Amèlie Dubois vs Maya Fowler!

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Amèlie Dubois vs Maya Fowler!

Unread post by Albentes »

Rules: Since it's Amèlie beach it can end only when she wants to end, everything is allowed!

Amèlie was at her beach relaxing knowing that another hot girl would come there and she could have fun with her! She was very excited but hoped it wouldn't be bad as last time...she wanted a nice match not a brawl!

"I swear if it's another brawl i'm gonna toss her out!" Amèlie pouted hoping that this time it would go great, she was into her usual purple bikini and with small headphone listening music until her opponent would arrive to start, she had so much ideas in mind..

"Can't wait <3 come soon girl i'm already horny!"
Last edited by Albentes on Sun Sep 08, 2024 4:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Amèlie Dubois vs Maya Fowler!

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Maya found herself walking along the beach to her next match which was also her the first hentai match of her career. Having come from a traditional wrestling background she'd never competed in this form and definitely not on a beach. However, being successful in all types of matches was how Maya wanted to rise in LAW, and this was a perfect opportunity she felt. She had a willing opponent, and one that was a good bit smaller than her.

Walking along the beach Maya finally set her sights on a girl in a purple bikini with blonde hair. Maya had seen Amelie's picture so knew this must be her. Maya walked up to the blonde and crossed into her view before approaching the girl. As Maya closed the distance, the difference in height was even more apparent.

Holding out a hand Maya wanted to see what type of girl she was dealing with. "Hiya darlin I'm Maya! Quite a setting for a match!"
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Re: Amèlie Dubois vs Maya Fowler!

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"Oh hello dear since i'm having you for lunch today <3" Amèlie looked at Maya and at her muscular figure.. she was hot, hot enough that would make Amèlie jumping on her and drag her to the ring!

"Now let's start i can't wait anymore <3" Amèlie wanted to start as soon as she could, so she took Maya to the ring but not in a rough way, she just wanted to feel Maya body as soon as she could!

"Come on! Attack me please?? <3 <3 if not i will attack you instead!!" After gently dragging Maya to the ring Amèlie begged to be attacked!

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Re: Amèlie Dubois vs Maya Fowler!

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"Having me for lunch? I hope you aren't taking me ligh..." Before Maya could finish Amelie had basically jumped on her and began leading the red head toward the ring. "What the hell is up with you!" This blondie was certainly a bit different when it came to interacting with others, but the way she went about it was a little irritating to Maya.

Once in the ring the blonde made her wishes known, but Maya had never seen someone beg to be attacked. "Attack you huh!? With pleasure!" Maya's adrenaline was pumping and she wanted to get her hands on Amelie to make her regret asking for the action to start. Maya would rush forward looking to clothesline the blonde to the canvas. If she could get her down, Maya would throw a few ground stomps in for good measure.
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Re: Amèlie Dubois vs Maya Fowler!

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"Argh!! Ooof ooff!! Too far... come here <3" Amèlie tried to kick Maya legs to make the redhead fall on top of her so she could kiss... at least that was her intention.
"Not enough i want kisses <3 come down here, unless i can't move anymore you won't go anywhere!"

Amèlie looked at Maya pretty determined, she wouldn't let this woman leave until she had her fill no matter how much Maya hitted her!

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Re: Amèlie Dubois vs Maya Fowler!

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Amelie obviously had one thing on her mind. Kicking Maya's legs to try and bring the redhead down to the floor. "Be careful what you wish for!" Maya would try to straddle over Amelie before dropping her weight on top of her to sit on her stomach.

Despite having only just met the blonde, her antics had already begun to get on Maya's nerves. The redhead wanted to show Amelie that she was in control. Trying to seize the wrists of Amelie, Maya would attempt to pin the woman's arms above her head. If she was successful she would plunge forward locking lips with the blonde. This would give Amelie what she'd asked for, but Maya wouldn't intend on allowing it to go on longer than she wanted.
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Re: Amèlie Dubois vs Maya Fowler!

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"Mhhh <3 <3" But what Maya didn't realize was that Amèlie liked this, she didn't care about begin in control or not she just wanted to make out with this girl and soon they locked lips she kissed back as deep as she could!

"MHHH MHH <3 More kiss more <3" Amèlie didn't even try to get free, she was just enjoying the hot woman on top of her and would do that until Maya or herself couldn't go on anymore!

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Re: Amèlie Dubois vs Maya Fowler!

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Maya was confused by this woman's simple desire to lock lips with her. Although locking lips with her was a pleasant experience Maya had a nagging question in her head. "Wasn't this a match?" At this point it seemed more like two women simply letting off some pent up energy. Eventually Maya's curiosity got the better of her.

Keeping Amelie's hands secured, Maya would back off the kiss as she pulled her head away from Amelie. "What is this? You remember this is a match right?" Maya tightened her grip on Amelie that secured the blonde's hands to the ground. She was a little uncertain how Amelie would respond even to a simple question.
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Re: Amèlie Dubois vs Maya Fowler!

Unread post by Albentes »

"....match.. match.. i don't care! Let's just please each other until one of us can't move anymore, and then we can pin if you insist so much in fighting, let's fight with our pleasing skills! Now stop talking and kiss me again or i'll get free and do something better <3"

Amèlie wasn't caring at all to fight, she wanted this woman on her all the time!

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Re: Amèlie Dubois vs Maya Fowler!

Unread post by B.Lemme »

"This was insane!" Maya's thoughts reacting to Amelie's words were likely what any opponent would think. This woman didn't seem the slightest bit interested in an actual match. A little disgusted at the blonde's antics toward their scheduled fight Maya gave half a thought to leaving her opponent in the ring. However, a thought came across her mind that kept her in place. "Hell I guess a win is a win!" Plus, what was wrong with a win and little bit of fun on the side!

"Alright I'll indulge you a little bit!" Maya would plunge forward once again locking lips with the trapped blonde that lay beneath her.
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