Hazel "Highlander" Nielson vs Elena "Dozer" Walker

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Re: Hazel "Highlander" Nielson vs Elena "Dozer" Walker

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Hazel rolled her eyes hearing her opponent congratulating herself and patting herself on the back, this woman was mighty confident for someone who was two minutes from taking a nap in between an opponent's thighs. Hazel let out an annoyed hum in response before finally saying more than three words. "Don't get cocky now. You're going to be asking for the highlight where you tapped out when I'm done" Hazel said, her Scottish accent heavily prevalent in each word.

Studying her opponent's stance Hazel could tell a more strike based offense was coming her way, easy enough she supposed clenching her fist as well Hazel was ready to swing punches right back if the opportunity presented itself. "Right, Left... then something else?" Hazel thought trying to predict her opponent's offense as the woman closed the distance between them.

Surely enough Hazel's prediction proved correct, stepping back Hazel avoided each punch, when the woman' changed her stance Hazel adjusted herself, seeing the woman's leg swing up Hazel' reached up catching her by the ankle. Glaring into the woman's eyes Hazel lowered the woman's leg but tightened her grip acting as if she was going to go for a dragon screw, instead Hazel swung the woman's leg forcing her to turn around. From there Hazel reached her arms up beneath the woman's before interlocking and lacing her fingers along the back of the woman's head. The Scotswoman would then flex straining the woman's body for a moment before lifting her off the ground and throwing her over head aiming to slam her down hard and painfully onto the canvas with one of her signature Highlands suplexes!
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Tue Sep 10, 2024 4:39 am, edited 2 times in total.


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Re: Hazel "Highlander" Nielson vs Elena "Dozer" Walker

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"Hey now...Give a girl some credit. Can you honestly say you expected me to escape?" Elena pouted her lips playfully approaching the Scottish woman in response to the retort, now set on testing her defenses with some strikes. "You're just salty that I am gonna hog the spotlight in the footage..."A smug look on her face, Elena was now in a proximity close enough to try for a strike combo...

Elena's began her offense with a jab followed by a cross, which were avoided by Hazel rather effortlessly. "Grrr.." A grunt of annoyance escaped her lips when the Highlander even managed to block her switch kick, thus completely neutralizing the combo, without breaking a sweat."What are you— AUUGHHH!" It all happened too fast. Acting as if she would twist Elena's leg for a Dragon-screw, Hazel just used it to spin her facing away from the Highlander, and transitioned into a Full-Nelson, holding the back of Elena's neck from under her arms and slamming her backwards in an arc for a Suplex!

The first part of the body that made contact was her head, immediately impairing her vision temporarily while the rest of her frame followed suit; the spine and the neck also colliding brutally, knocking the wind out of her. Elena let out a wail, weaking kicking a the ground, eyes partially closed. The blonde was engulfed in too much pain to even think about what was about to happen next or to even comprehend the events that had just transpired, elicitng soft moans and stunned from the impact....

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Re: Hazel "Highlander" Nielson vs Elena "Dozer" Walker

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If there was one thing Elena wasn't lacking it was that annoying overconfidence. Sure Hazel believed she could beat anyone but she wasn't one for unwarranted verbal insults or taunts. It felt so incredibly right when Hazel dodged each of her opponent's punches and soon caught her leg. The best thing Elena could gain from Hazel's signature move is that humbling feeling, some might call it talk shit, get hit.

Elena may have never been dropped on her head when she was a child but Hazel quickly made sure she experienced it as an adult as her signature suplex sent her crashing head and neck first into the canvas before the rest of her spine followed suit. Letting go of the woman Hazel let her flop down before getting to a knee. Hazel scoffed, that cockiness was gone in just one suplex? Well, maybe it was time for something that contained a more prolonged agony.

Pushing back up to her feet Hazel raised her foot attempting to stomp on the blonde's exposed stomach to make her rollover. From there the Scotswoman would stand over her momentarily before dropping her weight onto her back! Hazel would then grab the woman's arms slipping them over her thighs. All that was left to do was grab the woman's chin and pull back nice and hard locking Elena in an agonizing camel clutch!


