Tensions Over Getting Drinks!?

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Re: Tensions Over Getting Drinks!?

Unread post by ZorzLeth »

Sylva was going for another strike until she was held back by a few security guards. She wanted to beat this Mongolian woman badly and was slightly annoyed that she couldn't do it.

"You got lucky, Fuck-Face!" Sylva cursed out while being held off by the security guards. As the other woman was being dragged off, Sylva was given a warning by the team. It was recognized that she was trying to help out the other tourists that the other woman was threatening, Sylva was warned that she would too be removed if it happened again; as according to them there was no justifiable reason for her actions.

"Whatever." Sylva said, sounding annoyed as she went back to bar, mainly because she was robbed to that fight's conclusion. Still, she would try to salvage this by getting a drink.
Zorzleth's Roster: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=18258

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Re: Tensions Over Getting Drinks!?

Unread post by ScylliasExoter »

Sarnai took the metro home and was angry the whole time. She was stewing on the bar fight when she looked up and saw a LAW advertisement poster with Sylvi’s face on it. Realizing who she was fighting earlier, Sarnai snapped and tore the poster to shreds.
In the days since the brawl, Sarnai’s anger only grew. Videos of the fight went viral. All praising Sylvi for her honor, of course. Some people were amazed that this unknown woman gave Sylvi as much trouble as she did. No one knew who the mysterious woman was. After all, Sarnai didn’t know anyone outside her home country. She had moved to Japan to chase her pro wrestling dream. Yet this LAW wrestler she went toe to toe with was the star? Sarnai knew she was worthy of this company. And it tore her up that Sylvi was getting all the recognition. After an intense rage lifting session, Sarnai was making her protein smoothie when her phone rang. A robotically distorted yet feminine sounding voice spoke,
“You’re a hard woman to find, Sarnai Buyantu.”
”Who is this? How did you get this number?”
I’m someone who’s very interested in you and what you’re capable of. I also have vast resources. I saw your fight and think you are the perfect person I’m looking for.”
”That’s all well and good, but I want to be a pro wrestler in Japan, not your enforcer.”
”The two can be one and the same. I am a pro wrestler in Japan. So is the woman you fought. I can make you a pro wrestler in Japan. I can get you a LAW contract. You can then fight that woman. In turn you will fight my enemies and help me destroy one man in particular.”
Sarnai paused.
“I’m listening…”

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