Making Bustful Impressions (for deezcastforms)

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Making Bustful Impressions (for deezcastforms)

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Location: Studio reserved for LAW use

Niko smiled excitedly as she walked down the halls of LAW studio with a fuzzy pink bathrobe draped around herself along with a small duffle bang hanging over her shoulder. Today she was scheduled to do some wrestling themed photos with another wrestler. Some girl by the name of Yukari Takeba. Niko had heard the name tossed around before since she also did some frequent model work like Niko herself, but she had never met the woman personally.

Just word of mouth but she sounded nice enough to her. Really she just wondered what exactly the photo director had in mind. Usually it was standard gravure and sexy style photos, but the email explicitly said wrestling and action shots. So admittedly she was a bit unsure of what to expect. So while she wore a sexy red bikini under her bathrobe at the moment she made sure to bring her wrestling gear along with a spare change of clothes just in case she needed it for later.

Regardless she was prepared and she was ready as she walked into the photo room. "Helloooooooooo I'm ready!!!" Niko chirped out excitedly, placing her bag down for a moment so she could slip off her robe and hang it on the provided rack while greeting the various crew members and what not before looking around for either the director of the shoot or to see if Yukari had arrived yet.
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Re: Making Bustful Impressions (for deezcastforms)

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Yukari Takeba had officially arrived in LAW, having fought in and won her first two matches. Having said that, wrestling has still basically her third job after acting and modeling. LAW was basically a gig as a part of the other two as far as the brunette was concerned. To that end, today was a modeling shoot alongside another one of LAW's wrestlers: Niko Tomiji.

Niko was somebody whom Yukari had seen in a magazine or two, but had never actually met. She did know that the pinkette was one hell of a model though. She had the kind of face and body combination that would let her play up pretty much any balance or mix between cheek-pinchingly adorable and drop-dead sexy that she so pleased.

Things got more complicated when it came to Niko as both a person and as a wrestler, though. Yukari had actually heard Niko getting mocked rather frequently by other models at the start of her career, making claims that all Niko had done was out herself as a weak, ditzy, temperamental coward who's ability to fight would make better entertainment as a comedy show than as actual serious combat sport product.

But when Yukari put actual research into Niko once she found out they'd be working together, instead of just relying on the info she had happened to come across, she found what seemed to be evidence of significant growth in the younger woman. A legal scare seemed to have given Niko the kick in the pants she needed to grow both the maturity and the wrestling skills to match her already amazing body. Yukari had high hopes for working with Niko.

Yukari heard Niko's voice as she approached the end of one of the hallways leading to the shoot room. "Hey! Glad to hear it. Just give me a second and I'll be ready to," Yukari said once she entered the room before removing the cardigan she had on over her own pink bikini with blue trim. However, the actress left her jean shorts on.
"Nice to meet you, Niko! Yukari Takeba, if you weren't already aware," said the brunette with a bright smile as she extended her hand. "It's a pleasure to be working with you, I'm sure you'll give me quite the performance to match." Yukari then started looking around as well. "Have you seen the director yet? I don't think I see one that I recognize."
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Re: Making Bustful Impressions (for deezcastforms)

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Niko had entered the studio room where the shoot was to be held and immediately made her presence known, greeting the staff and what not but unfortunately she didn't see the director or her co star for the day. But the latter would at least change with a voice coming from behind her. "Huh? Oh Hi!" Niko said cheerily as she looked behind her and saw Yukari for the first time and immediately gave a smile and wave. "It's good to meet you too Yukari I look forward to working with you! But unfortunately I only just got here and I haven't seen the director yet. Honestly I'm not even sure which one they put for this shoot." Niko said cheerily at first before taking on a slightly bashful tone towards the end she wasn't sure where the director was or really what to do other than to wait. "So for now I guess its just you and me until he gets here." Niko said with a shrug of her shoulders while looking towards Yukari who seemed nice enough so Niko didn't mind if she had to wait for things to start.

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Re: Making Bustful Impressions (for deezcastforms)

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So no director. Great. "Jeez. You'd think that of all the people on this shoot, the director would be the one who would want to get her early," said Yukari. "Well, I guess this gives me a minute or two to stretch," said the brunette as she reached her arms up above her head while tilting her upper body from side to side, before arching her back and puffing out her chest.