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Re: Hazel "Highlander" Nielson vs Elena "Dozer" Walker

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The Suplex really put Elena's body thorugh the wringer. Her brain was spinning circles inside, the vision went black for a moment,and a searing pain was breathing down her back, forcing her to bridge her back to try and alleviate the pain. She had absolutely not expected this Redhead to pull out the big guns so early into the proceedings! The move packed a lot of venom and did some real effective damage to her, reducing her to a mere whimpering mess.

""Huh? Guh...Hkkk!" Elena's body was throbbing and was not in a good shape. The move's effects seemed destined to linger for a while in the match. A hard kick to her flat stomach, almost caving into the midsections caused her to double over, clutchng her midriff; Hazel now toying with her. Elena clenched her teeth hard, wanting to get back at the Highlander but was in no shape to even straighten her posture.

She was effortlessly flipped onto her stomach and on the lower part of the back, almost on her rear, did she feel a significant weight, letting a wince out of her. The moment, Elena felt her arms being pulled back, she knew what was coming, and it wasn't good. Thus began the frantic kicking and flailing of hands, trying to somehow wiggle out of this hold. But what she had dreaded came true, when her chin was yanked back and trapped into a Camel-Clutch by Hazel!

""HRRRHHH! GRrrrrr...Pffthhhh..."Elena's eyes dilated, sensing the gradual increase in weight on her back, while her spine was beginning to be bent into an arc from the relentless hold around the chin, which even managed to muffle her desperate cries and groans. Things were really starting to go south now..

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Re: Hazel "Highlander" Nielson vs Elena "Dozer" Walker

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Hazel was a rule follower and a friendly enough person outside the ring, but she was here to win and eventually prove that she is one of the best. Currently, Elena was a pothole in the road and Hazel intended to fill it by winning this match! Trapping her opponent in a painful hold like this was nothing personal, it would either make her tap or wear her down, either was fine by Hazel, was still early but she wouldn't say no to a quick victory.

Hazel simply remained calm and didn't seem to care no matter how many pained cries and groans her opponent made. Leaning back while pulling back a bit harder Hazel decided to make things much more painful for her opponent. Hazel wasn't a sadistic person though she was extremely calm for someone putting another in a painful hold. The way the Scotswoman saw it, if she wasn't cheating or injuring an opponent unnecessarily she wasn't doing anything wrong. The referee soon crouched down in front of her blonde opponent trying to see if Elena was ready to submit!
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Sat Sep 28, 2024 6:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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Re: Hazel "Highlander" Nielson vs Elena "Dozer" Walker

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To say Elena was in a spot of bother bother would be an understatement. An ocean of bother would be more appropriate to her current predicament. Trapped in a hold, which is a bonafide match-ending submission maneuver and that too without having inflicting any meaningful damage on her opponent, all the while the said opponent casually pulling her chin back further and further like a lever and that too with a calm authority, as if it were a rather effortless maneuver to execute; it was an embarassing position to be in, considering that there was a legitimate chance of her tapping out if she couldn't get out of this vice-grip anytime soon!

The referee bent down to face her, checking to see if she would give up and the mere thought that was now irritating the blonde, coupled with the agony her spine was being put through."MMmhhh....Rrrrr...Gfff..." Elena had to find a way out of this any moment because she didn't know how far Hazel was willing to stretch her back, maybe to the point of possibly crippling her. Better to not find out. Her arms were the only source of escape at this point, but were trapped over the redhead's sinuous thighs. Elena didn't want to do it, but it was either the painful choice or tapping out, which she was hell-bent on not doing anytime soon.

Elena would try to pull her arms upwards of Hazel thigh and towards her, to free them. Thiugh it would take a lot out of her, and her back, she was determined to get back at the Scottish woman. If her arms got free, the logical and the only thing to do was to grab both of Hazel's feet and pull them towards her, thus forcing her to fall on her back and potentially freeing herself...

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Re: Hazel "Highlander" Nielson vs Elena "Dozer" Walker

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Hazel didn't want to cripple Elena in the slightest, but that didn't mean she wasn't willing to put the risk of that on the table if the woman didn't tap out! Elena was stubborn, to say the least, but it was still early even the strongest fighter could have their will broken with enough effort and time. Hazel felt like she could keep the blonde in this hold for hours if permitted or needed but it seemed the woman had objections and other plans to that idea! "Give up!" Hazel ordered her opponent as the woman managed to slip her arms free of the Scotswoman's thighs at the cost of more pain in her back.

