Rai squirmed in the grip of the older, stronger, vampire woman, his speedo clad butt rubbing against her waist and crotch.
Then he heard the crowds jeering, and for second, he froze as he heard the familiar taunts of the crowd that, for some reason, seemed to loathe him, his face blushing so red that Lacramiora would be able to feel the heat radiating off of his face as he started struggling again.
Then the sexy vampire behind him spoke, teasing him, telling him he could be rewarded, or punished, if he was a good boy or not, making a point of squeezing his cock with her feet, the sudden pressure causing a high pitched, feminine sounding gasp and coo to leave his lips, though it was nearly immediately silenced as she tightened her choke around his throat, asking if she should just make him cry, while at the same time, the crowd began to chant for her to do just that!
Rai let out a small whimper, his face heating up again, as his cock continued to be squeezed and the audience called for Lacramiora to wreck him, the speedo clad rookie raising his arm, almost as if he was going to tap out in an attempt to plead for mercy... before he thrust it out, revealing he was again desperately reaching for the ropes, determined to try and stay in the fight as he spoke in reply!
"Urgh...I...AM...a good boy...Im the...BEST boy..." He struggled to say, her arm clenched around his windpipe while with her feet were squeezing his dick so hard he couldn't help but whimper again, his arms dropping, trying to press against the mat eith his palms and push their combined weight closer towards the ropes to try for a rope break. Granted, he doubted he could make it, or that she'd let him make it, but he refused to do nothing and lay there!
"You can...drain me dry...hurt my dick...but...I wont cry!"
He exclaimed, dragging himself an inch closer to the ropes before collapsing again, getting weaker from the constant squeezing of his throat and cock, while at this point, even he wasn't sure if his defiant words were meant for Lacramiora or the audience!
Rai Kamiya vs Lacramiora Albescu - Hentai Match
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Re: Rai Kamiya vs Lacramiora Albescu - Hentai Match
Lacramioara's succulent lips parted and curved into a fanged smile. Rai was turning so red, she was half-expecting steam to start shooting out of his ears. The sounds he let loose said that he wasn't as against this idea as his struggle made him seem. Whether he was admitting it to himself or not, the game was appealing enough to play.
And the audience was dying to see it. They maintained their chants at first, but as his hand hung in the air and the passing seconds made it appear that this was to deny them the opportunity to indulge their schadenfreude, they turned into boos.
"Somebody get that little motherfucker out of there!"
"She's barely touching you and you're already gonna tap?"
That one, Lacramioara took offense to. "Barely touching" him? But she would remain focused on the task at hand. Turning it towards that idiot would do her no good. Boos and jeers turned into laughs and jeers as Rai's resolution guided him closer to the ropes. It was perfect for the current situation, but she was frowning on the inside: All that vitriol, hurled so readily at a rookie with such delicate circumstances...Makes it a small wonder why Ionia doesn't care for crowds much.
Rai has heart. Not even the most virulent of his detractors could deny that. But as his record has shown, heart can only get you so far. And he was getting a little too close to the ropes for her liking. Her feet would clench down even harder on him, hopefully stopping him in his tracks for the second she needed to begin work on turning the two of them around. It would put her on the bottom, but as any grappler worth their salt would know, that didn't mean that she was at the disadvantage. Being in her clutches still, he'd have to work that much harder to reach the refuge he sought.
And the audience was dying to see it. They maintained their chants at first, but as his hand hung in the air and the passing seconds made it appear that this was to deny them the opportunity to indulge their schadenfreude, they turned into boos.
"Somebody get that little motherfucker out of there!"
"She's barely touching you and you're already gonna tap?"
That one, Lacramioara took offense to. "Barely touching" him? But she would remain focused on the task at hand. Turning it towards that idiot would do her no good. Boos and jeers turned into laughs and jeers as Rai's resolution guided him closer to the ropes. It was perfect for the current situation, but she was frowning on the inside: All that vitriol, hurled so readily at a rookie with such delicate circumstances...Makes it a small wonder why Ionia doesn't care for crowds much.
Rai has heart. Not even the most virulent of his detractors could deny that. But as his record has shown, heart can only get you so far. And he was getting a little too close to the ropes for her liking. Her feet would clench down even harder on him, hopefully stopping him in his tracks for the second she needed to begin work on turning the two of them around. It would put her on the bottom, but as any grappler worth their salt would know, that didn't mean that she was at the disadvantage. Being in her clutches still, he'd have to work that much harder to reach the refuge he sought.
