More Than A Bouquet: Aiko Hasegawa vs. Himeko Akan

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More Than A Bouquet: Aiko Hasegawa vs. Himeko Akan

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Match Rules
The match is set for hentai KO and will take place in an Onsen. Competitors are allowed to use the entirety of the facility to their hearts content. Appropriate attire is required in the facility.

Aiko was giddy, coming to LAW was such a good idea, having the best of both worlds with her other league made the Black Rose’s heart skip a beat. She couldn’t help but be infatuated by the amount of good looking men and women there were to play with and the woman she was facing tonight was no different. Himeko Alan, a giant of a beauty but the roses heart was big enough to give or get. She had packed a rather risqué new bikini she had purchased just for this occasion, Aiko could only hope that her opponent would find her allure charming. Fufu, charming enough to roll over and accept her passionate affection that is, but having watched the giantess’ videos, she doubts that she’d be that lucky. In truth, Aiko appreciated having to work for what she wanted, the dessert was so much sweeter when you managed to earn it by hand. She had to say, the venue was rather out of the way but it had a spectacular view from the reviews she checked online.

Arriving at the onsen, she bows to the staff as she enters, the entire place belonged to the two of them just for the night and of course, The Rose had every intention of making her time here worth it.

There was need to be fancy or play it cool. There wasn’t a crowd to appeal to and she didn’t have to worry about how to present her entrance. She could wait in those warm waters for them to arrive, that is, if she was the first one here. Stepping into the changing room, Aiko took her time undressing. She had honestly been needing something like this for a while. Her part time hours at the lab had been weighing on her and she hadn’t gotten a match in quite some time as well, this was the perfect oppurtunity to rest, relax, and enjoy a bit of play.

Aiko didn’t dress up or apply much makeup, she arrived in an oversized t-shirt with a short pair of black denim shorts. Perfect for the hot Japanese weather but as the hour drew late, it became a bit more comfortable. She neatly folded her clothes in the basket provided and took her bag she had brought with her to pull out her new bikini. A black shawl was tugged out with it as the bag slightly rang with a jingle of her accessories~. She pulls a large waist chain adorned with blue stones to remind her of the sea, her first love. With the gold neck clasped in, her bikini top was tight against her chest, the last thing she’d want is her breast to spill out without her permission.
Wrapping shoulders in her shawl, she’d open the sliding door to the onsen, stones met her feet as the warm steam immediately hit her. She could feel it’s healing almost instantly as her golden gaze met her surrondings. The pool of warm water dipped down off to the side as what she could assume was sakura wood, traced it. She stepped into the pool as staff began to light lanterns to fully illuminate the battleground, even going as far as to bring sake for the pair. Aiko would kindly thank her host and take a cup, pouring herself a shot as her feet step into the pool. She sighs softly as she sits, awaiting her giant rival, excited to see what she could get from this match. Win or lose, she’d walk away with more than she arrived with.
Last edited by ScoutLils on Fri Sep 20, 2024 4:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: More Than A Bouquet: Aiko Hasegawa vs. Himeko Akan

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Himeko arrived at the onsen full of energy as she walked into the building. The giantess was wearing her casual clothes as she arrived in baggy black sweat pants and a large white t-shirt that had a smiling heart on the front of it. As she walked past all the nice staff members Himeko would wave while carrying a bag with her other arm. Soon, she would arrive at the changing rooms, and once inside the bubbly behemoth would strip out of her casual attire and get into her new bikini!

…at least she would have…IF IT FIT!!!

As she had gotten undressed and pulled out her new bikini, Himeko would find to her horror that the cute frilly thing was at least five sizes too small. Staring at the attire in stunned silence, the giantess would immediately realize whose bikini this was.

“CHISSSAAAAAAATOO YOU ADORABLE FOOOOL!” Himeko would yell out, recognizing the tag on the bikini had her friends exact size! Looking closer at the bag, the giantess realized it had the little angels purse, phone, and other items. But this was definitely Himeko’s bag! The cutie must’ve not been paying attention to whose it was when she was packing it! The giantess didn’t blame her friend, but she had a real problem here! The attire she had could cover a breast maybe if she tied the two pieces together. But it wouldn’t cover the other titty and her crotch! Himeko was desperate for a solution as more and more time passed. Finally the giantess had to make the only choice left to her.

Walking out of the changing area a little later, Himeko would walk around with a towel wrapped around her torso. Looking around, she would quickly found her opponent drinking some sake while sitting with her feet in the water. Walking right over to the woman, Himeko would set down next to her and mirror her. Putting her own feet in the pool before taking a drink of sake she had received on the way. Although in her current mood Himeko downed the whole thing in a couple long chugs. Seeing how good Aiko looked in her bikini only made her feel more self conscious about the fact that she was naked under this towel. Hopefully her opponent wouldn’t mind so much.

