Age: 21
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 117 lbs
Gender: Woman, She/Her
Sexuality: Lesbian
From: Sacramento,California
Occupation: Private Courier
Experience: Little less than a year
Alignment: Tweener
Style: Crafty Trickster
Personality: June is goofy, carefree, and a heavy tease. She's extremely playful with people she's just met, often lightening the mood of any room she walks into even if it's not her goal. Sometimes though, her reckless carelessness can get her into trouble, as she doesn't quite understand when people are upset with her or even downright pissed! As such, she's found herself on the receiving half of some particularly embarrassing defeats in the past. Many may also call her a thrill junkie, both for her reckless and stupid decisions just to get the rush of excitement.
But, the gifted, flexible and downright lightning fast June doesn't let them get to her usually. Not that she's a ray of sunshine, but adversity typically slips off her shoulders just as easily as one of her stylish jackets.
History & Background: Originally from Sacramento, June has always loved going fast. In any context or situation: talking, driving, organizing and even fighting! Everything was about speed for her, so much so that she became a very experienced motorcyclist and started her own delivery business when she was only 19. Nothing would slow her down, taking jobs across the country if it was worth the money. Eventually though, competition got too steep out West, so she had to put her skills to use. Somehow in her wild choice of hobbies, she found an indie wrestling circuit willing to take her in (after her rather oppressive requests to).
She spent roughly a year there, partially because it was fun, and partially because she was buying time hoping the market changed and she could continue doing her courier work full time. Unfortunately, that wouldn't happen, and she spent more and more of her time wrestling to get by and save. It wasn't that she didn't like it, just it wasn't her dream.
In her rather lackluster research trying to find a solution to her dilemna, she managed to peek an ad for the LAW. Curious, she spent the next hours looking through and researching that instead! It really caught her attention, and the reckless urge to change course was rising up in her stomach. She wanted to do this, even if just to try it! So, she got one a plane to Japan after very little thought, throwing caution to the wind once more and heading to see what this was all about!
It was a lot to unpack, but nothing that her lightning fast mind couldn't handle! All she'd need to do was well find a way to get there, get a debut...easy right?
At the very least her courier gig gave her an easy gimmick to start with~!
Likes: Going fast, riding/driving cars and bikes, amusement parks, road trips, hiking and running.
Dislike: Getting lost, sugary foods/drinks, caffeine, thunderstorms and tight spaces.
Strength ★ 2/5
Speed ★ 4/5
Endurance ★ 2/5
Defence★ 3/5
Technique ★ 3/5
Wrestling Stats
Striking★ 3/5
Submissions★ 4/5
Power Moves★ 2/5
Aerial★ 1/5
Countering ★ 2/5
Common Moves:
Sneaky pins, trips, various kicks, spears, leg drops, camel clutches, ceiling holds and other stretching submission holds.
Signature Moves:
- Dotted Line: June ties her legs up with her opponent's, both of them on their stomachs as this happens. Using her insane flexibility, she arches back and grabs their arms, pulling them forward! With all their limbs locked up and their back arching mercilessly, this move is highly effective!
Regular Attire