Yukari was stretching her legs up behind her back when a new face walked into the room. "Ladies, crew, let's get this show going, shall we?" The director had appeared, and if he cared that he had held up the shoot by making everybody wait for him to appear, it didn't show in his countenance. "We'll start with the more standard poses, and then move to the action shots at the end of the shoot. Now let's get to it. Yukari-chan, really flex your glutes for the shot. Niko-chan, open your stance more and point your chest at the camera. . ." And just like that, they got to work.
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Re: Making Bustful Impressions (for deezcastforms)

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Niko chuckled softly in response to what Yukari said and nodded back. "Seriously, guess he just feels too important to show up on time." Niko said with a shrug and giggle while starting to do some light stretches herself. Feeling that Yukari had the right idea in terms of limbering up before the shoot started up. After all knowing how LAW shoots tended to be so getting nice and stretched out would definitely be for the best.

Thankfully though they wouldn't have to wait long before the director showed up, acting mighty high and mighty too for that matter. Frowning but at least thankful they were getting started Niko would nod before putting on a smile for the camera. Doing as instructed and spreading her feet out to show off her hips Niko would then put her hand behind her back before jutting her chest outwards, making it stand out as much as possible while looking squarely at the camera.

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Re: Making Bustful Impressions (for deezcastforms)

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Once things did eventually get going, they got going good. Yukari and Niko showed off nearly every inch of their bodies from every angle for the camera's flash. The director wasn't trying to be modest or subtle with his shots either. He knew damn well that he had two bikini-clad 11 out of 10 knockouts who knew what they were doing in front of a camera and he was using them to their fullest potential.

"That's a wrap on the standard shots," said the director. "10 minute break, and then we'll do the action shots." Yukari had been holding a pose where she has undone the button on her jeans and pulled back the flap, revealing bikini bottoms that match her top as thumbed her lip with her other hand while giving the camera a seducing stare. Once that was done though, Yukari rebuttoned her jeans and her face went back to normal.

"Great work, Niko," Yukari said once the break had started. The pinkette had matched her every step of the way, nailing every pose and shifting to every direction with professional speed and precision. "I knew you had the looks to do this, but your skill really backs it up too. Not a lot of other models can keep up with me like you are, especially with the director going as intense as he is." Yukari rubbed the back of her head. She was naturally a bit quick to complain, but that was more to her being naturally a bit defensive as a person. Her smile showed she wasn't really concerned, "Wouldn't shock me if he has us sweating like we're wresting for real by the end of this, but I can tell we're gonna have a real good final product out of this work."
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Re: Making Bustful Impressions (for deezcastforms)

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Despite the slow start to the shoot they picked up mighty quick, the director having them run through every sexy pose that Niko could think of, flash after flash going off around the two as they cycled through the poses until finally they hit a point where they could have a break. "Phew, that was more intense than expected." Niko said with a soft exhale of relief.

Turning to Yukari as the more experienced model talked to her Niko would smile in response to the woman as she praised her. "Aw hehe thank you Yukari that means a lot coming from you! Honestly I won't lie this is probably my toughest shoot here in Law, but you're making it pretty easy for me." Niko said with a smile in return to the woman before giving an exaggerated shrug and sigh at the mention of the director.

"Ugh seriously. Guy is real piece of work, but with us on the cover alone this magazine will fly off the shelves, not even taking into account how awesome we're cutting the poses." Niko said with a brighter smile, the amicable nature of the woman really helping Niko relax and connect with the woman relatively easily.

So much so that she actually wanted to know more about her. "You know, I'm used to people asking me this but, why did you get into wrestling and modeling at once? If you don't mind me asking, its just kinda rare to run into someone who's, kinda similar to me like that ya know?" Niko asked with a smile while crossing her arms under her bust and leaning against a wall while looking up expectantly at Yukari as she waited for a answer.

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Re: Making Bustful Impressions (for deezcastforms)

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"Glad to hear you like working with me as much as I like working with you, Niko," Yukari said after the pinkette returned the praise she had been given in kind. Then Niko asked Yukari about herself, why she became a wrestler. It was a fair question, if one wasn't in tune enough with celebrity news to know already, and one the brunette was fine to answer.

