A Deadly Humilation: Camalette Faucher Vs. Teulia Masina

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A Deadly Humilation: Camalette Faucher Vs. Teulia Masina

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Humilation Match

Camalette Faucher Vs. Teulia Masina

Winner via humiliating your opponent into submission
”Camalette Faucher”
Who in LAW’s right mind thought it was a good idea to put someone of Camalette’s stature into something called a humiliation match, especially against a twerp like Teulia? Camalette herself hated the idea, but if she wanted to go further into this cursed wrestling promotion, she would have to put up with this undignified form of combat, and hopefully put the little twerp in her place by humiliating her.

Camalette was getting fitted into her outfit, having a photographer take photos of her while she was getting ready for the match. She was going to make sure Teulia ever regretted getting into the squared circle with her, especially if she can force Teulia to cry in pain and agony.

Soon enough, the LAW official knocked on the door, letting Camalette know that her match was about to begin. Camalette then shoo’d away the staff, before heading out to the ring, it was time to deal some humiliation.

The arena became clad in purple light, and a red carpet was rolled down by stagehands between the stage and the ring. Out came Camalette clad in her signature purple coat to a chorus of boos from the LAW audience, but Camalette never cared about the opinion of those heathens, they don't know what having any sort of class is like. She made her way down the ring, and then walked up the steel steps. She then went underneath the middle rope and headed to her corner.

The music stopped, and the lighting turned back to normal, as Camalette took off her coat to reveal her leotard underneath as she waited for her opponent to come out.

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Re: A Deadly Humilation: Camalette Faucher Vs. Teulia Masina

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Teuila took a deep breath in preparation for the match ahead of her. One that may have potentially been made as a way of punishing her for her brashness in demanding a graduation match before the powers that be deemed her ready. At the same time however it could also be a chance of redemption for herself... If she could win at least. But that would certainly be a tall order, but one that she would do her absolute best to achieve. Not because she wanted too, but because she had too no matter what, regardless of how much more experienced her opponent was, or how cruel she may be. Taking a final deep breath Teuila's new entrance music would soon kick on as she made her own entrance.
Thankfully she was allowed to continue wearing the new gear she had made despite not officially graduating, showing her seniority and hopefully soon to be former young lioness status. A outfit that certainly helped with getting the cheers and adulation of the crowd who certainly appreciated her young, tight body in the more revelaing outfit when compared to her more simple yellow leotard from the standard young lioness outfit. Coming down the ramp and to the ring with a smile on her face she would high five some fans as the song continued before making it to the ring. Hopping up on it she would slip between the ropes and into the ring proper before turning towards her opponent with a confident smile on her face.
Approaching Camalette she wouldn't do anything silly like an offer a hand to her or anything. Instead she just looked the woman up and down. Size wise they were relatively the same, neither really having an advantage over the other. Experience would be the biggest determining factor but Teuila was fairly sure she was physically stronger which would play a role as well. Ultimately though she would eventually be ushered towards her corner to await the match officially beginning. Once the bell did eventually ring though Teuila would waste no time, dashing across the ring right at Camalette with the intention of knocking into her with her whole body weight to try and knock the french woman into the corner!

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Re: A Deadly Humilation: Camalette Faucher Vs. Teulia Masina

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Camalette just looked at Teulia with disdain, wondering what was up with this girl being so smily and happy. She knows she is in for the worst experience of her life, one that would prove she did not deserve to be in a wrestling ring, especially with higher end and higher class ladies like Camalette right?

This little wretch was about to learn one of the hardest lessons of her life, whether she wanted to or not.

The bell rang, and Camalette saw Teulia come straight at her, looking to body splash her. Camalette responded calmly, lifting her knee to hopefully catch Teulia in midair.

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Re: A Deadly Humilation: Camalette Faucher Vs. Teulia Masina

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Teuilaa was ready for this, she knew she was. After all she may have been a face but she was trained by heels, so she knew how to inflict some humiliation. Starting things off by rushing at Camalette the Samoan girl intended to come crashing down on the woman's body to send her down to the mat!

Unfortunately however Camalette spotted it and raised a knee right into her gut! "Gah!" Teuila cried out in pain, dropping down to her knees in response and clutching her gut, knowing that she had to prepare for the French woman to capitalize!

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Re: A Deadly Humilation: Camalette Faucher Vs. Teulia Masina

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Camalette giggled to herself while Teulia crumpled in pian from the knee to her gut, laughing at how pathetic she thought her opponent was after that.

“Normal reaction for an outclassed lowlife.” Camalette said smugly, before grabbing Teulia by the hair and attempting to pick her up to her feet.

Camalette would then get behind her, and attempt to put Teulia in an abdominal stretch, to start her humiliation early.

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Re: A Deadly Humilation: Camalette Faucher Vs. Teulia Masina

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Teuila was gasping already from that knee to the gut and she hated it. She should have seen it coming, should have reacted faster, something, but she was too late and now Camalette was rubbing it in. Glaring at the French woman as she mocked her Teuila would be seized and picked up for a abdominal stretch!

"Ngh!" Teuila groaned out in pain twisting and turning in Camalette's grasp before gritting her teeth. She could get out of this, she was sure of it.

Curling one arm around Camelette's leg that was in front of her Teuila would use her other hand to grab hold of Camalette's hair, pulling back to distract her before leaning forward with a grunt of effort, trying to pull Camalette up onto her shoulders before, if she was successful throwing herself backwards to counter with a Samoan Drop!

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Re: A Deadly Humilation: Camalette Faucher Vs. Teulia Masina

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Camalette was smug as heck as she locked on and tightened the abdominal stretch on Teulia, wanting to make sure Teulia every amount of pain she could possibly put the women through.

That smug expression was soon wiped off Camalette’s face when she felt her own hair being grabbed by Teulia. “HEY LET IT GO, YOU WRETCH!”

Sadly that yelling would be heard by no one’s ears, as Teulia lifted her up, and dropped her for a Samoan Drop. “AGH!”

Camalette now writhed on her back from the pain.

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Re: A Deadly Humilation: Camalette Faucher Vs. Teulia Masina

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Despite the pain from Camalette's submission Teuila was able to fight her way out of the hold, dragging her opponent over her shoulder and powering her way to her feet before dropping down with a slam! "Yeahhhh!" Teuila roared out as she sat up, before turning and pushing herself up, looking to reach towards Camalette and grab her by the shoulders to pull her up along with her. "Time for some payback!" Teuila cried out as she grabbed Camalette's inner thigh and shoulder, looking to pick her up into the air before dropping down, extending her knee as she did so to drop the woman with a back breaker!

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Re: A Deadly Humilation: Camalette Faucher Vs. Teulia Masina

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Camalette was in her initial surge of pain, that Samoan Drop she was hit by Teulia was hefty, honestly something she would expect from a savage. Teulia was not going to fight her with any dignity as she expected.

Before she knew it however, Camalette was brought back up to her feet, and then her back was dropped right on Teulia’s knee.

“AAH!” Camalette squeaked as she was left on the mat, her back immensely in pain from what Teulia had done to her.

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Re: A Deadly Humilation: Camalette Faucher Vs. Teulia Masina

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Teuila was doing everything possible to try and make up the distance she had lost in the early goings of this match and now that Camalette looked thoroughly stunned from the drop onto her knee Teuila knew how she would continue. Pushing the woman off of her knee Teuila would get up and then drop down onto the woman's back. If successful she would reach forward to grab Camalette's legs, tucking them under her arms before pulling back to try and lock the woman into a Boston crab submission!

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