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Re: Rai Kamiya vs Lacramiora Albescu - Hentai Match
Rai bit his lip, as he continued to try and push himself forward. Sure, the crowds comments had gotten more hurtful and insulting, as they usually did whenever he started losing, but the youngster didn't let that stop him from trying, showing the heart he had as he managed to pull both of them just a little bit closer to the ropes, his out-stretched fingers just barely not close enough to make it...
"AH! My dick!"
Rai suddenly went stiff and let out a high, somewhat feminine sounding yell as, quite suddenly, Lacramiora squeezed his dick with her heels and feet again and kept it squeezed, his firm shaft feeling immense pressure from her foot squeeze, and even worse, one of the teens poor balls was caught in the middle as well, making him gasp and freeze up. This played perfectly in the vampires move, as the next thing the blue haired Young Lion knew, he was on his back, Lacramiora having rolled him over, still painfully squeezing his dick while tightening her arm up around his neck, cinching in the sleeper choke hold she had on him! Unable to counter or even struggle match, Rai was as helpless as a turtle on his back, and his fingers, once JUST about to grasp the ropes, Rai now found himself in a position he couldn't escape, and the ropes, his salvation, were made JUST far enough out of reach now that he had no chance of reaching them!
"N-No! Damn it, damn it, I'm so clo-!"
He couldn't finish, as the chokehold tightened a little more, and he gagged, his hands now going from trying to grab the ropes, to grabbing and pulling at Lacramiora's arm, in a futile gesture, just as his body writhed and bare legs and feet kicked in protest, expelling energy to try and escape... and having no success at it, feeling his body start to get weaker as his breaths get more shallow.
"Nooo...I don't...I can't pass out...A real man doesn't...pass out..."
He exclaimed, though even as he did so, he could feel his eyelids starting to get heavy, as his vision started to blur!
"AH! My dick!"
Rai suddenly went stiff and let out a high, somewhat feminine sounding yell as, quite suddenly, Lacramiora squeezed his dick with her heels and feet again and kept it squeezed, his firm shaft feeling immense pressure from her foot squeeze, and even worse, one of the teens poor balls was caught in the middle as well, making him gasp and freeze up. This played perfectly in the vampires move, as the next thing the blue haired Young Lion knew, he was on his back, Lacramiora having rolled him over, still painfully squeezing his dick while tightening her arm up around his neck, cinching in the sleeper choke hold she had on him! Unable to counter or even struggle match, Rai was as helpless as a turtle on his back, and his fingers, once JUST about to grasp the ropes, Rai now found himself in a position he couldn't escape, and the ropes, his salvation, were made JUST far enough out of reach now that he had no chance of reaching them!
"N-No! Damn it, damn it, I'm so clo-!"
He couldn't finish, as the chokehold tightened a little more, and he gagged, his hands now going from trying to grab the ropes, to grabbing and pulling at Lacramiora's arm, in a futile gesture, just as his body writhed and bare legs and feet kicked in protest, expelling energy to try and escape... and having no success at it, feeling his body start to get weaker as his breaths get more shallow.
"Nooo...I don't...I can't pass out...A real man doesn't...pass out..."
He exclaimed, though even as he did so, he could feel his eyelids starting to get heavy, as his vision started to blur!
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Re: Rai Kamiya vs Lacramiora Albescu - Hentai Match
There we are. Lacramioara had to do some bullshitting here: Present a calm demeanor and act like she wasn't worried about how close he'd come to the ropes. If he'd managed to scoot just a little bit more before she flipped them over...
The good thing was that Rai was all too aware of this himself. And all the resultant panicked thrashing was doing her work for her. All she needed to do now was wait. And surely enough, his kicks and the pull at her arm grew weaker. His chest would reach lower and lower heights every few breaths.
It wouldn't be too much longer now before he was out. But that wasn't what Lacramioara wanted. This situation calls for a special sort of submission.
"You're in too deep to be going anywhere without me allowing it. Wanna stay awake? Bark for me. Prove that you're the best boy!"
The good thing was that Rai was all too aware of this himself. And all the resultant panicked thrashing was doing her work for her. All she needed to do now was wait. And surely enough, his kicks and the pull at her arm grew weaker. His chest would reach lower and lower heights every few breaths.