Before Hazel could reassert any form of control on her opponent she felt both her free being grabbed before they were pulled, her hands slipping off of the woman's chin as she fell backward. Letting out a low growl as Elena escaped her hold, Hazel rolled away from her opponent, giving her a little bit of space as she got back up to her feet. Hazel was a little annoyed having a submission that was clearly working her opponent over so well broken but she needed to focus on the next move, not the previous. Cracking her knuckles quickly Hazel waited for the woman to get back up to her knees before rushing at her aiming to nail her hard in the face with a running knee strike!


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Re: Hazel "Highlander" Nielson vs Elena "Dozer" Walker

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Every miniscule movement of her arms upwards the Highlander's thighs was excruciatingly painful, the screams would have rung inside the ears of Hazel as well as her audience alike, had she not been chin-locked, which muffled her voice and reduced the sounds to mere panicked and franctic whispers emanating out of her forcefully gritted teeth. But all that arduous effort came to fruition when Elena expereinced the gradually released of tension from her spine and rear, the same time Hazel feel back on her posterior.

"Tsk Tsk Tsk...So..ugh..eager...to..finish things of....The fight has just...ooff...Begun" Elena let out a slight chuckle straightening out her back, though every twitch sent out a spike of pain up her spine, which meant that she had to pace herself and no commit to any rash moments. Hazel, who was already up by the time Elena was on her knees, came at her will full-steam to crack her skull with a knee-strike! But Elena, still not feeling good from her back being worked over relentlessly, decided to be cheeky. Minimum effort, Highly effective.

As the Highlander rapidly closed the distance between, her knee being extremely close to the blonde, Elena would fall backwards and at the same time extend her leg to obstruct the path of the leg on which Hazel would be balancing herself, tripping her up in the process! Now, this would have only caused Hazel to stumble before balancing herself again. But the sheer speed with which the redhead was charging towards her, there was a real possibility of a pretty nasty fall on the cards...

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Re: Hazel "Highlander" Nielson vs Elena "Dozer" Walker

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Elena seemed to still be slightly cocky even after being trapped in an agonizing submission hold it almost seemed like the blonde forgot Hazel was more than ready to leave Elena unable to walk for a week if it meant winning this match! Charging at her opponent she intended to strike her in the head with her knee leaving her even more pain, from the top of her head to the base of her spine!

Closing the distance Elena moved out of the way at the last second and extended her leg causing the highlander to trip over over and and fly right into the second rope neck first causing Hazel to lose her breath for a few moments. Making a gagging noise Hazel's right hand shot to her throat rubbing it as she panted trying to recover her lost breath. Using her left hand Hazel would grab the middle rope and then the top trying to pull herself back up slowly while still panting.


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Re: Hazel "Highlander" Nielson vs Elena "Dozer" Walker

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A smug grin formed on the corners of Elena's lips, seeing Hazel stumble haplessly after hitting air from the potentially devastating knee-strike and crash onto the middle-rope. The ropes, known for being as strudy as they were elastic appeared to have halted her fall trajectory by the throat, resulting in being caught out of breath momentarily, focus broken from the blonde and shifted to the sensitive throat area.

This minor lapse of concentration was all the Elena would need, gingerly hauling herself up and trudging towards the redhead to tower behind her menacingly. It was commendable that the Highlander was still trying to not show any chinks in her armor, immediately using the ropes in an attempt to get back up. But this only made things much simpler for what Elena was thinking.

"Ever been on a roller-coaster, Red?"Wrapping her arms gently around the unaware Highlander's waist, Elena would speak into her ear teasingly. That would be the only respite for Hazel, who would be slammed backward in a German Suplex!. But the blonde would keep at the grip and rise up again with the Scotswoman in tow and slam her again! Elena was intent to make it a perfect three when her eyes fell on the cornerpost. With a smirk plastered on her lips, The blonde wouldn't slam Hazel this time, but rather throw her into the cornerpost head and spine first to give a fitting end to her flurry of three German Suplexes!

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