[Submission Match] Cerbera Kashnakov vs Cléophée Ysé

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[Submission Match] Cerbera Kashnakov vs Cléophée Ysé

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Rules: Anything goes.
Victory Conditions: Win via submission
Attire: Personal Preference

A submission match? Well this just had Cerbera's victory written all over it! There wasn't many things the twintailed fighter was unsure about, she was a tiny shell of confidence and her thighs were weapons of mass destruction! Much like her ass. She was a light weight, sure.. But she had made middle weights and even a heavy weight or two succumb to the power of her head scissor hold!

Tonight was not going to be any different, she will make her opponent submit between her thighs! Or any other submission hold where her legs would be superior! With a confident strut, Cerbera would step onto the stage and went down the ramp almost instantly while her theme song blasted through the arena. The confident twintailed fighter would show her prowess yet again today! Sure she started off with a loss but she's been climbing the ranks towards becoming a known individual within this new federation within the months she had been in!

Not to mention her entire thematic outfit made her known pretty quickly.

She slipped under the bottom ropes, pushing herself back up onto her feet and stretched her arms up, releasing a soft, satisfied groan before she would wait for her opponent to arrive. She didn't do her research this time, wanting to be surprised and find her opponent's strengths and weaknesses within the match. It didn't matter how strong her opponent was, she will make the girl tap between her thighs before that bell would signal her victory!
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Re: [Submission Match] Cerbera Kashnakov vs Cléophée Ysé

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After a rather... Unique start, Cléophée was starting off on a good footing at LAW, ready to follow the same path as her big sister, that of victory! She has never known defeat, but starting her professional wrestling career with 5 ties was a stain on her name, even though she fought against big names, but especially on her goal, that of becoming the best lightweight in LAW.

She warmed up quickly in her locker room after putting on her outfit, ready to show once again that she could win her matches. Someone called her after about thirty seconds so that she could make her entrance and the Frenchwoman advanced towards the ramp, remaining hidden behind the curtain accompanied by her theme while waiting for the vocals to begin.
People were starting to get used to this kind of entrance, especially because Cléophée was very inspired by Brittany's. But unlike her big sister, little Ysé was rather smiling and warm, dancing while moving her hips as she walked towards the ring before climbing it by going under the rope and greeting the spectators one last time as her music began to stop.

Cleophée then turned towards her opponent, Cerbera, a woman barely smaller than her and with a resplendent outfit. The two wrestlers had a lot in common, the main color of their outfit, their jacket which almost acted as a cape and their long legs. Cleophée did not hesitate to approach her opponent with a big smile.

"Your outfit is soooooooooooooooo beautiful! It seems like we had the same idea for our top but mine looks a lot more like a cape! I hope beating you in heels won't bother you!~"

She turned around shaking the bottom of her top that went all the way to covering her butt before extending her hand towards her opponent, looking to start this match on a good foot by showing that she was friendly.

"My name's Cléophée, Cléophée Ysé ! May the best win, Cerbera!~"
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Re: [Submission Match] Cerbera Kashnakov vs Cléophée Ysé

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Cerbera placed the back of her wrists against her hips while watching her opponent stroll towards the ring. She had a similar outfit scheme as her, though Cerbera went for the more pure light blue and the black markings, though her opponent had a nice tinge colored hair to match the rest of her outfit. Cerbera's darkened twintails with highlights complimented the darker features of her outfit, though right now Cerbera seemed more focused on her opponents looks beyond that outfit.

When the girl introduced herself and even showed off her top with the emphasis on that ass, Cerbera had to withdraw from the initial thought of spanking it. But Cerbera held back while listening to her new opponent, who would even offer her a hand as a gesture of good sportsmanship, one that had Cerbera tilt her head to the side and raise her eyebrow.

"I hope that cape comes with super powers cause there ain't no way in Hell you're gonna beat me without'm!"