It wouldn't be too much longer now before he was out. But that wasn't what Lacramioara wanted. This situation calls for a special sort of submission.
"You're in too deep to be going anywhere without me allowing it. Wanna stay awake? Bark for me. Prove that you're the best boy!"
Last edited by DSX93 on Wed Sep 25, 2024 6:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Rai Kamiya vs Lacramiora Albescu - Hentai Match
Crap crap crap crap!
This was bad, even Rai knew it was bad. He couldn't get any momentum or forward movement going, couldn't escape the older woman's tight grip around his neck or his dick, and she just kept squeezing both so tightly, he was real danger! Without being able to reach the ropes or escape, she was surely about to KO him, so soon into his very first ever PPV match!
He tried not to panic, but as his thrashing started to calm down from lack of air, his heart started beating faster, realizing this was the end for him... Until Lacramiora started speaking that is, teasing him, telling him that if he wanted to prove he was a good boy and escape, he had to bark for her!
"W-what? But th-thats humilati-AH!" His brief protest was cut off, as another squeeze of her feet sent pain through his dick, while a squeeze from her arm at the same time reminded the young man just how close he was to being unconscious!
"W-Wait! Please d-don't!"
The boys cheeks blushed with a red that was the exact opposite of his light blue hair, not wanting to do as asked, but also realizing that he had no choice. She had him caught, dead to rights, and if he didn't want to be put to sleep and made to cum while unconscious, he had to do what she wanted!
So, putting his ever-vanishing dignity aside, Rai mustered as much air and voice as he could, and spoke:
"...A-Arf! A-Arf arf!" He exclaimed, giving his best approximation of a bark. He didn't have a pet growing up that he could imitate, so he just gave it his best go. "Arf! Arf! Bark!" he continued, and, while he wasn't proud of this, the teen even lowered his head, and stuck his tongue out, gently licking at the arm around his neck to show he was making an earnest attempt, and hoping it would be enough!
This was bad, even Rai knew it was bad. He couldn't get any momentum or forward movement going, couldn't escape the older woman's tight grip around his neck or his dick, and she just kept squeezing both so tightly, he was real danger! Without being able to reach the ropes or escape, she was surely about to KO him, so soon into his very first ever PPV match!
He tried not to panic, but as his thrashing started to calm down from lack of air, his heart started beating faster, realizing this was the end for him... Until Lacramiora started speaking that is, teasing him, telling him that if he wanted to prove he was a good boy and escape, he had to bark for her!
"W-what? But th-thats humilati-AH!" His brief protest was cut off, as another squeeze of her feet sent pain through his dick, while a squeeze from her arm at the same time reminded the young man just how close he was to being unconscious!
"W-Wait! Please d-don't!"
The boys cheeks blushed with a red that was the exact opposite of his light blue hair, not wanting to do as asked, but also realizing that he had no choice. She had him caught, dead to rights, and if he didn't want to be put to sleep and made to cum while unconscious, he had to do what she wanted!
So, putting his ever-vanishing dignity aside, Rai mustered as much air and voice as he could, and spoke:
"...A-Arf! A-Arf arf!" He exclaimed, giving his best approximation of a bark. He didn't have a pet growing up that he could imitate, so he just gave it his best go. "Arf! Arf! Bark!" he continued, and, while he wasn't proud of this, the teen even lowered his head, and stuck his tongue out, gently licking at the arm around his neck to show he was making an earnest attempt, and hoping it would be enough!
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Re: Rai Kamiya vs Lacramiora Albescu - Hentai Match
Has he never been around a dog before? Lacramioara considered asking him that, but...no. No, he did what was commanded of him and more, like the best boy would. And to the best of his ability with that increasingly perilous lack of air, at that. A dark chuckle would voice her approval. "Good boy. Good boy." She wouldn't let him go, but would let up on the choke, allowing him to keep his consciousness as promised.
She'd switch to a warm, tender embrace, running her fingers through his hair with soothing strokes and giving him the occasional pat on the head. "Oh, excuse me. I meant "best boy". The hand she had on his head would start on a path down Rai's slim, athletic body, lingering for a moment when she had it over his heart to get a feel of its rhythm. And again when she reached his abs, rubbing that washboard tummy of his. He had yet to impress with his moves, but as far as looks go? Most boys weren't this well-defined when she was in high school.