“Heya, I’m Himeko~” the giantess would say as she introduced herself to the woman. “It’s nice to meet you! I hope you don’t mind but my swim suit didn’t fit…so this towel is technically my attire hehe~” she’d chuckled somewhat nervously as her feet kicked nervously in the water.

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Re: More Than A Bouquet: Aiko Hasegawa vs. Himeko Akan

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Aiko would feel all her fatigue wash away as warmth took over her feet, flowing up her calves. The Sake seemed to send another wave of warmth down her throat and into her gut. With the sun beginning to set, it allowed the moon to poke through, showing off its radiant light and mixing with the dim lanterns, that somehow made this setting feel rather romantic with what was to come. The Rose pours herself another shot of sake, as a yell caught her attention. Her golden hues meet the sliding door to find a faint sillouhete against the thin sheet hiding their form. She instantly recognized the voice from all the videos she had seen: Himeko~.

The porcelain cup was pressed to her lips as the door slide open. The giantess was even bigger in person, quite the mountain to climb if she wanted any claim of it. Half expecting them to sit opposite her, she was rather surprised to see the Angel crusher sit beside her in bithing but a towel!? My, what a bold choice, Aiko suddenly felt she was overdressed for the occasion but she could work with this. She takes note of their own shot, she grins as the Rose leaned closer already feeling the effects of her beverage.

”Himeko-chan~, you’re here. I was beginning to think you weren’t coming.” Aiko teased. With the mention of why they were stuck in a towel, she couldn’t help but giggle. ”Didn’t fit? Well, i don’t mind having easy access, so you’re forgiven.” The Rose joked. She left no room to escape as she pressed her shoulder against them, the obvious difference in height and build making itself known. ”Hey, why don’t you take a load off before we begin, let’s get to know each other.” She suggests, grabbing hold of the bottle of Sake next to her to offer them another drink. They didn’t have to start right away, or at least she didn’t think they did.

If Himeko allowed her to pour them another shot, she’d offer herself one last pour before offering its contents to the giant. ”Last one for me, otherwise no one’s having fun tonight.” She honestly stated, downing her cup before she released a satisfied ”Pwah!” from her lips. She tugged her shawl off before tossing it against the wooden walls, slowly inching forward into the water as she submerged her waist into the warm bath. ”I haven’t introduced myself yet, sorry about that. I’m Aiko, Aiko Hasegawa, your opponent for this evening. I promise to treat yo with the upmost care.” she declares with a grin, blowing a kiss their way as she settles in.

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Re: More Than A Bouquet: Aiko Hasegawa vs. Himeko Akan

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Himeko may have been shy at first, but she would find herself quickly warming up to Aiko thanks to the woman's friendly attitude. Smiling as the woman joked with her, the giantess would become at ease as she relaxed in the water. "Hehehe~ Don't get too confident now. Just because you can have easy access doesn't mean I'll be an easy opponent~" Himeko giggled before being offered some sake from the woman. "Sure! I'll have some more." the giantess would say happily as she accepted the refill and drank it right after with a happy sigh of relief.

"Oh I don't know...I think there's plenty of ways we can have fun~" Himeko would giggle, being a little flirty with the other woman as she said this would be her last drink. Then, watching Aiko slowly get into the water, the bubbly behemoth would listen as she introduced herself before promising to treat her with care. Seeing her opponent in the water made the giantess want to follow her example. "Hehe~ It's a pleasure to meet you Aiko! I am Himeko Akan! And I'll be sure to treat you very very nicely~" Himeko would say after watching the woman blow her a kiss. Then, unwrapping the towel she had around herself, Himeko would strip it off before tossing it aside. Revealing her full naked body to the woman, this time with pride now that she was comfortable with Aiko. Slowly, the giantess would make her way into the water to meet her opponent. Her breasts soon hanging in front of the woman's face as she stood before her. Standing tall with her hands on her hips, Himeko would wait to see what Aiko thought of her body before they'd start their match.

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Re: More Than A Bouquet: Aiko Hasegawa vs. Himeko Akan

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The Rose’s feet and calves absorbed the warm water like a sponge, she half expected for her proposal to be politely brushed aside but instead Himeko was more than happy to go along with her request. Downing her first shot, then taking the Rose’s second as she poured them more, Aiko smiled with her host skulls on display. Having given the giantess the bottle, Aiko would step out into the middle of the Onsen, deciding to sit and await her rival as they had another drink. She invited them to meet her there and, with another surprise, which she felt there would be many of, Himeko struts over, standing tall before her as she declares her willingness to begin.

