocie" Elliot (D) vs. Maria Cacti

Unread post by Daiki Higurashi »

"You look cuddly... mind if we play together?" said Jocie in a rather soft manner. She couldn't wait to grapple the cactus girl down, and as soon as the bell rung, she would attempt to bring Maria down by going after her legs.
"I will decide this story's ending! (物語の結末は、俺が決める!, Monogatari no ketsumatsu wa, ore ga kimeru!)"

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Re: Cuddling a Cactus - Jocelyn "Jocie" Elliot (D) vs. Maria Cacti

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

“Why certainly. I’m sure we’re gonna have a great match together.”

The bell would ring and Maria would be hit with a leg takedown by Jocie but that caused a giggle to come out of the Cactus themed wrestler’s mouth. She then tried to get back up as she started delivering playful slaps to the face and body of Jocelyn as she got back up. The crowd would murmur on the seriousness of the match.
Renee’s Undercarders

If you wanna dm me matches, my discord is arstotzkianborderpatrol

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