Lacramioara would take hold of his chin and use it to guide his head into the placements she needed of it, keeping it in place for now while whispering into his ear, "And best boys get treats." The other hand would take its leave from Rai's abs, going even lower. Lower. Right over the speedo. And finally grip the four inches that tented it. The roughness she displayed with her feet would be absent here; she'd start anew with deliberate strokes, turning his head so he'd be face to face with her. Noses touching, lips mere inches -- just one little movement away from doing the same, her red eyes gazing deep into his blues with an intense, piercing sensuality...
...The fools in the audience hard at work in their quest to ruin the magic.
"HE'S NOT WORTH IT!" Clap. Clap. Clap-clap-clap. "HE'S NOT WORTH IT!" Clap. Clap. Clap-clap-clap.
"You like that, boy?" She'd ask, entirely unfazed. Like nothing had been said at all. "Does it make you wonder?" Her pace would slowly increase as she went on. "My skin on yours. How it would feel to have me free your cock from its confines and take a proper grip of you." A vocal picture that would be accompanied with hot moans. Breaths that would wash over his lips. She'd anticipate the desire to close the last of that miniscule distance and would pull her head back if he tried, making it a point to resume it with a wicked smile. "For me to climb on top of you and take you inside of me."
The vampiric seductress would change her pace again, to something that would match the scenario she just described: Her bouncing on his cock, tightening her grip on him to match what he'd feel, had her nether lips swallowed him up now, the very best that anyone in this world could manage while jerking him off through his skimpy underwear. And were those lucky men she's done this to in the past present to give their accounts of the experience, they would all say that she did it pretty. Fucking. Well.
"Can you feel it, Rai?" Her eyes snapped shut. "Can you see it?" And her legs would wrap around him, helping to pull him deeper into her embrace. The next few moments would pass without another word from her. Just more moans as the vision played out in her head.
And with a shuddering breath and a voice filled with need, she'd tell him of it. "Oishīdesu yo! Rai!"
She'd switch to a warm, tender embrace, running her fingers through his hair with soothing strokes and giving him the occasional pat on the head. "Oh, excuse me. I meant "best boy". The hand she had on his head would start on a path down Rai's slim, athletic body, lingering for a moment when she had it over his heart to get a feel of its rhythm. And again when she reached his abs, rubbing that washboard tummy of his. He had yet to impress with his moves, but as far as looks go? Most boys weren't this well-defined when she was in high school.
Lacramioara would take hold of his chin and use it to guide his head into the placements she needed of it, keeping it in place for now while whispering into his ear, "And best boys get treats." The other hand would take its leave from Rai's abs, going even lower. Lower. Right over the speedo. And finally grip the four inches that tented it. The roughness she displayed with her feet would be absent here; she'd start anew with deliberate strokes, turning his head so he'd be face to face with her. Noses touching, lips mere inches -- just one little movement away from doing the same, her red eyes gazing deep into his blues with an intense, piercing sensuality...
...The fools in the audience hard at work in their quest to ruin the magic.
"HE'S NOT WORTH IT!" Clap. Clap. Clap-clap-clap. "HE'S NOT WORTH IT!" Clap. Clap. Clap-clap-clap.
"You like that, boy?" She'd ask, entirely unfazed. Like nothing had been said at all. "Does it make you wonder?" Her pace would slowly increase as she went on. "My skin on yours. How it would feel to have me free your cock from its confines and take a proper grip of you." A vocal picture that would be accompanied with hot moans. Breaths that would wash over his lips. She'd anticipate the desire to close the last of that miniscule distance and would pull her head back if he tried, making it a point to resume it with a wicked smile. "For me to climb on top of you and take you inside of me."
The vampiric seductress would change her pace again, to something that would match the scenario she just described: Her bouncing on his cock, tightening her grip on him to match what he'd feel, had her nether lips swallowed him up now, the very best that anyone in this world could manage while jerking him off through his skimpy underwear. And were those lucky men she's done this to in the past present to give their accounts of the experience, they would all say that she did it pretty. Fucking. Well.
"Can you feel it, Rai?" Her eyes snapped shut. "Can you see it?" And her legs would wrap around him, helping to pull him deeper into her embrace. The next few moments would pass without another word from her. Just more moans as the vision played out in her head.
