Like Lightweights Out of Hell - Chris Yukine vs Cléophée Ysé [Last Woman Standing]

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Like Lightweights Out of Hell - Chris Yukine vs Cléophée Ysé [Last Woman Standing]

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Match Type : Last Woman Standing Match

Tonight, an important match was going to take place at LAW, a match that a certain Cléophée had been waiting for since her arrival at LAW. She was only waiting for that, to find the first person she interacted with at LAW, Chris Yukine, in the ring to fight her. It was a match she had been waiting for for a few weeks now and the stakes of the match have changed a lot. The Frenchwoman, although she has faced many wrestlers, all different and strong in a different field, has not managed to win a single match or even lose a single one. Indeed, all her matches until now have ended in a tie.

It was quite shameful because of her last name which inspires greatness and success but also because of her relationship with her mother and especially with her big sister, Britanny Ysé, with whom she had a bet. She had to win this match at all costs, not only to prevent Chris from facing his sister but also so that she could win her initial bet against Britanny.
So it was with a little knot in her stomach and great excitement that Cléopée entered the stage accompanied by her theme, seeing more crowd than usual. This time, everyone wanted to know if the youngest member of Ysé would be able to win her first match... Or if she would be unlucky again... Or worse! She walked with a big smile, dancing while moving her hips to the rhythm of her music until she climbed into the ring, passed between the ropes and greeted the audience one last time.

Her music began to slowly stop, it was the rocker's turn to make her entrance and the Frenchwoman remained in the center of the ring, hands on hips, facing the ramp to see what kind of entrance her opponent had prepared.
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Re: Like Lightweights Out of Hell - Chris Yukine vs Cléophée Ysé [Last Woman Standing]

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It had been a few weeks since Chris' meeting with the two Ysé sisters. When she had agreed to having a match with the younger woman, she had expected it to be a lot sooner. But apparently the powers that be had scheduled four matches for Cléophée before they met. Could have been the scheduling for We Are LAW, or could have been Brittany wanting their match up to be Cleo's fifth match. Whatever the case, their match was finally happening.

The rocker had watched each match while she waited, watching draw after draw, but never a win. It probably weighed on her a bit, but Chris had no intention to let the girl win. While she had accepted mostly for the match at the possible next heavyweight champion, or at least the latest contender, she was going to treat this like any other match. One she would win, by any means necessary.

Which given it was a Last Woman Standing match, meant many, many means.
Her normal theme would be replaced tonight, substituted for another song, more fitting for the atmosphere. As well as how she had felt during their time in the gym. Constantly talked down to, insulted with every breath. She'd shut Cléophée up tonight, and make her choke on her insults.
Stepping out onto the gorilla position, Chris waved to the crowd with a smile, fist bumping fans and giving them an air guitar as she climbed up to the apron. Raising a pair of devil horns to the roaring crowd, the rocker flipped over the top rope and turned towards the spoiled brat that was her opponent.

"So," she started, walking towards the ring's center. "Ready to end your string of ties?" She taunted, even if she figured she'd get little to no reaction from it. "It's a terrible way to start your career, fighting to a draw four times against some decent names, only to follow up with a loss." She crossed her arms, glaring up at the lightweight giantess as she waited for her response.
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Re: Like Lightweights Out of Hell - Chris Yukine vs Cléophée Ysé [Last Woman Standing]

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This match was Cleophée's last match, at least the one that concluded her bet with her big sister, but it was still the most important in her eyes. Cleophée had faced many wrestlers, all as strong and known in their own way, but there was no doubt that Chris was her biggest challenge today. She had dreamed of this match for so long, it had not been easy to plan it because of the slightly toxic relationship Cleophée and Chris had.

The two wrestlers did not share the same feelings at all, Cleophée saw Chris as a rival, a goal to surpass while Chris probably saw Cleophée as an insolent woman and a little too pretentious to be new. Finally, this probably quickly turned into fact when Chris joined the ring and started talking, reminding Cleophée how all her matches had been failures but especially that this match would be her first defeat! The French girl didn't let herself get down, she raised her head while remaining very smiling but kept her eyes closed while looking towards Chris.

"I'm not sure, you weren't able to beat me during our little confrontation in the gym~"

Cléophée slowly opened her eyes and walked around Chris, looking her up and down to analyze her opponent's outfit and body as she walked faster and faster.

"Mhhh...~ Yet I only see my first victory and two defeats on your side, a defeat against the new best lightweight of LAW and your bet lost against my big sister!~"

Little Ysé, who was taller than the rocker, continued to walk around her opponent while getting closer little by little until she found herself facing her. This time, Cléophée bent down slightly, placing a hand on her hip and placing her index finger on Chris's nose to lightly tease her.

