Gabriella Guerrero Vs. Allison Ford

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Gabriella Guerrero Vs. Allison Ford

Unread post by Devastated »

Standard Match

Victory Conditions: Pinfall, Submission or K.O.
Rules: Standard rules apply
Attire: Standard

It had been a while since Gabriella Guerrero had stepped into the ring of LAW. She had found herself quite busy with obligations at home, not to mention after a small string of bad luck, she felt that she needed a break from both LAW and Japan. Having been back to her home country for a while had served as a great stress relief, she had even decided to not follow any of the LAW news which came as quite a shock to her when she returned to Japan and her life as a pro-wrestler. A lot had changed, people which she held no small amount of disdain for had risen quite high in her absence. Though that wasn't what she had on her mind tonight. Tonight Gabriella had her focus set on a single person, this Allison Ford. A woman who was slated to be her opponent for the evening.

Gabriella knew nothing about her, she must have shown up while she had been away. Though it figures that they would pit the returning star up against the newcomer, it felt a bit cliché buuut Gabriella wasn't about to complain about it. She was feeling rather great and she had every intention of making sure that her return to the ring was a grand one.

Stepping out onto the ramp, her music started to play out the speakers and Gabriella made her prescense known! She was met with a very loud mixture of cheers and jeers as she walked down the ramp. Her hips swayed as she marched down to the ring, donned in a midnight blue tube top and a matching pair of pants, and wearing red gloves. She made her way to the squared circle and climbed up onto the apron before slipping into the ring through the ropes and took a stand in the center of the ring. She wore a smirk on her face as she would strike a pose for the crowd, after all her beauty was recognized around the world! An act like that got the crowd to cheer and catcall in near unison. After which Gabriella turned and walked to her corner where she would await her opponent for the evening.

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Re: Gabriella Guerrero Vs. Allison Ford

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Allison had a stong start to life at LAW so far. It had been roughly three to four months since her advent into Japan and she was well on her path to establish herself as the company's latest hotshot, enthralling the crowds with her performances and turning heads with her looks. She knew that she was beautiful and that was relfected in the way she carried herself and interacted with the people during shows, not afraid to flaunt her physique, an optimal blend of muscle and curves having put in the work to sculpt and maintain it.

Most recently she had managed to pull off an upset over the First Ever Woman's Royal Rumble Winner, "JJ" Janella Johnson by pinning her clean, which set to elevate her status further, the name "Allison 'Avalanche' Ford" becoming more recognizable, doing rounds in the LAW circles. Sure she wasn't still in the bracket of a main-eventer,or a superstar, but she was certainly on the right path!

The top-brass of the company seemed to have recognized her talents and potential, putting her today in a match against another established star, Gabriella Guerrero! Yeah, the same wrestler who went to-to-toe against the current Middleweight Champion, Kyoko Akan aka The Belly Queen and even managed to make her submit. Their feud was really entertaining and Allison was relishing the prospect to go up against her.

Sitting on a couch in the Gorilla Position, Allison keenly viewed the TV showing the live footage of the happenings in the arena when Gabriella made her entry. "Ok...She is quite the looker" The raven-haired woman watched on like a hawk as the Mexican swayed down the ramp in all her glory displaying her impressive physique for all to see. The brawler had a things for fit and alluring midriffs and a light shade of pink adorned her cheeks when the television occassionally focused on her midsection from various angles."Would be really fun to dish some punishment to it...Hehe" A slight chuckle escaped her lips as she got up and waited for the signal to enter the curtains.
Entrance Music

The Arena erupted in a chorus of cheers the moment Allison strutted onto the stage, pumped and in good spirits from the music ringing all over. Her hans were holding firm on the lapels of her knee-length jacket, which was covering her up, offering up nothing to the raucuos fans. Swaying down the ramp with a relaxed and confident stride, the brawler let go of the lapels gently and pulled them apart, revealing her figure for all the arena to see, while locking eyes with some lucky people in the crowd and winking at others, entracing the fans as a whole.
Entrance Attire
Allison was in no hurry, taking her sweet time get to the ring, gracefully getting up the steps while running a hand down her long-raven locks, working the crowd to her whims. As the music reached its crescendo, the brawler was settled into her spot, her jacket hung over the outer ringpost, her expression one of poise and calm, even giving one last pose for the fans by arching her back against the cornerpost and slightly jutting out her midriff, accentuating one of her prized features and staying in that pose for a few moments, after which she would start to limber up, rolling her shoulder and rotating her head.
Wrestling Attire
"He oído que volverás después de una pausa. Espero que te hayas quitado el óxido.(I hear that you are coming back after a hiatus. Hope you have shaken off the rust)" Allison would say, in Spanish, not really having the chance to speak since coming to Japan, and Gabriella, being a Mexican meant that she would respond in kind.

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Re: Gabriella Guerrero Vs. Allison Ford

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Gabriella awaited her opponent in her corner, and she didn't have to wait too long before that music started to play out of the speakers, raising her head up to look at the ramp she would see her opponent begin to make her way down the ramp. Her eyes would focus on her for a bit, watching her make her way to the squared circle. Though it became clear to her that this Allison was taking her time, which caused Gabriella to click her tongue as she moved out of her corner.

The Hispanic beauty would eye her opponent, scanning her up and down for a bit as she finished getting settled in the ring. She looked fit, pretty attractive too, certainly would make for a fun first opponent for her return, to break. Though Gabriella was a bit taken aback as Allison spoke Spanish towards her, it wasn't something that she got to hear often here.

She flashed a slight smirk, as she proceeded to return the gesture. "Contra alguien como tú dudo que sea necesario.(Against someone like you I doubt it will be necessary.)" She mocked Allison as she made a rather exaggerated hand gesture of brushing the up and coming talent of LAW aside. She'd proceed to start walking up to the center of the ring with her hands on her hips. "Shall we get started? I don't want to prolong your imminent defeat."

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Re: Gabriella Guerrero Vs. Allison Ford

Unread post by Hitman45 »

Allison could see the look of surprise on Gabriella's face when she spoke to her in her native language and her reaction was understandable. This was Japan, not many Spanish people were around, or more precisely, not many Spanish speakers were found here. But she quickly collected herself to retort , in Spanish, not a shred of uncertainty or nerves evident in her tone. This woman looked keen to get back in business.

Her smug, cocky and arrogant self was there for all to see, the dismissive hand gesture after the dialogue earning a raised eyebrow from the newbie, who stood there, arms folded below her ample bust and hips leaning to one side, as she listened to Gabriella attentively, her smirk never leaving.

"Big words from the woman who's been on the shelf for this long..." Allison mimicked Gabriella's movements, strutting lazily, yet gracefully towards the centre of the ring to square off. Both of their frames were in very close proximity now and Allison leaned in towards the Mexican woman, their noses almost touching."Defeat? heh, that's a ways to go. We'll see if you know how to throw a punch first. Because if you hit like a wet noodle now, that's gonna a pipe dream..." Allison pulled back after she was done to look at Gabriella into her eyes, waiting for the official to commence this fight.

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