Her eyes follow Hineko’s calf, following her thigh as she meets their hips and blooming womanhood. Her gaze continuing upward as she tilts back to observe the musculature of their abdomen and their bountiful chest. ”Presenting yourself like that is such a bold move, Himeko-Chan~. If this were a date, I’d gobble you up right now.” she warned, giggling to herself as a hand reaches out, slowly sneaking around her thigh as she crept closer. Her lips meet the inner flesh of their thigh, softly pecking up as her gaze meets what little of their own she could meet. With one last peck, she’d open her maw to lightky sink her teeth into their thigh, making her mark as a little tease to whats to come.

Pulling back from her work, Aiko would cover her mouth in feigned shock. ”Oh! So sorry, Himeko. You just looked so tasty I couldn’t stop myself from taking a bite.” Her heart was racing, she wanted to see some action already, to get down and dirty, to fight for her wants. This new life of hers had been pushing her to want more to desire more, perhaps it was selfish to feel that way but Aiko was doing this for her and no one else. The rose slowly rises up on her knees, as her gaze never left the giantess.

A beckoning finger would call them, heads of sweat from steam already glisten her skin. ”So, are you gonna come down here to me or are you gonna make me come up there for you?” Aiko asks, her hands sliding back up their thighs to rest on the woman’s waist, almost as if the question was like a threat.

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Re: More Than A Bouquet: Aiko Hasegawa vs. Himeko Akan

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Himeko giggled as she watched her opponent start to ogle her naked body. It didn't take much for the giantess to tell that this rose loved what she saw. "Hehehe~ If this was a date I would've brought flowers! ...and I would've been wearing something..." the bubbly woman admitted as she played around with the water. Slowly moving her fingers through the onsen's warm water to make little waves, the giantess would be slow to realize that Aiko was moving closer before leaning down and kissing her thigh! "Eeeep! You gotta warn someone when you're gonna start smooching them...not that I'm complaining or anything-EEK!" Himeko would say as she enjoyed the kisses, only to get a little love bite from the woman! However, while the bite did make her yelp, she definitely enjoyed it a bit. She didn't want to give Aiko any ideas for the match, though, so she'd keep that secret to herself.

"I-It's ok...I see something I wanna nibble on right now~..." Himeko would say with a naughty smile as she stared at the woman. However, as Aiko sank into the water and dared the giantess to follow her, the bubbly beauty had a better idea as a devious smile formed on her face. "Hmm...good options...but I think I'll bring you to me~" the busty behemoth would chirp sweetly as she reached down and picked Aiko right out of the water. Showing off her strength, the giantess would pull her opponent up and hold her in the air. Her hands keeping a tight grip on the woman's soft backside as she hugged Aiko into her chest. Eyes locked with her opponent's, Himeko would gently touch their noses together as she simply said "Boop~" in an unbelievably cute tone for an eskimo kiss. Giggling afterwards, the giantess would suddenly sink down into the water with her opponent. The water splashing a bit as she slowly dropped onto her butt in the water until the were up to their chests in it. Then, Himeko would give Aiko a kiss on the lips. Looking to start their match with a competitive, and yummy, make out session in the steamy Onsen.

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Re: More Than A Bouquet: Aiko Hasegawa vs. Himeko Akan

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Aiko was rather taken aback at the mention of a date. How long had it been since she’d been on one, the last time was back when she was engaged but that was a long time ago now. The words gave her some hope for love one day but instead she’d enjoy the moment today. ”Ohhh, sounds classy~.” She coo’d. The joke made her chuckle as her gaze fixed on her prey, all the oblivious as she approached. The rose strikes, planting meticulous pecks along their thigh before suddenly making her mark as her teeth sink in to the first layer. Aiko has no intention on doing any actual damage..yet. Teasing and playing with the giantess was her main priority as she earned herself an ”EEK!” her gaze immediately refocused on Himeko, the squeal actually syrprising her. ”A warning? I’ll try to remember that for next time, but my smooches can be so random. I hope you’ll forgive me~.” The Rose taunts, internally forming her strategy as she kicks her lips, she was going to leave marks all over.

With her hands resting along their waist, listening them flirt, she smiles, biting her lip with their confession. ”Do you now? Maybe you’ll get a bite in our match, I know I’m going to take plenty.” She replies, awaiting their answer as they mused about her options. Aiko was thinking she’d need to come up for them but instead, Himeko came to her…sort of.

The water ripples intensely as she’s picked up out of the warm waters of the Onsen. The Black Rose squeals with surprise and delight as she tumbles forward in Himeko’s grip. Their fingers sink into her bikini-clad rump, send a shiver up Aiko’s spine. Her arms instinctively snake around the giantess’ neck as she looks down at them, eager for their next move. She’s more than happy to reciprocate their Eskimo kiss. The steam coating her skin brushes along their soft nose making her giggle from the ticklish sensation. ”Being cute? I think I’m going to like you, Himeko-Chan.” Aiko declared.