"I hope you won't hate me after your defeat, Chrissou!~"

Following her words, Cléophée quickly turned around, slapping Chris' face with her long hair before returning to her corner, impatiently waiting for this match to begin and finally show what she was capable of... But also to win this match against a wrestler she admired.
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Re: Like Lightweights Out of Hell - Chris Yukine vs Cléophée Ysé [Last Woman Standing]

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Chris' glared at the iritable French woman, trying to rub salt in a wound. Ties weren't losses, but that never made a lack of a win sting less. From what little Chris knew of Yses, after a bit of research, the family seemed to be very prideful. Anything less than a 'win' likely had to hurt their ego a little.

Unfortunately, Cléophée either had a great poker face, or the rocker was wrong. The girl only smiled, walking around and looking her up and down, and talking down to her again. Chris' glared intensified, as the girl circled closer and had the gall to, as Fin put when she poked their dog's nose, 'booped her snoot.' "That was that, this is this. I did that just to be done with you. Now, I have an opportunity for a giant push in my career. You're just a stepping stone for that," the rocker sneered before Cleo turned around, whipping her braided hair into the smaller girl's, furious face.

Chris tried to charge at the giant lightweight, but unfortunately the ref was close by and stomped her, telling her to go back to her corner. The rocker sucked at her teeth before she complied, impatiently waiting for the bell to ring. This time she was gonna shut the bitch up. And after she did, she was going to beat her older sister, showing why she was a rising star among the lightweight division.


Soon as the bell rang, the rock star all but shot out of her corner. This was a Last Woman Standing match, and Cléophée wouldn't be given a chance to act. Chris would close the distance quickly, leaping up once she was in front of Cléophée and thrusting her feet out for a dropkick. If possible, she hoped to be fast enough to push Cléophée back into her corner, but if she ended up just downing the tiny giant, that would be fine as well. Long as the lady fell to her dropkick, Chris knew exactly how she'd follow up.
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Re: Like Lightweights Out of Hell - Chris Yukine vs Cléophée Ysé [Last Woman Standing]

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Cleophée knew Chris well thanks to their little competition in the gym a few weeks before. Thanks to their 4 tests, Cleophée had been able to understand her weaknesses and strengths against the rocker: She was physically stronger but much slower than Chris! In addition, she had been able to learn a little about the personality of her opponent who varied between calm and aggressive, like rock music between its verses and choruses.

As a result, no one thought that Chris was going to try to give the first blow to gain a significant advantage in this match! Cleophée resigned herself to it and looked at the rocker with a small amused smile, almost provocative, while waiting for the bell to ring.


The match began and as she had predicted, Chris threw herself at full speed towards the Frenchwoman to give the first blow. Many choices were possible but one was really worth it in this situation, the dropkick! Chris was much smaller than Cleophée and had quite powerful legs, it was sure that she would kick and take advantage of her size and speed to surprise Cleophée with a jump.

But the White Giantess expected it and crossed her arms at the level of her bust and slightly bent her knees to completely block her opponent's dropkick without even stepping back. She even took advantage of this situation to push her arms forward so that Chris landed on his feet but a little disoriented. Cleophée had to be taken seriously by Chris and win this match, she was going to give everything she had and not give her opponent a chance.

When the rocker found herself on her feet, Cleophée threw her leg forward to hit Chris' cheek with a powerful Roundhouse Kick.
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Re: Like Lightweights Out of Hell - Chris Yukine vs Cléophée Ysé [Last Woman Standing]

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Like Cléophée, Chris had an idea how strong the light giant was, but also how slow she was. While she was by no means a turtle, the French woman was still slower than her. The rocker's main weapon was her speed, throwing her full bodyweight into her attacks. It was her greatest weapon, and what she used to try and take immediate control of the match.

Unfortunately, Cléophée was ready. Bracing herself, Chris' charging dropkick hit the giantess' crossed arms. She absorbed the impact, leaving the rocker to fall on the mat without moving the girl at all. 'Sturdy bitch,' Chris thought as she kipped back to her feet and into Cléophée's roundhouse kick.

"Nnnggh!" Chris fell back to the mats, holding the side of her face. She knew the girl's legs were strong, but seeing and feeling were two different things. She couldn't let too many of those hit, or else her big words would end up falling flat.

Hoping to topple her opponent, the rocker locked her feet around Cléophée's ankle for a drop toehold. If successful, Chris would readjust her legs to further trap the French girl's foot as she rolled onto the giantess' back. Latching her arms under the girl's chin, this would complete one of Chris' well known submission holds, the STF. It would by no means get her a win, either this early in the match or this kind of match, but any opportunity she could wear Cléophée down this match she could, and would, take.
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Re: Like Lightweights Out of Hell - Chris Yukine vs Cléophée Ysé [Last Woman Standing]

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The match started intensely and in a few seconds, the two wrestlers had already exchanged blows! Chris was the first to attack but as Cleophée expected, she completely blocked her opponent's dropkick and took advantage of it to deliver her roundhouse kick on Chris' cheek. The kick was a success, she now had a slight advantage and intended to keep it!

