The rivalry of a goddess and a man ( Samantha "the goddess of fertility" vs Ivan Ramirez)

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The rivalry of a goddess and a man ( Samantha "the goddess of fertility" vs Ivan Ramirez)

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

Match type: hentai submission

Attire: normal

Samantha would end up stretching a bit, knowing that this match going to be a hentai match against a guy she made sure to put on a bit if make up, but not to much, she didn't fight very many men in the ring which was odd to her but she didn't mind it to much, man or woman she was gonna show them a good time in the ring regardless

Suddenly Samantha would hear her theme song start to play as she ran out, waving to the crowd, with them greeting her with a loud cheer, Samantha waving back as she hopped into the ring and got onto the top ropes

"are you ready for me?!"


The crowd responded as she hopped down and stretched her legs in order to make sure they were nice and limber for the match ahead

"good! Because I am gonna give you something good to see!"

Samantha yelled, clearly she was a lot more confident than usual, or at least she was acting like it, but would she able to keep that up during the match

Samantha's appearance:


Samantha's entrance theme:

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Re: The rivalry of a goddess and a man ( Samantha "the goddess of fertility" vs Ivan Ramirez)

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Hmmm, too suspicious

Those are the thoughts running in Ivan's head as he pulls up the very uncomfortable and impractical red speedo on his waist. Tonight's match is another Hentai Submission, something he both excel and fails at. Making someone tap out back home is a regular Tuesday for him but doing it by Hentai rules? That's a hard challenge even with the things he learned in his previous matches.

Putting on his boxing jacket, he pulled up the hood as his music began to play.

Bobbing his head up and down to the music. And then his cue came.

Raising his arms, he walked down the ramps. He still can't get used to the crowd of LAW, especially the women.

He made sure to throw his jacket at their general direction. Last time he didn't, he might saw a pack of women tore through some of the audience.

Climbing into the ring, he met his opponent.

A Goddess...

Or someone playing as one. He really doesn't know. Gimmicks like this isn't his style.

She's beautiful though and looks like a marshmallow. Soft and sweet.

But with his experience to LAW, nothing is ever easy.

"Ivan." He said, introducing himself in a simple nod.

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Re: The rivalry of a goddess and a man ( Samantha "the goddess of fertility" vs Ivan Ramirez)

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

Samantha would end up looking over Ivan, she didn't expect him to be as direct as he was but she wanted to respond politely at least

"oh umm..hi, I'm Samantha, the goddess of fertility and resident feast for the eyes~"

Samantha said with a wink, trying to keep up her confident facade, even though she wasn't exactly sure how she was going to tackle someone who wasn't exactly interested in playing along with her games
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Re: The rivalry of a goddess and a man ( Samantha "the goddess of fertility" vs Ivan Ramirez)

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"Uhm.... Okay." Ivan blinked. Not really knowing how to respond to that.

Fertility huh? Well she has the body for it.

Her costume is very well designed (note to self, don't damage the costume) and her exotic hair just added allure to her gimmick. She's in her element right now.

He can respect that.

But they have a match for now.

As the bell rang to signal the start of the match, Ivan immediately went for a front kick in order to chain it with a DDT.
He hoped to get the first turn to gain momentum and possibly turn it into an avalanche.

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Re: The rivalry of a goddess and a man ( Samantha "the goddess of fertility" vs Ivan Ramirez)

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

Samantha would end up tanking the kick before grabbing Ivan's leg before attempting to pull him in close in order to bearhug him, knowing that he probably wasn't expecting her to know how to fight like this, and also using her size to her advantage in order to take and dish out the punishment she needed to
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Re: The rivalry of a goddess and a man ( Samantha "the goddess of fertility" vs Ivan Ramirez)

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It was a great surprise for Ivan when his kick was tanked easily. He didn't expect her toughness with her frame. Moreso when she latches on his leg and pulls him in a bearhug.

Fortunately, they around the same size (with him being taller by an inch) but the weight factor is there. She's heavier (probably by her melons), allowing her to easily hold him down in a tight bearhug.

Luckily, by doing a Bearhug, she had to let go of his foot and wrap herself to him which cost precious time.

Time he used to grasp her waist in order to flip them over using her own grabbing momentum to get her down to the mat with him on top.

It would be a close call but if he can do it, the momentum would be his.
Last edited by MR. Q on Sun Sep 08, 2024 2:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The rivalry of a goddess and a man ( Samantha "the goddess of fertility" vs Ivan Ramirez)

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

Samantha would end up landing on the mat due to her own momentum with a "thud", as she looked up at her opponent, she expected that the bearhug would last longer

"so...what are you planning now~?"

Samantha asked flirtatiously as she gave her opponent bedroom eyes, practically inviting him to dominate her
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Re: The rivalry of a goddess and a man ( Samantha "the goddess of fertility" vs Ivan Ramirez)

Unread post by MR. Q »

That's a snake if he ever sees one.

His previous matches taught him the hard way. Just because a woman's fluttering their eyes doesn't mean their helpless.

This is LAW. Where young men gets sucked dry by a cutthroat industry with women dominating the field.

Just like a beggar and a cologne, he ain't buying it.

What he will do instead is this. Grabbing both of her legs, he would turn her over her stomach and position on top of her back facing away while holding her legs under his arms.

A Boston Crab.
And he ain't letting go.
Last edited by MR. Q on Sun Sep 08, 2024 3:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The rivalry of a goddess and a man ( Samantha "the goddess of fertility" vs Ivan Ramirez)

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

Samantha would end up panicking as she felt her body get flipped over by her opponent, with Samantha yelling in pain as she was put into a Boston crabs, her nails scratching at the mat as she tried to get to the ropes, the referee however wouldn't interfere as neither of the wrestlers climaxed yet

"let go!"

Samantha whined as she continued to try crawling for the ropes, knowing that she wouldn't last if she let this hold continue
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Re: The rivalry of a goddess and a man ( Samantha "the goddess of fertility" vs Ivan Ramirez)

Unread post by MR. Q »

"Whoa!" Ivan is surprised that she can still crawl at this point.

Being heavier than him, he really can't drag her back to the center without leverage. So he's got to improvise and get creative.

"Very sorry to this." Ivan said in his broken English before letting one of her legs go to focus on one, wrenching the limb furthermore with both hands in a Half Boston Crab.
In addition to the painful hold, he would snake his left hand inside her costume into her slit (while making sure not to damage her costume, he DOESN'T want to pay for that). He would then try to insert two fingers inside and start finer blasting her roughly.

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