With them both sinking back into the water, warmth immediately encompassed her new position. Aiko was rather comfortable in Himeko’s lap as she pulled herself closer, their generous bust competeting with her own. The Rose gasped as they stole her lips, pressing boldly on from the shy giant she saw earlier. Her arms unwind as her palms station at her shoulders. One may have pushed themselves away, taking offense to such an unfair tactic but Aiko wasn’t one of those types of people. Instead, she’d push on her knees, using Himeko’s waist as a place holder, her hands rolls up their shoulders into their long Raven hair. They run up, gathering as much of their hair as her hands can capture before she pushes upward. The Rose would use this angle to assert her dominance, pouring her passion and attention into the giantess’ steamy make out session.
Last edited by ScoutLils on Thu Oct 17, 2024 5:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: More Than A Bouquet: Aiko Hasegawa vs. Himeko Akan

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Himeko couldn't help but giggle at being called classy. Aiko here was a real sweet talker that was for sure. She wouldn't go easy on her just because she said a few nice words, though. Still, the giantess was blushing a bit from all of the woman's flirty fight banter. Hearing Aiko ask to be forgiven for any future nibbles made her heart flutter a bit. "Ooooooh...I can't stay mad at sexy little gremlin!" the giantess would laugh in response to her opponent.

As she lifted the sexy woman out of the water, Himeko couldn't help but giggle with their faces so close together. "Well I already like you, Aiko-chan~" she would purr as their noses rubbed together cutely. "In fact...I take a bite~" Himeko would say before opening her mouth and closing it on Aiko's nose. She would only nom the woman with her lips, however. She wasn't looking to actually bite her nose, after all. She just wanted to be a little playful with her. Soon enough, though, the women would be locked in a fierce kissing battle as she floated in the steamy waters of the Onsen. Purring as she kissed her opponent, Himeko would continue to rub Aiko's backside nice and easy. Slowly massaging her ass while they made out like horny schoolgirls.

Aiko wanted to be the dominant kisser it seemed, as she jostled on the giantess for a higher position. That way she could kiss downwards on Himeko, using her elevated position to convey a sense of authority that made her spine tingle. The bubbly behemoth loved a woman who knew what they wanted and weren't afraid to fight for it against her. Purring happily into the kiss from Aiko's dominant side, Himeko would reward her efforts by pinching her butt a little. She didn't have to make it easy for the woman to dominate her, after all.

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Re: More Than A Bouquet: Aiko Hasegawa vs. Himeko Akan

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The rose grinned as her plea was heard, the giantess’ giggled and declared they couldn’t be mad at her. Aiko felt it was just banter but perhaps she could take them up on that, as they say: give an inch, they’ll take a mile. Being uprooted from the Onsen’s water, she took to her new position fairly well. Her knees latch to their hips as her arms snake around their neck, as she hovers close. A soft giggle of her own escape as they nommed on her nose. How could they be this cute? It was honestly astonishing, how being this close, seeing them in reality was so different from her researched videos. The rose quite liked this surprise~. Their touch didn’t go unnoticed by the Rose as their fingers continued to roam her backside, it made her feel like twenty-two again.

Aiko took advantage of her position as her stomach pressed against Himeko’s bust. Her angle to kiss downward was her attempt at quickly asserting her dominance. Her kisses were filled with passion at every liplock made but she’d add to it very often, including her tongue to bait Himeko into a tongue twisting match while she worked her magic to sway the giantess to lowering her guard.

A slight sting to her backside made the Rose jump, she wasn’t expecting a pinch of all things; rubbing her backside with a narrowing look down to her rival. Her brow furrowed as her teeth sink into their bottom lip mid-kiss as she playfully but perhaps a bit harder than she meant to. ”Himeko-San, just so you know butt pinches are a big no-no. You make them hurt, think about this poor butt of mine.” She lightly scolded, she wasn’t at all mad though, just a bit surprised by it. Her amber gaze eyeing them with hints of her need but she had to be careful it was still a match. Leaning down to offer them another peck, her right would snake away from their hair and sneak over their shoulder. Her aim was their giant untouched breast smooshed against her own. She offers herself just a hint of room before her hand finds itself grabbing mounds of flesh. Himeko’s busy practically slipping through her fingers as she squeezed. ”Built and so well endowed. I’m kinda jealous of you, Himeko. What’s your secret? I want to keep my form but I think putting in some muscle would look good on me too. What do you think?” Aiko asks, slowly massage the boob in hand clock-wise as if it were a miniscule chore.

She’d give them a minute to think, to perhaps indulge her with some secrets as the two kissed and explored each other with their touch. Her left now beside her right with the giantess generous exposed bust in both palms, her thumbs intentionally peek under to roll their areola’s to wear them down, teasing them with her precise attacks to later crush them. She presses her hips to their stomach as the Rose looks overhead, her vines already outstretching to ensnare Himeko if she let her guard down now.

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