Ever since her narrow defeat at the hands of the hentai champion Rosy Reyes, Emily had been thinking of ways to bolster her abilities so that, should she get another shot at getting the belt, she would be able to. She had recently studied a few matches that Rosy was in, including the match in which she got the title in the first place, as well as requesting more matches with various people, even requesting a match for the No 1 contender title. But that was not all...
Emily was somewhat adept at a specific kind of sexual contest, tribfighting. She used these contests for various thing, such as a way of testing potential rivals, training any students she may have and, on this occasion, bettering her own sexual endurance. She had recently put out an open request for someone to meet her for one such match, telling anybody who wanted to meet her to arrive at the door and say their name through the telecom, as well as the fact they were here to tribfight Emily. In the meantime, she sat down and was watching some other matches, dressed in her casual clothes, sans shoes and socks.