Victory Conditions: Pinfall, Submission or K.O.
Rules: Standard rules apply
Attire: Standard
It had been a while since Gabriella Guerrero had stepped into the ring of LAW. She had found herself quite busy with obligations at home, not to mention after a small string of bad luck, she felt that she needed a break from both LAW and Japan. Having been back to her home country for a while had served as a great stress relief, she had even decided to not follow any of the LAW news which came as quite a shock to her when she returned to Japan and her life as a pro-wrestler. A lot had changed, people which she held no small amount of disdain for had risen quite high in her absence. Though that wasn't what she had on her mind tonight. Tonight Gabriella had her focus set on a single person, this Allison Ford. A woman who was slated to be her opponent for the evening.
Gabriella knew nothing about her, she must have shown up while she had been away. Though it figures that they would pit the returning star up against the newcomer, it felt a bit cliché buuut Gabriella wasn't about to complain about it. She was feeling rather great and she had every intention of making sure that her return to the ring was a grand one.
Stepping out onto the ramp, her music started to play out the speakers and Gabriella made her prescense known! She was met with a very loud mixture of cheers and jeers as she walked down the ramp. Her hips swayed as she marched down to the ring, donned in a midnight blue tube top and a matching pair of pants, and wearing red gloves. She made her way to the squared circle and climbed up onto the apron before slipping into the ring through the ropes and took a stand in the center of the ring. She wore a smirk on her face as she would strike a pose for the crowd, after all her beauty was recognized around the world! An act like that got the crowd to cheer and catcall in near unison. After which Gabriella turned and walked to her corner where she would await her opponent for the evening.