With that, Cerbera would simple high five the girl before turning to head to the turnbuckle she was formerly leaning against, turning around to face her opponent once more with her arms crossed underneath her chest, waiting for the referee to get things started so Cerbera can make this girl regret getting into the right with her!
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Re: [Submission Match] Cerbera Kashnakov vs Cléophée Ysé

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Cleophée felt like she was getting a breath of fresh air by facing a wrestler like Cerbera. She was finally going to face a wrestler who wasn't a heel and who didn't seem to hate her... It was a huge change! Even though Cerbera seemed serious, she didn't seem to show the slightest hostility towards the Frenchwoman who remained smiling, even after her opponent's words and her high five which slightly surprised little Ysé who had never done a high five before today.

"Oohhh ?... My cape doesn't give me super powers but skill ! And that's more than enough to beat you !~"

The Frenchwoman returned to her corner moving her head from left to right, she was so happy to have an interaction like that! She prepared herself for the start of the match by stretching her arms and back before signaling to the referee that she was ready for this match. When both wrestlers were ready, the referee rang the bell and moved away from the center of the ring so that the match could really begin.


Cléophée started running as soon as the bell rang, she had no time to lose and had to show what she was capable of using her main asset, her speed. Compared to her big sister or her mother, Cléo was the fastest and she used this asset as a strength to be able to surprise her opponents. She then threw herself on Cerbera at full speed to jump on the Russian wrestler, wrapping her arms around Cerbera's hips to drag her to the ground thanks to her weight and momentum for a rather powerful spear.
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Re: [Submission Match] Cerbera Kashnakov vs Cléophée Ysé

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Cerbera bounced up and down, preparing herself for another tough match, yet she was more than ready to make her opponent submit to her deadly thighs! She stretched one last time before she nodded at the referee. She was ready to begin, ready to dominate! The twin tailed fighter would push from the turnbuckle early, waiting for her opponent and the bell to go off.

When it did, Cerbera would take a few steps forward, only to be greeted by a charging bull of a light weigh, who speared right into her!


The air left Cerbera's lungs all too quickly when Cleophee smashed into her with the clear attempt to bring Cerbera down, and it had worked considering Cerbera was not prepared for such a move in this division! She was brought down to the ground, landing on her back thanks to the lack of stability in her legs and the fact that Cleophee's charge from the other side of the ring and into her!

But it wouldn't be enough to keep the still fresh Cerbera from attacking back! She might be on the floor but that didn't mean she had no options. Cerbera would quickly reach up to grab Cleophee by the hair, wanting to grab at it with both hands in an attempt to keep the girl on top of her, just so Cerbera can bring her strongest assets into play, her thighs! She quickly tried to wrap her legs around the girl's waist for a waist scissor hold!
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Re: [Submission Match] Cerbera Kashnakov vs Cléophée Ysé

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Cleophée's kicks weren't very effective recently, especially to start her matches. She needed to find a new way to start her matches and for that, she tried something else by using a rather rare move coming from a lightweight, the Spear. She threw herself at Cerbera at full speed, crushing her shoulder against the brunette's stomach to violently slam her to the ground thanks to her speed, taking her opponent by surprise who wasn't expecting such an attack.

But Cerbera wasn't an underestimated opponent, it was still only the beginning of the match and she didn't let this Spear go unpunished. The Russian wrestler wrapped her powerful thighs around the youngest member of the Ysé to lock her in a Weistlock powerful enough to prevent Cleophée from getting up but also make her breathing uncomfortable.

"Ngh !"

Cleophée found herself in a very delicate situation, she had planned to straighten up after her Spear but she couldn't. Her position forced her to fight on the ground against Cerbera but with a slight disadvantage because she couldn't use her thighs. She still took advantage of her position on top to grab her opponent's wrists, grabbing them hard enough to be able to move them as she wished and forcing Cerbera to cross her arms at her neck so that she also had trouble breathing.
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Re: [Submission Match] Cerbera Kashnakov vs Cléophée Ysé

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When it came to the power of thighs in the light weight division, Cerbera will arrogantly proclaim that hers were the strongest, the best, the thickest all around! Perhaps over confidence, yet there hasn't been a person who hasn't wailed in pain while Cerbera's thighs were crushing their sides, and she aimed to do the very same thing to Cleophée when they were on the ground after Cleophée's mighty spear. She'll give her opponent some points for that one, it was a effective way of bringing Cerbera down and right now she was a bit short of breath, which meant Cerbera needed a moment to recover lost air to really start squeezing.