When her foot landed on the ground, she raised her second leg to follow up with a second kick but she didn't succeed. She lowered her eyes slightly, noticing that Chris's two thighs were wrapped around her knees which prevented her from moving as she wanted.


A click of the tongue escaped the lips of the Frenchwoman who, under the heat of the action, was unable to stop her movement and made her lose her balance. She fell against the ring mat lying on her stomach and her opponent took advantage of it to get on the Frenchwoman, keeping her thighs locked in addition to locking her in an STF.


She had just completely lost her advantage and worse, she was now locked in one of Chris's signature moves. It was going to be difficult to escape without using a good part of her strength but fortunately for her, she had stayed close to her corner. She groaned slightly in pain and raised her arm, pulling it forward to grab the lower rope in front of her and wait for the referee to intervene to save her with a rope break.
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Re: Like Lightweights Out of Hell - Chris Yukine vs Cléophée Ysé [Last Woman Standing]

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Chris was pumped to give this match her all. To beat Cleo, and Brittany soon after. To shut the irritable, giant lightweight up, and show her speed and stamina would carry her against the woman's strength.

Even if her explosive start was easily blocked, and she took a harsh roundhouse quickly after. But she was still determined, bringing the mighty oak named Cléophée crashing down to the ground with a drop toehold. Not stopping there, she had quickly locked in one of her favorite and most well know holds, the STF. Even if it wouldn't win her the match, any pain she could inflict on the youngest Ysé got her closer to not getting back up.

It was then that Cléophée would try and take advantage of being so close to the corner, grabbing the bottom rope nearby for a rope break. This surprised the small rocker for two reasons. Firstly, the fact the girl didn't try breaking the hold. Given how powerful she seemed to be, Chris had expected the girl to pull the rocker's arms apart instead.

Secondly, this was a Last Woman Standing match. It fell under the myriad of no disqualification matches. With Cléophée suggesting this match, Chris thought she would have known this.

Rather than releasing her, as the French girl expected, the rocker wrenched back harder on Cléophée's head. "That's not gonna save you, you entitled miscreant!" The rocker growled, letting that and the referee's silence inform the rookie wrestler of her mistake. Adding to her hold, Chris threw a couple headbutt to the back of Cleo's head, aiming to daze her and keep her in the hold as long as she could.
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Re: Like Lightweights Out of Hell - Chris Yukine vs Cléophée Ysé [Last Woman Standing]

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Cleophée grabbed the ropes with some ease and looked towards the referee on the side who... Didn't seem to react. This surprised her in the first seconds until her rival yelled at her, reminding her that in this kind of match rope breaks didn't work! How could she be so stupid... Chaining standard matches gave her a bad habit.

"Just you... Nghh?!"

The Frenchwoman obviously wanted to answer her rival but before she could do so, she received a headbutt on the back of her head. It hurt, especially since being locked in an STF the Frenchwoman couldn't move her head! The headbutts continued over and over, making Cleophée even more tired and weaker after each hit and she ended up letting go of the rope.

Young Ysé then closed her eyes and tried to understand the rhythm of Chris's headbutts, taking a few more headbutts to the head while she placed the palm of her hands against the ring mast. The Frenchwoman was waiting for the right moment, the moment when Chris would throw her head forward again to push her upper body with her hands and surprise her opponent with a headbutt that was a little too short! It was always going to hurt her but at least she would have given her payback!
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Re: Like Lightweights Out of Hell - Chris Yukine vs Cléophée Ysé [Last Woman Standing]

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Chris took some pleasure as realization hit Cléophée. While it definitely could have been smarter to let the girl believe rope breaks were allowed in this match, the smaller lightweight didn't want to risk the bitch remembering it on her own later. The youngest Yse may have been irritating, annoying, and aggravating, but Chris by no means thought the girl was an idiot.

Outside of challenging her, that is.

Keeping on the pressure, the rocker sent headbutt after headbutt to the back of the French giant's skull. Adding more pain to the hold, as well as wearing Cléophée down. Chris braced herself after each hit, so she wouldn't be as worn down. The more damage she could give Cléophée, the more likely the girl wouldn't be able to get back up before the count of ten.

Unfortunately, as the hard rocking musician that she was, Chris had fallen into an unintentional rhythm. One that the lightweight giantess was more than willing to take advantage of. Halfway through what must have been the eighth headbutt, Cléophée pushed herself up to slam and intercept the rocker's head. Chris, unprepared, had loosened her submission hold.

"Ggggn... fuuu..." Chris groaned as she rolled off of her opponent, holding her forehead. She rolled outside of the ring, landing on shaky legs. The rocker could only hope all those headbutt put Cléophée in a state where she wouldn't be able to immediately ce at her.
Golem's Guardians

Discord: TheFanfictioner#8859

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