"It's no trouble to ask at all. But the explanation may require a bit more context than you're expecting," replied Yukari. "You see I was the popular fashion girl in high school, so afterwards I got a job modeling to pay for college. A career in show business was something I was considering even then, but it was far from something I was committed to yet. But my first agent. . . well he came with his ups and downs. He found out that I was captain of my archery team in high school, so he set me up for an acting role, something which I had no experience with to that point mind you, as the bow-wielding lead in a children's sentai show that you may have heard of: Neo Featherman."

"Now I can't say his instinct was wrong, my career exploded from that point. I'm still the actress for Feather Pink to this day even. I've even gotten some supporting cast roles on big screen productions, and plenty of major roles in other action TV series," explained Yukari. "The downside was that my agent didn't tell me about Featherman until I found out from the studio congratulating me on landing the role, but that's a tangent."

"Where wrestling comes into this is that I do all my own stunts," Yukari said. "And I've been doing it long enough that the people who were kids when I first started acting are grown up now, and naturally, there are a few weirdos who are way too old to still care as much as they do about a Power Rangers clone started getting angry on the Internet. Starting whole messes about how and why I have to be lying and that I have stunt people like every other action star. So eventually somebody floats the idea of basically pulling a Johnny Cage in real life; do real fights to prove I can really do the stuff in my scenes. Normally I'd have just laughed that off, but there are actually a lot of old friends of mine from high school who became wrestlers in LAW. Fuuka Yamagishi, Kotone Shiomi, and Aigis Kirijo, if you're familiar with any of them." The brunette took a breath as she finally got to the actual explanation she'd just spent probably over a whole minute setting up, "So I call up my friends, and they all say they like LAW, so, I said why not? I'm honestly wrestling more to have fun with my friends than to prove that my stunt are real, or chasing titles, or any other reason. I'm sorry if you were hoping that I took wrestling super seriously, but it's kinda just a side gig I'm doing for the hell of it."
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Re: Making Bustful Impressions (for deezcastforms)

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Niko definitely got kindred spirit vibes from Yukari, feeling as if the two came from a similar place and would be friends given the opportunity. Naturally this meant that Niko was rather curious about the woman's background and why she was a wrestler, after all maybe she had some similar experiences to herself? As such Niko would listen with rapt attention as Yukari began to speak and explain her history. Raising an eyebrow at the long context Niko's eyes would brighten up as she mentioned being cast in a Sentai.

"Oh yeah I remember seeing that! I wasn't the biggest fan myself, but my older brother was!" Niko said excitedly before shutting up as she realized she may make Yukari feel old talking like that, so she'd just remain quiet while listening to the rest of the woman's story, nodding along and humming softly in response. "Hehe no no I actually get it completely. Initially I only joined LAW cause the paychecks were really nice, and it made for an easy Segway to modeling and other stuff I was naturally good at. It wasn't until I met Tiki that I really started to take things seriously. Granted I'm not like, dead set on titles or anything, but I do wanna show people I've gotten better than I used to be and can be taken seriously, you know?" Niko said, offering a brief summation of her own story albeit, annexing the less than legal aspects of what happened between her and Tiki.

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Re: Making Bustful Impressions (for deezcastforms)

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Yukari nodded in understanding when Niko explained the reason for her growth as a wrestler. "I get that. Even if it's not the most important thing to you, and it's only a paycheck, it can't feel good being seen as a laughingstock, or a failure," she said. "Especially in something like wrestling where it can get pretty painful if you're on the losing end of a match. That alone has to be a pretty good motivator."

"I can't say I know who Tiki is, to be honest," said Yukari. "I don't follow LAW that much outside of my own stuff and my friends, but she sounds like a really good motivator!" Of course, with Niko's abbreviation of the story that left out some key details and context, the brunette couldn't quite hit the mark for the true way in which Tiki managed to motivate Niko, and the reasons that she committed to taking wrestling seriously before it had actually grown into a matter of self-pride and a desire to be better. But it was a conclusion that Niko was probably going to just let Yukari go with.

"Oh, I hope I didn't talk through all our break," said Yukari as she pulled out her phone to check the time. "Hmm, we still have a few minutes left. Hey, would you mind telling me more about your match with that Veyle girl?" she asked. "I don't follow LAW, but that match hit headlines so big that I ended up seeing it without even trying. That other girl definitely seemed like she had a bruising coming, but damn, you went in on her."
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