And with a shuddering breath and a voice filled with need, she'd tell him of it. "Oishīdesu yo! Rai!"
Japanese to English Translation
"Oishīdesu yo!" -- "It is delicious!"
Last edited by DSX93 on Thu Nov 21, 2024 10:43 am, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: Rai Kamiya vs Lacramiora Albescu - Hentai Match
In fairness to Rai...he really hadn't.
Never could afford one at home, none of his friends had dogs, nor did Rai have friends, and any he met out in the wild either ignored him entirely or wanted to use him as a chewtoy or chase him off their property, so he hadn't been around dogs much at all, and yes, it did make him feel very silly, though given he blushed all the time anyway, people could be forgiven for not realizing he was embarrassed about his barking.
Still, it worked, and it gained him his freedom from the damn sleeper hold, before he could pass out at least! He laid back against her body, taking deep gulps of air as Lacramiora turned out to be a vampire of her word, freeing him from the sleeper hold and letting him begin taking deep, gulping breaths.
But just because she wasn't choking him out, didn't mean she was done with him either, as she began stroking his hair, calling him her best boy, her hand going down his body, from his hair, to his cheeks, to his washboard abs, all while adjusting his heads position, so they were face to face, nose to nose, just barely not touching each other there while she started to jerk him off, the pain introduced by her feet no longer there as she begins rapidly stroking and jerking off his cock over his speedo!
"Ahhh...Ohhhh...mmm...Miss...Lacra...Miora...Ohhh fuck..." Rai gasped and panted, as her hand sent waves of pleasure through his body, the tired Rai fighting off the urge to just let himself stay where he was and LET her finish him off so he could cum, though he knew he couldn't afford to think like that! He attempted once to lean in and press his lips against her own, but she easily avoided his attempt, pulling her head back from his at the last moment.
What was worse than the hold, or the teasing, however, was her following words, painting a picture of what it would be like if she was to fuck him for real, something that made Rai whimper as his cock pulsed in his speedo, her words sounding hot on purpose as she ! "MMmm...oh fuck...I want...I want your pussy so bad...but..I-I can't...I can't let myself cum!" Rai yelled, clearly into how she was dominating him sexually, and, as usual, not really thinking at all about what he was saying, but trying to motivate himself anyway as this sexual dynamo of a vampiress called him, of all people *delicious!*
Never could afford one at home, none of his friends had dogs, nor did Rai have friends, and any he met out in the wild either ignored him entirely or wanted to use him as a chewtoy or chase him off their property, so he hadn't been around dogs much at all, and yes, it did make him feel very silly, though given he blushed all the time anyway, people could be forgiven for not realizing he was embarrassed about his barking.
Still, it worked, and it gained him his freedom from the damn sleeper hold, before he could pass out at least! He laid back against her body, taking deep gulps of air as Lacramiora turned out to be a vampire of her word, freeing him from the sleeper hold and letting him begin taking deep, gulping breaths.
But just because she wasn't choking him out, didn't mean she was done with him either, as she began stroking his hair, calling him her best boy, her hand going down his body, from his hair, to his cheeks, to his washboard abs, all while adjusting his heads position, so they were face to face, nose to nose, just barely not touching each other there while she started to jerk him off, the pain introduced by her feet no longer there as she begins rapidly stroking and jerking off his cock over his speedo!
"Ahhh...Ohhhh...mmm...Miss...Lacra...Miora...Ohhh fuck..." Rai gasped and panted, as her hand sent waves of pleasure through his body, the tired Rai fighting off the urge to just let himself stay where he was and LET her finish him off so he could cum, though he knew he couldn't afford to think like that! He attempted once to lean in and press his lips against her own, but she easily avoided his attempt, pulling her head back from his at the last moment.
What was worse than the hold, or the teasing, however, was her following words, painting a picture of what it would be like if she was to fuck him for real, something that made Rai whimper as his cock pulsed in his speedo, her words sounding hot on purpose as she ! "MMmm...oh fuck...I want...I want your pussy so bad...but..I-I can't...I can't let myself cum!" Rai yelled, clearly into how she was dominating him sexually, and, as usual, not really thinking at all about what he was saying, but trying to motivate himself anyway as this sexual dynamo of a vampiress called him, of all people *delicious!*
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