Mary Bromfield vs May Fowler best two out of three

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Mary Bromfield vs May Fowler best two out of three

Unread post by Ovrlrdalex »

Mary smiled fixing her attire while waiting at gorilla postion she heard her music played and slowly made her way out as she enjoyed the crowd the women's envy she slowly strut her legs and hips around on her way to the ring.

Mary showed her flexibility as shegot on top apron and hoped and performed a Melina like entrance she slithered in the ring and got up,show her body to the crow with confidence and arrogance,waiting to fight in her first match.
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Re: Mary Bromfield vs May Fowler best two out of three

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Maya walked through the backstage area on her way to the arena entrance. This was the type of match Maya loved! An opponent similar in physical stats to her meant a back and forth battle, or at least she hoped. A match that presents a challenge to win feels so much better once the arm is raised in victory. As Maya came to the ramp entrance her favorite Irish tune sounded through the open space.
Walking down the ramp Maya played a little to the crowd giving some high fives and exchanging some pleasantries before sliding under the rope. Standing across from her was what seemed a worthy opponent in Mary. It was also Mary's first match, so Maya was keen to see what the woman could do. Maya would approach and extend a hand. "Hiya darlin I'm Maya!"
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Re: Mary Bromfield vs May Fowler best two out of three

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Mary wasn't interested in pleasantries but was admiring the figure of her opponent."Mary Bromfield."she said with a flirty smile.

The bell rang and mary started started circling her opponent as the two eyed each other,before mary decided to size maya up and hold up one hand for a test of strength,wiggling her fingers.

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Re: Mary Bromfield vs May Fowler best two out of three

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Mary seemed a little cold based on her response, but Maya simply gave a small smirk at the response. Backing away from her the bell would sound only a few moments after the pair had separated slightly. As Maya circled Mary she was curious to see how this woman would handle herself. Eventually, Mary would give an invitation to Maya to feel each others strength for the first time.

With a smirk on her face Maya was all to happy to engage. Taking a firm grip of Mary's hands it was clear of the power the woman possessed. Maya would press herself into Mary before trying to take the woman by surprise. Maya would hold onto Mary's hands before trying to turn her wrists over and bring their hands down while running a knee up the middle to strike Mary dead center in the torso.
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Re: Mary Bromfield vs May Fowler best two out of three

Unread post by Ovrlrdalex »

Mary smiled and chuckle as she sees the knee coming and evaded the knee and tried delivering kicks to the leg if sucessfull she would take maya to the corner with a irish whip mary would try hitting a clothesline

Mary was going to focus on a slow power game agaisnt the equally taller women.
Last edited by Ovrlrdalex on Tue Sep 17, 2024 4:50 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Mary Bromfield vs May Fowler best two out of three

Unread post by B.Lemme »

Mary seemingly expected Maya's attack in full and evaded the knee up the middle. As she cleared, Mary would throw several kicks into Maya's leg. The kicks landed heavy as they smacked Maya's leg with a cracking sound with each blow. As Maya would move the leg back to avoid further damage as Mary would secure Maya's arm and sling her into the opposing corner.

"Arg!" Maya's back impacted the corner as she looked out across the ring seeing Mary running at her. At the last moment, Maya would dip out of the way to avoid the clothesline. After the avoidance, Maya would spin around to return her gaze to Mary before running at her. Right before reaching Mary, Maya would raise her foot trying to land a big boot on her opponent.
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Re: Mary Bromfield vs May Fowler best two out of three

Unread post by Ovrlrdalex »

Mary charged in in full force and tried to hit a clothesline but saw maya ducked as mary placed her hands on the ropes,stopping herself from crashing to the corner,mary turned around she sees maya coming at her with a boot and grabbed the foot amdbtried going for a side headlock,she would take maya to the middle of the ring and take her down,trying to apply more pressure the head and neck and flaunts her breast in maya's face.

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Re: Mary Bromfield vs May Fowler best two out of three

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Mary was certainly nobody's fool. As Maya's foot approached her opponents head, Mary grabbed hold of it bringing Maya to a sudden stop. Throwing Maya's foot to the side, Mary would secure the redhead in a side headlock. As Maya was pulled toward the center of the ring, her face was mashed into Mary's ample chest. Maya didn't want to give Mary a chance to breath, so she would begin throwing punches into the woman's gut in an attempt to loosen the headlock and separate.
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Re: Mary Bromfield vs May Fowler best two out of three

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Mary smiled at maya until her gut was taking a beating from maya's punches she would try to take maya down with a back suplex by lifting her up and slamming her back first,if sucessfull she would go for a pinfall attempt as the ref began the count

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Re: Mary Bromfield vs May Fowler best two out of three

Unread post by B.Lemme »

Maya's strikes seemed to be having good effect, but she was still firmly within Mary's grasp. To escape from Maya's onslaught, Mary would position Maya before hauling the redhead up and over slamming her back into the mat. "Arrggggg!" Maya would begin to roll to one side before Mary pushed her flat onto her back looking to secure a quick fall.


Maya would coil her body and launch her shoulders off the mat to end the count after the ref had barely made the first count. Maya's hand would move to her back nursing the pain of the slam.
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