But Cleophée was not without answers it seemed considering she was still on top of Cerbera, and even though Cerbera wasn't letting Cleophée sit up for a full straddle, her opponent had something else in mind as Cerbera would find her wrists captured, causing Cerbera to narrow her eyes before they were crossed and pressed down on her throat.

Those were the kind of bonus points Cerbera would not have given out if it was punch or a strike from her opponent, yet Cleophée went for something unique, to choke Cerbera and to make her reconsider keeping the scissor hold around her opponent if she wanted to breathe! Thankfully though, Cerbera had air to work with, so if Cleophée wanted to play the game of gay chicken, Cerbera would play along. She crossed her ankles together and really squeezed down on the sides of Cleophée's ribs like a pair of pincers, while at the same time sticking her tongue up at Cleophée in an attempt to taunt her, though Cerbera knew that she would have to think of a new way to get free from this choke that was not allowing her to breathe properly.
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Re: [Submission Match] Cerbera Kashnakov vs Cléophée Ysé

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The French girl's moans of pain were getting louder and louder, Cerbera's thighs didn't seem to stop their pressure despite the fact that she was trapped in a stranglehold. Cleophée began to grimace in pain and shake her head and pelvis from left to right to create a small space that would relieve her of the pain but especially that would help her breathe better... But it was unsuccessful.

The idea of ​​releasing Cerbera's arms to hit her crossed her mind but her stranglehold was her only offensive for the moment and it seemed rather effective. Unlike her who only had trouble breathing, Cerbera couldn't breathe! She had the advantage over time and that's why she preferred to keep a serious look, looking her opponent in the eyes while biting her lip slightly and continued to apply pressure on Cerbera's arms and neck while continuing to pull the Russian wrestler's arms.
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Re: [Submission Match] Cerbera Kashnakov vs Cléophée Ysé

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If there was one thing Cerbera was always known for, it were her scissor holds. It didn't help that her thighs had always been the main talking point when people were talking about the twin tailed fighter. Despite only being in the light weight division, Cerbera's legs had proper training and opponents to crush them with, years of experience that she was now using on Cleophee, who remained stuck between them.

That isn't to say that Cerbera was at a advantage here, her opponent countered with a chokehold that was starting to make it more and more annoying to keep using strength to deal damage to Cleophee's waist. Cerbera had to make a choice, and that choice would have to be getting air in exchange of not crushing her opponent any further. With a frustrated look, she released Cleo and would plant her feet upon the canvas, finding that balance she needed for her next trick.. Which was to buck her body up violently in an attempt to force Cleo off her and make the girl release the chokehold. She's stubborn, but not stubborn enough to see which one of them would give up first, and this early in the match? Cerbera was definitely NOT going to risk it all on the first move, even if it were her legs doing the squeezing. There were going to be plenty of other opportunities where Cerbera could crush her opponent without it being in a double-edged sword like position it was now, she quite liked the air, needed it for more than just breathing.
Last edited by Ghost on Mon Oct 28, 2024 10:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Submission Match] Cerbera Kashnakov vs Cléophée Ysé

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It only took about ten seconds for Cerbera to remove her powerful thighs from the French girl's waist, letting Cleophée breathe properly but not releasing her opponent. Her Chokehold was still active, maybe even stronger than before now that she had no drawbacks. She smiled amusedly at her opponent, showing that she was enjoying this domination before feeling her pelvis being pushed back by Cerbera's pelvis.

The young Ysé sighed softly after each blow she received and ended up losing her hold on Cerbera's arms. She was forced to release her opponent now and since she had won this first battle, she decided to simply stand up and distance herself, letting her new rival regain her strength rather than taking advantage of it to chain the holds. It was almost arrogance.

"Take your time, I won this first battle and I will win the others, little Cerby~"
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