Hungry for Pain: Mako Adachi VS Janis Spencer

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Hungry for Pain: Mako Adachi VS Janis Spencer

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Hardcore Match
Win via Pin, Submission, or KO

Mako Adachi
Mako was getting dressed in the locker room as she prepared for her match tonight. The shark was facing a woman named Janis. After facing so many men in matches lately, the shark was actually looking forward to fighting a hot girl. Now she wasn’t a big muscular girl but Mako wasn’t going to be a picky eater. From what she knew this lady was a tough cookie. Called herself the ghoul and looked like a bonafide badass. The pictures she’d seen were impress and gave the shark a good feeling for this match. So, after finishing up dressing by pulling her top over her head, Mako would head out of the locker room as she cracked her neck from side to side.

With the crowd eagerly awaiting the match to begin, music would begin to blast from the speakers. Followed by the shark walking out to the stage with an eager, borderline wild grin on her face. Walking right down the ramp, the woman would clap a few hands as she went to the ring. Not wasting any time, she’d slide right under the bottom rope on her belly. Before rolling onto her back and doing a kip up to her feet.

“Who’s ready for a beatdown!?” Mako would shout to the crowd as she jumped on to middle and bottom ring ropes. The roar she got back from them telling her they were ready as she got down and went to settle down in her corner as she waited for the ghoul to show herself.

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Daiki Higurashi
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Re: Hungry for Pain: Mako Adachi VS Janis Spencer

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"I am, but I am ready to beat your ass down, cuz this ghoul hungers for some bone to break and some blood to spill!" howled Janis from the arena's entrance. The South African martial artist cracked her fists and already dressed up in her outfit. She was clad in her sports bra emblazoned with the emblem of the gang she once served, and a hachimaki adorned the girl's head. A spider tattoo was also seen on the girls' midriff, close to her navel.
"Break Your Fate" by Shiena Nishizawa blasted through the speakers as the ghoul herself walked towards the ring. Nobody knew she had a record as a criminal back then, as the LAW officials were bribed by her former gang's boss to clear her name out before joining in to look not for jobbers, but those who she views as prey who could actually fight back and more fun to fight. Janis found jobbers to be boring and unexciting to fight. The ghoul's instinct sensed that she has found a potential prey: a shark to be precise.

"What I know is that a shark has sharp jaws but also soft bones, so it'll be much easier to snap with my bare hands!" said Janis as she looked at Mako with a smirk.
Last edited by Daiki Higurashi on Sat Sep 14, 2024 6:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Hungry for Pain: Mako Adachi VS Janis Spencer

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Mako smiled as her opponent came out and said she was ready to give her ass a beatdown. The shark watched as the ghoul came down to the ring, and could tell the woman meant business. She liked the look of the ink her opponent's midriff too. She also liked her cocky attitude as she started trash talking the shark. "Well well...its been a while since any part of me was called soft~...But people underestimate me everyday~" Mako would respond to Janis's taunting before licking her teeth in front of the woman. Looking the woman up and down, the shark acted like she was judging her body (Which she was) before licking her lips. Mako had a lot of tattoos herself. So she always enjoyed seeing the ink on other people.

"I like your spider. Does it have a name?" Mako asked before reaching out and poking the tattoo on her opponent's abs. "...I think I'll call you...Bitsy~ And your tat can be Itsy~" she purred with a devious grin. Standing before the woman, Mako wasn't backing down. Even as the ref tried to separate the women, they weren't moving. So with the fighters staring each other down, the official would just signal to start the match to let the women get their hands on each other.

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Re: Hungry for Pain: Mako Adachi VS Janis Spencer

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As the bell rung, Janis angrily grabbed Mako's head with her hands and shoved it towards one of her kneepads. "Pervert!" said Janis.
Last edited by Daiki Higurashi on Sun Sep 15, 2024 6:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hungry for Pain: Mako Adachi VS Janis Spencer

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Mako would go wide eyed as Janis grabbed her head and tried to pull her down for a knee to the face. Apparently the ghoul thought that she was a pervert. She was right, but she didn't have to act like it was a bad thing. Bringing her arms up out of pure instinct, the shark would grab the woman's knee before it could connect, then shove it back to send her opponent stumbling back a bit.

"Woah there tiger! Going straight for the kill already? Heh~ Not bad..." Mako would say, liking her opponent's enthusiasm Raising her fists, the shark would prepare herself as she approached the ghoul. At first she'd make it seem like she was going for a punch. However, as Mako closed in, she'd try swinging her leg up for a swift roundhouse kick into the side of Janis's rib cage.
Last edited by Caborn on Mon Sep 16, 2024 2:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hungry for Pain: Mako Adachi VS Janis Spencer

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"I'm no tiger, I'm a hyena-" said Janis before she was cut off by a kick delivered by Mako towards her rib cage. The Ghoul herself grunted in pain and stumbled back.

"Not bad, but let's see if you can handle this" taunted Janis as she winced in pain before she went for a backflip kick on Mako's head.
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Re: Hungry for Pain: Mako Adachi VS Janis Spencer

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"Oh yeah? I'll call you yena then~ Hi Yena~" Mako would say playfully as she watched the ghoul stumble back a few steps. Watching as Janis recovered from the kick to her ribs the shark would toy around with the woman. Allowing her to attack next as if they were exchanging blows. "Hehe! Bring it!" Mako would shout at her opponent as she braced herself for an attack. Soon, janis would come at her while a backflip kick. It was a flashy move but an effective one. Especially when the shark was intent on giving the woman a shot at her. Raising her arms, she'd try to block the blow, however some of it would still connect with her head.

Grunting from the impact, the shark would back up a few steps, but with a smirk on her face. "Nice~ Most people struggle with making flashy moves actually hurt." Mako would say as she rubbed her forehead with her wrist. "How about a return the favor!" the shark would declare as she dashed at Janis. Jumping last second before shooting out both of her feet into the ghoul's chest with a dropkick!

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Re: Hungry for Pain: Mako Adachi VS Janis Spencer

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Before Janis could even react with her being offended by Mako's musings, she was drop-kicked in the chest. Janis writhed in pain and covered her chest with her hands.

"Ungh.." said Janis as she grunted in pain.
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Re: Hungry for Pain: Mako Adachi VS Janis Spencer

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Smirking as she dropped the ghoul with her dropkick, Mako would preform a kip up back to her feet to show off for the cheering fans. Walking over the Janis, the shark would give her kick to her side, looking to roll the woman over. That way, she could put her foot under the ghoul's chin and slowly help lift her up off the ring. "Hey don't tell me you're slowing down already." Mako would say, taunting the woman with her words and how she was lifting her opponent's head.

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Re: Hungry for Pain: Mako Adachi VS Janis Spencer

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"I'm... not.." said Janis as she responded to Mako before she got kicked in her side. Janis would grunt again in pain as she was flung away by the shark. Her chin was then lifted by Mako's foot, and she couldn't help but to wince in pain.

"You... bitch..." said Janis.
Last edited by Daiki Higurashi on Fri Sep 20, 2024 12:15 am, edited 3 times in total.
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